Log in box keeps popping up in sharepoint - sharepoint

I have a problem with my sharepoint site, when I go to the home page the log in box keeps popping up, I have to click about 3 to 4 times before it goes away, and it does that everytime I go to the home page, all the other pages does not do that.
Can any one please help me out here.
Thank you.

Is there anything on your homepage you do not have rights to? Like un-approved images?
Use a tool like Fiddler to see what is causing the authentication requests.

Add the sharepoint url to the Trusted Sites also try enabling "Automatic Logon" under the Local Intranet Zone security settings


Why Sharepoint 2013 keeps asking me to log in?

I have an intranet web page.When I entered to the web page,it ask me to log in. When I put my credentials he lets me in but when inside he asks me again and again and again. If I click another section it will ask me again too.
I have tried adding the web page to trusted sites,credential manager on windows. I think this is not case since I have a qa site and doesn,t happens.
This only happens to this site because I have more sites on the server and they work as expected.
I have multiple sub sites on the page I don't know if this maybe related.
How can I solve this?
Thank you in advance.
Refresh your browser cache/ passwords..
If the page you are trying to access has some code/webpart which tries to access a resource to which you dont have access, then it can give this issue.

Azure Ghost Login Redirect

Whenever I browse my blog which I created via Azure marketplace for Ghost with completely default settings, I get redirected to a login page.
If I log in then I get taken back. I can click my post and be taken to the content. If I then go back, then click the heading again, it takes me to the edit area.
The problem I have is that readers of the blog are being prompted to login. I don't want this. I just want my content to appear when they click a post.
Anybody else experienced this or know what I can do about it?
It would appear this is only the behavior on the default post that is created once you have activated the service.
Once you start making posts and unpublish the initial one, it behaves as expected. Hopefully this helps clear up any confusion for someone else.

SharePoint list webpart connections option not visible

I want to connect two list webparts. The problem is that when I go to "Edit Web Part -> Connections" this option "Connections" doesn't apperar.
Searching on google found this: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-sharepoint-services-help/connect-data-in-web-parts-HA010024105.aspx. There is a paragraph that says: "The Web Part menu may not be enabled or visible on your Web Part Page for several reasons, including that the Web Part or the zone does not support connections, you are using a browser that is not compatible with Windows SharePoint Services, or connections are disabled on your site"
I think connections are disable on my site. Where can I enable connections on a SharePoint site?
Thanks for your help!
Ha ha. In Internet Explorer 11, you have to view Sharepoint sites in "Compatibility Mode"! Imagine that! Without Compatibility Mode, IE won't display the connection menus - but Firefox and Chrome will! Apparently, this is even a problem with Sharepoint 2013.
I saw this problem even when Connections were enabled.
The workaround was to choose Edit Web Part and Click "Apply". This magically made the connection menu appear. However when the page is reloaded, the workaround needs to be applied again.
I'm not 100% sure if I remember correctly, but I had the same issue last week.
First you need access to the central administration at the sharepoint host.
In there, you have to click on "Application Managment" -> "Manage Web Applications"
Then select your web app and click on Web Part Security in the ribbon. If i remember right you should find an option there to allow connections between webparts.
Here in my experience I found that on wiki page web part connection is not possible, if you want to connect two web parts or two list, go and add your lists, or webpart onto webpart page, and on edit page connect them, ok.
There are some issue with placing filter web parts on a wiki page. The filter web part is not visible and it's impossible to select the webpart menu when in page edit mode.
I encountered it a few times. Like user2780851 states. Enable the publishing features, add a new (publishing) page (so in the 'pages' library not in the 'sitepages' library). When you add the filter webparts on this publishing page all the menu options (and the connection option) will be available.
I was able to get things to redisplay without using compatibility mode. In IE 11, what I had to do was hit F12 to pull up the developer menu, and then under the emulation tab, I switched my user agent to Internet Explorer 10, and then it started working correctly. My problem that lead me to this thread was that my web part menu wasn't displaying at all. This is a serious Microsoft fail. Probably why they are planning to abandon IE altogether. Good riddance, says I.
I've found that this issue has caused a lot of confusion, and led people to incorrectly think that connections between web parts isn't available on wiki pages.
The Connections option will appear as long as you are in the edit mode of any web part on the page - it doesn't have to be a web part which will be involved in the connection.
First you need access to the central administration at the sharepoint host.
In there, you have to click on "Application Managment" -> "Manage Web Applications" Then select your web app and click on Web Part Security in the ribbon. If i remember right you should find an option there to allow connections between webparts.
this is answer right i did it and it works

How to find missing web part?

Does anybody know how to find offending web part which causes this error ?
“A Web Part or Web Form Control on this Web Part Page cannot be displayed or imported because it is not registered on this site as safe.”
I have inherited an old SharePoint 2003 portal site which uses custom web parts.
I know what this error means. I also know that each web part must be installed and registred as safe in web.config. The problem is that I don't know which one is missing.
I get same error when I'm trying to open the page in FrontPage as well.
Use contents=1 in QueryString to disable/remove WebParts from page that causes errors.
stsadm.exe -o enumallwebs -includewebparts
Requires updating to Sp2 I believe, for this command to be available. Problematic web parts will appear as 'Missing' in the resultant list.
Go to Event Viewer of the machine and you shall be able to see Error entries. Out of tons of entries you have to find out the entries related to you and you shall be able to see the names of the webparts that the sharepoint site is trying to load but fails. If you shall read the complete description of the error entry in the Event Viewer, it will give you version and even PublicKey Token of the webpart as well.
I hope this helps!!!
Try reading this:
It should give you some clues to solving the problem. Essentially you have a control that is not marked as safe and it is failing. You can most likely config it to work, but the link above has other possible solutions.
in your url just append content=1. This will give you the all the webparts that are deployed. Now, you can keep deleting each of the webpart to find which one is causing issue ( ensure that you know to add the web parts back).
For example: if Url is http://localhost:9000/default.aspx, try with http://localhost:9000?contents=1
Alternatively, try to create a new webpart page,add web parts that are there on your actual page and check which one is causing issue. This will avoid changes to the actual page.
Hope this helps.
I've just suggested this same answer on MSDN:
This stsadm helped me in finding where the webpart was referenced in any way:
stsadm -o enumallwebs -includewebparts > C:\temp\somelog.txt
Then you can see the web part is listed under some <Web Id=... Url=...> XML node, i.e. you know the "culprit" web site.
At that point, some reasons I've found for those forgotten references:
the webpart is used in some sub-site of the culprit website, and the sub site is hidden from the quick list or top bar
the webpart has been deleted from the culprit website, but it still is in the "site collection recycle bin". You can reach that by going to the normal website recycle bin, then look for its link on the top bar description ("Use this page to restore items that..."). By the way, this site collection recycle bin has two views itself: be sure to check them both.
In both cases, I got some help by browsing the culprit website with SharePoint Manager. With that I could easily spot the existence of a forgotten subsite, as well as the existence of this "second level recycle bin".

SharePoint Infrastructure Update Authentication Issues

I've got a SharePoint MOSS 2007 development setup on to which I installed the WSS infrastructure update. Now, whenever I try to access any site collection in my SharePoint farm using IE7 I get a username and password prompt. I enter valid credentials for my Site Collection admin account and I see the box again. This happens three times then after the third time I just see a blank page.
When I access the system through FireFox 3.0 I get the username and password screen but after putting the credentials in the first time, the site runs as normal.
I presume this is because IE is using NTLM whereas Firefox is using basic authentication, but I'm not sure how to resolve the issue.
Has anyone else experienced this or can anyone point me in the right direction?
Thanks in advance
- Russell
I've found the answer to this now. It was all to do with this issue...
Before the infrastructure update just entering the FQDN (e.g. intranet.domain.local) for BackConnectionHostNames entry in Method one worked fine. After the infrastructure update I added just the hostname (e.g. intranet) to the BackConnectionHostNames entry and this fixed the issue! :-)
I had to turn off IE ESC to get this to stop. For some reason, it worked on all servers except one in our farm. Who knows. Hope this helps you get started.
