YUI Column Selection - yui

I'm having issues using YUI's DataTable Column Selection Functionality. I've tried,
myEndColDataTable.subscribe("theadCellClickEvent", myEndColDataTable.onEventSelectColumn);
myEndColDataTable.subscribe("cellClickEvent", function (oArgs) {
The issue is, I have an initial column selected programmatically. I can highlight the other column, but it doesn't remove the selection from the initially-selected column.

You are correct - there is no quick clean solution.
YUI DataTable currently (as of 2.8) lacks an unselectAllColmns method to match unselectAllRows (which is called by onEventSelectRow).
It is also worth noting that onEventSelectColumn selects the column header, so unselectAllCells will not work.
You could implement your own unselectAllColumns() function like this:
function unselectAllColumns (dataTable) {
var i, oColumn, oColumnSet = dataTable.getColumnSet();
for (i=0; i<oColumnSet.keys.length; i++) {
oColumn = oColumnSet.keys[i];
if (oColumn.selected) {
This will be marginally more efficient than using getSelectedColumns() because you will not need to build an intermediate array of only selected columns (looking at the source getSelectedColumns calls getColumnSet and walks the array just as above).

I guess I can do this, but its not elegant. There has to be a better way.
myEndColDataTable.subscribe("cellClickEvent", function (oArgs) {
var colUnSelect = myEndColDataTable.getSelectedColumns();


Excel Add-in Row Index and Values are returned as undefined

I am trying to remove some rows in a table via Excel add-in. The code that I am using is below:
var table = ctx.workbook.tables.getItem('TableName');
if (Office.context.requirements.isSetSupported('ExcelApi', 1.2) === true) {
var tableRows = table.rows.load('items');
ctx.sync().then(function () {
for (var i = (tableRows.count - 1); i >= 0; i -= 1) {
var row = tableRows.getItemAt(tableRows.items[i].index);
This works fine in Excel online including Internet Explorer 11. Also it works with version 1601 (Build 6741.2088) and later. However, it doesn't work with version 1509 (Build 4266.1001). In this version I get the values and indexes of row items as undefined. How can I resolve this issue?
I am not sure what difference the build numbers would make -- but I will say that the TableRow API is the one API that is brittle (and we're looking into how to fix it). Essentially, when you do a getItemAt, you're creating a reference based on the point-in-time index, and this index does not get adjusted when new rows are added or deleted.
In other words, for deletion/insertion, I would treat it like you need to invalidate the table rows collection, and/or would use Range objects instead. Again, note that this statement applies only to the TableRow/TableRowCollection objects -- other collections, like the worksheet collection, adjust correctly.

Google Visualization - StringFilter - Searching w. OR

I have stringfilters bind to my table of data.
What i would like to get from the stringfilter is to be able to search like you would do with queries.
There is a colomn with names - a name for each row - for example - "Steve","Monica","Andreas","Michael","Steve","Andreas",...
I want to have both rows with Monica and Steve from the StringFilter.
I would like to be able to search like this
This is one of my stringfilters:
var stringFilter1 = new google.visualization.ControlWrapper({
controlType: 'StringFilter',
containerId: 'string_filter_div_1',
options: {
filterColumnIndex: 0, matchType : 'any'
I had a similar problem, and I ended up creating my own function for filtering my rows. I made an example with the function that you describe, but I'm not sure it's the best or the right way, but it works.
One flaw is that you need to type in the names exactly as they are entered, the whole name and with capital letters.
Fiddle, try to add multiple names separated with a "+" (and no spaces).
The function I added looks like this:
function redrawChart(filterString) {
var filterWords = filterString.split("+")
var rows = []
for(i = 0; i < filterWords.length; i++) {
rows = rows.concat(data.getFilteredRows([{value:filterWords[i], column:0}]))
return rows
And the listener that listens for updates in your string input looks like:
google.visualization.events.addListener(control, 'statechange', function () {
if (control.getState().value == '') {
realChart.setView({'rows': null})
realChart.setView({'rows': redrawChart(control.getState().value)})
Probably not a complete solution, but maybe some new ideas and directions to your own thoughts.

How to Remove the addPreSearch Filter

I am trying to remove the PreSearch filer and my code is as below. How can I achieve the same?
Xrm.Page.getControl("productid").removePreSearch(function () {
Xrm.Page.getControl("productid").addPreSearch(function () {
function fetchxml2() {
var fetchXml1 = "<filter type='and'>"
fetchXml1 += "<condition attribute='productid' operator='in' >";
for (var i = 0; i < Itemid.length; i++) {
fetchXml1 += "<value>" + Itemid[i] + "</value>";
fetchXml1 += "</condition>";
fetchXml1 += "</filter>";
In order to be able to remove the handler via removePreSearch, avoid using an anonymous function by creating a named function and using that in both addPreSearch and removePreSearch:
function preSearchHandler(){
Just wanted to add this to the discussion:
If you, say, have three different custom filters on a lookup field, the functionality will stack when you apply a new filter.
For example, if you have an option set that calls addPreSearch() on the field, if you select all three different options, you will have all three filters applied to the field simultaneously.
say the option set has three options of [option A, option B, option C],
the corresponding functions are, for simplicity [filterA, filterB, filterC],
on the change event of the option set, for each filter that you apply, simply remove the other two (in this case).
if (optionSet == 810500000) {//option A
else if (optionSet == 810500001) {//option B
}//so on and so forth
I hope this helps someone out, I was able to apply custom filters to a lookup based on four distinct selections and remove the "stackable" filters by addition and removal in this manner. It's a little ugly, but, hey, it works. At the end of the day, sometimes the most elegant solution is to just win, win win win win.
If you need more context (fetchXml) and such, I can post that, too...but it doesn't really go along with the point I was trying to make. These filters can be applied simultaneously! That's the main idea I wanted to convey here.

Using a Foreach without VBA - entering it as a formula

I can not find a formulat that multiplies chances the way i want.
I can not use additional cells or VBA because this is a company excel sheet that is locked to a certain format.
Here is some pseudocode that illustrates what i want to do;
value oneminus(value) //typeof delegate
return 1 - value;
value ProductDelegate(range, delegate)
Result result = 1;
foreach value in range
result *= delegate(value);
return result;
What i would want to call is a prefabricated version of the ProductDelegate. I would call it like so =ProductDelegate(J56:J73, "1-"&J). I do not think that ProductDelegate actually exists so i feel like what i am asking is not implemented in excel. Are there any options for this particular usecase? Any statistics function i am missing?
You don't need VBA for this. Just type the following formula but hold down CTRL-SHFT when hitting enter:

Is there a way to change the text of checked/unchecked MCheckBox states?

How would I go about changing the default MCheckBox state text (currently I/0) to, for example, YES/NO or ON/OFF?
Mr. Daniel Kurka is the author for all the widget classes in MGWT. If the look & feel is not
fulfilling our requirement, We can edit those classes and rewrite them according to our requirement.Because they are open source. I done this on many classes like CellList,FormListEntry and MCheckBox. code for ON/OFF instead of I/O
public MyOwnCheckBox(CheckBoxCss css) {
this.css = css;
onDiv = DOM.createDiv();
middleDiv = DOM.createDiv();
Element middleContent = DOM.createDiv();
offDiv = DOM.createDiv();
addTouchHandler(new TouchHandlerImplementation());
setValue(true, false);
Write a new class like MyOwnCheckBox.just copy the code in MCheckBox and paste in your class MyOwnCheckBox, find and replace the MCheckBox with MyOwnCheckBox in the code(change constructor's name). do the following changes.
and finally create object to MyOwnCheckBox rather MCheckBox, it'll shows MCheckBox with ON/OFF.
Right now there is no way to do that, but there is no real reasons that checkbox does not implement HasText other than we might need to update the css so that big text will not break the layout.
If you think mgwt should implement this go and vote for this issue: http://code.google.com/p/mgwt/issues/detail?id=171
Well, an easy way to accomplish the same thing, without creating a new class that mimics MCheckBox, is to do something like the code below:
CheckBoxCss css = MGWTStyle.getTheme().getMGWTClientBundle().getCheckBoxCss();
String offClass = css.off();
String onClass = css.on();
NodeList<Node> checkBoxElems;
mIsSingleSkuBox = new MCheckBox(css);
checkBoxElems = mIsSingleSkuBox.getElement().getChildNodes();
for( int i = 0; i < checkBoxElems.getLength(); i++ )
Element openElem = (Element) checkBoxElems.getItem(i);
String className = openElem.getClassName();
if( className.equals( offClass))
openElem.setInnerText("No" );
else if( className.equals( onClass))
openElem.setInnerText("Yes" );
It will probably have space problems with anything longer than 3 characters, but it works consistently with "Yes" and "No" for me.
