I have a User factory that references a Company
Factory.define :user do |f|
f.first_name "John"
f.last_name "Smith"
f.password "test01"
f.password_confirmation {|u| u.password}
f.email "john.smith#example.com"
f.association :company, :factory => :company
Factory.define :company do |f|
f.name "My Company"
The Company has many Users. Now I want Company to have many Clients.
There is no need to mention the company, other than to check that once
the client is created, then it belongs to the company.
Scenario: Creating a client adds them to a user's company
Given a user "John" has registered with "john.sm...#example.com",
And I login with "john.smith#example.com", "test01"
And I am on the list of clients
When I follow "Add New Client"
When I fill in "Name" with "My Fav Client"
And I press "Create"
Then a client should exist with name: "My Fav Client"
And that client should be in my company's clients # needs the
right syntax
The last sentence is my concern. How do I tell Pickle that the user I
am logged in with had a company model associated with it from the
factory, so check that company to see if there is now a client
associated with it.
Associations in factory_girl are little tricky, maybe callbacks (a brand new feature) will help you? Have a look on http://codeulate.com/2009/11/factory_girl-callbacks/
I'm writing Java code in an XPage Rest Service basing on https://setza-projects.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/RSD/pages/44007659/IBM+Domino which is an REST service written in Java used to handle Resource Reservations database. However the way it currently works, it creates the reservations for the current session user only:
private JsonObject createIntanceAppointment(ResourceDefinition rd, Database reDatabase, Date dtStart, Date dtEnd, String subject) throws NotesException {
Session session = reDatabase.getParent();
Name nnOrganizier = session.createName(session.getEffectiveUserName());
Name nnREsource = session.createName(rd.getFullName());
DateTime dt_startDateUTC = session.createDateTime(dtStart);
DateTime dt_endDateUTC = session.createDateTime(dtEnd);
Document doc = reDatabase.createDocument();
doc.replaceItemValue("form", "Reservation");
doc.replaceItemValue("Purpose", subject);
doc.replaceItemValue("ReservedFor", nnOrganizier.getCanonical());
doc.replaceItemValue("ResourceName", nnREsource.getAbbreviated());
doc.replaceItemValue("ResNameFormat", nnREsource.getAbbreviated());
I'm doing a very similar integration with Domino, although I'd prefer to have the reservations created for individual users (they provide their username & password on the room-booking application on a touch screen).
I could just authenticate as the user in my REST client, but if I understand the installation requirements for that RoomZ api correctly, the 'api managing user' needs to be exclusively signed to the database, so I would need to do that for every user in Domino that could make reservations.
I tried using NotesFactory.createSession("", "user", "password"); but that doesn't work, it gives Cannot create a session from an agent error
If I cannot create another session, is there any way I could verify that the username and password passed to the API in the payload is correct (to verify if the user can login)? Then I could just set the organizer/reserved for to this user.
Also, is there any way to make these reservation also appear in the organizer's Notes calendar? Currently they are succesfully created in the Reservations database and all, but the organizer is unaware of them despite he's assigned to the reservation.
You do not need to create a session for every user. The important thing is the nnOrganizer = session.createName(" ") which should contain the user. Probably you'll also need to set additional fields like chair or from for the reservation.
If you want to have some entries in the organizers calendar, send them a proper invitation or create a calendar entry in their mailfile.
Am trying to figure out a way of creating a unique referral link that directs to my site for each user that signs up for my site, but to be sincere i don't really know how it works out for sure, I have tried googling for it, but i can't find a perfect answer for it, any plugin needed or any way around that.
The user model, no much code i don't have any idea of this
var UserSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
username: String,
password: String,
referralLink: String
module.exports = mongoose.model("User", UserSchema )
user sign up
router.post("/register", function(req,res){
var newUser = new User({username: req.body.username,referral: req.body.referral});
User.register(newUser, req.body.password, function(error, user){
req.flash("signerror", error.message)
return res.redirect("/register")
//Do the referral link creation stuff here, don't know for sure
if there is a way for this, would be glad if you help out
How to create a referral link?
Let this be a platform/language agnostic how-to:
Every time new User is created, generate unique link for him to be his unique referral link and store it in DB (For simplicity this could be _id which is unique in MongoDB and is auto-generated - in this case you don't have to create another field). Let's also keep count of how many people registered through this person's link, let it be referredCount.
Referral link could look for example like this: /register?referrer=${_id}, where ${_id} is user unique ID.
Send referral link to user, so he can pass it along to other people, or make it visible in his /account page - obvious step
When someone registers via this link, create new User as usual and after succesful creation, get req.query.referrer from the URL, look into DB for user with this particular ID and increase his referredCount.
Note that it's just a way of doing that, I'm sure there might be many different strategies for it.
I suggest that you create a table/collection for referrals.
Schema could contain:
userId (the user who generated the link)
numberOfUses (the number of times the link can be used)
expires at (incase you want to limit the validity to a specific period)
MongoDB will generate a _id aka referralId
You can modify the registration endpoint to accept an optional param referralId
Whenever someone uses a referal you just get the userId of the person who created the invite link.
To address Your question from the comment:
You can follow #Tomasz suggestion however to keep referral link You can use cookies.
A cookie is a small piece of data which is stored in a user’s web browser when they visit a website. When a customer comes to your website via an affiliate referral link (i.e. yoursite.com/?ref=123), application should store two main browser cookies in order to track the referring affiliate, and the visit. Their names are:
aff_ref - this cookie stores the affiliate's unique ID
aff_ref_visit_id - this cookie stores the visit ID (the visit ID increments by 1, each time any referral link is used until the cookie expires or is deleted).
So You are able to detect if user came to website using referral link by checking the cookie. It is worth to mention that
cookies should remain in the browser throughout the purchase or conversion process to track the correct affiliate so a referral can be generated for that affiliate. The cookies should also remain in the customer's browser for a period of time specified by the site admin or until the customer clears their cookies.
in the user schema .. have a field named referral (either be a name, number or takes another user's Id ) ...on the main site. create a button that will generate a user's personal referral link (using Javascript) so that the link will look like "your-domain.com/register?register=${user._id} ... then on the registration page ... there will be an hidden input field ... which will automatically be field with the query param ...
location.search so that when a user register ... the person that referred them will also be registerd ... then the route will be like
app.post('/register',(req,res) =>{
...remaining registration routing ...
I'm currently trying to build a private app which will allow me to create a form which customers can use to update info like name, email address, etc.
I know that I can access this information in my template through the customer object:
I also believe that I can send http requests through the admin api which would allow me to update a given customer object:
This is an example PUT request from that page
PUT /admin/customers/#{id}.json
"customer": {
"id": 207119551,
"email": "changed#email.address.com",
"note": "Customer is a great guy"
I think that in order to use this api (or at least use it securely) I need to use a private app. I found the following npm package which I would use to create the private app:
This is an example of a PUT request from that page (I think this can be modified for customers):
var put_data = {
"product": {
"body_html": "<strong>Updated!</strong>"
Shopify.put('/admin/products/1234567.json', put_data, function(err, data, headers){
Does anyone have any experience doing this as I'm unsure about a few things.
Will this PUT request be called when the url is loaded? So if I have an
<a> tag with href="/admin/products/1234567.json the request would load?
If so, this seems quite useless with the customer ID hardcoded in. Can I pass in the customer ID of whoever is logged in and clicking the link and use that as the last part of the request url somehow? In addition to this would it be possible to grab the form data that the user enters to use as the value for "email" or "note?
You should check out this answer shopify app proxy: send customer data or only customer ID for some pointers, discussion and links.
tl/dr; Don't rely on only the logged in customer id or you'll be opening yourself up to easy hackery.
So bascially you update the customer with the PUT you outlined in your question.
To get the id securely you:
Create a form with the customer id and make sure you have a server generated hash of that customer id to thwart bots (that's the reference post)
You post the customer data to a an app via a proxy url
You update the customer via a PUT to a constructed url.
I've been trying to add a bot to my Telegram group in Android Device but I am not able to do so. I tried #bot_name, /bot_name, but it doesn't work.
Is it possible to add a bot to the group or should I create a new bot using Telegram API (not bot API) so that I can add the contact number to the group?
Edit: now there is yet an easier way to do this - when creating your group, just mention the full bot name (eg. #UniversalAgent1Bot) and it will list it as you type. Then you can just tap on it to add it.
Old answer:
Create a new group from the menu. Don't add any bots yet
Find the bot (for instance you can go to Contacts and search for it)
Tap to open
Tap the bot name on the top bar. Your page becomes like this:
Now, tap the triple ... and you will get the Add to Group button:
Now select your group and add the bot - and confirm the addition
You have to use #BotFather, send it command: /setjoingroups
There will be dialog like this:
YOU: /setjoingroups
BotFather: Choose a bot to change group membership
YOU: #YourBot
BotFather: 'Enable' - bot can be added to groups. 'Disable' - block
group invitations, the bot can't be added to groups. Current status
YOU: Enable
BotFather: Success! The new status is: ENABLED.
After this you will see button "Add to Group" in your bot's profile.
Another way :
change BOT_USER_NAME before use
In my case the 2 steps worked:
Added bot to a group as a regular member
Made Bot an admin.
The second step was needed to let Bot respond and sent messages to Group chat.
The response event.postData.contents looked like this:
"first_name":"bot for custom alerts",
"title":"group name",
I needed to receive the chat id (negative number from response) to send messages to the group by Bot.
I have a custom web part that starts by getting a current user login name like this:
protected static string iAm = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["AUTH_USER"].Split("\\".ToCharArray())[1].ToLower().
Then it passes this string to a bbl class and fetches a user id:
`IDataReader _drInfo = cisf_BLL.bll_MyInfo.drGetMyInfo(iAm);
while (_drInfo.Read())
iUser_Ident = _drInfo.GetInt32(30);
`After that it passes the user id integer to another method that fetches user's training record:
_drUserTraining = bll_Training.drGet_required_training_records(iUser_Ident);
_drUserTrainingCompleted = bll_Training.drGet_completed_training_records(iUser_Ident);
This information is then displayed in a tab container with three tab such as "Overdue", "Required", and "Completed".
The problem I'm having is this: I'm logged into SharePoint collaboration site with my domain user name and all my training is displayed just fine. If my someone else then logs in to the SP Portal that user sees my training and not his, even though this user has logged in with his unique credential using a common access card, just as I.
Somehow some strange session seems to persist and I was hoping someone out here has encountered this anomaly.
Thanks in advance!
You are misusing static - a static property is stored once per web server process, not once per user.
Not an answer, but code improvement: there is much simplyer way to get current user name/id
SPUser user = Microsoft.SharePoint.[SPContext][1].Current.Web.CurrentUser;