How to GCC compile without _alloca? - visual-c++

For some reason, I should use gcc to compile a C file, then link against Visual C++ 2008 project.
(I used the current latest gcc version: cygwin gcc 4.3.4 20090804.)
But there is one problem: gcc always allocate a big array with _alloca,
and VC linker can't resolve the symbol __alloca.
for example,
int func()
int big[10240];
this code makes the _alloca dependency although I didn't call the _alloca function explicitly.
(array size matters. if i change 10240 -> 128, everything ok)
I tried gcc option -fno-builtin-alloca or -fno-builtin, but no luck.
Is it possible to make gcc not to use _alloca ? (or adjust the threshold?)

Best thing to do would be to compile all code with VC++. If that's not possible..
You should use the mingw gcc instead of the cygwin one. It's designed to output code that will be linked against the VC++ runtime, not the cygwin libraries. In particular, it will call the VC++ runtime function __chkstk instead of __alloca.

You could just write your own _alloca routine and link against that. Look at the gcc library source to see what it's supposed to do.

It looks like _alloca has been deprecated by Microsoft and is no longer in their runtime libraries after VS2005. Newer runtime libraries support _malloca.
Your options don't look good. You can try to build with VS2005 instead. Perhaps cygwin has an option where you can tell it you are using a newer runtime library (and if they don't support that yet, you could file it as a feature request).

some related discussions:
cygwin: gcc and alloca
GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) Internals
gcc and alloca


cuda, gcc incompatible, downgrade [duplicate]

I am new to Cuda, and I am trying to compile this simple file:
#include <stdio.h>
__global__ void kernel(void)
int main (void)
printf( "Hello, World!\n");
return 0;
using this: nvcc
The output I get is:
In file included from /usr/local/cuda/bin/../include/cuda_runtime.h:59:0,
from <command-line>:0:
/usr/local/cuda/bin/../include/host_config.h:82:2: error: #error -- unsupported GNU version! gcc 4.5 and up are not supported!
my gcc --version:
gcc (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.1-9ubuntu3) 4.6.1
Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
How can I install a second version of gcc (4.4 -) along with 4.6 without messing everything up?
I found this old topic:
CUDA incompatible with my gcc version
the answer was:
gcc 4.5 and 4.6 are not supported with CUDA - code won't compile and
the rest of the toolchain, including cuda-gdb, won't work properly.
You cannot use them, and the restriction is non-negotiable.
Your only solution is to install a gcc 4.4 version as a second
compiler (most distributions will allow that). There is an option to
nvcc --compiler-bindir which can be used to point to an alternative
compiler. Create a local directory and the make symbolic links to the
supported gcc version executables. Pass that local directory to nvcc
via the --compiler-bindir option, and you should be able to compile
CUDA code without effecting the rest of your system.
But I have no idea how to do it
In my case I didn't have root rights, so I couldn't fully replace the current gcc (4.7) with the older version 4.4 (which I think would be a bad alternative). Although I did have rights where CUDA was installed. My solution was to create an extra folder (e.g. /somepath/gccfornvcc/), wherever I had rights, then to create a link to an nvcc accepted compiler. I already had gcc 4.4 available (but you can install it, without removing your current version).
ln -s [path to gcc 4.4]/gcc-4.4 /somepath/gccfornvcc/gcc
Then, in the same folder where the nvcc binary lives, you should find a file called nvcc.profile . There you just need to add the following line:
compiler-bindir = /somepath/gccfornvcc
And that will make nvcc use the proper compiler. This helps keeping the system in a proper state, keeping the newest compiler, but nvcc (only nvcc) will use the old compiler version.
Doing some research online shows several methods for accomplishing this task. I just tested the method found here: and it worked like a charm for me. It steps you through installing gcc 4.4 and creating scripts to run that version with nvcc. If you prefer trying the method mentioned in your post I'd recommend following that first link to install gcc4.4 and then create symbolic links as mentioned in your post. Creating symbolic links in Linux is accomplished by using the 'ln' command.
For example:
ln -s [source file/folder path] [linkpath]
This link gives a few examples of creating symbolic links on both Ubuntu and Windows: Hopefully that points you in the right direction.
I guess you may try the new, beta, version, that based on LLVM.
Another way to make nvcc work with non-default compiler (unlike #Sluml's answer, it allows more flexibility):
At first, just like #Slump proposed, you need to create directory ~/local/gcc-4.4/, and then create there symlinks for right versions of gcc: for i in gcc gxx; do ln -s /usr/bin/${i}-4.4 ~/local/cudagcc/${i}; done. Now when you run nvcc -ccbin ~/local/gcc-4.4/ ... nvcc will use correct versions of gcc.
Here is small CMake snippet of forcing nvcc use specific host compiler.
option (CUDA_ENFORCE_HOST_COMPILER "Force nvcc to use the same compiler used to compile .c(pp) files insted of gcc/g++" OFF)
execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} ${CMAKE_GCC_TEMP_DIR}/gcc)
execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} ${CMAKE_GCC_TEMP_DIR}/g++)
I update my gcc from 4.4 to 4.6. Then I could not use nvcc to compile my code. Luckily, by using the method provided by the following link. I set my default gcc compiler back to gcc 4.4. Now, I could compile file using either gcc4.4 or gcc4.6. quit cool

Installing Haskell Platform overrides gcc location in system PATH

I am running the latest version of MinGW GCC 4.7.2, and it was working fine with -std=c++11 before I installed Haskell using Haskell Platform. Please take a look at this:
For some reason, the GCC went back to 4.5.2, after installing Haskell, I re-installed it, with version 4.7.2, but its still showing 4.5.2.
Haskell adds its own GCC to your system PATH. You can check this is true by running
where gcc
which will show two commands, the Haskell one first, followed by your MinGW GCC.
The solution is to change your PATH to point to the GCC you want (but make sure Haskell still uses its GCC, I doubt it'll agree with GCC 4.7 if it came with GCC 4.5).
The easiest is to have some script ou can run to set up your compilation environment, so you don't have to worry about system PATHs.
If you don't care much about that exact GCC version you had installed, you can get my builds (32-bit and 64-bit), which come with a .cmd file you can doubleclick and it will give you a build environment much like the MSVS commandline shortcut, but for GCC. All it really does is add the compilers to PATH.

Using libraries compiled with GCC in a VisualC++ project (and vice versa)

It's possible to use code (and libraries) compiled with VisualC++ (so with .lib extension) in a project that will use GCC as compiler (and vice versa)? Or I have to rebuild them?
I'm trying to use SOCI 3.1 libraries that I have compiled with VisualC++ in a project that has GCC as compiler, but I'm getting some errors, and I don't know why..
You have to produce binaries for GCC using MinGW tools: reimp and dlltool. Here is MinGW wiki with complete explanation of the procedures: MSVC and MinGW DLLs
Short example:
reimp -d libmysql.lib
dlltool -k --input-def libmysql.def --dllname libmysql.dll --output-lib libmysql.a
reimp libmysql.lib
By the way, here is related thread on SOCI users mailing list which: MySQL Build fails. Look for useful links given in the thread.

Use of ia32-libs

I'm trying to use the asmlibrary which I've obtained from here
I'm running in 64-bit, but the pre-compiled static library is build for 32-bit.
I don't really want to recompile the library, because I do not have OpenCV 1.0 installed, and don't really want to install such an old version of this piece of software.
My employer has told me that you may use ia32-libs which would allow me to use the library on a 64-bit machine. I have installed these libs using apt.
In netbeans, my IDE of choice, I'm now attempting to use the library. I keep getting the messages:
/usr/bin/ld: i386 architecture of input file
`../asmlib/libasmlibrary.a(asm_shape.o)' is incompatible with
i386:x86-64 output
I have two questions:
1) Will ia32-libs allow me to use this library?
2) How must I "enable" it's use, either generally or preferably specific to netbeans (if applicable)
Thank you
An executable (including the libraries it depends on) has to be entirely 32 bits or 64 bits. You cannot mix and match object files of different types.
So to use a 32 bits library, you must compile your program as a 32 bits executable and link with a 32 bits version of libc and other core libraries. On debian you'll need packages like libc6-dev-i386 and ia32-libs-dev.
To compile foo.c as a 32 bits executable, use
gcc -m32 -o foo foo.c
How to do this with netbeans is left as an exercise.
I don't think that you are able to use ia32-libs to compile a 64-bit program, using 32-bit libraries. That isn't what ia32-libs is designed's designed to run entirely 32-bit programs on 64-bit systems.
I think your best bet would be to compile as 32-bit software. If you were using the command line, you can just add the -m32 flag to gcc. With netbeans, in Project Properties > Build > C Compiler (or C++ compiler if that's what you are using), there is a dropdown to select architecture. If 32-bit is not available in that dropdown, you can add -m32 to the Additional Options box.

Cuda compiler not working with GCC 4.5 +

I am new to Cuda, and I am trying to compile this simple file:
#include <stdio.h>
__global__ void kernel(void)
int main (void)
printf( "Hello, World!\n");
return 0;
using this: nvcc
The output I get is:
In file included from /usr/local/cuda/bin/../include/cuda_runtime.h:59:0,
from <command-line>:0:
/usr/local/cuda/bin/../include/host_config.h:82:2: error: #error -- unsupported GNU version! gcc 4.5 and up are not supported!
my gcc --version:
gcc (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.1-9ubuntu3) 4.6.1
Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
How can I install a second version of gcc (4.4 -) along with 4.6 without messing everything up?
I found this old topic:
CUDA incompatible with my gcc version
the answer was:
gcc 4.5 and 4.6 are not supported with CUDA - code won't compile and
the rest of the toolchain, including cuda-gdb, won't work properly.
You cannot use them, and the restriction is non-negotiable.
Your only solution is to install a gcc 4.4 version as a second
compiler (most distributions will allow that). There is an option to
nvcc --compiler-bindir which can be used to point to an alternative
compiler. Create a local directory and the make symbolic links to the
supported gcc version executables. Pass that local directory to nvcc
via the --compiler-bindir option, and you should be able to compile
CUDA code without effecting the rest of your system.
But I have no idea how to do it
In my case I didn't have root rights, so I couldn't fully replace the current gcc (4.7) with the older version 4.4 (which I think would be a bad alternative). Although I did have rights where CUDA was installed. My solution was to create an extra folder (e.g. /somepath/gccfornvcc/), wherever I had rights, then to create a link to an nvcc accepted compiler. I already had gcc 4.4 available (but you can install it, without removing your current version).
ln -s [path to gcc 4.4]/gcc-4.4 /somepath/gccfornvcc/gcc
Then, in the same folder where the nvcc binary lives, you should find a file called nvcc.profile . There you just need to add the following line:
compiler-bindir = /somepath/gccfornvcc
And that will make nvcc use the proper compiler. This helps keeping the system in a proper state, keeping the newest compiler, but nvcc (only nvcc) will use the old compiler version.
Doing some research online shows several methods for accomplishing this task. I just tested the method found here: and it worked like a charm for me. It steps you through installing gcc 4.4 and creating scripts to run that version with nvcc. If you prefer trying the method mentioned in your post I'd recommend following that first link to install gcc4.4 and then create symbolic links as mentioned in your post. Creating symbolic links in Linux is accomplished by using the 'ln' command.
For example:
ln -s [source file/folder path] [linkpath]
This link gives a few examples of creating symbolic links on both Ubuntu and Windows: Hopefully that points you in the right direction.
I guess you may try the new, beta, version, that based on LLVM.
Another way to make nvcc work with non-default compiler (unlike #Sluml's answer, it allows more flexibility):
At first, just like #Slump proposed, you need to create directory ~/local/gcc-4.4/, and then create there symlinks for right versions of gcc: for i in gcc gxx; do ln -s /usr/bin/${i}-4.4 ~/local/cudagcc/${i}; done. Now when you run nvcc -ccbin ~/local/gcc-4.4/ ... nvcc will use correct versions of gcc.
Here is small CMake snippet of forcing nvcc use specific host compiler.
option (CUDA_ENFORCE_HOST_COMPILER "Force nvcc to use the same compiler used to compile .c(pp) files insted of gcc/g++" OFF)
execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} ${CMAKE_GCC_TEMP_DIR}/gcc)
execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} ${CMAKE_GCC_TEMP_DIR}/g++)
I update my gcc from 4.4 to 4.6. Then I could not use nvcc to compile my code. Luckily, by using the method provided by the following link. I set my default gcc compiler back to gcc 4.4. Now, I could compile file using either gcc4.4 or gcc4.6. quit cool
