substitution of on local desktop computer - linux

Here is VDS server with ip(for example with working apache service.
And there is a desktop computer with linux on board(but really I presume there is no difference). I need to type on web browser address like and to see website situated at my server.
My /etc/hosts: localhost
But it doesn't work. I see real website. What can be wrong. It will be great if you help me with that.
P.S. Why I need this. There is one project with fixed links(like And I need to test it.

Maybe your distribution is preferring DNS over values in /etc/hosts.
Check /etc/nsswitch.conf. It should have a hosts line something like:
hosts: files dns
Just make sure files comes before dns.


How to use Alfresco with custom domain?

I've installed Alfresco CE in a Windows 7 machine (which is not ideal, but I have to deal with it). I can access my Alfresco share from inside the network:
As far as I know, I can access it from outside the network using a dns service like, which gives me something like:
What I'm trying to do is to get something like: (removing the /share/ would be great too)
I've been reading a lot, but I'm not sure what to do. I read something about setting up DNS on my machine, but I don't know how to point the domain to the Alfresco share. Any suggestions?
Ip which you have shared is internal IP.You need to have one external IP.Which can be accessed outside network.
Below file will help you in URL redirection.If you want to remove share , you may also do that by configuration in below file.

run the web url based on local linux server instead of web server

sorry if I made any wrong describing becasue I am not so familiar in this field. I am currently run a website on the webserver, if I have a local linux server, so if I want to move the url to my local linux server, How to conficure that? can anybody give me some advice and help me, thanks a lot! I use php on the server side
I am not sure if I understand correctly, but perhaps this will help. Edit your host file on your computer, so that you can redirect a domain ( to an IP address of your choice ( for local host).

How to create more than one .local address pointing to my mac

I currently have one .local address (Bonjour) pointing to my mac in my intranet, mbp.local, configured in system preferences with the computer name. I use this to send my boss links to demos on my local server (he sits in a chair behind me : >).
I'd like to be able to create new .local addresses to send different demos to my boss (demo1.local, demo2.local, etc) so that I can switch to different working copies to do other work while the demos are still live.
I'd know how to setup Apache to route these requests to the right places, but am unsure if it's possible to make new addresses that point to my mac (I think this has to do with multicasting?).
I have a dynamic IP in my intranet but would be able to setup a static IP if required.
Are you talking about web site demos? I'm not sure I understand the problem. If they're web sites, I'm sure you already know you can simply use a single address with different urls, eg, http://mbp.local/demo1, http://mbp.local/demo2, etc. If it is something else entirely, you can use the Mac's local host file to point multiple fqdns to a single IP address on your local network, but it would be best to have a static IP. Alternatively, you could edit your DNS or WINS server to do the address translation.
I haven't done this myself, but I wonder if you could use what's documented here to start. The difference would be that you'll send your boss links to http://demo1.mbp.local and so on.
I found more about this on this thread on SuperUser.

bind ip to subdomain

i have a linux client which uses pppoe to connect to the internet and
everytime this client comes online I wanna bind his ipadress to a subdomain.
dyndns is not an option due to their TTL.
It looks like i have to setup my own nameserver on my root server to accomplish this task because I cannot create the keys needed to run an nsupdate on the client with a provider nameserver... am I correct?
If so is there a good Howto for setting up a bind server for this specific task?
I havent ever maintained pppoe but if it uses dhcp to provide the ip address to the client, you could do updates from the dhcp to the dns.
Instructions on how to do this for debian here:
Do not thou that you can adapt these to other distros too. You can find the same software atleast on fedora and ubuntu, difference is only how you install the required software.
One posibility is to set their machine to register with somebody like DynDNS. They have all the software you need to automatically notify them when they come online/go offline. This will give them a domain name of something like (it does not really matter). You then put static CNAME entries in your DNS to point your nice domain names eg to point to
When they come online the domain will start to resolve and stop when they go off line since DynDNS have low TTL for this very reason. You can use large TTL in your zone file since the CNAMEs will not change.
Well dont you just need to create an A-Record for this IP on your DNS Server?
If your domain is '' and you wanted your host to be called 'server1'. Create an A-Record for 'server1' and point it to your machines IP.
Unless I am misunderstanding what you are asking for help with.

Wrong DNS for just one site on development machine is my clients' website. I can access it from any machine except my development one.
If I ping it on my development machine, I get - this is wrong.
My laptop, next to me, is able to resolve it correctly.
I have tried putting correct address into hosts like so:
Still resolves to wrong address.
Rebooted, did ipconfig /flushdns nothing seems to work.
Can anyone suggest a way to fix this?
A few things you could try:
Double check your hosts file to make sure you don't have more than one entry for You may wish to include the content of your hosts file with your question.
Compare the hosts file of your development machine and the laptop. Assuming that the contents should be similar -- are there any significant differences with respect to
Compare the network configuration of your development machine and the laptop. Are both machines using the same DNS servers or different DNS servers?
Have you checked the DNS servers match a "working" machine?
