Using directory traversal attack to execute commands - linux

Is there a way to execute commands using directory traversal attacks?
For instance, I access a server's etc/passwd file like this
Is there a way to run a command instead? Like...
..... and get an output?
To be clear here, I've found the vuln in our company's server. I'm looking to raise the risk level (or bonus points for me) by proving that it may give an attacker complete access to the system

Chroot on Linux is easily breakable (unlike FreeBSD). Better solution is to switch on SELinux and run Apache in SELinux sandbox:
run_init /etc/init.d/httpd restart
Make sure you have mod_security installed and properly configured.

If you are able to view /etc/passwd as a result of the document root or access to Directory not correctly configured on the server, then the presence of this vulnerability does not automatically mean you can execute commands of your choice.
On the other hand if you are able view entries from /etc/passwd as a result of the web application using user input (filename) in calls such as popen, exec, system, shell_exec, or variants without adequate sanitization, then you may be able to execute arbitrary commands.

Unless the web server is utterly hideously programmed by someone with no idea what they're doing, trying to access ls using that (assuming it even works) would result in you seeing the contents of the ls binary, and nothing else.
Which is probably not very useful.

Yes it is possible (the first question) if the application is really really bad (in terms of security).

Edit#2: I have edited out my comments as they were deemed sarcastic and blunt. Ok now as more information came from gAMBOOKa about this, Apache with Fedora - which you should have put into the question - I would suggest:
Post to Apache forum, highlighting you're running latest version of Apache and running on Fedora and submit the exploit to them.
Post to Fedora's forum, again, highlighting you're running the latest version of Apache and submit the exploit to them.
It should be noted, include the httpd.conf to both of the sites when posting to their forums.
To minimize access to passwd files, look into running Apache in a sandbox/chrooted environment where any other files such as passwd are not visible outside of the sandbox/chrooted environment...have you a spare box lying around to experiment with it or even better use VMWARE to simulate the identical environment you are using for the Apache/Fedora - try get it to be IDENTICAL environment, and make the httpd server run within VMWare, and remotely access the Virtual machine to check if the exploit is still visible. Then chroot/sandbox it and re-run the exploit again...
Document the step-by-step to reproduce it and include a recommendation until a fix is found, meanwhile if there is minimal impact to the webserver running in sandbox/chrooted environment - push them to do so...
Hope this helps,
Best regards,

If you already can view etc/passwd then the server must be poorly configured...
if you really want to execute commands then you need to know the php script running in the server whether there is any system() command so that you can pass commands through the url..
eg: url?command=ls
try to view the .htaccess may do the trick..


How to "safely" allow others to work on my server?

I sometimes have a need to pay someone to perform some programming which exceeds my expertise. And sometimes that someone is someone I might not know.
My current need is to configure Apache which happens to be running on Centos.
Giving root access via SSH on my main physical server is not an option.
What are my options?
One thought is to create a VPS (guest as Linux) on my main physical server (operating system as Linux) using virtualbox (or equal), have them do the work, figure out what they did, and manually implement the changes my self.
Seem secure? Maybe better options? Thank you
I suggest looking into the chroot command.
chroot() changes the root directory of the calling process to that specified in path. This directory will be used for pathnames beginning with /. The root directory is inherited by all children of the calling process.
This implications of this, are that once inside a chroot "jail" a user cannot see "outside" of the jail. You've changed their root file. You can include custom binaries, or none at all (I don't see why you'd want that, but point being YOU decide what the developer can and can't see.)
We can use a directory for chroot, or you could use my personal favorite: a mounted file, so your "jail" is easily portable.
Unfortunately I am a Debian user, and I would use
debootstrap to build a minimal system to a small file (say, 5GB), but there doesn't seem to be an official RPM equivalent. However the process is fairly simple. Create a file, I would do so with dd if=/dev/zero of=jailFile bs=1M count=5120. Then we can mkfs.ext4 jailFile. Finally, we must mount and include any files we wish the jailed user to use (this is what debootstrap does. It downloads all the default goodies in /bin and such) either manually or with a tool.
After these steps you can copy this file around, make backups, or move servers even. All with little to no effort on the user side.
From a short google search there appears to be a third party tool that does nearly the same thing as debootstrap, here. If you are comfortable compiling this tool, can build a minimal system manually, or can find an alternative; and the idea of a portable ext4 jail is appealing to you, I suggest this approach.
If the idea is unappealing, you can always chroot a directory which is very simple.
Here are some great links on chroot:
Also, here and here are great links about using chroot with OpenSSHServer.
On a side note: I do not think the question was off topic, but if you feel the answers here are inadequate, you can always ask on as well!
Controlling permissions is some of the magic at the core of Linux world.
You... could add the individual as a non-root user, and then work towards providing specific access to the files you would like him to work on.
Doing this requires a fair amount of 'nixing to get right.
Of course, this is one route... If the user is editing something like an Apache configuration file, why not set-up the file within a private bitbucket or github repository?
This way, you can see the changes that are made, confirm they are suitable, then pull them into production at your leisure.

How to let users run arbitrary source code on my server

I want to automate testing of my users' source code files by letting them upload c++,python, lisp, scala, etc. files to my linux machine where a service will find them in a folder and then compile/run them to verify that they are correct. This server contains no important information about any of my users, so there's no database or anything for someone to hack. But I'm no security expert so I'm still worried about a user somehow finding a way to run arbitrary commands with root privileges (basically I don't have any idea what sorts of things can go wrong). Is there a safe way to do this?
They will. If you give someone the power to compile, it is very hard not to escalate to root. You say that server is not important to you, but what if someone sends you an email from that server, or alters some script, to obtain some info on your home machine or another server you use?
At least you need to strongly separate you from them. I would suggest linux containers, they are trendy these days. But be careful, this is the kind of service that is always dangerous, no matter how much you protect yourself.
Read more about chroot command in Linux.
This way you can provide every running user program with separate isolated container.
You should under no circumstances allow a user to run code on your server with root privileges. A user could then just run rm –rf / and it would delete everything on your server.
I suggest you make a new local user / group that has very limited permissions, e.g. can only access one folder. So when you run the code on your server, you run it in that folder, and the user can not access anything else. After the code has finished you delete the content of the folder. You should also test this vigorously to check that they really cant destroy / manipulate anything.
If you're running on FreeBSD you could also look at Jails, which is sort-of a way of virtualization and limiting a user / program to that sandbox.

Intricacies of Launching a complex shell script from CGI

Ok, so over the past year I have built some rather complex automation scripts (mostly bash, but with some perl here and there) for some of the more common work we do at my place of business. They rely heavily on ImageMagick, Ghostscript, and PhantomJS to name just a few. They also traverse a huge number of directories across the network and several different file systems and host OSs... Frankly the fact that they work is a bit of a miracle and perhaps a testament to my willingness to keep beating my head against the wall... Also, trust me, this is easier and more effective than trying to corral my resources. Our archives are... organic... and certain high-ranking individuals in the company think of them as belonging to them and do not look out for the interests of the company in their management. They are, at least, relatively well backed-up these days.
In any case these scripts automate the production of a number of image-based print-ready products of varying degrees of complexity up to multi-hundred page image-heavy books, and as such some of them accept absurdly complex argument structures to do all the things they do. (P.S. embedded Javascript in SVGS is a MAGICAL thing!) These systems have been in "working beta" for a while now, which basically means I've been hand entering the commands at a terminal to run them, and I want to move them up to production and offer them as a webservice so that those in production who are not friends with the command line can use them, and to also potentially integrate them with our new custom-developed order management system.
TL;DR below
so that's the background, the problem is this:
I'm running everything on a headless CentOS 6.4 virtual machine with SELINUX disabled.
Apache2 serves up my CGI just fine, and the internet has already helped me make the POST data into shell variables. Now I need to launch the worker scripts that actually direct the heavy lifting and coordinate the binaries... from the CGI:
#get post data from form and make it into variables...
/bin/bash /path/to/script/ $arg1 $arg2 $arg3 $arg5 $arg6 $opt1 $arg7
httpd log shows permission denied, fair enough!
Ok, googling suggests that the script being called by the CGI must also be owned by the apache user and group, or by root with 755 permissions. Done!
now httpd log show permission denied for things is trying to do :/
Google has lead me to believe that for security reasons fcgi requires that everything interacted with by the CGI process chain must have correctly controlled permissions, all the way down to the binaries and source files... Sure, this is smart for security and damage control, but almost impossible in my case. We have very dynamic data and terabytes of resources... :/
the script exports its own environment and runs all it's commands as root. This is largely to overcome the minefield of permissions disasters that I have to contend with and CentOS's own paranoia about allowing stuff to happen. I had hoped this might be a work around, but no.
One suggestion I have seen is to simply write out the composed command to a text file and have cron or incron do something with the text file. Seems like that would work... BUT, I'd love to be able to get STDIO back into my web page as there are verbose errors and notifications (though no interaction) in many of these worker scripts, and I would like to provide notification of completion as well. Is there any way to do this that doesn't require a permissions war to be waged?
To run certain commands as another user, you can use sudo.
Set up sudo to allow passwordless access to run your command by the apache user. Then you can have the CGI script call sudo /path/to/script args to run it as root (or -u for another user of your choice).
It's very hard to make this secure, so you should make sure your CGI script is only accessible by trustworthy individuals.

Is there any way to chroot a linux filemanager?

Just wondering for an idea if it would be possible for a filemanager like xfe, rox, nautilus to be able to run (at launch) with chroot aka not being able to go down the tree.
I would be interested if anyone has an idea on how to do so; it's for a cybercoffe where I don't want people to access other directories.
(solution except using linux fs permission).
Your file manager will need to see and access of the special files you are trying to hide (such as /proc content and /dev content) in order to work properly.
So yes, you can run a file manager in a chroot, but you need to put (a minimal version of) /dev/ and /proc in the chroot for it to work.
I would either hack the source of the file manager to hide what you want or go all the way and run the file manager in a virtual machine so no damage can be done by end user to real computing resources. qemu/kvm is excellent for that.
What's wrong with using permissions? Generate a temp user on login, give them write access only to their homedir. Anyone who would try to hack your system is not going to have trouble getting around whatever roadblocks you have in place. THey'd probably start by firing up an xterm anyway. Besides, security through obscurity isn't.

If I download a hacked Joomla website on my laptop to fix it

If I download a hacked website on my laptop to fix it and I run php code that someone else could have modified, am I going to risk to damage my local computer?
Let's say I need to assign some privileges to run a mysql database this could be potentially dangerous right?
It is a hacked Joomla website.
You cannot be sure what can happen. For maximum protection, I recommend putting everything in a virtual machine and then disable its internet access.
Yes, there is a risk: the PHP code will have the same permissions as the user running the code on the computer. If you give the PHP code access to a database, it will be able to do anything the MySQL user can do.
If you're going for 100% safety, run all of it in a virtual machine to avoid accidents with your actual laptop.
Update: of course, a good first step would be to diff the PHP code with the Joomla! official PHP code of the appropriate version, to identify differences between the two.
That depends.
If hacker put some malicious script(js\html) that use vulnerabilities in browser, or something similar, than you may damage your machine.
Usually modified php's provide backdoors, also known as shells, or provide proxies, or something similar. They are used for remote access, and are not usually intended to broke the machine. However, that's not always true.
If your site was running under unix environment, and your laptop runs Windows, the risk is lesser.
I would recommend at least using firewall. For full protection, you should do anything inside a virtual machine.
Use any compare tool to find modified places.
As for database, use only local copy. When you've corrected everything, replace the version on the server with it.
When code has been modified by someone else, running/executing it is always dangerous. Therefore, you must take care that it can't be executed:
Don't download with a web browser. Use a tool that just makes a binary copy like rsync, wget or log into your server, create a ZIP archive of the modified scripts and then download that.
Always make a backup copy of everything before you look at it. That includes the database, all scripts, HTML pages, templates, everything.
Run the code on an isolated computer (no network connection). If you don't have a spare laptop, run it in a virtual machine with networking turned off. This isn't as secure as the first option because virtual machines have bugs, too, but it's better than nothing.
Never execute the code unless you know it's safe. First, compare it against a know good copy. If there isn't one, read the code and try to figure out what it does. If that's beyond your limits, mark it down as experience, scrap the whole thing and start from scratch.
You don't want users of your site to sue you when they get hacked because you failed to remove all the malicious code, do you?
The bad code might not be in the scripts; if your site is vulnerable to script injection, then it can be in the database and only be visible when the pages are rendered. If this is the case, fix all places where database values are pasted into the HTML verbatim before you try to view them in a web browser.
Joomla hacks are usually pretty straight forward (but time consuming) to clean up (old Joomla versions can be pretty venerable to attack), follow some of the tips here to keep your self safe and remember to:
Replace all the Joomla system files with the latest version from Joomla!
If you have a fairly recent backup it would be much easier to just remove the hacked site and restore the backup, and then update it to the latest version of Joomla to help secure it.
