mismatched #if/#endif pair in *.h file - visual-c++

Visual Studio C++ 2008
I have the following code in my server.h file.
#if defined ( __linux__ )
void* get_info(void*);
#elif defined ( _WIN32)
void* WINAPI get_info(void*)
I keep getting the error:
mismatched #if/#endif pair in server.h file
The code looks ok to me, I can't understand why I am getting this error?
Am I missing something?
Many thanks for any advice,

Sorry I asked this question.
I missed of the #endif at the end of the file for the header file define
#endif /* SERVER_INCLUDED */


VC++ 2017 : Error trying to compile .rc file with RC

I am trying to compile a .rc file to link the generated .res file to my linker to get my project resources to be included in my .exe.
The problem that I have is that I can't get RC to compile my .rc file.
I always get the same error message :
Blockquote fatal error RC1109: error creating stuff.res
And the verbose option doesn't help much and only adds this:
Blockquote Using codepage 1252 as default
I added my resources to my .rc using the resource editor dialog, I didn't write the file myself. The only thing that I did is to change the type "TXT" that I first though good to "RCDATA" in the above code :
// Microsoft Visual C++ generated resource script.
#include "resource1.h"
// Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 2 resource.
#include "winres.h"
// Français (France) resources
#if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_FRA)
"#include ""winres.h""\r\n"
// PNG
IDB_PNG1 PNG "Ressources\\Gamma-Sup.png"
IDB_PNG2 PNG "Ressources\\Interface.png"
// Font
IDR_FONT1 FONT "Ressources\\font_1.ttf"
// TXT
IDR_TXT1 RCDATA "Ressources\\Probe List.txt"
IDR_TXT2 RCDATA "Ressources\\ProgressBar - Green.txt"
IDR_TXT3 RCDATA "Ressources\\ProgressBar - Red.txt"
IDR_TXT4 RCDATA "Ressources\\ProgressBar - Yellow.txt"
#endif // Français (France) resources
// Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 3 resource.
#endif // not APSTUDIO_INVOKED
The IDS I am using are all defined in my .h file :
// fichier Include Microsoft Visual C++.
// Utilisé par GammaSup3.rc
#define IDB_PNG1 101
#define IDB_PNG2 102
#define IDR_FONT1 103
#define IDR_TXT1 104
#define IDR_TXT2 105
#define IDR_TXT3 106
#define IDR_TXT4 107
// Next default values for new objects
I used several commands to compile my file , all resulting in the same error message. As I start to have tried all the options available, I feel a bit lost.
Blockquote rc /d DEBUG /i c:/source/stuff/resources filename.rc
I tried without or with less options(/x /l). My project is in DEBUG configuration . I am sure that i don't have a typo in my path here cause i paste it from the file explorer.
I also tried to compile a just auto generated .rc file without adding any resources to it and RC still won't compile it.
What I want is Rc to generate a single language dependant .res file , not two.
I'm ashamed with the idea of asking you about some command line problem, but i'm pretty much a newbie and I really don't get what is going on here. Any suggestion is very welcome as I really would like to be able to use RC.

I am not able to link 2 .cpp files with a header in visual studio

I have a file p2.cpp and 2d.cpp which I'm trying to link with 2d.h.
I have included 2d.h in both .cpp files and I'm getting an error:
2d.obj : error LNK2005: "float (* v)[3]" (?v##3PAY02MA) already defined in p2.obj
1: fatal error LNK1169: one or more multiply defined symbols found.
What should I do?
I have a file p2.cpp and 2d.cpp which I'm trying to link with 2d.h. I
have included 2d.h in both .cpp files and I'm getting an error:
Each symbol may only be defined in a program once (refer One definition rule). I'm not sure what you're header file looks like, but typically this means something to the effect of defining something in you're header file that is included in more than one compilation unit. You could "extern" it in you're header, and ensure that it is defined in a separate compilation unite.
From the compiler error it looks like you've define an array of pointers to functions in your header file. Extern this and provide a single definition in a source file.
This code effectively causes the problem:
//--- Def.h
#ifndef DEF_H
#define DEF_H
float foo();
/*extern */float (*floatFunctionArray[3])();
#endif /* DEF_H */
//--- Def.cpp
#include "Def.h"
float foo()
return 0;
float (*floatFunctionArray[3])() =
foo, foo, foo
//--- main.cpp
#include "Def.h"
main(int argc, char** argv)
return 0;
Adding the commented out "extern" solves the issue.

Why NTDDI_VERSION macro changes its value from cpp it includes to ntdddisk.h?

Why NTDDI_VERSION macro changes its value from cpp it includes to ntdddisk.h ?
I am using Visual Studio 2012 with cumulative update 4, and building on Windows 7 x64.
In one CPP i need to call new IOCTL_ .. for WIN 8.
In the CPP there is #include
ntdddisk.h defines the new IOCTL_ for WIN 8 under the guarded condition:
Inside that cpp the NTDDI_VERSION macro has value NTDDI_WIN8 (as expected result from include sdkddkver.h and compilation with /D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0602)
However, in ntdddisk.h the value for NTDDI_VERSION macro has value < NTDDI_VISTA, that is, less than NTDDI_WIN8
Compilation fails with error
error C2065: 'IOCTL_..' : undeclared identifier
Looks like a bug unless i miss something else. Thoughts?
Details are:
In the CPP file there are these includes
#pragma once
// Needed for new IOCTL_ for WIN 8
#include <sdkddkver.h>
#include <windows.h>
// Check NTDDI_VERSION ...
// Value is NTDDI_WIN8 as expected
// #include <TROUBLE.h>
#pragma pack(8)
#include <ntdddisk.h>
#include <ntddscsi.h>
#include <lm.h>
#include <objbase.h>
/*=== IMPORTANT: this struct needs to have 8-byte packing ===*/
ULONG Filler; // realign buffers to double word boundary
UCHAR SenseBuf[32];
UCHAR DataBuf[512];
#pragma pack()
Compilation with CL has these parameters including with -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0602
cl -nologo #COMPL.TMP /Fo..\\..\\..\\optimized\\obj\\x86\\CPP.obj CPP.cpp
COMPL.TMP contains
/I*** application-headers ***
The problem isn't with the _WIN32_WINNT or NTDDI_VERSION macros.
The problem is that windows.h indirectly includes winioctl.h which has the following curious couple of lines about halfway through:
#ifndef _NTDDDISK_H_
#define _NTDDDISK_H_
Unsurprisingly, ntdddisk.h starts with those very same lines and therefore is effectively not included at all.
I couldn't easily come up with a combination or ordering of headers that would work around this problem - I think it's something that MS really needs to fix.
However, the following terrible workaround (that I really don't suggest, unless you can't get any help from MS) seemed to get the compiler to actually process ntdddisk.h:
#define _NTDDDISK_H_
#include <windows.h>
#undef _NTDDDISK_H_
But, I suspect there may be other problems that might pop up as a result of this hack - so if you decide to use it, please test carefully.
I am not sure that this is what i need, but the compilation worked after inserting
#define _NTDDDISK_H_
#include <windows.h>
#undef _NTDDDISK_H_
#include <ntdddisk.h>
Thanks for suggestion.

Cannot find lib file when I've specifed the dll

I'm new to visual c++ and rusty with c++.
I created a dll project following the visual C++ directions. Now I want to test my dll to make sure it's working. I created an empty project and put in tester.cpp. I added the dll to the project references and to the path. Then I try to run it.
Before I included stuff from my dll ("Hello world!") it worked. Now that I've put in my stuff to reference the dll, it fails. The message is:
1>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'C:\Users\thom\Documents\cworkspace\barnaby\Debug\barnaby.lib'
The thing I don't understand is the reference links to the dll which exists at the path above. Here's my code:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "barnaby.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
std::vector<std::string> tzNames = Barnaby::TimeZoneFunctions::getTimezoneList();
for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator iter = tzNames.begin(); iter != tzNames.end(); iter++){
std::cout << *iter << std::endl;
OK, so I found the answer from http://binglongx.wordpress.com/2009/01/26/visual-c-does-not-generate-lib-file-for-a-dll-project/ which told me to include the following code in my header for the DLL:
#define BARNABY_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define BARNABY_API __declspec(dllimport)
Then, each function I export you simply precede by:
BARNABY_API int add(){
All of this would have been prevented either by click the Export Symbols box on the new project DLL Wizard or by voting yes for lobotomies for application programmers.
Thanks for the help.

_Pragma preprocessor operator in Visual C++

Is there something like the ANSI C operator _Pragma in Visual C++?
For example, I'm trying to define the following macro:
#ifdef _OPENMP
#define PRAGMA_IF_OPENMP(x) _Pragma (#x)
#else // #ifdef _OPENMP
#endif // #ifdef _OPENMP
So I can circumvent compiler warnings for unknown #pragma omp ... in older GCC compilers.
Is there a similar means available in VisualC++?
Yes, but it's two underscores: __pragma
I'm not sure about how the omp pragma works, however, here's an example using VC++'s optimize pragma:
#define PRAGMA_OPTIMIZE_OFF __pragma(optimize("", off))
// These two lines are equivalent
#pragma optimize("", off)
EDIT: I've just confirmed that the omp pragmas can also be used like this:
#define OMP_PARALLEL_FOR __pragma(omp parallel for)
So, yes, your macro should work if defined as follows (note that your original code incorrectly used the stringizing operator #x:
#ifdef _OPENMP
#define PRAGMA_IF_OPENMP(x) __pragma (x)
#else // #ifdef _OPENMP
#endif // #ifdef _OPENMP
