Can we have the two DSL language with same extension? - dsl

I am developing a tool, and there are lots of Domain classes. I want to divide them in the different DSL's with same extension.
So it is possible to have multiple DSL projects with same extension?
And also after building the setup of all the dsl can we view all the Domain Classes of different DSL projects with same extension in Toolbar of one solution.

You might try the DSL forum on MSDN:


Is the AEM core module necessary?

I've inherited an aem project which has core, ui.apps, it.tests, and ui.frontend modules. The frontend is nodejs. The core module has java codes, but I don't understand what's using it. Search results for "what core module is used for" returns "Core module contains java codes".
Typically the core module will contain Java-based services - primarily OSGi components with implementation/business logic required by the project. This could be just about anything, from custom servlets intended to directly handle user requests, to scheduled tasks, model POJOs, extensions/plugins for OOTB or third-party frameworks, and many others.
Is this module required? That's hard to answer, since it depends on the project, but generally speaking most non-trivial AEM projects will have some amount of Java implementation.
Most projects nowadays will be using a framework known as HTL (a.k.a. Sightly) which is an HTML-esque template language that can invoke Java/server-side code via special HTML attributes. If you see any Java classes that extend WCMUsePojo, these will be providing domain logic for some front-end component(s).
If you see classes annotated with #Component/#Service (there are other annotations but these two are the most common) then those will be providing some kind of back-end functionality. You'd need to look at them case-by-case as they could be doing just about anything.
It really is a broad topic, and you'd be wise to read up on AEM development in general if you've inherited a project. Hopefully you also inherited a copy of AEM you can spin-up locally to familiarise yourself with the platform and your project.

Use case and difference between JHipster UML and JDL

JHipster provides some great tools for generating JPA entities and related objects and classes. The site showcases and describes comparisons between a few of these options:
Using a simple questionnaire entity-subgenerator (via jhipster entity) for generating very basic entities
Creating a UML with the JHipster-UML tool, or a similar UML tool
Using a DSL tool called JHipster-JDL with some nice IDE plugins or JDL-Studio
The Entity Sub-Generator (for beginners)
I've found that the entity-subgenerator is lacking for advanced users and is very limited on what it can do. However, it's great for new JHipster or Java/Spring users to understand what an entity is or how JHipster works regarding code generation.
JHipster-UML or JHipster-JDL (for advanced users)
That being the case, I'd only be interested in using JHipster-UML or JHipster-JDL for entity generation. My questions pertain just to those two techniques and when I would use JHipster-UML vs. JHipster-JDL:
What features does one have that the other does not have?
JHipster-JDL seems to have been created specifically for JHipster while JHipster-UML seems to use existing UML DSLs. Should I only use a UML tool only if I have some tool or language-familiarity preference?
These items are not clear on the docs on the website, so I'd love some clarification. Would be happy to update the OS docs to clarify this question for others not coming in with a preference for the two and trying to decide what direction to go with them.
JDL is more powerful than JHipster-UML because it has more features that go beyond class modeling like generating all your microservices applications at once from one file and JHipster 6 will add more features to JDL.
I usually recommend newcomers to start with entity sub generator because you don't have to learn a new language, you create few entities and then you use jhipster export-jdl to export these entities as JDL. From there you can easily switch to JDL only.

Multiple languages supported for multiple xhtml pages

I'm developing a JSF web project which provides technical tutorials for readers. I ran into a dilemma in which I'll have to support multiple languages for each tutorial page. It's tempting to go with resource bundle but hold on a second, should I really create multiple resource bundles for individual tutorial page...It's gonna be huge if I have 100 tutorial pages and each page support 4 or 5 kinds of language.
How should it be done? Could you tell me your solution, ideas?
define main prop file
and for each language new property

Code sharing between MonoTouch and MonoForAndroid

What would be the best practice to share busines logic c# code between MonoTouch and Mono For Android projects?
Initially, my question was about the physical file sharing:
What do you propose to use: network file sharing or some code
version control (git, svn)? In my case I am using two workstations -
Mac (MonoDevelop with MonoTouch) and PC (Visual Studio with
What about Solution/Project folder structure? In
"Blog Post: Xamarin Mobile World Congress 2012 Unofficial
Conference App Released!" example structure is quite confusing:
several solutions in one folder and then different platform projects in one
subfolder with different folder and project names. It can not be accomplished nativly
with IDE. Are they editing content of solution files and folder names manualy
outside of IDE environment?
And for projects of common code what kind of profile (template) to
use? Monotouch has several: Empty Project, MonoTouch Library
Project and MonoTouch Binding Projects? In Android i supose -
Android class library?
This is a very general question, but here are a few resources that may help you get started:
Video: Cross-platform Mobile Development
Blog Post: Shared Libraries For Windows Phone 7, MonoDroid and Beyond
Book: Mobile Development with C#
Blog Post: Xamarin Mobile World Congress 2012 Unofficial Conference App Released!
Edit (to answer your new questions)
The idea behind linking files across projects is that there is only one actual copy of the file, rather than having to manage multiple copies and keep them in sync yourself. The file will actually exist in just one project and be linked into the others, but when the projects are compiled it treats the file as if it were actually there.
I can't speak to exactly how they created their folder structure, but I know there have been many cases where I would manually edit project or solution files to get the folder structure I want, because there was no way to get what I wanted through the IDE alone. This really boils down to personal preference on how you want your folders to be structured.
In the end, what you need is a class library project for every platform you want to target. When going with the linked file approach, it's totally up to you where you put the physical files. One approach I use often is to actually create a standard .NET 4.0 class library, put the files in there, and then link them into my Mono for Android and MonoTouch class libraries. If all you care about is targeting iOS and Android, that may be more trouble than it's worth, and you can just let the files live in one project and link them into the other.
Disclaimer: I've got a particular Mvvm methodology that I use for sharing code across multi-platform projects...
Despite this, I genuinely don't believe in "one size fits all" frameworks - I think you need to be careful to pick an approach that best suits your project, your developers and your organisation.
With that said, some of the tools you can use within the Mono development approach are:
using Portable Class Libraries to share exactly the same code between platforms
using platform specific Class Libraries to share code between platforms, linking these using the Project Linker tool from Microsoft
using #define code within your class libraries to provide platform specific implementations of the projects (I personally try to avoid this approach, but it does often provide the quickest route to market)
using DI/IoC techniques to provide components for those occasions when platform specific implementations really are required.
using a assembly linking to provide IoC - e.g. this is what the Xamarin MobileAPI does
using server-based logic for genuine shared functionality - e.g. using REST or SOAP-XML services to implement logic
sharing tests (e.g. NUnit) between platforms to assure the quality of your logic
using shared code techniques - MVC (MonoCross) or MVVM (MonoMobile.Views or MvvmCross) for UI "controller" logic; MonoTouch.Dialog and MonoDroid.Dialog for "View-level" abstractions; CrossGraphics for UI "drawing"; SQLite.Net for database; etc.
I'm finding the MonoTouch, MonoDroid and the Microsoft tools provide real and signigicant benefits in developing cross platform code - but you do have to work and think to achieve this.

Best choice to build a website like

What is the best language and approach to build the widgets website like By best I mean rapid development, performance, smoothness and by approach I mean that some one will use drag and drop plug in jQuery (some issues) etc.
Two functionality will be main in my site:
selecting the widget and then dragging on the specified position i like
saving the state without login for the user.
You don't mention your existing language skills which might be the most important detail here. Also, are you prepared to learn a new language/framework for this project?
Some generic advice assuming you would be using Java: since the site in consideration looks more like a web application as opposed to a "web site", a framework which supports rich controls/Ajax natively might work wonders here. A GWT based framework like SmartGWT might be an interesting candidate.
