module: command not found - linux

I'm attempting to load several modules for building a library on Linux but am told that the command 'module' doesn't exist. I've Googled around and discovered that the solution was to source a directory called "module" which I am unable to locate despite extensive searching.
I'm not quite sure what I should and any help would be appreciated (it might help to know that the makefile I'm working with uses csh while my default shell is bash). Thanks!

I tried to reproduce it and it turns out that for me sourcing
source /etc/profile.d/
in th .sh script helps for bash and similar. For csh and tcsh, you have to add
source /etc/profile.d/modules.csh
to the script. Note, that this line must come first and then the
module load foo

I got here as I was searching for ways to install multiple php versions in CentOS7 and was one of the articles I tried to follow and encountered the same "module: command not found" issue.
Sourcing /etc/profile via command:
. /etc/profile
seems to make the "module load" work.
Credits to fadishei in
To make the version of php (e.g. php7.4) persist, append the following to file /etc/profile.d/
source /etc/profile.d/
module load php74
Reboot and run the php --version to cross-check that php 7.4 is the current version installed.

I think that you have to put this in your script to define the module command:
module () {
eval `/usr/bin/modulecmd bash $*`

This was working for me
#!/bin/bash -i // it will make this interactive


Mujoco_py missing path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, Ubuntu 16.04

I am trying to get mujoco_py running. When I do
import mujoco_py
I get this error:
Missing path to your environment variable.
Current values LD_LIBRARY_PATH=
Please add following line to .bashrc:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/jonah/.mujoco/mjpro150/bin
I have added the above line to both /etc/skel/.bashrc and ~/.bashrc. If I run
I get
My .mujoco folder includes mjkey.txt and the mjpro150 folder. I can run ./simulate successfully, so I have a feeling that this is some kind of mujoco_py specific bug.
Which program do you use to import mujoco?
I had a similar issue using mujoco_py with PyCharm Community 2018.1. A workaround was to launch PyCharm from the terminal instead of using the launcher icon. Maybe it could help with your issue too.
Otherwise you could try adding the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to ~/.profile instead of ~/.bashrc, as proposed in this answer here:
You can try to reinstall Pycharm for the newest version.
After you save the .bashrc file your want execute this code.
source ~/.bashrc
Now link is updated.
Please check the user which you run the code with. The mismatch user will cause this problem. There is the checklist may help you:
Don’t use ‘sudo’ to run the code;
Don’t use ‘sudo’ or virtual environment (e.g., anaconda) to run Pycharm (If you run the code in Pycharm).

How to change default directory for a command in Bash?

Firstly, I am new to Linux so excuse me if any terminology is wrong; I'll try to phrase the problem as competently as possible.
I have installed Ruby (2.4.0) via Linuxbrew. The ruby command works fine; it installed correctly. However, when I try to use the gem command (which Ruby should have installed) I receive this error:
bash: /usr/bin/gem: No such file or directory
Now, because I installed this with Linuxbrew I know that this directory isn't correct. For example:
result of which gem : /home/me/.linuxbrew/bin/gem
result of which ruby : /home/me/.linuxbrew/bin/ruby
Therefore, it seems gem is installed but the gem command isn't linked to the correct path. I assume I need to direct the gem command to the path of which gem as opposed to /usr/bin/gem that bash is saying doesn't exist. How would I go about changing this? I tried in vain to change the bash_profile but I'm not sure what to do.
Again, excuse me if ruby and gem are not referred to as commands and if the problem isn't the "default directory" as stated in the title. I wasn't sure how to label it.
Basically, how can I make gem execute this: /home/me/.linuxbrew/bin/gem instead of looking for the program in /usr/bin/gem?
Instead of running gem, run /home/me/.linuxbrew/bin/gem, i.e. type the full path name (followed by any arguments you may need).
If this becomes too tiresome, you could change your PATH. Prepend your bin directory with
First, the reason you get the error /usr/bin/gem not found, is that earlier in the same shell session, the file used to be there. Bash will cache this to speed things up when running the same command many times. Running hash -r will clear this.
Editing PATH you seem to have managed, hence the which command gives the result it does.
To answer my own question-
As I had previously installed and uninstalled Ruby via apt-get instead of Linuxbrew in the same Terminal window, Bash was looking for gem in usr/bin as opposed to the path specified in my bash_profile to Linuxbrew.
Therefore, Stian's answer above with hash -r would also work, I am sure.

Cygwin and PHP Executable

In Windows, using Cygwin: How can I get the shebang line in a shell file to load the PHP interpreter?
I am using the prggmr library.
By default, in the shell file this is what I have
And it works if I type this into Cygwin:
php c:/path/to/file
I have PHP and this Library setup in my environment paths so I can just type prggmr. So by typing "prggmr" it should work, but i keep getting
/cygdrive/c/lib/prggmr/bin/prggmr: /cygdrive/c/wamp/bin/php/php5.4.3:
bad interpreter: Permission denied
I have tried these with no luck, the same error as above:
If I'm reading your Paths right you have a Win32 PHP installed that you want to use with PHP. Normally, I'd say don't do it this way as things are going to get confused. Better to install PHP in Cygwin directly imo. There are a few resources out there, check out
this one for a good starting point.

Running a Perl script in Eclipse Classic in Linux Redhat

I have a Perl script which I want to run in Linux. I know about the plugins which we can use, but that's a limitation for me. I will have to use External Tools Configurations to run it. I searched on the internet, but there is no place where i could find the explanation.
I tried using external tools, but when I run it nothing is showing up on my screen. May be I did the wrong way.
The way I filled it was:
Name: I gave any random name
Location: I gave /usr/bin/perl
Working Directory: the path of the directory where my Perl script is located.
Arguments: Name of my Perl script.
I would also like to mention that my script calls an executable file (a C++ makefile) which runs rest of my program. Maybe that is the problem?
I am using Perl perspective. I am not an Eclipse expert, so I might be missing something important. Please advise.
I think the location would be your Perl script.
/usr/bin/perl /path/to/your/
Check these links, maybe useful:

Cygwin and PHPUnit: Could not open input file: /cygdrive/c/xampp/php/phpunit

Is there a way to run PHPUnit from Cygwin? Everytime I run PHPUnit I get this error:
Could not open input file: /cygdrive/c/xampp/php/phpunit
I am trying to run my unit tests in my Zend Framework App. I am trying to use Cygwin because I am more familiar with *Nix commands (I'm no expert though) rather than Windows.
same problem here, solved it by an alias added to ~/.bash_profile
alias phpunit="/cygdrive/c/xampp/php/php C:/xampp/php/phpunit"
I am having the same problem, I can't get "phpunit" to work by itself, I am using Wamp.
However, I was able to run "phpunit.bat" and it worked for me.
Still can't get the ANSI colors to show up though :(
Does /cygdrive/c/xampp/php/phpunit exist? If so what are the permissions on the file?
ls -l /cygdrive/c/xampp/php/phpunit
Let's use phpunit as dependency and in folder above vendor try:
ln -s vendor/phpunit/phpunit/composer/bin/phpunit phpunit
It will create for you a symbolic link to real path of phpunit
You could just directly call it by using Windows path in Cygwin:
C:/xampp/php/phpunit --version
So you could set an alias for ~/.bash_profile:
alias phpunit="C:/xampp/php/phpunit"
