populate a comboBox in Griffon App dynamically - groovy

I have 2 comboBoxes in my View of Griffon App (or groovy swingBuilder)
country = comboBox(items:country(), selectedItem: bind(target:model, 'country',
value:model.country), actionPerformed: controller.getStates)
state = comboBox(items:bind(source:model, sourceProperty:'states'),
selectedItem: bind(target:model, 'state', value:model.state))
The getStates() in the controller, populates #Bindable List states = [] in the model based on the country selected.
The above code doesn't give any errors, but the states are never populated.
I changed the states from being List to a range object(dummy), it gives me an error MissingPropertyException No such property items for class java.swing.JComboBox.
Am I missing something here? There are a couple of entries related to this on Nabble but nothing is clear. The above code works if I had a label instead of a second comboBox.

I believe that the items: property is not observable and it's only used while the node is being built. You may have better results by setting the binding on the model or by using GlazedLists' EventList.

#Bindable String country = ""
EventList statesList = new BasicEventList()
def showStates = { evt = null ->
def states = []
if(model.country == "US")
states = ["CA","TX", "CO", "VA"]
else if(model.country == "Canada")
states = ["BC", "AL"]
states = ["None"]
edt {model.statesList.addAll(states.collect{it})}
def createComboBoxStatesModel() {
new EventComboBoxModel(model.daysList) }
comboBox( items:["USA","Canada","other"], selectedItem: bind(target:model, 'country', value: model.country), actionPerformed : controller.showStates)
comboBox( model: createComboBoxStatesModel(), selectedItem: bind(target:model, 'state', value:model.state))


Transforming list to map in Groovy

I'm trying to transform a list of strings:
def description = """user:some.mail#gmail.com;groups:Team-1, Team-2
user:some.othermail#gmail.com;groups:Team-2, Team-3
user:another.mail#gmail.com;groups:Team-1, Team-3
some other text"""
description = description.split('\\r\\n|\\n|\\r').findAll { it.startsWith('user') }
into a map so it looked like this:
[some.mail#gmail.com: "Team-2, Team-3", some.othermail#gmail.com: "Team-2, Team-3", another.mail#gmail.com: "Team-1, Team-3"]
so I could later iterate getting an e-mail address and corresponding teams.
Sadly with the below code I was only able to partly achieve it and only for one item of the list. I'm stuck with getting it into a loop and get the full result.
def userData = [:]
userData = description[0].split(';').inject([:]) { map, token ->
token.split(':').with {
map[it[0].trim()] = it[1].trim()
Can you give me a hint as for how I could get a map with all the items from the list?
You can use collectEntries method on a list:
def description = """user:some.mail#gmail.com;groups:Team-1, Team-2
user:some.othermail#gmail.com;groups:Team-2, Team-3
user:another.mail#gmail.com;groups:Team-1, Team-3
some other text"""
description = description.split('\\r\\n|\\n|\\r').findAll { it.startsWith('user') }
def map = description.collectEntries {
// split "user:some.mail#gmail.com;groups:Team-1, Team-2"
def split = it.split(';')
// remove "user:" prefix
def email = split[0].split(':')[1]
// remove "groups:" prefix
def groups = split[1].split(':')[1]
// create a map entry
[(email), groups]
Then running map.forEach {k, v -> println "key: '${k}', value: '${v}'"} prints following: (standard map to string may be a little bit chaotic in this case)
key: 'some.mail#gmail.com', value: 'Team-1, Team-2'
key: 'some.othermail#gmail.com', value: 'Team-2, Team-3'
key: 'another.mail#gmail.com', value: 'Team-1, Team-3'

Gatling Rest API Testing - retrieve a value from json response and add it to the list, iterate through list

I am new to Gatling, I am trying to do the performance testing for couple of rest calls. In my scenario I need to extract a value from json response of the 1st call and add those values to the list after looping for few times. Again after looping for few times and adding the values into the list, I want to reuse each value in my next rest call by iterating over the values in the list. Can anyone please suggest on how to implement this. I tried something as below,
var datasetIdList = List.empty[String]
val datasetidsFeeder = datasetIdList.map(datasetId => Map("datasetId" -> datasetId)).iterator
def createData() = {
feed("").exec(http("create dataset").post("/create/data").header("content-type", "application/json")
.exec(session => { var usrid = session("userId").as[String].trim
datasetIdList:+= usrid session})
def upload()= feed(datasetidsFeeder).exec(http("file upload").post("/compute-metaservice/datasets/${datasetId}/uploadFile")
.check(status is 200))
val scn = scenario("create data and upload").exec(createData()).exec(upload())
I am seeing an exception that ListFeeder is empty when trying to run above script. Can someone please help
Updated Code:
class ParallelcallsSimulation extends Simulation{
var idNumbers = (1 to 50).iterator
val customFeeder = Iterator.continually(Map(
"name" -> ("test_gatling_"+ idNumbers.next())
val httpConf = http.baseUrl("http://localhost:8080")
.header("Authorization","Bearer 6a4aee03-9172-4e31-a784-39dea65e9063")
def createDatasetsAndUpload() = {
repeat(3) {
//create dataset
feed(customFeeder).exec(http("create data").post("/create/data").header("content-type", "application/json")
.body(StringBody("""{ "name": "${name}","description": "create data and upload file"}"""))
.exec(session => {
val name = session("name").asOption[String]
println(name.getOrElse("COULD NOT FIND NAME"))
val userId = session("userId").as[String].trim
println("%%%%% User ID ====>"+userId)
val datasetIdList = session("datasetIdList").asOption[List[_]].getOrElse(Nil)
session.set("datasetIdList", userId :: datasetIdList)
// File Upload
def fileUpload() = foreach("${datasetIdList}","datasetId"){
exec(http("file upload").post("/uploadFile")
.check(status is 200))
def getDataSetId() = foreach("${datasetIdList}","datasetId"){
exec(http("get datasetId")
.saveAs("dlpJobStatus")).check(status is 200)
).exec(session => {
val datastId = session("datasetId").asOption[String]
println("request for datasetId >>>>>>>>"+datastId.getOrElse("datasetId not found"))
val jobStatus = session("dlpJobStatus").asOption[String]
println("JOB STATUS:::>>>>>>>>>>"+jobStatus.getOrElse("Dlp Job Status not Found"))
println("Time: >>>>>>"+System.currentTimeMillis())
val scn1 = scenario("create multiple datasets and upload").exec(createDatasetsAndUpload()).exec(fileUpload())
val scn2 = scenario("get datasetId").pause(100).exec(getDataSetId())
I see below error when I try to execute above script
[ERROR] i.g.c.s.LoopBlock$ - Condition evaluation crashed with message 'No attribute named 'datasetIdList' is defined', exiting loop
var datasetIdList = List.empty[String] defines a mutable variable pointing to a immutable list.
val datasetidsFeeder = datasetIdList.map(datasetId => Map("datasetId" -> datasetId)).iterator uses the immutable list. Further changes to datasetIdList is irrelevant to datasetidsFeeder.
Mutating a global variable with your virtual user is usually not a good idea.
You can save the value into the user's session instead.
In the exec block, you can write:
val userId = session("userId").as[String].trim
val datasetIdList = session("datasetIdList").asOption[List[_]].getOrElse(Nil)
session.set("datasetIdList", userId :: datasetIdList)
Then you can use foreach to iterate them all without using a feeder at all.
foreach("${datasetIdList}", "datasetId") {
exec(http("file upload")
You should put more work in your question.
Your code is not syntax-highlighted, and is formatted poorly.
You said "I am seeing an exception that ListFeeder is empty" but the words "ListFeeder" are not seen anywhere.
You should post the error message so that it's easier to see what went wrong.
In the documentation linked, there is a Warning. Quoted below:
Session instances are immutable!
Why is that so? Because Sessions are messages that are dealt with in a multi-threaded concurrent way, so immutability is the best way to deal with state without relying on synchronization and blocking.
A very common pitfall is to forget that set and setAll actually return new instances.
This is why the code in the updated question doesn't update the list.
session => {
session.set("datasetIdList", userId :: datasetIdList)
println("%%%% List =====>>>" + datasetIdList.toString())
The updated session is simply discarded. And the original session is returned in the anonymous function.

setting context with list of objects as prameters in dialogflow

I have a list of values each having another KEY value corresponding to it, when i present this list to user, user has to select a value and agent has to call an external api with selected value's KEY. how can i achieve this in dialogflow?
I tried to send the entire key value pair in the context and access it in the next intent but for some reason when i set a list(array) to context parameters dialogflow simply ignoring the fulfillment response.
What is happening here and is there any good way to achieve this? I am trying to develop a food ordering chatbot where the category of items in menu is presented and list items in that menu will fetched when user selects a category, this menu is not static thats why i am using api calls to get the dynamic menu.
function newOrder(agent)
var categories = []
var cat_parameters = {}
var catarray = []
const conv = agent.conv();
//conv.ask('sure, select a category to order');
agent.add('select a category to order');
return getAllCategories().then((result)=>{
for(let i=0; i< result.restuarantMenuList.length; i++)
var name = result.restuarantMenuList[i].Name;
var catid = result.restuarantMenuList[i].Id;
//categories.name = catid
cat_parameters['id'] = catid;
cat_parameters['name'] = name
agent.add('trouble getting the list please try again later')
name: 'categorynames',
lifespan: 5,
parameters: catarray, // if i omit this line, the reponse is the fultillment response with categories names, if i keep this line the reponse is fetching from default static console one.
return agent.add('\n'+categories.toString())
function selectedCategory(agent)
//agent.add('category items should be fetched and displayed here');
var cat = agent.parameters.category
const categories = agent.context.get('categorynames')
const cat_ob = categories.parameters.cat_parameters
// use the key in the catarray with the parameter cat to call the external API
agent.add('you have selected '+ cat );
The primary issue is that the context parameters must be an object, it cannot be an array.
So when you save it, you can do something like
parameters: {
"cat_parameters": catarray
and when you deal with it when you get the reply, you can get the array back with
let catarray = categories.parameters.cat_parameters;
(There are some other syntax and scoping issues with your code, but this seems like it is the data availability issue you're having.)

Getting specific keys from dictionaries

I am developing an API service for my website. The website is about Recipes, where a user is supposed to register on his first visit, then log in. When he logs in he gets an access token, which he uses to do REST services on categories and recipes.
So coming to Recipes, he can give a title, ingredients, and directions. Example:
"title" : "api recipe",
"directions" : "Testing api recipe directions",
"ingredient1" : "postman",
"ingredient2" : "ing2",
"ingredient3" : "me",
"ingredient4" : "ingredient4",
"ingredient5" : "ingredient5"
Now, I am facing a problem when it comes to PUT method. I want to enable a user to edit a recipe giving only that which he wants to edit. Example:
"title" : "PUT"
Using PUT method, if a user provides an ingredient as such:
"ingredient2" : "Potatoes",
"ingredient5" : "stackexchange"
I would like to only change the ingredients that he provided me with and leave the rest the way it is.
Before coming to my question, when a user provides the above, I get a dictionary with the keys and values he/she has provided. My question is, how can I get all the ingredients he wants to edit plus their number?
my code:
data = request.get_json()
category = Category.query.filter_by(user_id=user_id).filter_by(id=category_id).first()
if not category:
return jsonify({'message' : 'category does not exists'})
category.edit_recipe(data, id=recipe_id)
return jsonify({'message' : 'Edited successfully'})
def edit_recipe(self, data, *args, **kwargs):
edit_this = None
if 'id' in kwargs:
edit_this = Recipe.query.filter_by(id=kwargs['id']).filter_by(category_id=self.id).first()
edit_this = Recipe.query.filter_by(title=kwargs['prev_title']).filter_by(category_id=self.id).first()
"""TODO: Get ingredient from data followed by its number.
if data == {'title' = 'change title', 'ingredient2' = 'change ing 2', 'ingredient5' = 'change ing 5'}
then I want to get keys that start with ingredient followed by their number and its value
if 'title' in data:
edit_this.title = data['title']
if 'directions' in data:
edit_this.directions = data['directions']
if 'filename' in data:
edit_this.filename = data['filename']
To get only the ingredients, the following below should
keyValue = {
"title" : "api recipe",
"directions" : "Testing api recipe directions",
"ingredient1" : "postman",
"ingredient2" : "ing2",
"ingredient3" : "me",
"ingredient4" : "ingredient4",
"ingredient5" : "ingredient5"
oldListOfKeys = keyValue.keys()
ingredientsList = filter(lambda x: x not in ["directions", "title"], oldListOfKeys)
newDict = {key: keyValue[key] for key in keyValue if key in ingredientsList}
print newDict # {'ingredient4': 'ingredient4', 'ingredient5': 'ingredient5', 'ingredient1': 'postman', 'ingredient2': 'ing2', 'ingredient3': 'me'}
(Am using this in a flask app with sqlAlchemy- hope it helps)
In your put method, first query of a specific recipe for example
recipe = Recipe.query.filter_by(recipe_id=id).first()
Then you can access the specific keys like this
data = request.get_json()
recipe.title = data['title']
recipe.directions = data['directions']
recipe.ingredient1 = data['ingredient1']
recipe.ingredient2 = data['ingredient2']

Finding all properties for a schema-less vertex class

I have a class Node extends V. I add instances to Node with some set of document type information provided. I want to query the OrientDB database and return some information from Node; to display this in a formatted way I want a list of all possible field names (in my application, there are currently 115 field names, only one of which is a property used as an index)
To do this in pyorient, the only solution I found so far is (client is the name of the database handle):
count = client.query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Node")[0].COUNT
node_records = client.query("SELECT FROM Node LIMIT {0}".format(count))
node_key_list = set([])
for node in node_records:
node_key_list |= node.oRecordData.keys()
I figured that much out pretty much through trial and error. It isn't very efficient or elegant. Surely there must be a way to have the database return a list of all possible fields for a class or any other document-type object. Is there a simple way to do this through either pyorient or the SQL commands?
I tried your case with this dataset:
And this is the structure of my class TestClass:
As you can see from my structure only name, surname and timeStamp have been created in schema-full mode, instead nameSchemaLess1 and nameSchemaLess1 have been inserted into the DB in schema-less mode.
After having done that, you could create a Javascript function in OrientDB Studio or Console (as explained here) and subsequently you can recall it from pyOrient by using a SQL command.
The following posted function retrieves all the fields names of the class TestClass without duplicates:
Javascript function:
var g = orient.getGraph();
var fieldsList = [];
var query = g.command("sql", "SELECT FROM TestClass");
for (var x = 0; x < query.length; x++){
var fields = query[x].getRecord().fieldNames();
for (var y = 0; y < fields.length; y++) {
if (fieldsList == false){
} else {
var fieldFound = false;
for (var z = 0; z < fieldsList.length; z++){
if (fields[y] == fieldsList[z]){
fieldFound = true;
if (fieldFound != true){
return fieldsList;
pyOrient code:
import pyorient
db_name = 'TestDatabaseName'
print("Connecting to the server...")
client = pyorient.OrientDB("localhost", 2424)
session_id = client.connect("root", "root")
print("OK - sessionID: ", session_id, "\n")
if client.db_exists(db_name, pyorient.STORAGE_TYPE_PLOCAL):
client.db_open(db_name, "root", "root")
functionCall = client.command("SELECT myFunction() UNWIND myFunction")
for idx, val in enumerate(functionCall):
print("Field name: " + val.myFunction)
Connecting to the server...
OK - sessionID: 54
Field name: name
Field name: surname
Field name: timeStamp
Field name: out_testClassEdge
Field name: nameSchemaLess1
Field name: in_testClassEdge
Field name: nameSchemaLess2
As you can see all of the fields names, both schema-full and schema-less, have been retrieved.
Hope it helps
Luca's answer worked. I modified it to fit my tastes/needs. Posting here to increase the amount of OrientDB documentation on Stack Exchange. I took Luca's answer and translated it to groovy. I also added a parameter to select the class to get fields for and removed the UNWIND in the results. Thank you to Luca for helping me learn.
Groovy code for function getFieldList with 1 parameter (class_name):
g = orient.getGraph()
fieldList = [] as Set
ret = g.command("sql", "SELECT FROM " + class_name)
for (record in ret) {
return fieldList
For the pyorient part, removing the database connection it looks like this:
node_keys = {}
ret = client.command("SELECT getFieldList({0})".format("'Node'"))
node_keys = ret[0].oRecordData['getFieldList']
Special notice to the class name; in the string passed to client.command(), the parameter must be encased in quotes.
