Reset page library permission for anonymouse user in SharePoint - sharepoint

In the Site Collection level there is a Page library, which has been created along with the whole site. I didn't touch it for long time until recently I added new content types, modified some page layouts and master pages using a solution file. When accessing the home page using the site configured for anonymouse user it failed with "401 UNAUTHORIZED" error on the web page. I noticed the URL was /_layouts/AccessDenied.aspx?Source=...&Type=list&name={...} Then I copy this string to the site for authenticated user, it appears as "Error: Access Denied". I also checked the guid of name={...}. It's the page library list ID.
It seemed the page library permission is not correctly set. However the other page libraries of sub sites are all working well under anonymous user, using the same new content type, master page and page layouts. Their permission are identical on the settings page (all inherit from parent) and all have "allow anonymous" enabled.
I also tried create pages with other page layouts in that page library, clean up content types, all didn't help.

It's not the permission issue of the page library, rather it is related to the code I modified. SPContext.Current.Site.RootWeb is the the refernce by anonymous user. That user do not have privilege to access root folder. I assumed that SPContext.Current.Site.RootWeb.RootFolder.WelcomePage would work with elevated privilege, but after some reading I realized it's not elevate the privilege as I thought. Here's an explanation.
bool rtn = false;
SPWeb rootWeb = SPContext.Current.Site.RootWeb;
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(rootWeb.Site.Url))
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
rtn = web.Url + "/" + web.RootFolder.WelcomePage
== this.Page.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
return rtn;


How to set property in property bag on root site collection using JSOM?

I am trying to update/create property in PropertyBag.
Its working fine on classic experience (developer site and document center) but its not allowing application to start on modern site collections(root site, communication site and team site) and its not setting property in PropertyBag.
When I try to run application root site collection after installation its throwing this error
Access denied. You do not have permission to perform this action or access this resource.
Please tell me how can I set property in property bag for root site, communication site and team site.
var context = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
var web = LawApp.Repositories.getWeb(context, hostUrl);
var props = web.get_allProperties();
props.set_item("CurrentVersion", 2002);
context.executeQueryAsync(success, fail);
I solved it by change the value of "CurrentVersion" to string because property bag does not take integer values.
You can check this link too.

Unable to rename subsite URL via CSOM in SharePoint Online

I have set up a SharePoint Online site and I have created a provider hosted app. One of the features of the app is to create subsites and there are times when a subsite needs to be renamed, including renaming the subsite URL. I can use the CSOM to create the subsite without any problems but when I try to rename the URL I get an access denied error. If I only change the title and description of the subsite there is no problem. If I log into SharePoint Online via the browser (using the same user account!) and I use the UI to rename the URL then it works without any problem. The page in SharePoint I use to rename the URL is
I have tried this on both a Microsoft 365 Developer subscription (where I am doing most of my development and testing) and the main SharePoint Online site where the solution will eventually be deployed to. I don't know much of the details for the main SPO site, other people set it up and I was provided an account to test renaming the subsite. To be clear, I am able to rename the subsite URL via the UI in both the developer and main SharePoint Online sites.
Is there something I'm doing wrong? Is there a limitation to renaming a subsite URL via code in SharePoint Online? Is there a bug in SharePoint Online that prevents renaming a subsite URL using code?
The exception thrown includes ServerErrorTypeName = "Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException". I can get the correlation id but from what I understand that's of no use in SharePoint Online. The exception Message is literally "Access denied." There is no inner exception.
Here is the code I'm using to rename the subsite:
SharePointContext spContext = SharePointContextProvider.Current.GetSharePointContext(HttpContext);
ClientContext clientContext = new ClientContext(spContext.SPHostUrl)
Credentials = new SharePointOnlineCredentials("SPUserName", "SPPassword".ToSecureString())
var webUrl = request.OldProjectUrl;
var subweb = clientContext.Site.OpenWeb(webUrl);
subweb.Title = request.ProjectName;
subweb.Description = request.ProjectName;
subweb.ServerRelativeUrl = "/HardcodedForTesting"; // <-- if I skip this line there is no error
I was trying to achieve the same result but encountered the same error.
I was able to solve this by disabling the NoScriptSite setting of the site collection.
Using the PnP.PowerShell module:
Set-PnPSite -NoScriptSite:$false
Also the value you give to the ServerRelativeUrl property must be correctly constructed. I found two allowed format:
Just did a test on my environment, I could rename the subsite URL via CSOM code normally. I use the same code as yours.
For your issue, you'd better create a service request with Microsoft.

share point office 365 Get global navigation setting value in javascript file

We have developed an internal portal with multiple subsites using sharepoint office 365. We created our own page layouts/masterpage for the sites and most of the things like menu's, page body and page logos are customized(unique for all sites/subsites).
Each page has a header logo and a url assigned to that logo(logo describes site or subsite name). We have written a javascript file to load these logo and url and calling on the masterpage. Now the problem is these logo and link should load based on Global navigation
If the site is using the same navigation items as the parent site?
Yes - pull logo and link from site above
No - pull logo and link according to site name
if i get the GlobalNavigation setting value then i can do this in javscript file. Is there a way to get this GlobalNavigation setting value in javascipt file? I googled on this but didn't get enough information.
Thanks in advance,
I am using the below code but getting error "sp.runtime.js:2 Uncaught Error: The property or field 'Source' has not been initialized. It has not been requested or the request has not been executed. It may need to be explicitly requested"
used code
var ctx = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
var web = ctx.get_web();
//Navigation Provider Settings for Current Web.
var webNavSettings = new SP.Publishing.Navigation.WebNavigationSettings(ctx, web);
//Global Navigation (Top Navigation Bar)
var navigation = webNavSettings.get_globalNavigation();
ctx.executeQueryAsync(onSuccess, onFailure);

SharePoint 2010 event handler (receiver) not working on personal sites of the MySites site collection

I have a SharePoint 2010 MySites set up on its own web application. There is the standard site collection at the base level, http://site:80/.
The personal sites for each user is at the managed URL /personal/.
I have a working event handler which add items to the Newsfeed when a user adds something to a picture library.
The problem is, this only works if they add to a picture library at the base site collection, http://site:80/, and does NOT work if they add to http://site:80/personal/last first/.
Does anyone know why? The event handler feature is site scoped and my understanding is that it should work on all subsites.
The problem is that personal sites are not subsites of My Site host. In fact each user's personal site is a site collection on its own. So basically you need to register your event receiver not only for My SIte host, but also for each user's personal site.
Ok. Because you can only 'staple' features to site definitions which will be provisioned in the future, you need a way to activate new features on existing sites.
So, the fix I discovered and used follows:
The default page for the newsfeed is http://site:80/default.aspx. If you create an event receiver and scope it for 'site' and deploy it globally or to that web application, then it will work on the base site collection. Each personal site is a site collection and has the feature but it needs to be activated on each personal site collection.
So, in the default.aspx page, you place the following which will activate the feature if it has not yet been activated.
<script runat="server" type="text/c#">
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) {
String sAccount = (((SPWeb)((SPSite)SPContext.Current.Site).OpenWeb()).CurrentUser.LoginName).Split('\\')[1];
String basePersonalURL = "http://site:80/personal/";
String eventReceiverFeatureId = "12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890ab";
using(SPSite site = new SPSite(basePersonalURL + sAccount)) {
site.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
using(SPWeb web = site.RootWeb) {
web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
try { site.Features.Add(new Guid(eventReceiverFeatureId)); } catch {}
web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;
site.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;
You also need to edit the web.config file in order to allow inline code to run for this page. Hope this helps.

Strange behavoir of RunWithElevatedPrivileges in Console Aplication with FBA

I have a named site collection where FBA is on und i use ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider.
We have a farm administrator domain\administrator. He is not explicitly sitecollection administrator.
I created a sample console application that I run under the domain\administrator account.
In the code is something like that:
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(serverUrl))
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
string userName = "domain\\testuser";
SPUser spUser = web.EnsureUser(userName);
SPGroup group = web.SiteGroups["GroupName"];
The console output is domain\administrator however I become an AccessDenied exception when I try to add user to the group.
However when I run this with RunWithElevetadPrivileges (which according to all posts I read should have no influence in console app) and set AllowUnsafeUpdates = true (the same story) the code goes smoothly through, no exception thrown and the user is added to the group. The interesting thing is that the user that is written to the console output is still domain\administrator.
So my question is: WTF? Is there a better way? Why is this happenning? Has anyone already had this problem? Should I use another membershipprovider?
Small hint: When the FBA is off I become no exceptions.
RunWithElevatedPrivileges runs code with permissions of user that the application pool runs. It can be other than Administrator. Are you sure you get the same result with RunWithElevatedPrivileges?
Anyway, a better, more reliable way of elevating privileges is to pass system users User token in SPSite constructor. Try it.
