g++ language and CRT reference - reference

My working environment is Linux, Eclipse CDT and g++ 4.4. Where can I find language and CRT functions reference for this environment? WEB, or maybe it is always installed on my computer?

man "function name"
For example: man fopen, man fwrite.


Code:Blocks cannot detect gfortran although installed

I believe my question is similar to this post: Linux: cannot find lgfortran though gfortran is installed.
However, since the suggested answer does not fix my problem, there seems no other choice other than asking it again, for a desperate Linux new comer like me.
Here is the problem. I installed GNU fortran compiler 4.8.4 and can find it in terminal
$ which gfortran-4.8
$ locate gfortran
So gfortran seems installed, although I don't understand why 4.7 version is still there after my removing it.
In setting Global Compiler Settings of Code:Blocks, when I choose GNU Fortran Compiler, and its Toolchain Executables, I tried the installation directory as
as suggested in the previous post, Code:Blocks tell me
could not auto-detect installation path of "GNU Fortran Compiler".....
More details of compiler configuration is here in the image (Thanks to Mike's suggestion).
And here's the full list of compilers on my computer:
List of Compliers
Your posting shows that you have both gfortran-4.7 and gfortran-4.8
installed under /usr/bin.
Having multiple GCC Fortran compilers (or multiple C or C++ compilers) is
perfectly valid and commonplace. Code::Blocks will allow you configure
as many Fortran compilers as you have got, provided you give them different
names. It's also fine if you just want to configure one of them as the
"GNU Fortran Compiler" and ignore the others.
But in any case, Code::Blocks must be able to unambiguously identify the
installed compiler that you are calling "GNU Fortran Compiler". You
have specified the Compiler's installation directory as /usr/bin
and have left the Program files compiler name as gfortran.
There is no such compiler as /usr/bin/gfortran in your system,
and there is no program called gfortran anywhere in your PATH. You
have /usr/bin/gfortran-4.7 and /usr/bin/gfortran-4.8. As you have
installed both of them, Code::Blocks assumes you want both of them. It
can't tell which one of them you want to configure as "GNU Fortran Compiler".
Set Compiler's installation directory = /usr/bin
In Program files, change all occurrences of gfortran to gfortran-4.8,
if you want "GNU Fortran Compiler" to mean gfortran-4.8.
OK out.
Default compiler name in 20.3 version was mingw32-gfortran. However, the executable name coming with installation is x86_64-w64-mingw32-gfortran. If this is written in compiler settings. It works.enter image description here
The install file codeblocks-20.03mingw-setup installs the file gfortran.exe into the C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW\bin directory. However the Settings>Compiler>toolchainexecutables autodetect function looks for mingw32-gfortran.exe.
To fix this, in toolchainexecutables, change the filename mingw32-gfortran.exe to gfortran.exe in 3 places, then autodetect will find it.

Differences between compilers in Cygwin

In Cygwin a search for g++ shows:
What are the differences between these?
Binaries built with Cygwin's gcc-g++ link against cygwin1.dll which is an implementation of the POSIX API for Windows.
mingw64-x86_64-gcc-g++ is instead part of the Mingw-w64 toolchain which builds native Windows applications that do not depend on Cygwin. The mingw-gcc-g++ on your system is probably either a symlink to this, or is the version that produces 32-bit binaries.
You can verify this difference by inspecting the import tables of a "hello world" program built with each using objdump -x hello.exe.

Installing Haskell Platform overrides gcc location in system PATH

I am running the latest version of MinGW GCC 4.7.2, and it was working fine with -std=c++11 before I installed Haskell using Haskell Platform. Please take a look at this:
For some reason, the GCC went back to 4.5.2, after installing Haskell, I re-installed it, with version 4.7.2, but its still showing 4.5.2.
Haskell adds its own GCC to your system PATH. You can check this is true by running
where gcc
which will show two commands, the Haskell one first, followed by your MinGW GCC.
The solution is to change your PATH to point to the GCC you want (but make sure Haskell still uses its GCC, I doubt it'll agree with GCC 4.7 if it came with GCC 4.5).
The easiest is to have some script ou can run to set up your compilation environment, so you don't have to worry about system PATHs.
If you don't care much about that exact GCC version you had installed, you can get my builds (32-bit and 64-bit), which come with a .cmd file you can doubleclick and it will give you a build environment much like the MSVS commandline shortcut, but for GCC. All it really does is add the compilers to PATH.

using cdt eclipse and cygwin to create .so shared object on windows 7

I have Eclipse CDT installed (juno) on my windows 7 computer
I have cygwin installed (able to manually create a makefile and create a .so)
I want to use the cygwin compiler in eclipse to create a .so
I created a new shared library project in eclipse told it to use the cygwin c++ compiler
do a ctrl-b and it creates a .dll
how do I get it to make a .so?
this is using windows 7
11:13:05 **** Build of configuration Debug for project cygwinc++ ****
make all
Building file: ../main.cpp
Invoking: Cygwin C++ Compiler
g++ -O0 -g3 -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"main.d" -MT"main.d" -o "main.o" "../main.cpp"
cygwin warning:
MS-DOS style path detected: C:\Users\EAIGREG\workspace\cygwinc++\Debug
Preferred POSIX equivalent is: /cygdrive/c/Users/EAIGREG/workspace/cygwinc++/Debug
CYGWIN environment variable option "nodosfilewarning" turns off this warning.
Consult the user's guide for more details about POSIX paths:
Finished building: ../main.cpp
Building target: cygwinc++.dll
Invoking: Cygwin C++ Linker
g++ -shared -o "cygwinc++.dll" ./main.o
cygwin warning:
MS-DOS style path detected: C:\Users\EAIGREG\workspace\cygwinc++\Debug
Preferred POSIX equivalent is: /cygdrive/c/Users/EAIGREG/workspace/cygwinc++/Debug
CYGWIN environment variable option "nodosfilewarning" turns off this warning.
Consult the user's guide for more details about POSIX paths:
Finished building target: cygwinc++.dll
11:13:06 Build Finished (took 390ms)
clearly this is using the wrong compiler... i know that my cygwin can create SO so how to i tell it to use the "linux" c++ compiler?
Perhaps there is a way to accomplish what I was looking for, but what I ended up doing was getting another computer running linux...
If I wanted to I could have just manually create my makefile and manually link and compile (maybe a few fancy batch files) but in the end it was just easier to have a full working eclipse environment natively in linux

Using libraries compiled with GCC in a VisualC++ project (and vice versa)

It's possible to use code (and libraries) compiled with VisualC++ (so with .lib extension) in a project that will use GCC as compiler (and vice versa)? Or I have to rebuild them?
I'm trying to use SOCI 3.1 libraries that I have compiled with VisualC++ in a project that has GCC as compiler, but I'm getting some errors, and I don't know why..
You have to produce binaries for GCC using MinGW tools: reimp and dlltool. Here is MinGW wiki with complete explanation of the procedures: MSVC and MinGW DLLs
Short example:
reimp -d libmysql.lib
dlltool -k --input-def libmysql.def --dllname libmysql.dll --output-lib libmysql.a
reimp libmysql.lib
By the way, here is related thread on SOCI users mailing list which: MySQL Build fails. Look for useful links given in the thread.
