Haskell as a highly concurrent server - haskell

Let's say I want to write a server in Haskell. The kind that has high concurrency and simple processing. The kind that would be robust to failures and offer high availability. The kind that Erlang would be good for.
What would be a good set of tools, whether a framework or a set of primitives, to start from?

This is precisely what Haskell is great at. And it has excellent multicore parallelism support, so when you use more threads, you can take advantage of extra cores easily. Remember though, Haskell's aimed at great performance on multicore, Erlang's a bit different, emphasising distributed systems more, and not so much raw performance (e.g. see the benchmarks game, http://benchmarksgame.alioth.debian.org/u64q/compare.php?lang=ghc&lang2=hipe The Haskell's almost always much faster and uses much less memory).
Now, to get started:
You can start with the examples in Real World Haskell, to learn about forkIO and Haskell's lightweight threads, http://book.realworldhaskell.org/read/concurrent-and-multicore-programming.html
GHC's docs on the concurrency tools, http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/GHC/Concurrency
The library to look at for massive, scalable network code is the event library: http://github.com/tibbe/event which makes it easy to use epoll as the method for accepting events from the network. Here's a simple example: http://donsbot.wordpress.com/2010/01/17/playing-with-the-new-haskell-epoll-event-library/
For back to basics, see Simon Marlow's tutorial on building a concurrent web server: http://www.haskell.org/~simonmar/bib/webserverjfp_abstract.html
You should find this task relatively easy, and fun!

Great place to start is the seminal paper by Simon Peyton Jones The Awkward Squad.
... I recently heard a talk you might find relevant. See details at the galois website


Distributed Haskell state of the art in 2011?

I've read a lot of articles about distributed Haskell. Much work has been done but seems to be in the area of distributing computations. I saw the remote package which seems to implement Erlang-style messaging passing but it is 0.1 and early stage.
I'd like to implement a system where there are many separate processes that provide distinct services, and are tied together by several main processes. This seems to be a natural fit for Erlang, but not so for Haskell. But I like Haskell's type safety.
Has there been any recent adoption of Erlang-style process management in Haskell?
If you want to learn more about the remote package, a.k.a CloudHaskell, see the paper as well as Jeff Epstein's thesis. It aims to provide precisely the actor abstraction you want, but as you say it is in the early stages. There is active discussion regarding improvements on the parallel-haskell mailing list, so if you have specific needs that remote doesn't provide, we'd be happy for you to jump in and help us decide its future directions.
More mature but lower-level than remote is the haskell-mpi package. If you stick to the Simple interface, messages can be sent containing arbitrary Serialize instances, but the abstraction is still way lower than remote.
There are some experimental systems, such as described in Implementing a High-level Distributed-Memory Parallel Haskell in Haskell (Patrick Maier and Phil Trinder, IFL 2011, can't find a pdf online). It blends a monad-par approach of deterministic dataflow parallelism with a limited ability to make the I-structures serializable over the network. These sorts of abstraction have promise for doing distributed computation, but since the focus is on computing purely-functional values rather than providing Erlang-style processes, they probably wouldn't be a good fit for your application.
Also, for completeness, I should point out the Haskell wiki page on cloud and HPC Haskell, which covers what I describe here, as well as the subsection on distributed Haskell, which seems in need of a refresh.
I frequently get the feeling that IPC and actors are an oversold feature. There are plenty of attractive messaging systems out there that have Haskell bindings e.g. MessagePack, 0MQ or Thrift. IMHO the only thing you have to add is proper addressing of processes and decide who/what is managing this addressing capability.
By the way: a number of coders adopt e.g. 0MQ into their Erlang environments, simply because it offers the possibility to structure messaging via message brokers rather then relying on pure process to process messaging in super scale.
In a "massively multicore world" I personally assume that shared memory approaches will eventually be outperforming messaging. Someone can then always come and argue with asynchrony of course. But already when you write that you want to "tie together" your processes by "several main processes" you in fact speak about synchronization. Also, you can of course challenge whether a single function, process or thread is the right level of parallelization.
In short: I would probably see whether MessagePack or 0MQ could fit my needs in Haskell and care for the rest in my code.

Why did you decide "against" using Erlang?

Locked. This question and its answers are locked because the question is off-topic but has historical significance. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions.
Have you actually "tried" (means programmed in, not just read an article on it) Erlang and decided against it for a project? If so, why? Also, if you have opted to go back to your old language, or to use another functional language like F#, Haskell, Clojure, Scala, or something else then this counts too, and state why.
I returned to Haskell for my personal projects from Erlang for the simple virtue of Haskell's amazing type system. Erlang gives you a ton of tools to handle when things go wrong. Haskell gives you tools to keep you from going wrong in the first place.
When working in a language with a strong type system you are effectively proving free theorems about your code every time you compile.
You also get a bunch of overloading sugar from Haskell's typeclass machinery, but that is largely secondary to me -- even if it does allow me to express a number of abstractions that would be terribly verbose or non-idiomatic and unusable in Erlang (e.g. Haskell's category-extras).
I love Erlang, I love its channels and its effortless scalability. I turn to it when these are the things I need. Haskell isn't a panacea. I give up a better operational understanding of space consumption. I give up the magical one pass garbage collector. I give up OTP patterns and all that effortless scalability.
But its hard for me to give up the security blanket that, as is commonly said, in Haskell, if it typechecks, it is probably correct.
We use Haskell, OCaml and (now) F# so for us it has nothing to do with lack of C-like syntax. Rather we skip Erlang because:
It's dynamically typed (we're fans of Haskell's type system)
Doesn't provide a 'real' string type (I understand why, but it's annoying that this hasn't been corrected at the language level yet)
Tends to have poor (incomplete or unmaintained) database drivers
It isn't batteries included and doesn't appear to have a community working on correcting this. If it does, it isn't highly visible. Haskell at least has Hackage, and I'd guess that's what has us choosing that language over any other. In Windows environments F# is about to have the ultimate advantage here.
There are probably other reasons I can't think of right now, but these are the major points.
The best reason to avoid Erlang is when you cannot commit to the functional way of programming.
I read an anti-Erlang blog rant a few weeks ago, and one of the author's criticisms of Erlang is that he couldn't figure out how to make a function return a different value each time he called it with the same arguments. What he really hadn't figured out is that Erlang is that way on purpose. That's how Erlang manages to run so well on multiple processors without explicit locking. Purely functional programming is side-effect-free programming. You can arm-twist Erlang into working like our ranting blogger wanted, adding side effects, but in doing so you throw away the value Erlang offers.
Pure functional programming is not the only right way to program. Not everything needs to be mathematically rigorous. If you determine your application would be best written in a language that misuses the term "function", better cross Erlang off your list.
I have used Erlang in a few project already. I often use it for restful services. Where I don't use it however is for complex front end web applications where tools like Ruby on Rails are far better. But for the powerbroker behind the scenes I know of no better tool than Erlang.
I also use a few applications written in Erlang. I use CouchDB and RabbitMQ a bit and I have set up a few EJabberd servers. These applications are the most powerful, easiest and flexible tools in their field.
Not wanting to use Erlang because it does not use JVM is in my mind pretty silly. JVM is not some magical tool that is the best in doing everything in the world. In my mind the ability to choose from an arsenal of different tools and not being stuck in a single language or framework is what separates experts from code monkeys.
PS: After reading my comment back in context I noticed it looked like I was calling oxbow_lakes a code monkey. I really wasn't and apologize if he took it like that. I was generalizing about types of programmers and I would never call an individual such a negative name based on one comment by him. He is probably a good programmer even though I encourage him to not make the JVM some sort of a deal breaker.
Whilst I haven't, others on the internet have, e.g.
We investigated the relative merits of
C++ and Erlang in the implementation
of a parallel acoustic ray tracing
algorithm for the U.S. Navy. We found
a much smaller learning curve and
better debugging environment for
parallel Erlang than for
pthreads-based C++ programming. Our
C++ implementation outperformed the
Erlang program by at least 12x.
Attempts to use Erlang on the IBM Cell
BE microprocessor were frustrated by
Erlang's memory footprint. (Source)
And something closer to my heart, which I remember reading back in the aftermath of the ICFP contest:
The coding was very straightforward,
translating pseudocode into C++. I
could have used Java or C#, but I'm at
the point where programming at a high
level in C++ is just as easy, and I
wanted to retain the option of quickly
dropping down into some low-level
bit-twiddling if it came down to it.
Erlang is my other favorite language
for hacking around in, but was worried
about running into some performance
problem that I couldn't extricate
myself from. (Source)
For me, the fact that Erlang is dynamically typed is something that makes me wary. Although I do use dynamically typed languages because some of them are just so very problem-oriented (take Python, I solve a lot of problems with it), I wish they were statically typed instead.
That said, I actually intended to give Erlang a try for some time, and I’ve just started downloading the source. So your “question” achieved something after all. ;-)
I know Erlang since university, but have never used it in my own projects so far. Mainly because I'm mostly developing desktop applications, and Erlang is not a good language for making nice GUIs. But I will soon implement a server application, and I will give Erlang a try, because that's what it's good for. But I'm worring that I need more librarys, so maybe I'll try with Java instead.
A number of reasons:
Because it looks alien from anyone used to the C family of languages
Because I wanted to be able to run on the Java Virtual Machine to take advantage of tools I knew and understood (like JConsole) and the years of effort which have gone into JIT and GC.
Because I didn't want to have to rewrite all the (Java) libraries I've built up over the years.
Because I have no idea about the Erlang "ecosystem" (database access, configuration, build etc).
Basically I am familiar with Java, its platform and ecosystem and I have invested much effort into building stuff which runs on the JVM. It was easier by far to move to scala
I Decided against using Erlang for my project that was going to be run with a lot of shared data on a single multi-processor system and went with Clojure becuase Clojure really gets shared-memory-concurrency. When I have worked on distributed data storage systems Erlang was a great fit because Erlang really shines at distributed message passing systems. I compare the project to the best feature in the language and choose accordingly
Used it for a message gateway for a proprietary, multi-layered, binary protocol. OTP patterns for servers and relationships between services as well as binary pattern matching made the development process very easy. For such a use case I'd probably favor Erlang over other languages again.
The JVM is not a tool, it is a platform. Although I am all in favour of choosing the best tool for the job the platform is mostly already determined. Unless I am developing something standalone, from scratch and without the desire to reuse any existing code/library (three aspects that are unlikely in isolation already) I may be free to choose the platform.
I do use multiple tools and languages but I mainly targetg the JVM platform. That precludes Erlang for most if not all of my projects, as interesting as some of it concepts are.
While I liked many design aspects of the Erlang runtime and the OTP platform, I found it to be a pretty annoying program language to develop in. The commas and periods are totally lame, and often require re-writing the last character of many lines of code just to change one line. Also, some operations that are simple in Ruby or Clojure are tedious in Erlang, for example string handling.
For distributed systems relying on a shared database the Mnesia system is really powerful and probably a good option, but I program in a language to learn and to have fun, and Erlang's annoying factor started to outweigh the fun factor once I had gotten past the basic bank account tutorials and started writing plugins for an XMPP server.
I love Erlang from the concurrency standpoint. Erlang really did concurrency right. I didn't end up using erlang primarily because of syntax.
I'm not a functional programmer by trade. I generally use C++, so I'm covet my ability to switch between styles (OOP, imperative, meta, etc). It felt like Erlang was forcing me to worship the sacred cow of immutable-data.
I love it's approach to concurrency, simple, beautiful, scalable, powerful. But the whole time I was programming in Erlang I kept thinking, man I'd much prefer a subset of Java that disallowed data sharing between thread and used Erlangs concurrency model. I though Java would have the best bet of restricting the language the feature set compatible with Erlang's processes and channels.
Just recently I found that the D Programing language offers Erlang style concurrency with familiar c style syntax and multi-paradigm language. I haven't tried anything massively concurrent with D yet, so I can't say if it's a perfect translation.
So professionally I use C++ but do my best to model massively concurrent applications as I would in Erlang. At some point I'd like to give D's concurrency tools a real test drive.
I am not going to even look at Erlang.
Two blog posts nailed it for me:
Erlang machinery walks the whole list to figure out whether they have a message to process, and the only way to get message means walking the whole list (I suspect that filtering messages by pid also involves walking the whole message list)
There are no miracles, indeed, Erlang does not provide too many services to deal with unavoidable overloads - e.g. it is still left to the application programmer to deal checking for available space in the message queue (supposedly by walking the queue to figure out the current length and I suppose there are no built-in mechanisms to ensure some fairness between senders).
erlang - how to limit message queue or emulate it?
Both (1) and (2) are way below naive on my book, and I am sure there are more software "gems" of similar nature sitting inside Erlang machinery.
So, no Erlang for me.
It seems that once you have to deal with a large system that requires high performance under overload C++ + Boost is still the only game in town.
I am going to look at D next.
I wanted to use Erlang for a project, because of it's amazing scalability with number of CPU'S. (We use other languages and occasionally hit the wall, leaving us with having to tweak the app)
The problem was that we must deliver our application on several platforms: Linux, Solaris and AIX, and unfortunately there is no Erlang install for AIX at the moment.
Being a small operation precludes the effort in porting and maintaining an AIX version of Erlang, and asking our customers to use Linux for part of our application is a no go.
I am still hoping that an AIX Erlang will arrive so we can use it.

Mixing Erlang and Haskell

If you've bought into the functional programming paradigm, the chances are that you like both Erlang and Haskell. Both have purely functional cores and other goodness such as lightweight threads that make them a good fit for a multicore world. But there are some differences too.
Erlang is a commercially proven fault-tolerant language with a mature distribution model. It has a seemingly unique feature in its ability to upgrade its version at runtime via hot code loading. (Way cool!)
Haskell, on the otherhand, has the most sophisticated type system of any mainstream language. (Where I define 'mainstream' to be any language that has a published O'Reilly book so Haskell counts.) Its straightline single threaded performance looks superior to Erlang's and its lightweight threads look even lighter too.
I am trying to put together a development platform for the rest of my coding life and was wondering whether it was possible to mix Erlang and Haskell to achieve a best of breed platform. This question has two parts:
I'd like to use Erlang as a kind of fault tolerant MPI to glue GHC runtime instances together. There would be one Erlang process per GHC runtime. If "the impossible happened" and the GHC runtime died, then the Erlang process would detect that somehow and die too. Erlang's hot code loading and distribution features would just continue to work. The GHC runtime could be configured to use just one core, or all cores on the local machine, or any combination in between. Once the Erlang library was written, the rest of the Erlang level code should be purely boilerplate and automatically generated on a per application basis. (Perhaps by a Haskell DSL for example.) How does one achieve at least some of these things?
I'd like Erlang and Haskell to be able to share the same garabage collector. (This is a much further out idea than 1.) Languages that run on the JVM and the CLR achieve greater mass by sharing a runtime. I understand there are technical limitations to running Erlang (hot code loading) and Haskell (higher kinded polymorphism) on either the JVM or the CLR. But what about unbundling just the garbage collector? (Sort of the start of a runtime for functional languages.) Allocation would obviously still have to be really fast, so maybe that bit needs to be statically linked in. And there should be some mechansim to distinguish the mutable heap from the immutable heap (incuding lazy write once memory) as GHC needs this. Would it be feasible to modify both HIPE and GHC so that the garbage collectors could share a heap?
Please answer with any experiences (positive or negative), ideas or suggestions. In fact, any feedback (short of straight abuse!) is welcome.
Thanks for all 4 replies to date - each taught me at least one useful thing that I did not know.
Regarding the rest of coding life thing - I included it slightly tongue in cheek to spark debate, but it is actually true. There is a project that I have in mind that I intend to work on until I die, and it needs a stable platform.
In the platform I have proposed above, I would only write Haskell, as the boilerplate Erlang would be automatically generated. So how long will Haskell last? Well Lisp is still with us and doesn't look like it is going away anytime soon. Haskell is BSD3 open source and has achieved critical mass. If programming itself is still around in 50 years time, I would expect Haskell, or some continuous evolution of Haskell, will still be here.
Update 2 in response to rvirding's post
Agreed - implementing a complete "Erskell/Haslang" universal virtual machine might not be absolutely impossible, but it would certainly be very difficult indeed. Sharing just the garbage collector level as something like a VM, while still difficult, sounds an order of magnitude less difficult to me though. At the garbage collection model, functional languages must have a lot in common - the unbiquity of immutable data (including thunks) and the requirement for very fast allocation. So the fact that commonality is bundled tightly with monolithic VMs seems kind of odd.
VMs do help achieve critical mass. Just look at how 'lite' functional languages like F# and Scala have taken off. Scala may not have the absolute fault tolerance of Erlang, but it offers an escape route for the very many folks who are tied to the JVM.
While having a single heap makes
message passing very fast it
introduces a number of other problems,
mainly that doing GC becomes more
difficult as it has to be interactive
and globally non-interruptive so you
can't use the same simpler algorithms
as the per-process heap model.
Absolutely, that makes perfect sense to me. The very smart people on the GHC development team appear to be trying to solve part of the problem with a parallel "stop the world" GC.
(Obviously "stop the world" would not fly for general Erlang given its main use case.) But even in the use cases where "stop the world" is OK, their speedups do not appear to be universal. So I agree with you, it is unlikely that there is a universally best GC, which is the reason I specified in part 1. of my question that
The GHC runtime could be configured to
use just one core, or all cores on the
local machine, or any combination in
In that way, for a given use case, I could, after benchmarking, choose to go the Erlang way, and run one GHC runtime (with a singlethreaded GC) plus one Erlang process per core and let Erlang copy memory between cores for good locality.
Alternatively, on a dual processor machine with 4 cores per processor with good memory bandwidth on the processor, benchmarking might suggest that I run one GHC runtime (with a parallel GC) plus one Erlang process per processor.
In both cases, if Erlang and GHC could share a heap, the sharing would probably be bound to a single OS thread running on a single core somehow. (I am getting out of my depth here, which is why I asked the question.)
I also have another agenda - benchmarking functional languages independently of GC. Often I read of results of benchmarks of OCaml v GHC v Erlang v ... and wonder how much the results are confounded by the different GCs. What if choice of GC could be orthogonal to choice of functional language? How expensive is GC anyway? See this devil advocates blog post
by my Lisp friend John Fremlin, which he has, charmingly, given his post title "Automated garbage collection is rubbish". When John claims that GC is slow and hasn't really sped up that much, I would like to be able to counter with some numbers.
A lot of Haskell and Erlang people are interested in the model where Erlang supervises distribution, while Haskell runs the shared memory nodes in parallel doing all the number crunching/logic.
A start towards this is the haskell-erlang library: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/erlang
And we have similar efforts in Ruby land, via Hubris: http://github.com/mwotton/Hubris/tree/master
The question now is to find someone to actually push through the Erlang / Haskell interop to find out the tricky issues.
You're going to have an interesting time mixing GC between Haskell and Erlang. Erlang uses a per-process heap and copies data between processes -- as Haskell doesn't even have a concept of processes, I'm not sure how you would map this "universal" GC between the two. Furthermore, for best performance, Erlang uses a variety of allocators, each with slightly tweaked behaviours that I'm sure would affect the GC sub-system.
As with all things in software, abstraction comes at a cost. In this case, I rather suspect you'd have to introduce so many layers to get both languages over their impedance mismatch that you'd wind up with a not very performant (or useful) common VM.
Bottom line -- embrace the difference! There are huge advantages to NOT running everything in the same process, particularly from a reliability standpoint. Also, I think it's a little naive to expect one language/VM to last you for the rest of your life (unless you plan on a.) living a short time or b.) becoming some sort of code monk that ONLY works on a single project). Software development is all about mental agility and being willing to use the best available tools to build fast, reliable code.
Although this is a pretty old thread, if readers are still interested then it's worth taking a look at Cloud Haskell, which brings Erlang style concurrency and distribution to the GHC stable.
The forthcoming distributed-process-platform library adds support for OTP-esque constructs like gen_servers, supervision trees and various other "haskell flavoured" abstractions borrowed from and inspired by Erlang/OTP.
You could use an OTP gen_supervisor process to monitor Haskell instances that you spawn with open_port(). Depending on how the "port" exited, you would then be able to restart it or decide that it stopped on purpose and let the corresponding Erlang process die, too.
Fugheddaboudit. Even these language-independent VMs you speak of have trouble with data passed between languages sometimes. You should just serialize data between the two somehow: database, XML-RPC, something like that.
By the way, the idea of a single platform for the rest of your life is probably impractical, too. Computing technology and fashion change too often to expect that you can keep using just one language forever. Your very question points this out: no one language does everything we might wish, even today.
As dizzyd mentioned in his comment not all data in messages is copied, large binaries exist outside of the process heaps and are not copied.
Using a different memory structure to avoid having separate per-process heaps is certainly possible and has been done in a number of earlier implementations. While having a single heap makes message passing very fast it introduces a number of other problems, mainly that doing GC becomes more difficult as it has to be interactive and globally non-interruptive so you can't use the same simpler algorithms as the per-process heap model.
As long as we use have immutable data-structures there is no problem with robustness and safety. Deciding on which memory and GC models to use is a big trade-off, and unfortunately there universally best model.
While Haskell and Erlang are both functional languages they are in many respects very different languages and have very different implementations. It would difficult to come up with an "Erskell" (or Haslang) machine which could handle both languages efficiently. I personally think it is much better to keep them separate and to make sure you have a really good interface between them.
The CLR supports tail call optimization with an explicit tail opcode (as used by F#), which the JVM doesn't (yet) have an equivalent, which limits the implementation of such a style of language. The use of separate AppDomains does allow the CLR to hot-swap code (see e.g. this blog post showing how it can be done).
With Simon Peyton Jones working just down the corridor from Don Syme and the F# team at Microsoft Research, it would be a great disappointment if we didn't eventually see an IronHaskell with some sort of official status. An IronErlang would be an interesting project -- the biggest piece of work would probably be porting the green-threading scheduler without getting as heavyweight as the Windows Workflow engine, or having to run a BEAM VM on top the CLR.

Sample Problems for Multithreading Practice

I'm about to tackle what I see as a hard problem, I think. I need to multi-thread a pipeline of producers and consumers.
So I want to start small. What are some practice problems, in varying levels of difficulty, that would be good for multi-threading practice? (And not contrived, impractical examples you see in books not dedicated to concurrency).
What books or references would you recommend that focus on concurrency and give in-depth problems and cases?
(I'd rather not focus on the problem I want to solve. I just want to ask for good references and sample problems. This would be more useful to other users. I'm not stuck on the problem.)
The little book of semaphores is a good free book. The author takes a unique approach of first asking a problem and then presenting hints before answering. The problems increase in difficulty level gradually, and the book isn't written for any language in particular but covers general multithreading concepts.
If you have enough time to invest I would recommend the book "Concurrency: State Models & Java Programs, 2nd Edition" by Jeff Magee and Jeff Kramer, John Wiley&Sons 2006
You can ignore the Java part if you are using some other language
There's a language used to model processes and concurrent processes called FSP. It needs some time and energy to be invested in order to be proficient in the language. There's a tool (LTSA, both are free and supported by an Eclipse plugin or stand alone app) which verifies your models and make you pretty shure that your model is correct from the standpoint of concurrent execution.
Translating this models to your language constructs is then just a question of programming technique and few design patterns.
Most text book problems, like readers-writers, producers-consumers or dinning philosophers are all illustrations of the mutex. I would prefer to model a prototype which is a simplistic approximation the bigger problem and go ahead.
I have some times seen situations where dead-lock avoidance is what is needed and dead-lock prevention measures are being used. It is always a good idea to analyse if Banker's algorithm would suit the case or not.
Completely ignoring your request, I'll suggest that you should look at SEDA (staged event driven architecture) as a way to think about setting up a multi-threaded pipeline of producers and consumers.
I'm not sure what you are looking for. But in real world enterprise situation, we usually use some kind of messaging framework when doing producers consumers stuff. Tipically in Java, that's JMS. And you can use the excellent Spring Framework to help you along.
If you're working with Java at all (and possibly even if you're not), you should definitely read Java Concurrency In Practice.
To be honest, many real-world multithreading programs are not doing much more than reading/writing some value (whether string or int) -- circular buffers (as a network connection might need), readers/writers of log files, etc.
In fact, I'd say that if you implement (or find) a solid (and generic) circular buffer, and then run all thread-to-thread communication through those buffers as the only contact point, that'll cover a very large portion of any multithread syncing you might need to do. (Unless you're working in a buzzword-compliant environment, and need to tack "enterprise", "messaging", or whatever onto the buzzword list... or you're writing a database or operating system.)
(Note that "circular buffer" is a fairly C-centric term, being rooted in the relatively direct manipulation of a block of memory. Python's Queue class implements the same basic principle in a list-centric way, and I'm sure that numerous other languages have conceptually similar constructs under slightly different names...)

Haskell for a server?

With regards to making a game server, it seems Erlang always comes up as a language that is "built for this kind of thing" with its scalability and concurrency features. I don't have experience in either Haskell nor Erlang, but on the surface they seem the same. Looking into Haskell's docs it seems like it has support for multiprocessor scalability and concurrency, and Haskell is said to be a more solid language and has a visibly better community. My question is, then, is Haskell considered to be as good of a solution to server building as Erlang supposedly is?
It depends what you want to do with your server. As might be expected from a telecoms application, Erlang excels at doing simple tasks with very high concurrency. If your server will need a bazillion connections per second, or at once, Erlang is your friend. Erlang also offers better support for distributing load over multiple servers.
Haskell excels at complex, symbolic computation and as of April 2009 can also handle a great many threads (see update below). Moreover, Haskell has more tools for getting complicated code right: things like QuickCheck, SmallCheck, and the static type system. So if your server is doing complicated, interesting things and you can get by with just one server, you're probably better off with Haskell.
Update 13 April 2009: Don Stewart, a reliable source, reports that "the last thread-scaling bug in the Glasgow Haskell Compiler was squished a few months ago", and that some users report using a million Haskell threads without trouble. As of January 2009, there is a new, unpublished paper from the implementors which may describe how this is achieved.
Update 21 February 2012: John Hughes's company, QuviQ, now makes QuickCheck for Erlang. They have found a number of very interesting bugs. You can download "QuickCheck Mini" for free; it is comparable to the Haskell QuickCheck. There is also a more powerful commercial version.
The benchmarks of these papers show that Haskell can compete with Apache:
Developing a high-performance web server in Concurrent Haskell
— Simon Marlow
Combining Events And Threads For Scalable Network Services:
Implementation And Evaluation Of Monadic,
Application-level Concurrency Primitives
— Peng Li Stephan A. Zdancewic (see Figure 19)
I don't have experience in either Haskell nor Erlang, but on the surface they seem the same.
There are some pretty stark differences between Haskell and Erlang. Erlang is specifically designed for concurrent systems. The language and virtual machine are both designed to support many, many processes, and Erlang uses an actor-style system to manage communication between all of them. Haskell also supports concurrency fairly easily, due to its functional nature, but it's still a bit harder to do concurrent programming in Haskell, and the language isn't specifically set up to facilitate this.
Like Haskell, Erlang doesn't share state between processes, so it's easy to write multi-process software. But the programming style between Haskell and Erlang is a bit different, since Erlang emphasizes the use of small processes to perform concurrent processing.
I love Haskell -- it's one of my favorite languages -- but if I was going to write server software, I'd probably use Erlang. But it's certainly possible to write a server in Haskell, if you know Haskell better or find the library support to be superior.
Now there is a new option: use the Haskell/Erlang FFI to write your logic in Haskell and communicate using Erlang.
Last time I looked, the libraries and frameworks for building scalable servers in Erlang looked a bit more mature than those for Haskell. I'd suggest looking at Programming Erlang: Software for a Concurrent World for information on those.
It is a lot easier to introduce memory leaks in your Haskell application due to laziness. Long-running servers are precisely the kind of programs where you really don't want to have any memory leaks.
While I agree that Haskell is a more solid language and nicer to program in, Erlang is much easier and has many libraries specifically intended for uses like these.
I don't think there is a Haskell equivalent to, say, Mnesia, and writing it is going to be difficult. You can write Haskell versions of gen_server, gen_event, etc. but they won't have been optimised and tuned for over a decade.
The question of whether Haskell is as good as Erlang depends on what people want from a language. I think both would do quite well as a game server, but it depends mainly on what you want or expect from a programming language. One of the easiest differences to note is that Haskell is a statically typed language with type inference, and Erlang is a dynamically typed language. Overall, I would say that Haskell requires a bit more "sophistication" for those not accustomed to functional programming.
I'm sure you can find people who think so, but I think you're mistaken about the ability of Erlang to support this kind of use; it's widely used in telephony applications, and is actually quite robust. Erlang is very much optimized to highly reliable, high concurrency servers.
