LPCSTR, TCHAR, String - string

I am use next type of strings:
LPCSTR, TCHAR, String i want to convert:
from String to char
I convert from TCHAR to LPCSTR by that code:
RunPath = TEXT("C:\\1");
LPCSTR Path = (LPCSTR)RunPath;
From String to char i convert by that code:
SaveFileDialog^ saveFileDialog1 = gcnew SaveFileDialog;
saveFileDialog1->Title = "Сохранение файла-настроек";
saveFileDialog1->Filter = "bck files (*.bck)|*.bck";
saveFileDialog1->RestoreDirectory = true;
pin_ptr<const wchar_t> wch = TEXT("");
if ( saveFileDialog1->ShowDialog() == System::Windows::Forms::DialogResult::OK ) {
wch = PtrToStringChars(saveFileDialog1->FileName);
} else return;
ofstream os(wch, ios::binary);
My problem is that when i set "Configuration Properties -> General
Character Set in "Use Multi-Byte Character Set" the first part of code work correctly. But the second part of code return error C2440. When i set "Configuration Properties -> General
Character Set in "Use Unicode" the second part of code work correctly. But the first part of code return the only first character from TCHAR to LPCSTR.

I'd suggest you need to be using Unicode the whole way through.
LPCSTR is a "Long Pointer to a C-type String". That's typically not what you want when you're dealing with .Net methods. The char type in .Net is 16bits wide.
You also should not use the TEXT("") macro unless you're planning multiple builds using various character encodings. Try wrapping all your string literals with the _W("") macro instead and a pure unicode build if you can.
See if that helps.
PS. std::wstring is very handy in your scenario.
You see only one character because the string is now unicode but you cast it as a regular string. Many or most of the Unicode characters in the ASCII range has their same number as in ASCII but have the second of their 2 bytes set to zero. So when a unicode string is read as a C-string you only see the first character because C-strings are null ( zero ) terminated. The easy ( and wrong ) way to deal with this is to use std:wstring to cast as a std:string then pull the C-String out of that. This is not the safe approach because Unicode has a much large character space then your standard encoding.


Convert an Arduino C++ String to an ANSI C string (char* array) using the String method .c_str() [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to convert a std::string to const char* or char*
(11 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
because many posts about this problem are misleading or ambiguous, this is how it works, just for the record (tested):
How to convert an Arduino C++ String to an ANSI C string (char* array) using the String method .c_str()
String myString = "WLAN_123456789"; // Arduino String
char cbuffer[128]=""; // ANSI C string (char* array); adjust size appropriately
strcpy( cbuffer, myString.c_str() );
example (tested):
void setup() {
String myString = "WLAN_123456789";
char cbuffer[128]="";
Serial.println(myString); // debug
strcpy( cbuffer, myString.c_str() );
Serial.println(cbuffer); // debug
void loop() {
the example is for variable Strings and for variable char arrays which are not constant, to be able to be assigned to repeatedly and arbitrarily
(also for constant strings optionally, too).
I know your intension is trying to share "best practise" of using String.c_str(), but I couldn't help to say that your "answer" is exactly the one that cause confusion, misleading or ambiguous that you said. If anyone find String.c_str() usage is misleading or ambiguous, it is because one probably does not read the c_str() on Arduino Reference, or fully understand the pointer well.
Converts the contents of a String as a C-style, null-terminated string. Note that this gives direct access to the internal String buffer and should be used with care. In particular, you should never modify the string through the pointer returned. When you modify the String object, or when it is destroyed, any pointer previously returned by c_str() becomes invalid and should not be used any longer.
String.c_str() return a pointer to char array (i.e. a array of char terminated with a '\0'), in another word const char* ptr = String.c_str() represented exactly what String.c_str() is about. Noticed that it is directly access to the buffer in the String object and you are not supposed to change it. So in most case, you use it like Serial.print(ptr). You only need to get a copy of it (as show in your strcpy) if you want to modified the content of your 'copy'.
To put it simply, if the char array (i.e. String.c_str()) is the banana you want to get from a jungle (i.e. the String object) which consists of the forest, the monkey and the whole nine yards, the String.c_str() point you directly to the banana, nothing more, nothing less.

How to convert BSTR string to Unsigned Char (Using com technology in the appln)

I am writing small application which uses com technology. I want to convert BSTR string to an unsigned char. To do this, i used W2A() Macro to convert from BSTR to String and then copied String.C_STR() to an unsigned char array. The code snippet is as follows:
Send(BSTR *packet, int length)
std::string strPacket = W2A(*packet);
unsigned char * pBuffer = new unsigned char [strPacket.length()+1];
This works fine when packet contains normal string. But if the packet contains a NUL character in it, the problem occurs. Some unknown characters appear after that NUL in the pBuffer i.e, after conversion.
Can anyone please let me know how to avoid that? Or is there any other way to do it correctly?
A BSTR is a Windows API type and must be managed with API macros or functions. If you cannot use W2A macro because your string may have null chars inside, you will have to use functions as WideCharToMultiByte that can convert from wide characters of BSTR to narrow chararacters for a char*. Be sure to have the SDK documentation. Alternatively, you could make you program use WCHARs

Unicode to char* c++ 11

I want to know if is there any way to convert a unicode code to a string or char in C++ 11.
I've been trying with extended latin unicode letter Á (as an example) which has this codification:
letter: Á
Unicode: 0x00C1
UTF8 literal: \xc3\x81
I've been able to do so if it's hardcoded as:
const char* c = u8"\u00C1";
But if i got the byte sequence as a short, how can I do the equivalent to get the char* or std::string 'Á'?
I was finally able to do so, here is the solution if anyone needs it:
std::wstring ws;
for(short input : inputList)
wchar_t wc(input);
ws += wc;
std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8<wchar_t>> cv;
str = cv.to_bytes(ws);
Thanks for the comments they were very helpful.
The C++11 standard contains codecvt_utf8, which converts between some internal character type (try char16_t if your compiler has it, otherwise wchar_t) and UTF-8 encoding.
The problems is that char is only one byte length, while unicode characters require a size of two bytes.
You can still treat it as char*, but you must remember that you are not dealing with an ascii string (there will be zeros).
You may have to switch to wchar_t.

Listing files in directory

I have created a windows form in c++ which, upon a button click, opens a dialog box for folder selection.
Now what I would like to do is get the list of files in that directory so that I can process them one by one.
I have googled it in many ways, and found many ways which include external libraries (such as boost and diren.h). I would not like to use external resources, but the ones at my disposal, the default ones.
I've read about FindFirstFile and FindNextFile, but couldnt get that combination to work.
Could you please assist?
Thanks a lot,
Here is the updated code:
WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData;
FolderBrowserDialog^ folderBrowserDialog1 = gcnew FolderBrowserDialog;
if (folderBrowserDialog1->ShowDialog() == System::Windows::Forms::DialogResult::OK)
String ^ selected = folderBrowserDialog1->SelectedPath;
selected += "\\*";
char* stringPointer = (char*) Marshal::StringToHGlobalAnsi(selected).ToPointer();
hFind = FindFirstFile((LPCWSTR)stringPointer, &FindFileData);
printf("Found file: %s\r\n", FindFileData.cFileName);
if(FindNextFile(hFind, &FindFileData) == FALSE)
You obviously compile for UNICODE (wide char) since you need to cast the newStr for the lpFileName parameter of FindFirstFile. But since you pass an ANSI string, you probable won't get a useful result. Youd didn't write, what you expect to find.
In the code beforer FindFirstFile you manually convert the SelectedPath value to ANSI char. That makes no sense, when you need a wide char string anyway. Get the LPCWSTR from the String selected with the StringToHGlobalUni method. This looks somehow like this (not tested):
LPCWSTR stringPointer = Marshal::StringToHGlobalAnsi(selected).ToPointer();
hFind = FindFirstFile(stringPointer, &FindFileData);
In general: Don't use casts except when you need to adapt a bad designed interface. Use it only when you know exactly what you are doing.
Further you don't check the hFind result of FindFirstFile. It will be INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if you pass a pointer to the wrong string format.

Converting wchar_t* to char* on iOS

I'm attempting to convert a wchar_t* to a char*. Here's my code:
size_t result = wcstombs(returned, str, length + 1);
if (result == (size_t)-1) {
int error = errno;
It indeed fails, and error is filled with 92 (ENOPROTOOPT) - Protocol not available.
I've even tried setting the locale:
setlocale(LC_ALL, "C");
And this one too:
setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
I'm tempted to just throw the characters with static casts!
Seems the issue was that the source string was encoded with a non-standard encoding (two ASCII characters for each wide character), which looked fine in the debugger, but clearly internally was sour. The error code produced is clearly not documented, but it's the equivalent to simply not being able to decode said piece of text.
