I've been messing with Haskell few days and stumbled into a problem.
I need a method that returns a random list of integers ( Rand [[Int]] ).
So, I defined a type: type Rand a = StdGen -> (a, StdGen).
I was able to produce Rand IO Integer and Rand [IO Integer] ( (returnR lst) :: StdGen -> ([IO Integer], StdGen) ) somehow. Any tips how to produce Rand [[Int]]?
How to avoid the IO depends on why it's being introduced in the first place. While pseudo-random number generators are inherently state-oriented, there's no reason IO needs to be involved.
I'm going to take a guess and say that you're using newStdGen or getStdGen to get your initial PRNG. If that's the case, then there's no way to completely escape IO. You could instead seed the PRNG directly with mkStdGen, keeping in mind that the same seed will result in the same "random" number sequence.
More likely, what you want to do is get a PRNG inside IO, then pass that as an argument to a pure function. The entire thing will still be wrapped in IO at the end, of course, but the intermediate computations won't need it. Here's a quick example to give you the idea:
import System.Random
type Rand a = StdGen -> (a, StdGen)
getPRNG = do
rng <- newStdGen
let x = usePRNG rng
print x
usePRNG :: StdGen -> [[Int]]
usePRNG rng = let (x, rng') = randomInts 5 rng
(y, _) = randomInts 10 rng'
in [x, y]
randomInts :: Int -> Rand [Int]
randomInts 0 rng = ([], rng)
randomInts n rng = let (x, rng') = next rng
(xs, rng'') = randomInts (n - 1) rng'
in (x:xs, rng'')
You might notice that the code using the PRNG gets pretty ugly due to passing the current value back and forth constantly. It's also potentially error prone, since it'd be easy to accidentally reuse an old value. As mentioned above, using the same PRNG value will give the same sequence of numbers, which is usually not what you want. Both problems are a perfect example of where it makes sense to use a State monad--which is getting off topic here, but you may want to look into it next.
You are recreating MonadRandom on Hackage. If this is more than just an experiment to see if you can do it, you might want to use that library instead.
If you want to get an infinite list of Integers you're going to run into problems as you won't ever get a StdGen value back out. What you want to do here is split the StdGen first, pass one half out again and 'use up' the other half to generate an infinite list of integers. Something like this:
infiniteRandomInts :: Rand [Int]
infiniteRandomInts g = (ints, g2) where
(g1,g2) = split g
ints = randoms g1
However, if you then repeat this approach to get an infinite matrix of Integers (which you seem to want, by using Rand [[Int]]), you might run into problems of a statistical nature: I don't know how well StdGen deals with repeated splitting. Maybe another implementation of RandomGen might be better, or you could try to use some sort of diagonal walk to turn a [Int] into a [[Int]].
Using monadic notation, you should be able to write something like
randomList gen = do
randomLength <- yourRandomInteger
loop gen (randomLength + 1)
loop gen 1 = gen
loop gen n = do { x <- gen; xs <- loop gen (n - 1); return (x:xs) }
And with this
randomInts :: Rand [Int]
randomInts = randomList yourRandomInteger
randomLists :: Rand [[Int]]
randomLists = randomList randomInts
Concerning the monadic computations itself, take a look at this article. Note that random generators are pure, you shouldn't need any IO just for this purpose.
Suppose that I have a list like this:
let list = ["random", "foo", "random", "bar", "random", "boo"]
I want to iterate over a list and map all "random" elements to different random strings:
let newList = fmap randomize list
print newList
-- ["dasidias", "foo", "gasekir", "bar", "nabblip", "boo"]
My randomize function looks like this:
randomize :: String -> String
randomize str =
case str of
"random" -> randStr
_ -> str
randStr = take 10 $ randomRs ('a','z') $ unsafePerformIO newStdGen
But I get the same random string for every "random" element:
["abshasb", "foo", "abshasb", "bar", "abshasb", "boo"]
I can't figure out why is this happening and how to get a different random value for each occurrence of "random".
There are two problems with your code:
You are calling unsafePerformIO, but explicitly violating the contract of that function. It is on you to prove that the thing you provide to unsafePerformIO is actually pure, and the compiler is within its rights to act as if that's the case, and here it is definitely not.
You are not carefully tracking the updated random number generator state after using it. Indeed, it is not possible to do this correctly with randomRs; if you use randomRs, then to a first approximation, that must be the last randomness your program needs.
The simplest fix to both of these is to admit that you really, truly are doing IO. So:
import Control.Monad
import System.Random
randomize :: String -> IO String
randomize "random" = replicateM 10 (randomRIO ('a', 'z'))
randomize other = pure other
Try it out in ghci:
> traverse randomize ["random", "foo", "random", "bar", "random", "boo"]
There is no call to unsafePerformIO, and so no proof burden to shirk; and randomRIO tracks the updated generator state for you in a hidden IORef, and so you correctly continue advancing it on each call.
How not to involve IO in random number generation:
This question has received excellent answers. However, it might leave some readers under the impression that pseudo-random number generation (PRNG) within Haskell is necessarily linked to IO.
Well, it's not. It is just that in Haskell, the default random number generator happens to be "hosted" in the IO type. But this is by choice, not by necessity.
For reference, here is a recent review paper on the subject of PRNGs.
PRNGs are deterministic mathematical automata. They do not involve IO. Using PRNGs in Haskell does not need to involve the IO type. At the bottom of this answer, I provide code that solves the problem at hand without involving the IO type, except for printing the result.
The Haskell libraries provide functions such as mkStdGen that take an integer seed and return a pseudo-random number generator, that is an object of the RandomGen class, whose state is dependent on the value of seed. Note that there is nothing magic about mkStdGen. If for some reason you do not like it, there are alternatives, such as mkTFGen which is based on the Threefish block cipher.
Now, pseudo-random number generation is not managed in the same way in imperative languages such as C++ and in Haskell. In C++, you would extract a random value like this: rval = rng.nextVal();. On top of just returning the value, calling nextVal() has the side effect of altering the state of the rng object, ensuring that next time it will return a different random number.
But in Haskell, functions have no side effects. So you need to have something like this:
(rval, rng2) = nextVal rng1
That is, the evaluation function needs to return both the pseudo-random value and the updated state of the generator. A minor consequence is that, if the state is large (such as for the common Mersenne Twister generator), Haskell might need a bit more memory than C++.
So, we expect that solving the problem at hand, that is randomly transforming a list of strings, will involve a function with the following type signature: RandomGen tg => [String] -> tg -> ([String], tg).
For illustration purposes, let's get a generator and use it to generate a couple of "random" integers between 0 and 100. For this, we need the randomR function:
$ ghci
Prelude> import System.Random
Prelude System.Random> :t randomR
randomR :: (RandomGen g, Random a) => (a, a) -> g -> (a, g)
Prelude System.Random>
Prelude System.Random> let rng1 = mkStdGen 544
Prelude System.Random> let (v, rng2) = randomR (0,100) rng1
Prelude System.Random> v
Prelude System.Random> let (v, rng2) = randomR (0,100) rng1
Prelude System.Random> v
Prelude System.Random> let (w, rng3) = randomR (0,100) rng2
Prelude System.Random> w
Prelude System.Random>
Note that above, when we forget to feed the updated state of the generator, rng2, into the next computation, we get the same "random" number 23 a second time. This is a very common mistake and a very common complaint. Function randomR is a pure Haskell function that does not involve IO. Hence it has referential transparency, that is when given the same arguments, it returns the same output value.
A possible way to deal with this situation is to pass the updated state around manually within the source code. This is cumbersome and error prone, but can be managed. That gives this style of code:
-- stateful map of randomize function for a list of strings:
fmapRandomize :: RandomGen tg => [String] -> tg -> ([String], tg)
fmapRandomize [] rng = ([], rng)
fmapRandomize(str:rest) rng = let (str1, rng1) = randomize str rng
(rest1, rng2) = fmapRandomize rest rng1
in (str1:rest1, rng2)
Thankfully, there is a better way, which involves the runRand function or its evalRand sibling. Function runRand takes a monadic computation plus (an initial state of) a generator. It returns the pseudo-random value and the updated state of the generator. It is much easier to write the code for monadic computations than to pass the generator state manually around.
This is a possible way to solve the random string substitution problem from the question text:
import System.Random
import Control.Monad.Random
-- generic monadic computation to get a sequence of "count" random items:
mkRandSeqM :: (RandomGen tg, Random tv) => (tv,tv) -> Int -> Rand tg [tv]
mkRandSeqM range count = sequence (replicate count (getRandomR range))
-- monadic computation to get our sort of random string:
mkRandStrM :: RandomGen tg => Rand tg String
mkRandStrM = mkRandSeqM ('a', 'z') 10
-- monadic single string transformation:
randomizeM :: RandomGen tg => String -> Rand tg String
randomizeM str = if (str == "random") then mkRandStrM else (pure str)
-- monadic list-of-strings transformation:
mapRandomizeM :: RandomGen tg => [String] -> Rand tg [String]
mapRandomizeM = mapM randomizeM
-- non-monadic function returning the altered string list and generator:
mapRandomize :: RandomGen tg => [String] -> tg -> ([String], tg)
mapRandomize lstr rng = runRand (mapRandomizeM lstr) rng
main = do
let inpList = ["random", "foo", "random", "bar", "random", "boo", "qux"]
-- get a random number generator:
let mySeed = 54321
let rng1 = mkStdGen mySeed
-- execute the string substitutions:
let (outList, rng2) = mapRandomize inpList rng1
-- display results:
putStrLn $ "inpList = " ++ (show inpList)
putStrLn $ "outList = " ++ (show outList)
Note that above, RandomGen is the class of the generator, while Random is just the class of the generated value.
Program output:
$ random1.x
inpList = ["random","foo","random","bar","random","boo","qux"]
outList = ["gahuwkxant","foo","swuxjgapni","bar","zdjqwgpgqa","boo","qux"]
The fundamental problem with your approach is that Haskell is a pure language, and you're trying to use it as if its not. In fact this isn't the only fundamental misunderstanding of the language that your code displays.
In your randomise function:
randomize :: String -> String
randomize str =
case str of
"random" -> randStr
_ -> str
randStr = take 10 $ randomRs ('a','z') $ unsafePerformIO newStdGen
you clearly intend that randStr takes a different value each time it is used. But in Haskell, when you use the = sign, you are not "assigning a value to a variable", as would be the case in an imperative language. You are saying that these two values are equal. Since all "variables" in Haskell are actually "constant" and immutable, the compiler is perfectly entitled to assume that every occurrence of randStr in your program can be replaced by whatever value it first calculates for it.
Unlike an imperative language, Haskell programs are not a sequence of statements to execute, which perform side effects such as updating state. Haskell programs consist of expressions, which are evaluated more or less in whatever order the compiler deems best. (In particular there is the main expression, which describes what your entire program will do - this is then converted by the compiler and runtime into executable machine code.) So when you assign a complex expression to a variable, you are not saying "at this point in the execution flow, do this calculation and assign the result to this variable". You are saying that "this is the value of the variable", for "all time" - that value isn't allowed to change.
Indeed the only reason that it seems to change here is because you have used unsafePerformIO. As the name itself says, this function is "unsafe" - it should basically never be used, at least unless you really know exactly what you're doing. It is not supposed to be a way of "cheating", as you use it here, to use IO, and thereby generate an "impure" result that may be different in different parts of the program, but pretend the result is pure. It's hardly surprising that this doesn't work.
Since generating random values is inherently impure, you need to do the whole thing in the IO monad, as #DanielWagner has shown one approach for in his answer.
(There is actually another way, involving taking a random generator and functions like randomR to generate a random value together with a new generator. This allows you to do more in pure code, which is generally preferable - but it takes more effort, likely including using the State monad to simplify the threading through of the generator values, and you'll still need IO in the end to make sure you get a new random sequence each time you run the program.)
I am trying to generate a sample of random numbers in Haskell
import System.Random
getSample n = take n $ randoms g where
g = newStdGen
but it seems I am not quite using newStdGen the right way. What am I missing?
First off, you probably don't want to use newStdGen. The biggest problem is that you'll get a different seed every time you run your program, so no results will be reproducible. In my opinion, mkStdGen is a better choice as it requires you to give it a seed. This means you will get the same sequence of (pseudo)random numbers every time. If you want a different sequence, just change the seed.
The second problem with newStdGen is that since it's impure, you'll end up in the IO monad which can be a bit inconvenient.
sample :: Int -> IO [Int]
sample n = do
gen <- newStdGen
return $ take n $ randoms gen
You can use do-notation to 'extract' the values and then sum them:
main :: IO ()
main = do
xs <- sample 10
s = sum xs
print s
Or you could 'fmap' the function over the result (but notice that at some point you will probably need to extract the value):
main :: IO ()
main = do
s <- fmap sum $ sample 10
print s
The fmap function is a generalized version of map. Just like map applies a function to the values inside a list, fmap can apply a function to values inside IO.
Another problem with this sample function is that if we call it again, it starts with a fresh seed instead of continuing the previous (pseudo)random sequence. Again, this make reproducing results impossible. In order to fix this problem, we need to pass in the seed and return a new seed. Unfortunately, randoms does not return the next seed for us, so we'll have to write this from scratch using random.
sample :: Int -> StdGen -> ([Int],StdGen)
sample n seed1 = case n of
0 -> ([],seed1)
k -> let (rs,seed2) = sample (k-1) seed1
(r, seed3) = random seed2
in ((r:rs),seed3)
Our main function is now
main :: IO ()
main = do
let seed1 = mkStdGen 123456
(xs,seed2) = sample 10 seed1
s = sum xs
(ys,seed3) = sample 10 seed2
t = sum ys
print s
print t
I know this seems like an awful lot of work just to to use random numbers, but the advantages are worth it. We can generate all of our randomness with a single seed which guarantees that the results can be reproduced.
Of course, this being Haskell, we can take advantage of Monads to get rid of all the manual threading of the seed values. This is a slightly more advanced method, but well worth learning since monads are ubiquitous in Haskell code.
We need these imports:
import System.Random
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
Then we'll create a newtype which represents the action of turning a seed into a value and the next seed.
newtype Rand a = Rand { runRand :: StdGen -> (a,StdGen) }
We need Functor and Applicative instances or GHC will complain, but we can avoid implementing them for this example.
instance Functor Rand
instance Applicative Rand
And now for the Monad instance. This is where the magic happens. The >>= function (called bind) is the one place where we specify how to thread the seed value through the computation.
instance Monad Rand where
return x = Rand ( \seed -> (x,seed) )
ra >>= f = Rand ( \s1 -> let (a,s2) = runRand ra s1
in runRand (f a) s2 )
newRand :: Rand Int
newRand = Rand ( \seed -> random seed )
Now our sample function is extremely simple! We can take advantage of replicateM from Control.Monad which repeats a given action and accumulates the results in a list. All that funny business with the seed values is taken care of behind the scenes
sample :: Int -> Rand [Int]
sample n = replicateM n newRand
main :: IO ()
main = do
let seed1 = mkStdGen 124567
(xs,seed2) = runRand (sample 10) seed1
s = sum xs
print s
We can even stay inside the Rand monad if we need to generate random values multiple times.
main :: IO ()
main = do
let seed1 = mkStdGen 124567
(xs,seed2) = flip runRand seed1 $ do
x <- newRand
bs <- sample 5
cs <- sample 10
return $ x : (bs ++ cs)
s = sum xs
print s
I hope this helps!
I am trying to write to file a list of random Integers in a file. There seems to be a problem with writeFile here. When I use my function randomFile it says no instance for (Show (IO a0)). I see writeFile doesn't print anything to screen but IO(), so when I call the function randomFile 1 2 3 it says no Instance for Show (IO a0) but actually I just want to execute the function and not have to print anything but how can I avoid this problem. I might be making a lot of errors here. Any help.
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import System.Random
randNo mind maxd = randomRIO (mind,maxd)
randomFile mind maxd noe = do
let l=(replicate (fromInteger(noe ^ noe)) ( mind `randNo` maxd))
writeFile "RFile.txt" (show l)
I think you have a misunderstanding of what IO is. If you haven't done it, I strongly recommend going through the Input and Output section of Learn You a Haskell.
IO doesn't necessarily have anything to do with print. In Haskell every entry in memory that was made by your own code is considered "pure" while any entry that touches the rest of the computer lives in IO (with some exceptions you will learn about over time).
We model IO using something called a Monad. Which you will learn more about the longer you do Haskell. To understand this, let's look at an example of some code that does and doesn't use IO:
noIOused :: Int -> Int
noIOused x = x + 5
usesIO :: Int -> IO Int
usesIO x = print x >> return (x + 5)
usesIO2 :: Int -> IO Int
usesIO2 x = do
print x
return (x + 5)
The first function is "pure". The second and third functions have an IO "effect" that comes in the form of printing to the screen. usesIO and usesIO2 are just 2 different ways of doing the same thing (it's the same code but with different syntax). I'll use the second format, called do notation from here.
Here are some other ways you could have had IO effects:
add5WithFile :: Int -> IO Int
add5WithFile x = do
writeFile "someFile.txt" (show x)
return (x + 5)
Notice that in that function we didn't print anything, we wrote a file. But writing a file has a side effect and interacts with the rest of the system. So any value we return has to get wrapped in IO.
addRandom :: Int -> IO Int
addRandom x = do
y <- randomRIO (1,10)
return (x + y)
In addRandom we called randomRIO (1,10). But the problem is that randomRIO doesn't return an Int. It returns an IO Int. Why? Because in order to get true randomness we need to interact with the system in some way. To get around that, we have to temporarily strip away the IO. That's where this line comes in:
y <- randomRIO (1,10)
That <- arrow tells us that we want a y value outside of IO. For as long as we remain inside the do syntax that y value is going to be "pure". Now we can use it just like any other value.
So for example we couldn't do this:
let w = x + (randomRIO (1,10))
Because that would be trying to add Int to IO Int. And unfortunately our + function doesn't know how to do that. So first we have to "bind" the result of randomRIO to y before we can add it to x.
Now let's look at your code:
let l=(replicate (fromInteger(noe ^ noe)) ( mind `randNo` maxd))
writeFile "RFile.txt" (show l)
The type of l is actually IO a0. It's a0 because you haven't told the compiler what kind of number you want. So it doesn't know if you want a fraction, a double, a big integer or whatever.
So the first problem is to let the compiler know a little bit more about what kind of random number you want. We do this by adding a type annotation:
randNo :: Int -> Int -> IO Int
randNo mind maxd = randomRIO (mind,maxd)
Now both you and the compiler knows what kind of value randNo is.
Now we need to "bind" that value inside of the do notation to temporarily escape IO. You might think that would be simple, like this:
randomFile mind maxd noe = do
l <- replicate (fromInteger(noe ^ noe)) ( mind `randNo` maxd)
writeFile "RFile.txt" (show l)
Surely that will "bind" the IO Int to l right? Unfortunately not. The problem here is that replicate is a function of the form Int -> a -> [a]. That is, given a number and a type, it will give you a list of that type.
If you give replicate an IO Int it's going to make [IO Int]. That actually looks more like this: List (IO Int) except we use [] as syntactic sugar for lists. Unfortunately if we want to "bind" an IO value to something with <- it has to be the out-most type.
So what you need is a way to turn an [IO Int] into an IO [Int]. There are two ways to do that. If we put \[IO a\] -> IO \[a\] into Hoogle we get this:
sequence :: Monad m => [m a] -> m [a]
As I mentioned before, we generalise IO to something called a Monad. Which isn't really that big a deal, we could pretend that sequence has this signature: sequence :: [IO a] -> IO [a] and it would be the same thing just specialised to IO.
Now your function would be done like this:
randomFile mind maxd noe = do
l <- sequence (replicate (fromInteger(noe ^ noe)) ( mind `randNo` maxd))
writeFile "RFile.txt" (show l)
But a sequence followed by replicate is something people have to do all the time. So someone went and made a function called replicateM:
replicateM :: Monad m => Int -> m a -> m [a]
Now we can write your function like this:
randomFile mind maxd noe = do
l <- replicateM (fromInteger(noe ^ noe)) ( mind `randNo` maxd)
writeFile "RFile.txt" (show l)
And for some real Haskell magic, you can write all 3 lines of code in a single line, like this:
randomFile mind maxd noe = randomRIO >>= writeFile "RFile.txt" . replicateM (fromInteger(noe ^ noe))
If that looks like gibberish to you, then there's a lot you need to learn. Here is the suggested path:
If you haven't already, start from the beginning with Learn You a Haskell
Then learn about how You could have invented Monads
Then learn more about how to use randomness in Haskell
Finally see if you can complete the 20 intermediate Haskell exercises
I have been given this snippet of code and am supposed to explain it's non termination and propose a possible fix.
randomW = do randomvalues <- sequence (repeat (randomIO :: IO Float))
print (take 10 randomvalues)
Condition for the fix is to keep generating an infinite list so we may use the take function.
I think the problem stems from the not-so-lazy nature of the sequence function, which tries to reach the end of the list generated by repeat (randomIO :: IO Float), leading to non termination.
I'm also not sure about whether the repeat function is possible on randomIO.
test = do random <- repeat (randomIO :: IO Float)
print random
Which yields a type error. Print can't seem to be able to handle an IO Float, which seems to suggest that you can use repeat on type IO Float.
repeat :: a -> [a]
randomIO :: Random a => IO a
sequence :: Monad m => [m a] -> m [a]
repeat (randomIO :: IO Float) :: [IO Float]
So when you do:
random <- repeat (randomIO :: IO Float)
You're actually exploiting the list monad here, so random has type IO Float. Since you're in the list monad, your last statement needs to have type [a], but it has type IO () since it's a call to print, hence the type error.
The whole point of sequence is to transform this [IO a] into an IO [a] that you can perform to obtain a list of random values, and hopefully print this list. Now, when you perform an IO like this, it needs to be performed all at once, unless using unsafeInterleaveIO, which is not recommended in this case. So it tries to get that infinite list... and hangs (it might stack overflow at some point, I'm not sure).
To get an infinite list of random values, you don't need all this, just to obtain a random seed, and compute random values purely from the seed.
You should be able to construct an infinite list of random values using these functions:
randomIO :: Random a => IO a -- to provide an IO Int
mkStdGen :: Int -> StdGen -- to obtain a random generator from that Int
randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [a] -- to generate the infinite list
Notice that the last two functions are pure. Reading this thread might give you some more ideas.
Example of how you should use mkStdGen:
randomList :: Random a => IO [a]
randomList = do seed <- randomIO
let gen = mkStdGen seed
return (randoms gen)
I can't test it right now but this should work. You probably want to adapt this to your use case though.
For your other question:
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
print :: Show a => a -> IO ()
map print :: Show a => [a] -> [IO ()]
This probably isn't what you want, right?
If you just want to print a list, no need for map, print can handle lists.
The reason why your first code does not work, is that you're trying to sequence an infinite number of IO actions. Since this uses strict IO, the program is not allowed to continue before all the actions have been performed, which will take forever.
A simple solution is to take the number of actions you need before sequencing them, for example:
randomW = do values <- sequence (take 10 $ repeat (randomIO :: IO Float))
print values
This can be written more succinctly using replicateM from Control.Monad:
randomW = do values <- replicateM 10 (randomIO :: IO Float)
print values
Or, you can use randoms to make an infinite list of random numbers based on a single random seed (similar to Ptival's answer):
randomW = do gen <- newStdGen
let randomValues = randoms gen :: [Float]
print (take 10 randomValues)
Here, we only use a single IO action and the infinite list is generated lazily based on that, so there is no infinite number of side effects to run.
The following program terminates correctly:
import System.Random
randomList = mapM (\_->getStdRandom (randomR (0, 50000::Int))) [0..5000]
main = do
randomInts <- randomList
print $ take 5 randomInts
$ runhaskell test.hs
However, feeding it with an infinite list, the program never terminates, and when compiled, eventually gives a stack overflow error!
import System.Random
randomList = mapM (\_->getStdRandom (randomR (0, 50000::Int))) [0..]
main = do
randomInts <- randomList
print $ take 5 randomInts
$ ./test
Stack space overflow: current size 8388608 bytes.
Use `+RTS -Ksize -RTS' to increase it.
I expected the program to lazily evaluate getStdRandom each time I pick an item off the list, finishing after doing so 5 times. Why is it trying to evaluate the whole list?
Is there a better way to get an infinite list of random numbers? I want to pass this list into a pure function.
EDIT: Some more reading revealed that the function
randomList r = do g <- getStdGen
return $ randomRs r g
is what I was looking for.
EDIT2: after reading camccann's answer, I realized that getStdGen is getting a new seed on every call. Instead, better to use this function as a simple one-shot random list generator:
import System.Random
randomList :: Random a => a -> a -> IO [a]
randomList r g = do s <- newStdGen
return $ randomRs (r,g) s
main = do r <- randomList 0 (50::Int)
print $ take 5 r
But I still don't understand why my mapM call did not terminate. Evidently not related to random numbers, but something to do with mapM maybe.
For example, I found that the following also does not terminate:
randomList = mapM (\_->return 0) [0..]
main = do
randomInts <- randomList
print $ take 50000 randomInts
What gives? By the way, IMHO, the above randomInts function should be in System.Random. It's extremely convenient to be able to very simply generate a random list in the IO monad and pass it into a pure function when needed, I don't see why this should not be in the standard library.
Random numbers in general are not strict, but monadic binding is--the problem here is that mapM has to sequence the entire list. Consider its type signature, (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b]; as this implies, what it does is first map the list of type [a] into a list of type [m b], then sequence that list to get a result of type m [b]. So, when you bind the result of applying mapM, e.g. by putting it on the right-hand side of <-, what this means is "map this function over the list, then execute each monadic action, and combine the results back into a single list". If the list is infinite, this of course won't terminate.
If you simply want a stream of random numbers, you need to generate the list without using a monad for each number. I'm not entirely sure why you've used the design you have, but the basic idea is this: Given a seed value, use a pseudo-random number generator to produce a pair of 1) a random number 2) a new seed, then repeat with the new seed. Any given seed will of course provide the same sequence each time. So, you can use the function getStdGen, which will provide a fresh seed in the IO monad; you can then use that seed to create an infinite sequence in completely pure code.
In fact, System.Random provides functions for precisely that purpose, randoms or randomRs instead of random and randomR.
If for some reason you want to do it yourself, what you want is essentially an unfold. The function unfoldr from Data.List has the type signature (b -> Maybe (a, b)) -> b -> [a], which is fairly self-explanatory: Given a value of type b, it applies the function to get either something of type a and a new generator value of type b, or Nothing to indicate the end of the sequence.
You want an infinite list, so will never need to return Nothing. Thus, partially applying randomR to the desired range and composing it with Just gives this:
Just . randomR (0, 50000::Int) :: (RandomGen a) => a -> Maybe (Int, a)
Feeding that into unfoldr gives this:
unfoldr (Just . randomR (0, 50000::Int)) :: (RandomGen a) => a -> [Int]
...which does exactly as it claims: Given an instance of RandomGen, it will produce an infinite (and lazy) list of random numbers generated from that seed.
I would do something more like this, letting randomRs do the work with an initial RandomGen:
#! /usr/bin/env runhaskell
import Control.Monad
import System.Random
randomList :: RandomGen g => g -> [Int]
randomList = randomRs (0, 50000)
main :: IO ()
main = do
randomInts <- liftM randomList newStdGen
print $ take 5 randomInts
As for the laziness, what's happening here is that mapM is (sequence . map)
Its type is: mapM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b]
It's mapping the function, giving a [m b] and then needs to execute all those actions to make an m [b]. It's the sequence that'll never get through the infinite list.
This is explained better in the answers to a prior question: Is Haskell's mapM not lazy?