how can i hook a Api function from system dll? - hook

i want to redirect the function calls of the real function calls from the system dll.i am working with portable-executable ,i can get IAT of the system dll(advapi32.dll),here the function address calls the system memory address ,i want to redirect to what i specified can its possible ?....

That depends. Do you want to do it cross system or for a specific process?
Do you want to pre-edit the file (and if so which one - the dll or the executable)? Or do you want to do this hooking at runtime (dynamic code injection)?
There a few good starting points in code project:
But this is a broad subject, so you might need to ask more specific questions.
These techniques can be abused (especially with advapi32), so I strongly urge you not to.

Use Deviare API Hook and get that working with 10 lines of code.


safely executing arbitrary code

I have a program that can get code from a user as input (This question is language-agnostic, though I am primarily interested in answers for Java and Python). Usually, this code is going to be useful, but I don't have a guarantee that the user isn't making a mistake, or even deliberately giving malicious code.
I want to be able to execute this code safely, i.e. without harmful side effects if it turns out to be faulty or malicious.
More specifically:
the user specifies that the input code should operate on some objects that exist in the primary program (the program that gets the code from the user and executes it). Optimally, it should be able to access these objects directly, but sending them over to the child program through some communication protocol or a file is also fine.
in the same way, the code should generate some output that is transmitted back to the parent program.
the user can specify whether the code should be allowed to access any other data, whether it should be allowed to read or write to files, and whether it should have access to any other interfaces or OS methods.
it is possible to specify a maximum runtime after which the code will be interrupted if it hasn't finished executing yet.
the parent program and the code to execute may be different languages. You can assume that the programs necessary to compile and execute the given code are installed and available to the parent program. If the languages are different assume that some standard format like JSON can be used for transmitting the data (or is there a way to do this more efficiently?)
I think that this should be doable with a Virtual Machine. However, speed is a concern and I want to be able to execute many code blocks quickly, so that creating and tearing down a VM for each of them may be prohibitively expensive.
Another option is creating a sandbox, which e.g. Java can do, but as far as I am aware only for executing other Java code. I am unable to find a solution to do this with arbitrary languages.
For which languages does this work well, for which is it difficult?
Is this easier on some OS than on others?

How to invoke any kernel function?

I know that Kprobes can be used to probe any kernel function. But after going through its documents I realise that it is mostly a kind of passive entity. It simply puts a probe in the middle of an execution sequence.
But what if I want to invoke any kernel function directly without bothering about the execution sequence.
How can I achieve that?
Note: I want to invoke any kernel function inside my kernel module and not from any user space application.
Kernel functions cannot be simply invoked from applications that live in user space. System calls are the only functions in user space that can request kernel services.
To call kernel functions directly, if you are interested in kernel programming, you must implement a kernel module. This is a starting point.
As you have specified that you want to call kernel functions from within a module, then there is no problem at all. Just follow the link I posted above for the documentation.
what if I want to invoke any kernel function directly
Not all functions can be used directly at least.
Consider the following points when calling a kernel function in your case.
kernel function from different module can be used only if it is exported using EXPORT_SYMBOL family of macros.
static functions can't be used directly outside of that file.
Function definition (i2c_smbus_read_byte_data)
Used here

WSO2 ESB - Making a sequence wait/pause

I have a use case where I need a sequence to wait for a period of time before it continues. Basically it is a "Thread.Sleep(x)", but this would mean the Thread is not available for the Thread pool. This could have consequences for high load systems. So therefore I have two questions:
1) What would be the best way to implement this use case?
2) How much of a burden would using Thread.Sleep be for WSO?
Alternative solutions, for example using topic and stuff are also welcome :)
Hope you guys can help!
Answering the questions in the responses:
We are sending requests to an external system and an offline data store (ODS; DSS component of WSO2). The external system has precedense, but when it doesn't return within one second we want the ODS to answer the request.
Alternative paths:
- The ODS is offline, in this case the system has to wait for the external system for a longer time;
- The external system returns after some time, althought the ODS result has been send to the requester we still want the response of the external system to update our ODS.
We are currently investigating clone and aggregator.
When you say, Thread.sleep(), the first thing came to my mind is using a Class Mediator. This would be an easy way to write custom logic and add a sleep.
The sample for "Writing your own Custom Mediation in Java" will help you to learn the steps for writing a Class Mediator.
You need to copy the Jar containing custom mediator class to repository/components/lib/
When you use thread sleep inside your mediation logic, the request will hang for the specified time period.
This may impact your performance. But you should be able to tune the parameters for your needs.
It all depends on your requirements.

Control Linux Application Launch/Licensing

I need to employ some sort of licensing on some Linux applications that I don't have access to their code base.
What I'm thinking is having a separate process read the license key and check for the availability of that application. I would then need to ensure that process is run during every invocation of the respected application. Is there some feature of Linux that can assist in this? For example something like the sudoers file in which I detect what user and what application is trying to be launched, and if a combination is met, run the license process check first.
Or can I do something like not allow the user to launch the (command-line) application by itself, and force them to pipe it to my license process as so:
/usr/bin/tm | license_process // whereas '/usr/bin/tm' would fail on its own
I need to employ some sort of licensing on some Linux applications
Please note that license checks will generally cost you way more (in support and administration) than they are worth: anybody who wants to bypass the check and has a modicum of skill will do so, and will not pay for the license if he can't anyway (that is, by not implementing a licensing scheme you are generally not leaving any money on the table).
that I don't have access to their code base.
That makes your task pretty much impossible: the only effective copy-protection schemes require that you rebuild your entire application, and make it check the license in so many distinct places that the would be attacker gets bored and goes away. You can read about such schemes here.
I'm thinking is having a separate process read the license key and check for the availability of that application.
Any such scheme will be bypassed in under 5 minutes by someone skilled with strace and gdb. Don't waste your time.
You could write a wrapper binary that does the checks, and then link in the real application as part of that binary, using some dlsym tricks you may be able to call the real main function from the wrapper main function.
read up on ELF-hacking:
use ld to rename the main function of the program you want to protect access to.
write a wrapper that does the checks and uses dlopen and dlsym to call the real main.
link together real application with your wrapper, as one binary.
Now you have an application that has your custom checks that are somewhat hard to break, but not impossible.
I have not tested this, don't have the time, but sort of fun experiment.

Tracing pthread scheduling

What I want to do is create some kind of graph detailing the execution of (two) threads in Linux. I don't need to see what the threads do, just when they are scheduled and for how long, a time line basically.
I've spend the last few hours searching the internet for a way to trace the scheduling of pthreads. Unfortunately, the two projects I found require either kernel recompilation (LTTng) or glibc patching (NPTL Trace Tool), both of which I can not do (large, centrally managed system, on which I have no sudo rights).
Is there any other way to do something like this or will I have to resort to finding a laptop on which I can patch/recompile whatever I want?
Best regards
PS: I would have linked to both projects, but the site doesn't allow me (reputation < 10). The first search result on Google for the project names is the correct one though.
Superuser privileges are not needed to build an instrumented glibc / The ptt_trace program that is part of NPTL Trace Tool will run your program using the instrumented library.
Maybe something like Intel's VTune?
There is also a tool called pthreadw (on sourceforge)
It's a wrapper library which intercepts calls to the usual functions of the pthread library, and reports stats, like typical times spent playing with locks, condition variables, etc...
It is not currently able to export traces, only textual summary reports.
