I'm uploading image to server and when image is uploaded it should show me a thumb of uploaded image. Thumbnail is not saved on hard disc I use InputStream and OutputStream. For upload i'm ustig tomahawk.
my index.jsp:
<h:form id="uploadForm" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<t:inputFileUpload id="fileupload"
requiredMessage="Obvezna izbira datoteke."
<br />
<h:message for="fileupload" infoStyle="color: green;"
errorStyle="color: red;" />
<br />
<h:commandButton value="Upload" id="fileUploadButton"
action="#{fileUpload.upload}" />
<h:message for="uploadForm" style="color: red;" />
<h:graphicImage value="#{fileUpload.thumb}"
rendered="#{fileUpload.uploaded}" />
fileUpload.upload calls function String preview()
private String thumb ;
public String preview() throws IOException{
HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse)FacesContext
try {
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
Map requestMap = context.getExternalContext().getApplicationMap();
byte[] bytes = (byte[])(requestMap.get("fileupload_bytes"));
// returns byte[]
byte[] testByte = createThumbnail(bytes, 200);
// here thumbnail is created
} catch (Exception ex) {
public static byte[] createThumbnail( byte[] orig, int maxDim) {
try {
ImageIcon imageIcon = new ImageIcon(orig);
Image inImage = imageIcon.getImage();
double scale = (double) maxDim / (double) inImage.getWidth(null);
int scaledW = (int) (scale * inImage.getWidth(null));
int scaledH = (int) (scale * inImage.getHeight(null));
BufferedImage outImage = new BufferedImage(scaledW, scaledH, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
AffineTransform tx = new AffineTransform();
if (scale < 1.0d) {
tx.scale(scale, scale);
Graphics2D g2d = outImage.createGraphics();
g2d.drawImage(inImage, tx, null);
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ImageIO.write(outImage, "JPG", baos);
byte[] bytesOut = baos.toByteArray();
return bytesOut;
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Erro: " + e.getMessage());
return null;
Now I have my thumbnail but it is in byte[] can any body tell me how to show my thumb with <h:graphicImage> tag? Or any other way.
Thank you !
The images counts each as a separate request. You cannot process both the HTML response (of JSF) and the image in a single request/response cycle. You need to store the image/thumb somewhere in a datastore which lives longer than a request, e.g. the server's local disk file system (temp folder? webcontent folder?), or a database (temp table?), or in the session.
First, replace
<h:graphicImage value="#{fileUpload.thumb}" ...
<h:graphicImage value="thumbs/#{fileUpload.thumbId}" ...
so that it get generated as
<img src="thumbs/123" ...
(the src should namely point to a valid URL)
Then, create a HttpServlet which is mapped on an url-pattern of /thumbs/* and implement doGet() roughly like follows:
Long thumbId = Long.valueOf(request.getPathInfo().substring(1)); // 123
byte[] thumb = getItFromDiskOrDatabaseOrSessionByThumbId(thumbId);
String filename = getOriginalFilenameOfUploadedImageOrInventOne();
response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=\"" + filename + "\"");
BufferedInputStream input = null;
BufferedOutputStream output = null;
try {
input = new BufferedInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(thumb));
output = new BufferedOutputStream(response.getOutputStream());
byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];
int length;
while ((length = input.read(buffer)) > 0) {
output.write(buffer, 0, length);
} finally {
if (output != null) try { output.close(); } catch (IOException logOrIgnore) {}
if (input != null) try { input.close(); } catch (IOException logOrIgnore) {}
That's it. More servlet hints can be found in this article.
The graphicImage tag generates an img tag in the HTML response. So you need to provide the URL of an image in the value attribute of the graphicImage tag, which will correspond to the src attribute of the img tag.
You can either:
Write the thumbnail on the filesystem in a path that is accessible form the outside through HTTP. You can then reference the image directly in the value attribute in the graphicImage, e.g. /myapp/thumbnail/12345.
Write a servlet that serves the image when requested. The servlet can either read the image from memory (HttpSession), the filesystem, or a database, or generate it each time. In this case you need to pass a parameter to the servlet, e.g. /myapp/thumbnail.do?filename=12345
In short, you will need to store your byte[] thumbnail somewhere (session, filesystem, database), to be able to serve it as regular resource, either directly or through a servlet.
Richfaces has abstracted this for you. Check <a4j:mediaOutput> - you just write your byte[] to an OutputStream provided by the component.
Thanks ewernli. I've reused your createThumbnail util method. I added this little enhancement so that the original image is returned if its width is less than the stipulated maxDim width. I did this because I ran into a situation where the method returned an image that was bigger than the original, padded with black pixels.
ImageIcon imageIcon = new ImageIcon(orig);
Image inImage = imageIcon.getImage();
int origWidth = inImage.getWidth(null);
if(origWidth < maxDim) {
return orig;
I'm using REST web services provided by Spring Framework.
I need to download an excel sheet but i also need to donwload the sheet on basis of some selected parameters. I'm sending a request class object as the Body to a POST Rest call(#RequestBody)
I could not download the excel using a POST Method. Please help me to achieve this.
#RequestMapping(value = "/search/export", method = RequestMethod.POST,, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public void searchResultToExcel(#RequestBody SearchRequest searchRequest, HttpServletResponse response, HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception
This is my method signature
I've found this thread Return Excel downloadable file from Spring that may be useful.
I also think that content-type you're forcing (produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) might be in the way, at least as far as I could understand the question. I think you should be forcing for an EXCEL content type there (application/vnd.ms-excel).
It says:
You need to set the Content-Disposition header.
response.setHeader("Content-disposition","attachment; filename=" + yourFileName);
and write your bytes directly to the response OutputStream.
File xls = new File("exported.xls"); // or whatever your file is
FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(xls);
OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();
byte[] buffer= new byte[8192]; // use bigger if you want
int length = 0;
while ((length = in.read(buffer)) > 0){
out.write(buffer, 0, length);
The above is relatively old. You can construct a ResponseEntity with FileSystemResource now. A ResourceHttpMessageConverter will then copy the bytes, as I have suggested above, for you. Spring MVC makes it simpler for you rather than having you interact with interfaces from the Servlet specification.
public static Response generatemyExcelReport()throws BusinessException {
try {
File file=null;
Date reportDate=new Date() ;
logger.info("File is null");
FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile(new File(path),createExcelForReport(fileName,path));
ResponseBuilder response = Response.ok(file);
response.header("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + fileName2 + "\"");
return response.build();
}catch (BusinessException e) {
throw e;
}catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Exception while generating ExcelSheetForMyReport {}",Utils.getStackTrace(e));
throw new BusinessException("Error in downloading ExcelSheetForMyReport");
ResponseBuilder response = Response.ok(file);
response.header("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + fileName2 + "\"");
return response.build();
Good morning!
I'm using the iText library to create a pdf template and Primefaces to display the content on a web application.
When I ran the first test to see if all the libraries were all set, it was displayed normally. But then I made some changes, and it seems that something is caching my first test in memory and it is the only thing displayed, no matter what changes I make it keeps the same first content. I´ve already cleaned up my netbeans project, closed the IDE and also restarted the computer.
Thats is my tag on the jsf page:
<p:media value="#{atividadeController.pdfContent}" player="pdf" width="100%" height="700px"/>
And here is my method in the managed bean, which is a SessionScoped:
public String preparePdf()
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
Font fontHeader = new Font(Font.FontFamily.HELVETICA, 20, Font.BOLD);
Font fontLine = new Font(Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, 14);
Font fontLineBold = new Font(Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, 14, Font.BOLD);
Document document = new Document();
PdfWriter.getInstance(document, output);
//Writing document
Chunk preface = new Chunk("GERAL", fontHeader);
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
int month = 1 + cal.get(Calendar.MONTH);
int day = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
String dateStr = day+"/"+month+"/"+year;
Paragraph dataAndHour = new Paragraph(dateStr, fontLine);
pdfContent = new DefaultStreamedContent(new ByteArrayInputStream(output.toByteArray()), "application/pdf");
} catch (Exception e) {
return "/views/view_atividade_pdf";
There is no exception on the server log.
I really aprecciate any help. Thanks in advance
I am working on a Webapp using PrimeFaces. I am very close to a solution, but am stuck with trying to update the chart as new data is calculated.
I have 3 tabs: Inputs, Outputs & Charts.
On the Inputs Tab, I have textboxes and a Submit button.
On the Outputs Tab, I have a datachart to display the data that is calculated after inputs are entered and submit is clicked. I have verified that data is populated correctly.
On the Charts Tab, I have a chart (will be multiple later) that is to display data from the calculation as well.
Here is my relevant code:
public void createNewChart() {
FileInputStream fis = null;
try {
//Graphic Text
BufferedImage bufferedImg = new BufferedImage(100, 25, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
Graphics2D g2 = bufferedImg.createGraphics();
g2.drawString("This is a text", 0, 10);
ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ImageIO.write(bufferedImg, "png", os);
graphicText = new DefaultStreamedContent(new ByteArrayInputStream(os.toByteArray()), "image/png");
File chartFile = new File("C:\\Desktop\\Temp", "Chart" + Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000) + ".png");
chartData = calculateValuesServlet.getChartData();
XYSeriesCollection xyDataset = new XYSeriesCollection();
chart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart("Chart Title", xAxis.getAxisLabel(), yAxis.getAxisLabel(), xyDataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, false, false);
ChartUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(chartFile, chart, 375, 300);
fis = new FileInputStream(chartFile);
chartContent = new DefaultStreamedContent(fis, "image/png");
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (fis != null) {
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(DataChart.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
Also, in my index.html:
<p:tab title="Charts">
<h:panelGrid columns="2" cellpadding="10">
<p:graphicImage id="outputChart1" value="#{dataChart.chartContent}" />
And for completeness, this is from DataChart.java:
public StreamedContent getChartContent() {
if (chartData != null && !chartData.isEmpty() && calculateValuesServlet.isNewChartNeeded()) {
return chartContent;
I have started saving the charts to Desktop\Temp so that I can view the charts. The ones that are created in my Temp folder are correct, but the one that appears on the webapp is not. I also tried setting cache="FALSE" in the graphicImage, but then I get a broken image icon instead of the graph.
I realize this tells me that the webapp is not getting that latest image, but why?
I'm facing problem on image not refresh too.
Try to change the scope to #RequestScoped and add in cache="false" on p:graphicImage
I tried this:
<awe:WebControl x:Name="webBrowser" Cursor="None" Source="http://example.com/"/>
but the cursor still shows.
I figured that I could alter the CSS of the page by adding the following line:
cursor: none;
But, is there a solution for when I don't have the access to the actual page that I'm showing?
You can use a ResouceInterceptor and manipulate the page on the fly to insert custom CSS.
The following implementation should do the job. (It assumes there is a text.css file)
class ManipulatingResourceInterceptor : IResourceInterceptor
public ResourceResponse OnRequest(ResourceRequest request)
Stream stream = null;
//do stream manipulation
if (request.Url.ToString() == "http://your.web.url/test.css")
WebRequest myRequest;
myRequest = WebRequest.Create(request.Url);
Stream webStream = myRequest.GetResponse().GetResponseStream();
StreamReader webStreamReader = new StreamReader(webStream);
string webStreamContent = webStreamReader.ReadToEnd();
stream = webStream;
string extraContent = "*{cursor: none;}";
webStreamContent += extraContent;
byte[] responseBuffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(webStreamContent);
// Initialize unmanaged memory to hold the array.
int responseSize = Marshal.SizeOf(responseBuffer[0]) * responseBuffer.Length;
IntPtr pointer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(responseSize);
// Copy the array to unmanaged memory.
Marshal.Copy(responseBuffer, 0, pointer, responseBuffer.Length);
return ResourceResponse.Create((uint)responseBuffer.Length, pointer, "text/css");
// Data is not owned by the ResourceResponse. A copy is made
// of the supplied buffer. We can safely free the unmanaged memory.
return null;
public bool OnFilterNavigation(NavigationRequest request)
return false;
Please see the update question below (not the top one).
I tried to open any document type (especially PDF) on Liferay using this function. But I always get message Awt Desktop is not supported! as stated on the function. How can I enable the Awt Desktop? I tried searching over the internet and found nothing. Anyone help, pls? Thanks.
public void viewFileByAwt(String file) {
try {
File File = new File(getPath(file));
if (File.exists()) {
if (Desktop.isDesktopSupported()) {
} else {
System.out.println("Awt Desktop is not supported!");
} else {
//File is not exists
} catch (Exception ex) {
Source: http://www.mkyong.com/java/how-to-open-a-pdf-file-in-java/
As you see the code below, both mode (1 for download and 2 for preview) is working pretty well, but unfortunately the second mode (preview mode) is works only for PDF.
Now what I want to do is, while user clicking the preview button, files another than PDF (limited only for extension: DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, ODT, ODS) must be converted to PDF first, and then display it on the browser with the same way as below code explained. Is it possible to do that? If it's too hard to have all of the converter on a function, then on a separated function each extension would be fine.
public StreamedContent getFileSelected(final StreamedContent doc, int mode) throws Exception {
//Mode: 1-download, 2-preview
try {
File localfile = new File(getPath(doc.getName()));
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(localfile);
if (mode == 2 && !(doc.getName().substring(doc.getName().lastIndexOf(".") + 1)).matches("pdf")) {
localfile = DocumentConversionUtil.convert(doc.getName(), fis, doc.getName().substring(doc.getName().lastIndexOf(".") + 1), "pdf");
fis = new FileInputStream(localfile.getPath());
if (localfile.exists()) {
try {
PortletResponse portletResponse = (PortletResponse) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getResponse();
HttpServletResponse res = PortalUtil.getHttpServletResponse(portletResponse);
if (mode == 1) res.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + doc.getName() + "\"");
else if (mode == 2) res.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=\"" + doc.getName() + "\"");
res.setHeader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "binary");
res.setContentType(getMimeType(localfile.getName().substring(localfile.getName().lastIndexOf(".") + 1)));
OutputStream out = res.getOutputStream();
byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
int bytesRead;
while ((bytesRead = fis.read(buffer)) != -1) {
out.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
buffer = new byte[4096];
} catch (IOException e) {
} finally {
try {
if (fis != null)
} catch (IOException ex) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
return null;
Liferay is a portal server; its user interface runs in a browser. AWT is the Java 1.0 basis for desktop UIs.
I don't think AWT is the way to display it.
Why can't you open the file and stream the bytes to the portlet using the application/pdf MIME type?
You have to first install openoffice on your machine
After configuring openoffice with liferay, you can use DocumentConversionUtil class from liferay to convert documents.
DocumentConversionUtil.convert(String id, InputStream is, String sourceExtension,String targetExtension)
Above code will return inputstream. After this conversion you can show pdf in your browser
Hope this helps you!!