How to create SharePoint Solution? - sharepoint

I'm new to SharePoint and I'm creating a public website using SharePoint Server 2007.
I want to create solution or installer of my SharePoint website to copy it to another server other then my local machine.
Anyone helps me out to solve this problem.

You could have a look at SharePoint Installer. Very useful to create installer .exe from a SharePoint Solution. Especially useful if you use WSPBuilder.
With these 2 tools, you can create a setup project in no time at all (2 steps).

Assuming you know SharePoint, I'd advise looking at the SharePoint extension for Visual Studio at Microsoft downloads


Creating a form in SharePoint

I want to build a simple form in SharePoint.
The version of the SharePoint is not important for me, because my form is not going to be used by a real user and its not going to be uploaded to a real server. My windows is a 32-bit win 7.
Someone please help me. Here are my questions:
1- which version of the SharePoint should i install?
2- Is it necessary to install windows server?
3- Should i install Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007?
It's worth mentioning that my intention of doing this is to control the process of making the real forms which is going to be done by a company.
You will need windows server for sure and also a 64bit environment. I would suggest to read the basics of MS SharePoint on the Microsoft websites, especially the installation and prerequisites sections...

Configuring a standard single server TFS 2013 with SharePoint 2013 and SSRS for reporting

Is following scenario possible?
We have got TFS 2013 installed as a standard single server. This server has got the SQL db.
We have got SharePoint 2013 installed on another machine.
Now we want to integrate TFS 2013 with SharePoint 2013 along with SSRS and SSAS for reports, etc.
Please guide whether this is possible or we need to install TFS via Advanced mode again?
No problem, you can integrate your existing TFS single server deployment with your external SharePoint server assuming you have the necessary permissions.
MSDN: Verify your SharePoint installation
MSDN: Set up remote SharePoint
Adding SSRS and SSAS is relatively simple too and can be on the same server as TFS or a different one.
MSDN: Add a report server
Martin Hinshelwood has a couple of useful blog posts on this subject too:
*sorry for the multiple answers, new account and SO doesn't trust me to post 5 links yet! :)

Upgrading Team Site for TFS from Sharepoint 2007 to sharepoint 2010

We are currently using TFS 2010 and have a Team site of SharePoint 2007. We are currently not using the Team site (we tried out a few things but at the moment its no problem to just remove it).
But we want to use the Team site and thought that we might as well upgrade it to 2010 before starting to use it. Its probably easier to upgrade from a pretty clean install than doing it later.
So.. Is it best to upgrade our site.. or should we maybe install a new SharePoint 2010 on the side and then switch over to that?
Any suggestions on which approach i should take. What is easiest (I don't know if I need to install anything special for Team site than other SharePoint sites)
PS. I am a newbie when it comes to SharePoint but can get some more experienced help if needed.
Easiest way would be to install a new Sharepoint 2010 instance somewhere and point TFS to that. To set it up you need to install SP 2010, then install the SP TFS Extensions off the TFS Install DVD, then fire up TFS Admin console and use it to configure the SP site. More detailed instructions can be found here:
Once you've got it configured it will auto-create Team Portals for any new Team Projects. If you wish to create Portals for pre-existing Team Projects there is a manual step you need to take that is described here:

Most useful free SharePoint 2010 Utilities/libraries?

Kindly provide all free Utilities/libraries details here so that we can make a one stop shop for users to find free utilities
Mine contribution
mixed authentication
SharePoint AJAX Toolkit for SharePoint 2010
Microsoft Patterns & Practices - SharePoint Guidance
SharePoint 2010
SharePoint 2010 Service Manager - Easily turn SharePoint services on/off on your dev box.
SharePoint Manager : A visual representation of the SharePoint object model that lets you interact with lists, webs, etc.
U2U CAML Query Builder for SharePoint 2003 and SharePoint 2007. Its a worth have for SharePoint geeks anyway!
All the tools and functionalities that are available within the essential CKS:DEV Visual Studio 2010 extension are absolutely essential for anyone developing any code related solutions in SharePoint 2010.
I'm also a big fan of the Starter Master Pages which helped me a lot when I had to create my first 2010 project.
For rapid virtual environment creation, I do like the scripts available within the Auto SharePoint Installer
Finally, don't forget that SharePoint Designer 2010 is free like it's little brother, and unlike the awful mess that was the previous edition, this new release is much more stable and less clumsy (It's still not something I would easily recommand but it helps to get some things done when you know what you are doing).

How can I improve the edit-compile-test loop when developing a SharePoint workflow?

Recently I had to develop a SharePoint workflow, and I found the experience quite honestly the most painful programming task I've ever had to tackle. One big problem I had was the problems I encountered when I had to step through it in the debugger.
There's an article on how to debug a SharePoint workflow here that tells you how to set breakpoints etc. This involves copying the .pdb file into the GAC alongside the .dll file containing your workflow. You have to do this from a command prompt (or a batch file) because Windows Explorer doesn't let you view the relevant subdirectory of c:\windows\assembly.
However, if you do this, the next time you try to deploy the workflow from within Visual Studio, it complains that it can't be deployed because "the file may not be signed" and if you attempt to copy the new version of the dll into the GAC, it tells you that the .dll file is locked.
I've found that some of the time, you can get round this by doing an iisreset, but on other occasions you have to restart Visual Studio and there have been frequent times when I've even had to reboot the computer altogether because some mystery process has locked the file. When I don't use the debugger, on the other hand, everything works just fine.
Does anyone know of a simpler way of debugging workflows than this?
I've got a lot faster developing SharePoint-Solutions in general (not only Workflows) when i started using WSPBuilder. WSPBuilder has a Visual Studio Addin called WSPBuilder Extensions and in my opinion the WSPBuilder Extensions do a better job than the infamous Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Tools: Visual Studio 2008 Extensions, Version 1.2. Thanks to the WSPBuilder Menu deploy/upgrade/uninstall of a solution is just one click away!
The SharePoint team is currently working on MOSS extensions for VS 2008 which will allow this type of functionality. This was available in VS 2005 with MOSS extensions, but has to be run off Windows Server with a full MOSS installation and the correct permissions set.
One thing that would really help is if the SharePoint team provided interfaces for the SP-specific workflow services needed to run SP workflows. This would allow you to mock those interfaces and run the workflows outside of SP proper. AFAIK, you can't do that today.
I've personally found SharePoint extremely painful to develop against... not just with workflows, but overall. I understand the administrative wins and the end user productivity, but it's a fairly dreadful experience for Joe .NET Developer.
As for speeding up the IIS reset, Andrew Connell has some tips here as well
This brought my IIS reset time from 10+ seconds down to less than 2 seconds.
I'm not sure you need to get the pdb file into the GAC. (At least, the fix I'm about to describe works just fine for debugging SharePoint web parts in VS2005, which have a similar problem.)
There's a checkbox marked "Enable Just My Code (Managed Only)" in Tools-->Options-->Debugging; if you uncheck it, then Visual Studio will happily load your pdb's from the bin\Debug folder where it built them. Probably. Can't hurt to try, anyhow...
Check out STSDev on CodePlex by SharePoint MVPs like Ted Pattison, Andrew Connell, Scot Hillier, and more.
STSDEV is a proof-of-concept utility application which demonstrates how to generate Visual Studio project files and solution files to facilitate the development and deployment of templates and components for the SharePoint 2007 platform including Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS). Note that the current version of the stsdev utility only supports creating projects with the C# programming language.
