haskell libmagic how to use it? - haskell

I'm trying to write a program that will check the file type of a certain file and I found a haskell library that should do the trick.
The problem arises when I try to use it. I have no idea what I have to do, which function to call etc. The library is full of cryptic commands with no examples, no tutorial or a homepage.
Please help.

There is the package's documentation that contains short descriptions of the important functions (which are not that many). For additional information about what the underlying C library does (and therefore also the Haskell library), have a look at libmagic's man page.
The basic usage should look similar to this (untested):
import Magic.Init
import Magic.Operations
main =
do magic <- magicOpen []
loadDefaultMagic magic
magicFile magic "/my/file" >>= print


How to choose a specific msvcr.dl in Nim?

I would like to use an old msvcr71.dll when compiling Nim.
Is there a way to do so? If yes, how?
This is explained in the manual, right here. As StackOverflow doesn't like link responses, a copy-paste:
proc imported_proc(): ReturnType
{.cdecl, dynlib: "msvcr71.dll", importc.}
This asumes there is a function in msvcf71.dll called imported_proc that you want to wrap in your Nim code without changing the name.
You can also tweak which libraries to load when compiling, as explained here:
$ nim c --dynlibOverride:msvcr71 --passL:msvcr71.dll program.nim
Didn't test any of the code, hope it helps. You can always try to find some code that does this kind of linking, for example https://github.com/khchen/wNim/blob/master/wNim/private/winimx.nim or maybe https://github.com/brentp/hts-nim/blob/master/src/hts/private/hts_concat.nim

Where does the resourcesApp come from in Yesod?

The two functions mkYesodData and mkYesodDispatch in the Yesod framework are supposed to separate the handler definition and the dispatch process. Though by some miracle (to me), templates use this interesting function "resourcesApp":
mkYesodDispatch "App" resourcesApp
The only mention of this function I have found in hoogle is in the Hledger package. And it is not a yesod dependency.
In the school of Haskell by this link they give an explanation that resourcesApp is "generated" by mkYesodData, although it still does not work for my side.
What is the reason for this?
There's some Template Haskell (TH) going on under the hood in Yesod, and I think this is what's confusing you. Template Haskell can be confusing when searching in documentation because it produces values at compile-time for use at runtime that aren't there before the code is compiled. resourcesApp is just one of these values.
In the code you reference, the author describes that you must have another module (which he calls Foundation) in which you have invoked mkYesodData. Indeed, without this other module, the code in the Dispatch module won't work. Strangely, it's not until (Part 4)[https://www.schoolofhaskell.com/school/advanced-haskell/building-a-file-hosting-service-in-yesod/part%204] that he seems to define the Foundation module, but you can see that there is a line:
mkYesodData "App" $(parseRoutesFile "config/routes")
That may not look like it defines a value called resourcesApp, but sure enough, it does.
In short, you should be able to get your code working by just finishing the entire tutorial and running the code altogether.
In case you're wondeering, a call to mkYesodData takes a String and then literally generates code that defines a value names resources**** where the **** is the string you passed. In this case, that would be a value resourcesApp, but in someone else's Yesod project, it could be resourcesFoo. Furthermore, since this resourcesFoo value isn't concretely in the code, projects that use Yesod typically wouldn't have it show up in their export lists or haddock documentation. It's actually very strange that you found even one hit for resourcesApp on hoogle at all, but upon closer examination, it kind of makes sense: Hledger seems to be some sort of extended interface around yesod, so they pre-generated the TH values so that they would be easily accessible to users.
As another note, TH has some restrictions in its use. For one, you typically need to perform the TH invocations ("splices" as they're typically called) in a separate module than the one you use the generated values. This is probably why the author has you create a separate Foundation module rather than just putting the line mkYesodData ... in the Dispatch module.

How to generate API documentation from docstrings, for functional code

All I want is to generate API docs from function docstrings in my source code, presumably through sphinx's autodoc extension, to comprise my lean API documentation. My code follows the functional programming paradigm, not OOP, as demonstrated below.
I'd probably, as a second step, add one or more documentation pages for the project, hosting things like introductory comments, code examples (leveraging doctest I guess) and of course linking to the API documentation itself.
What might be a straightforward flow to accomplish documentation from docstrings here? Sphinx is a great popular tool, yet I find its getting started pages a bit dense.
What I've tried, from within my source directory:
$ mkdir documentation
$ sphinx-apidoc -f --ext-autodoc -o documentation .
No error messages, yet this doesn't find (or handle) the docstrings in my source files; it just creates an rst file per source, with contents like follows:
tokenizer module
.. automodule:: tokenizer
Basically, my source files look like follows, without much module ceremony or object oriented contents in them (I like functional programming, even though it's python this time around). I've truncated the sample source file below of course, it contains more functions not shown below.
from hltk.util import clean, safe_get, safe_same_char
Basic tokenization for text
not supported:
+ forms of pseuod elipsis (...)
support for the above should be added only as part of an automata rewrite
always_swallow_separators = u" \t\n\v\f\r\u200e"
always_separators = ",!?()[]{}:;"
def is_one_of(char, chars):
Returns whether the input `char` is any of the characters of the string `chars`
return chars.count(char)
Or would you recommend a different tool and flow for this use case?
Many thanks!
If you find Sphinx too cumbersome and particular to use for simple projects, try pdoc:
$ pdoc --html tokenizer.py

What is imported using the Gjs imports statement?

If I'm looking at Gjs code and see this line near the beginning:
const Gio = imports.gi.Gio;
How can I know what methods, constants, events, etc. are on 'Gio' (without doing a Google search)? Is there a file somewhere on my installation that contains that information?
Obviously I'm asking for any 'imports' statement, not Gio specifically.
Some of imports statements import other javascript files:
imports.ui.* -> /usr/share/cinnamon/js/ui/*
imports.misc.* -> /usr/share/cinnamon/js/misc/*
imports.[cairo, dbus, format, gettext, jsUnit, lang, promise, signals] -> /usr/share/gjs-1.0/
For the imports.gi imports, Gnome Introspection is used to allow gjs to use C library.
So to get informations about those libraries I suggest you to look at the Gnome reference manuals:
But to conclude, there is a huge lack of documentation and examples. That makes difficult to develop with gjs.
Here other useful links:
Seed documentation (seed is another javascript implementation for GNOME)
Gjs exemples
Since I got no answers I kept searching online and found this excellent blog post on how to generate HTML-formatted documentation from typelib files (such as Gio-2.0.typelib):

Persistent model types in Fay code

I'm using the Yesod scaffolded site (yesod and spent a few hours yesterday wrapping my head around basic usage of Fay with Yesod. I think I now understand the intended workflow for using Fay to add a chunk of AJAX functionality to a page (I'm going to be a little pedantic here just because someone else might find the step-by-step helpful):
Add a data constructor Example a to SharedTypes.Command.
In the expression case readFromFay Command of ... in Handler.Fay.onCommand, add a case that matches on my new data constructor.
Create a Fay file 'Example.hs' in /fay, patterned after fay/Home.hs. Somewhere in here, use the expression call (Example "foo") $ myFayCallback.
Define a route and handler for the page that will use the Javascript I'm generating. In the handler, use $(fayFile' (ConE 'ScriptR) "Example.hs").
My question: In the current Yesod/Fay architecture, how should I go about sharing my Persistent model types with my Fay code?
Using import Model in a Fay file doesn't work -- when I try to load the page that's using this Fay file, I get an error in the browser (Fay's standard way of alerting me to errors, I guess) indicating that it couldn't find module 'Model' but that it only searched the following directories:
I also tried importing and re-exporting Model in SharedTypes.hs, but that produced the same error.
Is there a way to do this? If not, why not? (I'm a relative noob in both Haskell and Yesod, so the answer to the "why not?" question would be really helpful.)
I just realized that mentioning Persistent in this question's title might be misleading. To be clearer about what I'm trying to do: I just want to be able to represent data in my Fay code using the same datatypes Yesod defines for my models. E.g. if I define a model thusly in config/models...
bar BarId
textThatCanBeNull Text Maybe
deriving Show
... I want to be able to define an AJAX 'command' that receives and/or returns a value of type Foo and have my Fay code deal in Foos without me having to write any de/serialization code. I understand that I won't be able to use any of Persistent's query functionality directly from my Fay code; I only mentioned Persistent in the title because I mentally associate everything in Model.hs and config/models with Persistent.
This currently is not supported; there are many features leveraged by Persistent which Fay does not support (e.g., Template Haskell). For now, it probably makes sense to have an intermediate data type which is shared by both Fay and Yesod and convert your Persistent data to/from that type.
