IIS - HTTP 403.1 Forbidden Error on Website - iis

I have copied parts of an old ASP website out into a new website. On my local machine where the code was cleaned up and tested the website works perfectly, however, on the Windows Server 2000 machine it needs to run on I am getting an error:
HTTP 403.1 Forbidden: Execute Access Forbidden
Internet Information Services
Technical Information (for support personnel)
You have attempted to execute a CGI, ISAPI, or other executable program from a directory that does not allow programs to be executed.
I have tried giving I_USR full control of the local web directory and selecting Scripts & Executables in IIS. All this has not changed anything.
In the end I tried doing an IIS re-install, but that has not solved the problem.
Any ideas where else I can look?

Check out this Support article and see if it helps with your problem.
While I do not say that your Windows 2000 server was upgraded from .Net 4, it smells like there is something not registered properly with ASP.


IIS is serving but not executing classic asp script

I wrote a classic ASP script (.asp) for a customer a while back. it was running on IIS v6.1 Windows 2003. The customer contacted me and said they had a catastrophic server failure and restored from backup but my script isn't running now. I logged onto their server to check it out and IIS is serving the file (I am prompted to save when I browse to the script) but not executing the script.
Several people's hands were in the server before they called me, I think this is probably a simple config setting someone tried before they figured out how to enable the "ASP" web server roll feature. But for the life of me I can't figure out how they did it. this is obviously not the default behavior. If I was trying to get this behavior I would add the .asp extension to the MIME types, but I checked and it isn't there.
What could cause IIS to serve the source of the ASP script without executing it?
Based on your question I am assuming your restored server is also windows server 2003 ... in that case you will go to the file\folder and the permissions and select execute permission to enable a server side script processor to handle that request. Been almost a decade that I have touched a 2003 server so I can’t give you the exact steps ... but, you want to enable script permissions on that folder(I think, don’t remember if it’s granular enough to drill down to a file). Also, why on earth are they still running server 2003? Is that version even supported yet?
If it’s IIS 7, you want to make sure your app pool is in Classic ASP mode first off. Then go to site and then the handler mapping section, click edit and configure it that way.

Check if SAP Content Server is running

I'm trying to install SAP Content Server 6.40 onto a Windows Server 2008 R2 virtual machine.
I've read through several installation manuals and how-tos on the web. But can't seem to get it running.
The installation SAP is pretty straightforward. You have to choose SAP NetWeaver 7 element in the installation packages tree, then Standalone Engines -> Content Server -> content Server and or Cache Server. From thereon there you follow the instructions and the installation completes successfully.
The next step to follow is to check whether the server is running via
The Content Server version should be displayed, but it is not.
I tried it with the actual domain, with localhost and the loopback address(es) (127.0.0.[n]) from within the VM.
Before the installation I did set up the IIS (http server). I tried it with configuring the running IIS (i. e. creating a site and pointing it to the Content Server directory - although it is aparently not needed as per the manuals I've read) and without.
What could be the causes resonsible for the issue I'm facing. Why are the Content Server DLLs not reacting to access per http?
One has to allow the ContentServer.dll to be executed.
To do so visit the ISAPI and CGI Restrictions, there you have to
add the aforementioned dll.
You have to install certain Role Services for IIS first (in Application Development).

deploying a winform application using clickonce and iis fails

I'm trying to deploy a winform application with IIS and ClickOnce. I can access the publish.htm page and the install even starts when I click on the provided link.
However I get this error during the installation process:
Downloading http://MyWebSiteUrl/.../Interop.SHDocVw.dll did not succceed.
The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.
Can anybody help me out on this ?
I found out that I needed to check "use .deploy file extension" (under properties>Publish>Options>Deployment
[Answering this old question because it comes up as the best match in my case and the accepted answer was of no use to me].
Background, in an IIS hosted ClickOnce scenario, the downloadable components are itemized in a manifest file at the root of the deployment (that's how you can specify a single download link and deploy all the supporting components).
I was converting a tested application from a WiX installation to a lightweight version with ClickOnce and received the HTTP 500 error without anything else in the logs. Naturally, I failed to think it through and instead found myself getting dragged down the rabbit hole on the internets, with instructions for detailed logging, magic spells, etc.
Upon more sober reflection, the problem was simple and I should have been able to tell immediately from the IIS log: a 500 followed by a 0 is shorthand for 'you're an idiot, the content isn't where you said it was' and it had almost nothing to do with ClickOnce.
I had copy/paste/edited an existing download link template in MVC that was in use for simple apps and it happened to cater to only two levels of subfolders in the manifest. When I ported a more complex project structure, I ended up leaving items in a Resources sub-sub-subfolder that looked fine in the manifest but the path was being truncated in MVC so that the related item could not be found.
Moral of the story - if you get a 500 error always check first to make sure your non-functioning appliance is plugged into a working outlet...

All sites give Error 500 under Sharepoint Foundation (SP2010)

I've just installed Sharepoint Foundatuion on my W2008 64bit server and got it up and running as far as being able to access the Central Admin etc just fine.
I did have to disable 32 bit apps in the application pools for all the SP sites and also, following a tip on here, add a config option for bitness64 as a prerequisite for the services.
However whenever I try to access the "Sharepoint - 80" site itself (or another site collection I created in the admin tool), I am getting an unhelpful 500 error. The log doesn't add anything - I can't find anything to give me a clue as to what it's complaining about.
The server is a hosted VPS and all services like SQL are running locally (and are OK).
Any ideas where I look next?
This turned out to be an incorrect specification of the dependencies for the Sharepoint14Module in applicationHost.config
In order to locate the issue I enabled Failed Request Tracing on the server and examined the logs that get output as a result. The preconditions for the module were incorrectly specified (appPool1,bitness64;appPool2,bitness64 instead of appPool1;appPool2,bitness64). Fixing this the sites sprung in to life :)

How to run classic ASP scripts under IIS 5.1 (WinXP Pro) alongside .NET & CF?

I'm running into a problem setting up my development environment. I've been working on ColdFusion and .NET applications up until recently I haven't needed to touch IIS. Now, I have to set up a classic ASP application for some one-off work.
I added a virtual directory in IIS and pointed it at the actual codebase on my local machine. I then set the security to low (for ISAPI extensions, i.e. ASP) and allowed for script execution. For some reason though, if I hit any .asp page it says the page cannot be found. However, HTML and static files load up just fine.
EDIT: URLScan fix seems to have done it. Fired up the app in another browser (i.e. not IE6), and I'm getting better error reporting. Looks like we're missing some includes, but it is executing the scripts. Thanks!
You need to make sure that the "Active Server Pages" web service extension is set to an allowed status.
Check out: http://classicasp.aspfaq.com/general/why-does-iis-hang-and/or-stop-serving-asp-pages.html
Also, you should be aware that a virtual directory may affect the include file paths in the asp pages themselves. If the original asp application does not use a virtual directory, then your local copy shouldn't either.
Take a look at your URL scan settings and see if .asp is an allowed file extension
On my XP machine the relevant file is located at C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv\urlscan\urlscan.ini
