Framebuffer Documentation - linux

Is there any documentation on how to write software that uses the framebuffer device in Linux? I've seen a couple simple examples that basically say: "open it, mmap it, write pixels to mapped area." But no comprehensive documentation on how to use the different IOCTLS for it anything. I've seen references to "panning" and other capabilities but "googling it" gives way too many hits of useless information.
Is the only documentation from a programming standpoint, not a "User's howto configure your system to use the fb," documentation the code?

You could have a look at fbi's source code, an image viewer which uses the linux framebuffer. You can get it here :

-- It appears there might not be too many options possible to programming with the fb from user space on a desktop beyond what you mentioned. This might be one reason why some of the docs are so old. Look at this howto for device driver writers and which is referenced from some official linux docs: [slash] HOWTO [slash] index.html . It does not reference too many interfaces.. although looking at the linux source tree does offer larger code examples.
-- [slash] Hardware_Framebuffer is not for a desktop environment. It reinforces the main methodology, but it does seem to avoid explaining all the ingredients necessary to doing the "fast" double buffer switching it mentions. Another one for a different device and which leaves some key buffering details out is [slash] wiki [slash] Writing_to_the_framebuffer_device , although it does at least suggest you might be able use fb1 and fb0 to engage double buffering (on this device.. though for desktop, fb1 may not be possible or it may access different hardware), that using volatile keyword might be appropriate, and that we should pay attention to the vsync.
-- [slash] articles [slash] fb.html assembly language routines that also appear (?) to just do the basics of querying, opening, setting a few basics, mmap, drawing pixel values to storage, and copying over to the fb memory (making sure to use a short stosb loop, I suppose, rather than some longer approach).
-- Beware of 16 bpp comments when googling Linux frame buffer: I used fbgrab and fb2png during an X session to no avail. These each rendered an image that suggested a snapshot of my desktop screen as if the picture of the desktop had been taken using a very bad camera, underwater, and then overexposed in a dark room. The image was completely broken in color, size, and missing much detail (dotted all over with pixel colors that didn't belong). It seems that /proc /sys on the computer I used (new kernel with at most minor modifications.. from a PCLOS derivative) claim that fb0 uses 16 bpp, and most things I googled stated something along those lines, but experiments lead me to a very different conclusion. Besides the results of these two failures from standard frame buffer grab utilities (for the versions held by this distro) that may have assumed 16 bits, I had a different successful test result treating frame buffer pixel data as 32 bits. I created a file from data pulled in via cat /dev/fb0. The file's size ended up being 1920000. I then wrote a small C program to try and manipulate that data (under the assumption it was pixel data in some encoding or other). I nailed it eventually, and the pixel format matched exactly what I had gotten from X when queried (TrueColor RGB 8 bits, no alpha but padded to 32 bits). Notice another clue: my screen resolution of 800x600 times 4 bytes gives 1920000 exactly. The 16 bit approaches I tried initially all produced a similar broken image to fbgrap, so it's not like if I may not have been looking at the right data. [Let me know if you want the code I used to test the data. Basically I just read in the entire fb0 dump and then spit it back out to file, after adding a header "P6\n800 600\n255\n" that creates the suitable ppm file, and while looping over all the pixels manipulating their order or expanding them,.. with the end successful result for me being to drop every 4th byte and switch the first and third in every 4 byte unit. In short, I turned the apparent BGRA fb0 dump into a ppm RGB file. ppm can be viewed with many pic viewers on Linux.]
-- You may want to reconsider the reasons for wanting to program using fb0 (this might also account for why few examples exist). You may not achieve any worthwhile performance gains over X (this was my, if limited, experience) while giving up benefits of using X. This reason might also account for why few code examples exist.
-- Note that DirectFB is not fb. DirectFB has of late gotten more love than the older fb, as it is more focused on the sexier 3d hw accel. If you want to render to a desktop screen as fast as possible without leveraging 3d hardware accel (or even 2d hw accel), then fb might be fine but won't give you anything much that X doesn't give you. X apparently uses fb, and the overhead is likely negligible compared to other costs your program will likely have (don't call X in any tight loop, but instead at the end once you have set up all the pixels for the frame). On the other hand, it can be neat to play around with fb as covered in this comment: Paint Pixels to Screen via Linux FrameBuffer

Check for MPlayer sources.
Under the /libvo directory there are a lot of Video Output plugins used by Mplayer to display multimedia. There you can find the fbdev (vo_fbdev* sources) plugin which uses the Linux frame buffer.
There are a lot of ioctl calls, with the following codes:
It's not like a good documentation, but this is surely a good application implementation.

Look at source code of any of: fbxat,fbida, fbterm, fbtv, directFB library, libxineliboutput-fbe, ppmtofb, xserver-fbdev all are debian packages apps. Just apt-get source from debian libraries. there are many others...
hint: search for framebuffer in package description using your favorite package manager.
ok, even if reading the code is sometimes called "Guru documentation" it can be a bit too much to actually do it.

The source to any splash screen (i.e. during booting) should give you a good start.


Reading framebuffer at lowest level possible under X

I want to read the framebuffer of the videocard at the lowest level possible for a security application I'm writing.
I want to be as sure as possible that what I'm reading is exactly what will be finally
put on the bits of the hardware lighting the pixels of the screen,
and that no software layer is in the middle (or at least I want to have the lowest number possible of layers in the middle).
I've seen it's pretty easy to use X to grab the screen in a precise moment, but that call
is still passing through the X server.
I would like to have something really more low level,
even if this means messing up with some ioctl with the video card.
I've seen the existence of DRI and DRI2, but they are very very badly documented, especially
the latter.
I can't really understand how they work.
Do you have any idea, reference or starting point for a good research?
Anything would be appreciated!
I'm not sure how much reading the framebuffer will help you (even disregarding the issue pointed out by timday in his comment, deciding whether what you read there is what you want it to be may not be very easy), but if you are doing this on Linux you could map the kernel framebuffer devices, possibly using DirectFB to help you. Alternatively, if you are on a non-Linux PC platform you could use VESA (take a look at the VESA code in X.Org and the X.Org VESA driver (the actual code is split between the two). Be aware that you will probably also have some fun with things like multi-monitor setups.

Is it possible rip game resources from a .smc file?

Is it possible rip game resources from a .smc file? Specifically art, music, sprites, etc. How does an emulator copy the system it emulates?
It's possible, in the sense that the information is all there in some manner. But an smc file is basically a compiled program with embedded resources, and there isn't even a standard compiler or standard format for storing the resources that you can start from.
And as far as image data goes, there is a good chance it will be in the palettized and tiled format used by the PPU, although it's also not unlikely that it will be compressed in some manner or another. But the palette will probably be almost impossible to find by static analysis, and the tile maps are probably generated from the level data rather than being explicitly stored anywhere. You may have better luck running it in an emulator and extracting the data from VRAM.
For music, the situation is even more discouraging. SNES audio is most akin to a MOD file: instruments are sampled, and then the individual samples are pitch-adjusted and mixed to generate the output sound. The SNES provides hardware to decode the instrument samples, manipulate the pitch, and mix them together, but no high-level program (i.e. no equivalent of a mod file "tracker") to play back actual songs. So you may be able to find the BRR-encoded instrument samples in the same manner you may be able to find the image tile data, but the song data can and will be formatted completely differently in different games. Again, your best luck may come from extracting the state of the APU as an SPC file and working with that.
As for your other question, see How do emulators work and how are they written? for a previous answer on that very topic.

Programming graphics and sound on PC - Total newbie questions, and lots of them!

This isn't exactly specifically a programming question (or is it?) but I was wondering:
How are graphics and sound processed from code and output by the PC?
My guess for graphics:
There is some reserved memory space somewhere that holds exactly enough room for a frame of graphics output for your monitor.
IE: 800 x 600, 24 bit color mode == 800x600x3 = ~1.4MB memory space
Between each refresh, the program writes video data to this space. This action is completed before the monitor refresh.
Assume a simple 2D game: the graphics data is stored in machine code as many bytes representing color values. Depending on what the program(s) being run instruct the PC, the processor reads the appropriate data and writes it to the memory space.
When it is time for the monitor to refresh, it reads from each memory space byte-for-byte and activates hardware depending on those values for each color element of each pixel.
All of this of course happens crazy-fast, and repeats x times a second, x being the monitor's refresh rate. I've simplified my own likely-incorrect explanation by avoiding talk of double buffering, etc
Here are my questions:
a) How close is the above guess (the three steps)?
b) How could one incorporate graphics in pure C++ code? I assume the practical thing that everyone does is use a graphics library (SDL, OpenGL, etc), but, for example, how do these libraries accomplish what they do? Would manual inclusion of graphics in pure C++ code (say, a 2D spite) involve creating a two-dimensional array of bit values (or three dimensional to include multiple RGB values per pixel)? Is this how it would be done waaay back in the day?
c) Also, continuing from above, do libraries such as SDL etc that use bitmaps actual just build the bitmap/etc files into machine code of the executable and use them as though they were build in the same matter mentioned in question b above?
d) In my hypothetical step 3 above, is there any registers involved? Like, could you write some byte value to some register to output a single color of one byte on the screen? Or is it purely dedicated memory space (=RAM) + hardware interaction?
e) Finally, how is all of this done for sound? (I have no idea :) )
A long time ago, that was the case, but it hasn't been for quite a while. Most hardware will still support that type of configuration, but mostly as a fall-back -- it's not how they're really designed to work. Now most have a block of memory on the graphics card that's also mapped to be addressable by the CPU over the PCI/AGP/PCI-E bus. The size of that block is more or less independent of what's displayed on the screen though.
Again, at one time that's how it mostly worked, but it's mostly not the case anymore.
Mostly right.
b. OpenGL normally comes in a few parts -- a core library that's part of the OS, and a driver that's supplied by the graphics chipset (or possibly card) vendor. The exact distribution of labor between the CPU and GPU varies somewhat though (between vendors, over time within products from a single vendor, etc.) SDL is built around the general idea of a simple frame-buffer like you've described.
c. You usually build bitmaps, textures, etc., into separate files in formats specifically for the purpose.
d. There are quite a few registers involved, though the main graphics chipset vendors (ATI/AMD and nVidia) tend to keep their register-level documentation more or less secret (though this could have changed -- there's constant pressure from open source developers for documentation, not just closed-source drivers). Most hardware has capabilities like dedicated line drawing, where you can put (for example) line parameters into specified registers, and it'll draw the line you've specified. Exact details vary widely though...
e. Sorry, but this is getting long already, and sound covers a pretty large area...
For graphics, Jerry Coffin's got a pretty good answer.
Sound is actually handled similarly to your (the OP's) description of how graphics is handled. At a very basic level, you have a "buffer" (some memory, somewhere).
Your software writes the sound you want to play into that buffer. It is basically an encoding of the position of the speaker cone at a given instant in time.
For "CD quality" audio, you have 44100 values per second (a "sample rate" of 44.1 kHz).
A little bit behind the write position, you have the audio subsystem reading from a read position in the buffer.
This read position will be a little bit behind the write position. The distance behind is known as the latency. A larger distance gives more of a delay, but also helps to avoid the case where the read position catches up to the write position, leaving the sound device with nothing to actually play!

Learning about low-level graphics programming

I'm interesting in learning about the different layers of abstraction available for making graphical applications.
I see a lot of terms thrown around: At the highest level of abstraction, I hear about things like C#, .NET, pyglet and pygame. Further down, I hear about DirectX and OpenGL. Then there's DirectDraw, SDL, the Win32 API, and still other multi-platform libraries like WxWidgets.
How can I get a good sense of where one of these layers ends and where the next one begins? What is the "lowest possible level" way of creating a window in Windows, in C? What about C++? (A code sample would be divine.) What about in X11? Are the Windows implementations of OpenGL and DirectX built on top of the Win32 API? Where can I begin to learn about these things?
There's another question on SO where Programming Windows is suggested. What about for Linux? Is there an equivalent such book?
I'm aware that this is very low-level, and that there are many friendlier tools available, but I would like to at least learn the basics of what's going on beneath the surface. As much as I'd like to begin slinging windows and vectors right off the bat, starting with something like pygame is too high-level for me; I really need to make the full conceptual circuit of how you draw stuff on a computer.
I will certainly appreciate suggestions for books and resources, but I think it would be stupendously cool if the answers to this question filled up with lots of different ways to get to "Hello world" with different approaches to graphics programming. C? C++? Using OpenGL? Using DirectX? On Windows XP? On Ubuntu? Maybe I ask for too much.
The lowest level would be the graphics card's video RAM. When the computer first starts, the graphics card is typically set to the 80x25 character legacy mode.
You can write text with a BIOS provided interrupt at this point. You can also change the foreground and background color from a palette of 16 distinctive colors. You can use access ports/registers to change the display mode. At this point you could say, load a different font into the display memory and still use the 80x25 mode (OS installations usually do this) or you can go ahead and enable VGA/SVGA. It's quite complicated, that's what drivers are for.
Once the card's in the 'higher' mode you'd change what's on screen by accessing the memory mapped to the video card. It's stored horizontally pixel by pixel with some 'dirty regions' of pixels that aren't mapped to screen at the end of each line which you have to compensate for. But yeah, you could copy the pixels of an image in memory directly to the screen.
For things like DirectX, OpenGL. rather than write directly to the screen, commands are sent to the graphics card and it updates its screen automatically. Commands like "Hey you, draw this image I've loaded into the VRAM here, here and here" or "Draw these triangles with this transformation matrix..." take a fraction of the time compared to pixel by pixel . The CPU will thank you.
DirectX/OpenGL is a programmer friendly library for sending those commands to the card with all the supporting functions to help you get it done smoothly. A more direct approach would only be unproductive.
SDL is an abstraction layer so without bothering to read up on it I'd guess it would have different ways of working on each system. On one it might use semi-direct screen writing, another Direct3D, etc. Whatever's fastest as long as the code stays
The GDI/GDI+ and XWindow system. They're designed specifically to draw windows. Originally they drew using the pixel-by-pixel method (which was good enough because they'd only have to redraw when a button was pressed or a window moved, etc.) but now they use Direct3D/OpenGL for accelerated drawing (and special effects). Optimizations depend on the versions and implementations of these libraries.
So if you want the most power and speed, DirectX/openGL is the way to go. SDL is certainly useful for getting the most from a cross-platform environment and integrates with OpenGL anyway. The windowing system comes last but don't underestimate it. Especially with the stuff Microsoft's coming up with lately.
Michael Abrash's Graphics Programming 'Black Book' is a great place to start. Plus you can download it for free!
If you really want to start at the bottom then drawing a line is the most basic operation. Computer graphics is simply about filling in pixels on a grid (screen), so you need to work out which pixels to fill in to get a line that goes from (x0,y0) to (x1,y1).
Check out Bresenham's algorithm to get a feel for what is involved.
To be a good graphics and image processing programmer doesn't require this low level knowledge, but i do hate to be clueless about the insides of what i'm using. I see two ways to chase this - high-level down, or bottom-level up.
Top-down is a matter of following how the action traces from a high-level graphics operation such as to draw a circle, to the hardware. Get to know OpenGL well. Then the source to Mesa (free!) provides a peek at how OpenGL can be implemented in software. The source to Xorg would be next, first to see how the action goes from API calls through the client side to the X server. Finally you dive into a device driver that interfaces with hardware.
Bottom up: build your own graphics hardware. Think of ways it could connect to a computer - how to handle massive numbers of pixels through a few byte-size registers, how DMA would work. Write a device driver, and try designing a graphics library that might be useful for app programmers.
The bottom-up way is how i learned, years ago when it was a possibility with the slow 8-bit microprocessors. The direct experience with circuitry and hardware-software interfacing gave me a good appreciation of the difficult design decisions - e.g. to paint rectangles using clever hardware, in the device driver, or higher level. None of this is of practical everyday value, but provided a foundation of knowledge to understand newer technology.
see Open GPU Documentation section:
On MSWindows it is easy: you use what the API provides, whether it is the standard windows programming API or the DirectX-family API's: that's what you use, and they are well documented.
In an X windows environment you use whatever X11-libraries that are provided. If you want to understand the principles behind windowing on X, I suggest that you do this, nevermind that many others tell you not to, it will really help you to understand graphics and windowing under X. You can read the documentation on X-programming (google for it). (After this exercise you would appreciate the higher level libraries!)
Apart from the above, at the absolutely lowest level (excluding chip-level) that you can go is to call the interrupts that switch to the various graphics modes available - there are several - and then write to the screen buffers, but for this you would have to use assembler, anything else would be too slow. Going this way will not be portable at all.
Another post mentions Abrash's Black Book - an excellent resource.
Edit: As for books on programming Linux: it is a community thing, there are many howto's around; also find a forum, join it, and as long as you act civilized you will get all the help you can ever need.
Right off the bat, I'd say "you're asking too much." From what little experience I've had, I would recommend reading some tutorials or getting a book on either directX or OpenGL to start out. To go any lower than that would be pretty complex. Most of the books I've seen in OGL or DX have pretty good introductions that explain what the functions/classes do.
Once you get the hang of one of these, you could always dig in to the libraries to see what exactly they're doing to go lower.
Or, if you really, absolutely MUST learn the LOWEST level... read the book in the above post.
libX11 is the lowest level library for X11. I believe the opengl/directx talk to the driver/hardware directly (or emulate unsupported ops), so they would be the lowest level library.
If you want to start with very low level programming, look for x86 assembly code for VGA and fire up a copy of dosbox or similar.
Vulkan api is an api which gives you very low level access to most if not all features of the gpu, computational and graphical, it works on amd and Nvidia gpus (not all)
you can also use CUDA, but it only works on Nvidia gpus and has access to computational features only, no video output.

Writing Color Calibration Data to a TIFF or PNG file

My custom homebrew photography processing software, running on 64 bit Linux/GNU, writes out PNG and TIFF files. These are to be sent to a quality printing shop to be made into fine art. Working with interior designers - it's important to get the colors just right!
The print shops usually have no trouble with TIFF and PNGs made from commercial software such as Photoshop. Even though i have the TIFF 6.0 specs, PNG specs, and other info in hand, it is not clear how to include color calibration data or implement color management system on linux. My files are often rejected as faulty, without sufficient error reports to make fixes.
This has been a nasty problem for a while for many. Even my contacts at the Hollywood postproduction studios are struggling with this issue. One studio even wanted to hire me to take care of their color calibration, thinking i was the expert - but no, i am just as blind and lost as everyone!
Does anyone know of good code examples, detailed technical information, or have any other enlightenment? Or time to switch to pure Apple?
Take a look at LittleCMS
This page has the code for applying it to TIFF
The basic thing you need to know is that Color profile data is something you need to store in the meta-data of the file itself.
There is a consultant called Charles Poynton who specialises in this area. I work for one of the post production studios you mention (albeit in london not hollywood), and have seen him speak on the subject a couple of times. His website contains a lot of the material he presents and you might find something of use there. He also has a book called Digital Video and HDTV Algorithms and Interfaces which is not as heavy as the title might suggest! While these resources might not answer your question directly, it might provide a spring board to other solutions.
More specifically, which libraries are you using to write the png and tif files - you mention they are homebrew, but how custom are they exactly? Postprocessing the images in an image manipulation program (such as ImageMagick or dcraw) might allow you to inject this information into the header more successfully.
Sorry, I don't have any specific answers, but maybe something that will point you a bit further in the right direction...
As a GNU/Linux user, you’ll want to consider DispcalGUI – – a GNOME-based GUI that centralizes color management, ICC profile management, and (crucially for your case) device calibration. It can talk to well-known pro- and mid-level hardware, e.g, i1, X-Rite, Spyder, etc.
But before you get into that – you say you are generating your files to spec; are you validating your output using a test suite specific to the format in question? If not, here are three to get you started:
imagetestsuite supports the well-known formats:
The Luminous* test suite is a JIRA plugin, if that’s your thing:
FLOSS Decoder implementations often have one you can use, i.e. OpenJPEG –
But even barring all of those, it seems like your problem is with embedded ICC data – which is two specs in one. First, there’s the host image-file format, and they all handle embedding differently (meaning the ICC data will likely look totally different when embedded in a TIFF than, say, a JPEG or WebP file). Second, there is the ICC spec itself. It is documented here: – and you may also want to look at the source for the aforementioned dispcalGUI, which includes a very legible and hackable ICC profile class in Python:
Full disclosure: I have contributed to that very ICC profile class, to which I just linked in that last ¶
That’s the basics (many of which you have no doubt covered)... beyond that, if you post more information about what exactly is going wrong, I’d be interested to look it over. Good luck with it either way.
* NB. This project is unrelated to the long-standing photography website, “the Luminous Landscape”
