Radio buttons and textboxes in Flash SWF disappear on IE - internet-explorer-6

I have developed a Flash application for a client (wedding RSVP) and implemented it on the web. She complains that the textboxes and radio buttons disappear on IE6. Can anyone confirm this for me?
Please don't submit the RSVP, as I don't want to spam my client, but please just tell me if you see the radio buttons and if you can fill out the textboxes.
Thanks a heap.

The problem wouldn't be with IE6, but with her version of the flash player perhaps. What version are you targeting? How are you embedding the file? Have her go to and verify the version she is using.
On another note -- --

Sorry I don't have IE6, but it looks fine on OCX FF3.5.8 and Safari4 :)
Have you tried Litmus for cross-browser testing?


Winrt Xaml Toolkit does not allow me to add new controls

I'd like to add the imagebutton control to my windows store app, however when I install the Winrt Xaml Toolkit using NuGet it does not allow me (using the intellisense) to add any new controls. All I'd like to do is be able to specify an image for an appBarButton when hovered and an image when pressed. I find it slightly ridiculous that Microsoft has made it so difficult. Any help is MUCH appreciated.
it's funny how I can spend hours on programming with no success, then the next morning find the answer in 5 minutes. Here's the answer I needed, was found at
How can i change background image of a button when hover or click in XAML for Windows 8?
I needed to add this xml namespace at the top of the page...
Then this works.
<controls:ImageButton HorizonalAlignment="Center"
PressedStateImageSource="pressed.png" />
Hope this helps someone else who has the same question.

WPF - Flahing button with a icon on it

How do I place two icons on a WPF button, one in the middle (static icon) and one on the top left (based on a condition)? Also need to Flash the same WPF Button based on a condition?
(While flasing it switches between two background colors, the icons remains same).
Not sure if anyone will want to help you develop super annoying flashing advertising ad style buttons :)
But to point you in the right direction the answer is in learning how to override default control template for the button then for flashing - work on Animation. Once you try that and encounter problems, then post your code and someone will help.
P.S. 'Adam Nathan's WPF Unleashed' is a good start. Good luck!

OpenLaszlo DHTML InputText issue with clickthrough in Firefox 15

For some reason i am not able to enter any text in inputtext in dhtml environment. The same is working fine in swf10 environment.
When i hover over the input text i observed that the cursor is not changing to selector. It looks as if the onmouseover event of inputtext is not getting fired.
Has anyone come across this kind of issue in openlaszlo dhtml envrironment?
I am using OpenLaszlo 4.9, Windows 7 and the browser is Firefox 15.0
I found a bug report in jira
Please suggest any ideas to overcome this issue/
The problem you are seeing is probably connected to the way OpenLaszlo replicates the behavior of clicking through Sprites or visual elements in the Flash runtime for the DHTML/JavaScript runtime. Until recently browsers didn't support that kind of functionality directly. Therefore the OpenLaszlo team had to use a workaround, which is described in detail in this comment on LPP-5447.
Clickdivs exist to have independent control over clickable sprites,
without interference from regular divs. They are placed in a separate
copy of the regular lzdiv sprite hierarchy so we have more control.
This also provides a place to put focused inputtext divs so they are
in the foreground and clicking/dragging to edit works properly.
The clickdiv functionality seems to be broken from time to time with browser updates or due to regressions. In 2012 some improvements to the DHTML runtime click-through functionality were done, using newer browser features in Firefox (which now allows to click through div elements using the CSS style pointer-events). Since the clickdiv functionality is part of the LFC, fixing that functionality in your application is not advised.
You can test if the inputtext works by tabbing through the components until your inputtext element has the focus and start typing. If the text can be entered as expected, but you cannot click the component with your mouse to select it, it's definitely a clickdiv problem.
Update: Tested with OpenLaszlo 4.9.0 and various browsers
I've tested with OpenLaszlo 4.9.0, DHTML runtime and IE9, Firefox as well as Chrome, using the test case attached to LPP-9934: All browsers show that specific bug behavior. If the bug has not been filed, please file a JIRA bug.

Opera Drop down menu hover issue

I have just created a dropdown for my site. It works fine in all other browsers except new version of opera that is 12.02.
Webiste Url :
Here when you mouse over on "Categories", it displays dropdown of that categories then when you hover on categories then it displays subcategories of that category. At this time there is background line remains at top of that perticular category and this same thing in all the subcategories. However when i open dragon fly in opera by pressing ctrl+shift+I then it works fine but if dragon fly is not open then it makes it weird.
Its very strange and have not face this kind of problem before. Any help?
This is indeed a bug in Opera. As it's merely a cosmetic issue with no big impact on functionality I suggest you just report a bug to Opera Software and forget about it until it's fixed :-)
The root cause is that Opera fails to draw the background colour of the padding-top of the A elements correctly. It's mainly triggered by the padding-top:9px instruction on #CategoriesBar .nav. However, trying to work around it means adding hacks to your CSS and that makes it harder to understand and maintain - even more likely to break in future browsers. Hence reporting a bug and not trying to work around it is your best way ahead.
Here is a simplified demo you can refer to when reporting the bug:
Please let me know the bug reference number and I'll give it a kick for you.

fb request dialog appearing party out of window

I am asking for help, we have a request dialog in our app, but it appears partly out of the screen so its croped a bit on the right side.
We would like to center it so it wouldn`t be croped. Would anyone know how to fix that please?
I had the same problem. I'm not sure about the way how to position dialog itself. IMHO it can also depend on location of click event. Anyway, I've found ugly, but quite functional way to fix it with JavaScript:
setInterval("$('.fb_dialog').css('left', '0');", 1500);
The dialog itself cannot be repositioned.
Are you using iframes in your code by any chance?
Try changing the width in your CSS file to something smaller and see if it makes a difference. The Request Dialog usually positions itself in the middle of a page by detecting the size of the page / frame.
