Proper way to cleanup dynamic engines and can they be loaded twice? - m2crypto

I am having problems loading Engine PKCS #11 as a dynamic engine using python and M2Crypto. I am trying to access an Aladdin USB eToken.
Here are the important steps from my python code:
dynamic = Engine.load_dynamic_engine("pkcs11", "/usr/local/ssl/lib/engines/")
pkcs11 = Engine.Engine("pkcs11")
pkcs11.ctrl_cmd_string("MODULE_PATH", "/usr/lib/")
pkcs11.engine_init_custom() # initialize engine with custom M2Crypto patch
# next few steps which I deleted pass password and grab key & cert off token
This works fine the first time this method gets run. The second time, it fails when loading the dynamic engine (see error below).
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in ?
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/M2Crypto/", line 98, in load_dynamic_engine
e.ctrl_cmd_string("LOAD", None)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/M2Crypto/", line 38, in ctrl_cmd_string
raise EngineError(Err.get_error())
M2Crypto.Engine.EngineError: 4002:error:260B606D:engine routines:DYNAMIC_LOAD:init failed:eng_dyn.c:521:
Is it impossible to load engines twice in a python session? Am I missing some kind of engine cleanup/deletion? The OpenSSL docs talk about engine_finish() but I don't think M2Crypto offers that. Is there a method to tell if the engine is already loaded?

M2Crypto does have ENGINE_finish and ENGINE_free available in the svn trunk version. The Engine class has init, and finish methods, and when an instance gets deleted it will be free'd. Can you give that a try? If you see any issues there is still time to fix them for next release.

My python code displayed nicer than it is in the comment section. The pkcs11.finish() method causes a segmentation fault in M2Crypto revision 723.
dynamic = Engine.load_dynamic_engine("pkcs11", "/usr/local/ssl/lib/engines/")
pkcs11 = Engine.Engine("pkcs11")
pkcs11.ctrl_cmd_string("MODULE_PATH", "/usr/lib/")
# next few steps which I deleted pass password and grab key & cert off token
Anyone have advice on whether I'm doing something wrong or if there is a problem with the M2Crypto code?


Error with adding text components in psychopy procedure

I have downloaded the procedure I have on my laptop on my lab’s computer from my Google Drive, and I had to take some edits to test it.In order to this, I have to add some text components with some specific code. However when I tried to add and use the $ symbol to read the text I would like to refer to, I get the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/psychopy/app/builder/dialogs/", line 31, in validate
validate(self, self.valType)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/psychopy/app/builder/dialogs/", line 550, in validate
val = str(obj.GetValue())
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object
Could anyone possibly have some good piece of advice or workaround to manage with it?
What version of PsychoPy are you using? I believe this was fixed in Feb 2022 so probably updating to a new version of psychopy should fix it for you.

How to use yolov5 api with flask offline?

I was able to run the Flask app with yolov5 on a PC with an internet connection. I followed the steps mentioned in yolov5 docs and used this file: yolov5/utils/flask_rest_api/,
But I need to achieve the same offline(On a particular PC). Now the issue is, when I am using the following:
model = torch.hub.load("ultralytics/yolov5", "yolov5", force_reload=True)
It tries to download model from internet. And throws an error.
Urllib.error.URLError: <urlopen error [Errno - 2] name or service not known>
How to get the same results offline.
Thanks in advance.
If you want to run detection offline, you need to have the model already downloaded.
So, download the model (for example from and store it for example to the yolov5/models.
After that, replace
# model = torch.hub.load("ultralytics/yolov5", "yolov5s", force_reload=True) # force_reload to recache
model = torch.hub.load(r'C:\Users\Milan\Projects\yolov5', 'custom', path=r'C:\Users\Milan\Projects\yolov5\models\', source='local')
With this line, you can run detection also offline.
Note: When you start the app for the first time with the updated torch.hub.load, it will download the model if not present (so you do not need to download it from
There is one more issue involved here. When this code is run on a machine that has no internet connection at all. Then you may face the following error.
Downloading to /home/<local_user>/.config/Ultralytics/Arial.ttf...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/<local_user>/Py_Prac_WSL/yolov5-flask-master/yolov5/utils/", line 56, in check_pil_font
return ImageFont.truetype(str(font) if font.exists() else, size)
File "/home/<local_user>/.local/share/virtualenvs/23_Jun-82xb8nrB/lib/python3.8/site-packages/PIL/", line 836, in truetype
return freetype(font)
File "/home/<local_user>/.local/share/virtualenvs/23_Jun-82xb8nrB/lib/python3.8/site-packages/PIL/", line 833, in freetype
return FreeTypeFont(font, size, index, encoding, layout_engine)
File "/home/<local_user>/.local/share/virtualenvs/23_Jun-82xb8nrB/lib/python3.8/site-packages/PIL/", line 193, in __init__
self.font = core.getfont(
OSError: cannot open resource
To overcome this error, you need to download manually, the Arial.ttf file from and paste it to the following location, on Linux:
On windows, paste Arial.ttf here:
The first line of the error message mentions the same thing. After this, the code runs smoothly in offline mode.
Further as mentioned at, any custom-trained-model other than the one uploaded at PyTorch-model-hub can be accessed by this code.
path_hubconfig = 'absolute/path/to/yolov5'
path_trained_model = 'absolute/path/to/'
model = torch.hub.load(path_hubconfig, 'custom', path=path_trained_model, source='local') # local repo
With this code, object detection is carried out by the locally saved custom-trained model. Once, the custom trained model is saved locally this piece of code access it directly avoiding any necessity of the internet.

PJSUA transfer call not working in python37 how ever it is working in python27

current_call.transfer("sip:1001#xx.xx.xx.xx") is working python2.7 How ever it is not working in python3.7
below is the error
Original exception was:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 151, in <module>
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/", line 1734, in transfer
SystemError: <built-in function call_xfer> returned NULL without setting an error
I am using this branch of PJSIP: Link
for PJSUA implementation with Python 3.6 and have encountered same problem with transfer.
Removing this check from function py_pjsua_call_xfer (pjproject/pjsip-apps/src/python/_pjsua.c) solved my problem:
if (!PyBytes_Check(pDstUri))
return NULL;
This check always returns NULL in all my tests. I was not able to solved this with Python. Removing code mentioned above solved the issue and for now it haven't created any new problems. I have tested this modification with Asterisk and 3 SIP endpoints and transfer was correctly processed.
(note: I am not a C/C++ programmer, so I cannot provide detail explenation why this code doesn't work. This approach is based on trial and error.)

Read NetCDF file from Azure file storage

I have uploaded a file to my Azure file storage account and created a SAS (shared access signature). Let's pretend the file in question is called
Now, with Python3, I am attempting to read
from netCDF4 import Dataset
url ='https://<my-azure-resource-group><some-file-share>/<SAS-token>';
dataset = Dataset(url)
The above code does not work, instead giving me the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "yadaYadaYada/", line
8, in
dataset = Dataset(url) File "netCDF4/_netCDF4.pyx", line 1848, in netCDF4._netCDF4.Dataset.init (netCDF4/_netCDF4.c:13983)
OSError: NetCDF: Malformed or unexpected Constraint
This is line 8:
dataset = Dataset(url)
I know the URL provided works. If I paste it into the browser, the file downloads...
I have checked the netCDF4 documentation, which says this:
Remote OPeNDAP-hosted datasets can be accessed for reading over
if a URL is provided to the Dataset constructor instead of a filename.
However, this requires that the netCDF library be built with OPenDAP
support, via the --enable-dap configure option (added in version
However, I have no idea how to tell if when Pycharms installed netcdf4, it used the --enable-dap argument, but I cannot imagine why it would not. Besides, if I stick in a url which points to some HTML, I get the HTML in the error dump and so from that I would think netcdf4 is actually trying to load a remote dataset and so the problem is somewhere else.
I'd really appreciate some help here. Maybe someone knows of another Python 3 netCDF library that will allow me to load my datasets from Azure?
Okay, I can now confirm that the python netcdf4 library does come with --OPenDAP enabled:
Hello again, netCDF4 1.0.4 with OpenDAP support is now available in
the conda respoitory on Unix. To install: $ conda install netcdf4
I have found a solution. It turns out that you cannot read directly from an Azure File share, even though when you paste the link to a file in the browser, the file begins to download.
What I needed to do was to mount the File Share on my OS. In my case, I was using Windows but this can be done with Linux, too. The following code should be modified accordingly and then put into Command Prompt:
net use <drive-letter>: \\<storage-account-name>\<share-name>
example :
net use z: \\\logs
Once the File Share is mounted, you can read from it as if it were an external HDD. You may need to add permission, but I didn't.
Here is the link to the documentation for mounting the File Share: Documentation

Can not make DDE connection using python. win32ui appears not working

I am new to Python (version 2.7). I have been using for a long time some excel workbooks that uses DDE function to capture "real-time market data" - that is served by one Market Data Provider ("Matriks", if matters).
In a bit to simplify my overall process flow, I decided to bypass this excel workbook thing for data capture, and instead, I decided to use python codes to perform the same task.
The problem is that,
1) I get "error: The server could not be created" when I run the code (provided below) using Pythonwin.
2) and I get "ImportError: This must be an MFC application - try 'import win32ui' first" when I run this very simple code using IDLE.
(and of course, I downloaded and run win32ui.)
Any help is appreciated.
# DDE code
# excel equivalent of this code is: =MTX|DATA!EURUSD.SON
import win32ui
import dde
# returns
# Traceback (most recent call last):
# File "C:\IQTrader\_script\_obj\", line 12, in <module>
# import dde
# ImportError: This must be an MFC application - try 'import win32ui' first
The issue is resolved. The very basic reason for the error is the pywin module.
For those facing with the same problem:
1.Delete pythonwin and pywin32_system32 folderes entirely (presumably under C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages)
2.Check your pywin32 version; it should be 214 (not 218) for those using v2.7
3.Download pywin32-214.win32-py2.7 from appropriate resources (one is this: )
4.Everything should be fine.
I had a similar problem. I had to:
uninstall Python 2.7 64-bit
install Python 2.7 32-bit
use the pywin32 version 214
Run cmd.exe as administrator so that the c.ConnectTo() connects successfully
However, I am still having the weird problem that I must have Excel open at the same time with a cell holding the value =MTX|DATA!EURUSD.SON for the python script to return a valid quote. Otherwise, I just get "N/A" as the return value.
#Aykut did you run into this issue as well?
