Assembly: what are semantic NOPs? - security

I was wondering what are "semantic NOPs" in assembly?

Code that isn't an actual nop but doesn't affect the behavior of the program.
In C, the following sequence could be thought of as a semantic NOP:
// Since none of these have side affects, they are effectively no-ops
int x = 5;
int y = x * x;
int z = y / x;

They are instructions that have no effect, like a NOP, but take more bytes. Useful to get code aligned to a cache line boundary. An instruction like lea edi,[edi+0] is an example, it would take 7 NOPs to fill the same number of bytes but takes only 1 cycle instead of 7.

A semantic NOP is a collection of machine language instructions that have no effect at all or almost no effect (most instructions change condition codes) whose only purpose is obfuscation of what the program is actually doing.

Code that executes but doesn't do anything meaningful. These are also called "opaque predicates," and are used most often by obfuscators.

A true "semantic nop" is an instruction which has no effect other than taking some time and advancing the program counter. Many machines where register-to-register moves do not affect flags, for example, have numerous instructions that will move a register to itself. On the 8088, for example, any of the following would be semantic NOPs:
mov al,al
mov bl,bl
mov cl,cl
mov ax,ax
mob bx,bx
mov cx,cx
xchg ax,ax
xchg bx,bx
xchg cx,cx
Note that all of the above except for "xchg ax,ax" are two-byte instructions. Intel has therefore declared that "xchg ax,ax" should be used when a one-byte NOP is required. Indeed, if one assembles "mov ax,ax" and disassembles it, it will disassemble as "NOP".
Note that in some cases an instruction or instruction sequence may have potential side-effects, but nonetheless be more desirable than the usual "nop". On the 6502, for example, if one needs a 7-cycle delay and the stack pointer is valid but the top-of-stack value is irrelevant, a PHP followed by a PLP will kill seven cycles using only two bytes of code. If the top-of-stack value isn't a spare byte of RAM, though, the sequence would fail.


brk segment overflow error in x86 assembly [duplicate]

When to use size directives in x86 seems a bit ambiguous. This x86 assembly guide says the following:
In general, the intended size of the of the data item at a given memory
address can be inferred from the assembly code instruction in which it is
referenced. For example, in all of the above instructions, the size of
the memory regions could be inferred from the size of the register
operand. When we were loading a 32-bit register, the assembler could
infer that the region of memory we were referring to was 4 bytes wide.
When we were storing the value of a one byte register to memory, the
assembler could infer that we wanted the address to refer to a single
byte in memory.
The examples they give are pretty trivial, such as mov'ing an immediate value into a register.
But what about more complex situations, such as the following:
mov QWORD PTR [rip+0x21b520], 0x1
In this case, isn't the QWORD PTR size directive redundant since, according to the above guide, it can be assumed that we want to move 8 bytes into the destination register due to the fact that RIP is 8 bytes? What are the definitive rules for size directives on the x86 architecture? I couldn't find an answer for this anywhere, thanks.
Update: As Ross pointed out, the destination in the above example isn't a register. Here's a more relevant example:
mov esi, DWORD PTR [rax*4+0x419260]
In this case, can't it be assumed that we want to move 4 bytes because ESI is 4 bytes, making the DWORD PTR directive redundant?
You're right; it is rather ambiguous. Assuming we're talking about Intel syntax, it is true that you can often get away with not using size directives. Any time the assembler can figure it out automatically, they are optional. For example, in the instruction
mov esi, DWORD PTR [rax*4+0x419260]
the DWORD PTR specifier is optional for exactly the reason you suppose: the assembler can figure out that it is to move a DWORD-sized value, since the value is being moved into a DWORD-sized register.
Similarly, in
mov rsi, QWORD PTR [rax*4+0x419260]
the QWORD PTR specifier is optional for the exact same reason.
But it is not always optional. Consider your first example:
mov QWORD PTR [rip+0x21b520], 0x1
Here, the QWORD PTR specifier is not optional. Without it, the assembler has no idea what size value you want to store starting at the address rip+0x21b520. Should 0x1 be stored as a BYTE? Extended to a WORD? A DWORD? A QWORD? Some assemblers might guess, but you can't be assured of the correct result without explicitly specifying what you want.
In other words, when the value is in a register operand, the size specifier is optional because the assembler can figure out the size based on the size of the register. However, if you're dealing with an immediate value or a memory operand, the size specifier is probably required to ensure you get the results you want.
Personally, I prefer to always include the size when I write code. It's a couple of characters more typing, but it forces me to think about it and state explicitly what I want. If I screw up and code a mismatch, then the assembler will scream loudly at me, which has caught bugs more than once. I also think having it there enhances readability. So here I agree with old_timer, even though his perspective appears to be somewhat unpopular.
Disassemblers also tend to be verbose in their outputs, including the size specifiers even when they are optional. Hans Passant theorized in the comments this was to preserve backwards-compatibility with old-school assemblers that always needed these, but I'm not sure that's true. It might be part of it, but in my experience, disassemblers tend to be wordy in lots of different ways, and I think this is just to make it easier to analyze code with which you are unfamiliar.
Note that AT&T syntax uses a slightly different tact. Rather than writing the size as a prefix to the operand, it adds a suffix to the instruction mnemonic: b for byte, w for word, l for dword, and q for qword. So, the three previous examples become:
movl 0x419260(,%rax,4), %esi
movq 0x419260(,%rax,4), %rsi
movq $0x1, 0x21b520(%rip)
Again, on the first two instructions, the l and q prefixes are optional, because the assembler can deduce the appropriate size. On the last instruction, just like in Intel syntax, the prefix is non-optional. So, the same thing in AT&T syntax as Intel syntax, just a different format for the size specifiers.
RIP, or any other register in the address is only relevant to the addressing mode, not the width of data transfered. The memory reference [rip+0x21b520] could be used with a 1, 2, 4, or 8-byte access, and the constant value 0x01 could also be 1 to 8 bytes (0x01 is the same as 0x00000001 etc.) So in this case, the operand size has to be explicitly mentioned.
With a register as the source or destination, the operand size would be implicit: if, say, EAX is used, the data is 32 bits or 4 bytes:
mov [rip+0x21b520],eax
And of course, in the awfully beautiful AT&T syntax, the operand size is marked as a suffix to the instruction mnemonic (the l here).
movl $1, 0x21b520(%rip)
it gets worse than that, an assembly language is defined by the assembler, the program that reads/interprets/parses it. And x86 in particular but as a general rule there is no technical reason for any two assemblers for the same target to have the same assembly language, they tend to be similar, but dont have to be.
You have fallen into a couple of traps, first off the specific syntax used for the assembler you are using with respect to the size directive, then second, is there a default. My recommendation is ALWAYS use the size directive (or if there is a unique instruction mnemonic), then you never have to worry about it right?

Can't understand assembly mov instruction between register and a variable

I am using NASM assembler on linux 64 bit.
There is something with variables and registers I can't understand.
I create a variable named "msg":
msg db "hello, world"
Now when I want to write to the stdout I move the msg to rsi register, however I don't understand the mov instruction bitwise ... the rsi register consists of 64 bit , while the msg variable has 12 symbols which is 8 bits each , which means the msg variable has a size of 12 * 8 bits , which is greater than 64 bits obviously.
So how is this even possible to make an instruction like:
mov rsi, msg , without overflowing the memory allocated for rsi.
Or does the rsi register contain the memory location of the first symbol of the string and after writing 1 symbol it changes to the memory location of the next symbol?
Sorry if I wrote complete nonsense, I'm new to assembly and i just can't get the grasp of it for a while.
In NASM syntax (unlike MASM syntax) mov rsi, symbol puts the address of the symbol into RSI. (Inefficiently with a 64-bit absolute immediate; use a RIP-relative LEA or mov esi, symbol instead. How to load address of function or label into register in GNU Assembler)
mov rsi, [symbol] would load 8 bytes starting at symbol. It's up to you to choose a useful place to load 8 bytes from when you write an instruction like that.
mov rsi, msg ; rsi = address of msg. Use lea rsi, [rel msg] instead
movzx eax, byte [rsi+1] ; rax = 'e' (upper 7 bytes zeroed)
mov edx, [msg+6] ; rdx = ' wor' (upper 4 bytes zeroed)
Note that you can use mov esi, msg because symbol addresses always fit in 32 bits (in the default "small" code model, where all static code/data goes in the low 2GB of virtual address space). NASM makes this optimization for you with assemble-time constants (like mov rax, 1), but probably it can't with link-time constants. Why do x86-64 instructions on 32-bit registers zero the upper part of the full 64-bit register?
and after writing 1 symbol it changes to the memory location of the next symbol?
No, if you want that you have to inc rsi. There is no magic. Pointers are just integers that you manipulate like any other integers, and strings are just bytes in memory.
Accessing registers doesn't magically modify them.
There are instructions like lodsb and pop that load from memory and increment a pointer (rsi or rsp respectively), but x86 doesn't have any pre/post-increment/decrement addressing modes, so you can't get that behaviour with mov even if you want it. Use add/sub or inc/dec.
Disclaimer: I'm not familiar with the flavor of assembly that you're dealing with, so the following is more general. The particular flavor may have more features than what I'm used to. In general, assembly deals with single byte/word entities where the size depends on the processor. I've done quite a bit of work on 8 and 16-bit processors, so that is where my answer is coming from.
General statements about Assembly:
Assembly is just like a high level language, except you have to handle a lot more of the details. So if you're used to some operation in say C, you can start there and then break the operation down even further.
For instance, if you have declared two variables that you want to add, that's pretty easy in C:
x = a + b;
In assembly, you have to break that down further:
mov R1, a * get value from a into register R1
mov R2, b * get value from b into register R2
add R1,R2 * perform the addition (typically goes into a particular location I'll call it the accumulator
mov x, acc * store the result of the addition from the accumulator into x
Depending on the flavor of assembly and the processor, you may be able to directly refer to variables in the addition instruction, but like I said I would have to look at the specific flavor you're working with.
Comments on your specific question:
If you have a string of characters, then you would have to move each one individually using a loop of some sort. I would set up a register to contain the starting address of your string, and then increment that register after each character is moved. It acts like a pointer in C. You will need to have some sort of indication for the termination of the string or another value that tells the size of the string, so you know when to stop.

What is wrong with this emulation of CMPXCHG16B instruction?

I'm trying to run a binary program that uses CMPXCHG16B instruction at one place, unfortunately my Athlon 64 X2 3800+ doesn't support it. Which is great, because I see it as a programming challenge. The instruction doesn't seem to be that hard to implement with a cave jump, so that's what I did, but something didn't work, program just froze in a loop. Maybe someone can tell me if I implemented my CMPXCHG16B wrong?
Firstly the actual piece of machine code that I'm trying to emulate is this:
f0 49 0f c7 08 lock cmpxchg16b OWORD PTR [r8]
Excerpt from Intel manual describing CMPXCHG16B:
Compare RDX:RAX with m128. If equal, set ZF and load RCX:RBX into m128.
Else, clear ZF and load m128 into RDX:RAX.
First I replace all 5 bytes of the instruction with a jump to code cave with my emulation procedure, luckily the jump takes up exactly 5 bytes! The jump is actually a call instruction e8, but could be a jmp e9, both work.
e8 96 fb ff ff call 0xfffffb96(-649)
This is a relative jump with a 32-bit signed offset encoded in two's complement, the offset points to a code cave relative to address of next instruction.
Next the emulation code I'm jumping to:
MOV r10, QWORD PTR [r8]
MOV r11, QWORD PTR [r8+8]
MOV RAX, r10
MOV RDX, r11
Personally, I'm happy with it, and I think it matches the functional specification given in manual. It restores stack and two registers r10 and r11 to their original order and then resumes execution. Alas it does not work! That is the code works, but the program acts as if it's waiting for a tip and burning electricity. Which indicates my emulation was not perfect and I inadvertently broke it's loop. Do you see anything wrong with it?
I notice that this is an atomic variant of it—owning to the lock prefix. I'm hoping it's something else besides contention that I did wrong. Or is there a way to emulate atomicity too?
It's not possible to emulate lock cmpxchg16b. It's sort of possible if all accesses to the target address are synchronised with a separate lock, but that includes all other instructions, including non-atomic stores to either half of the object, and atomic read-modify-writes (like xchg, lock cmpxchg, lock add, lock xadd) with one half (or other part) of the 16 byte object.
You can emulate cmpxchg16b (without lock) like you've done here, with the bugfixes from #Fifoernik's answer. That's an interesting learning exercise, but not very useful in practice, because real code that uses cmpxchg16b always uses it with a lock prefix.
A non-atomic replacement will work most of the time, because it's rare for a cache-line invalidate from another core to arrive in the small time window between two nearby instructions. This doesn't mean it's safe, it just means it's really hard to debug when it does occasionally fail. If you just want to get a game working for your own use, and can accept occasional lockups / errors, this might be useful. For anything where correctness is important, you're out of luck.
What about MFENCE? Seems to be what I need.
MFENCE before, after, or between the loads and stores won't prevent another thread from seeing a half-written value ("tearing"), or from modifying the data after your code has made the decision that the compare succeeded, but before it does the store. It might narrow the window of vulnerability, but it can't close it, because MFENCE only prevents reordering of the global visibility of our own stores and loads. It can't stop a store from another core from becoming visible to us after our loads but before our stores. That requires an atomic read-modify-write bus cycle, which is what locked instructions are for.
Doing two 8-byte atomic compare-exchanges would solve the window-of-vulnerability problem, but only for each half separately, leaving the "tearing" problem.
Atomic 16B loads/stores solves the tearing problem but not the atomicity problem between loads and stores. It's possible with SSE on some hardware, but not guaranteed to be atomic by the x86 ISA the way 8B naturally-aligned loads and stores are.
Xen's lock cmpxchg16b emulation:
The Xen virtual machine has an x86 emulator, I guess for the case where a VM starts on one machine and migrates to less-capable hardware. It emulates lock cmpxchg16b by taking a global lock, because there's no other way. If there was a way to emulate it "properly", I'm sure Xen would do that.
As discussed in this mailing list thread, Xen's solution still doesn't work when the emulated version on one core is accessing the same memory as the non-emulated instruction on another core. (The native version doesn't respect the global lock).
See also this patch on the Xen mailing list that changes the lock cmpxchg8b emulation to support both lock cmpxchg8b and lock cmpxchg16b.
I also found that KVM's x86 emulator doesn't support cmpxchg16b either, according to the search results for emulate cmpxchg16b.
I think all this is good evidence that my analysis is correct, and that it's not possible to emulate it safely.
I see these things wrong with your code to emulate the cmpxchg16b instruction:
You need to use cmp in stead of test to get a correct comparison.
You need to save/restore all flags except the ZF. The manual mentions :
The CF, PF, AF, SF, and OF flags are unaffected.
The manual contains the following:
IF (64-Bit Mode and OperandSize = 64)
ZF ← 1;
ZF ← 0;
So to really write code that "matches the functional specification given in manual" a write to the m128 is required. Although this particular write is part of the locked version lock cmpxchg16b, it won't of course do any good to the atomicity of the emulation! A straightforward emulation of lock cmpxchg16b is thus not possible. See #PeterCordes' answer.
This instruction can be used with a LOCK prefix to allow the instruction to be executed atomically. To simplify the interface to the processor’s bus, the destination operand receives a write cycle without regard to the result of the comparison
MOV RAX, r10
MOV RDX, r11
MOV QWORD PTR [r8], r10
MOV QWORD PTR [r8+8], r11

linux nasm assembly what does (register):(register) mean?

I have been looking around on NASM tutorials and I have noticed that in all the references to the DIV instruction, when discussing 32-bit division, say something along the lines of:
What does the EDX:EAX mean? Why are two registers being divided by one register?
Thanks in advance
This is a spanned register, or register pair, its used for 64-bit math in this case (so you can use a 64-bit quotient, IIRC this was added to allow arbitrary point arithmatic).
EDX contains the high DWORD and sign, EAX the low DWORD.
The same logic is used for returning 64-bit results. Also, it should be noted, this has nothing to do with NASM, its part of the x86 architecture (which also defines 32-bit pairs, like DX:AX when using 16-bit instructions).

What is %gs in Assembly

void return_input (void)
char array[30];
gets (array);
printf("%s\n", array);
After compiling it in gcc, this function is converted to the following Assembly code:
push %ebp
mov %esp,%ebp
sub $0x28,%esp
mov %gs:0x14,%eax
mov %eax,-0x4(%ebp)
xor %eax,%eax
lea -0x22(%ebp),%eax
mov %eax,(%esp)
call 0x8048374
lea -0x22(%ebp),%eax
mov %eax,(%esp)
call 0x80483a4
mov -0x4(%ebp),%eax
xor %gs:0x14,%eax
je 0x80484ac
call 0x8048394
I don't understand two lines:
mov %gs:0x14,%eax
xor %gs:0x14,%eax
What is %gs, and what exactly these two lines do?
This is compilation command:
cc -c -mpreferred-stack-boundary=2 -ggdb file.c
GS is a segment register, its use in linux can be read up on here (its basically used for per thread data).
mov %gs:0x14,%eax
xor %gs:0x14,%eax
this code is used to validate that the stack hasn't exploded or been corrupted, using a canary value stored at GS+0x14, see this.
gcc -fstack-protector=strong is on by default in many modern distros; you can use gcc -fno-stack-protector to not add those checks. (On x86, thread-local storage is cheap so GCC keeps the randomized canary value there, making it somewhat harder to leak.)
In the AT&T style assembly languages, the percent sigil generally indicates a register. In x86 family processors from 386 onwards, GS is one of the so-called segment registers. However, in protected mode environments segment registers work as selector registers.
A virtual memory selector represents its own mapping of virtual address space together with its own access regime. In practical terms, %gs:0x14 can be thought of as a reference into an array whose origin is held in %gs (albeit the CPU does a bit of extra dereferencing). On modern GNU/Linux systems, %gs is usually used to point at the thread-local storage region. In the code you're asking about, however, only one item of the TLS matters — the stack canary.
The idea is to attempt to detect a buffer overflow error by placing a random but constant value — it's called a stack canary in memory of the canaries coal miners used to employ to signal increase in levels of poisonous gases by dying — into the stack before gets() gets called, above its stack frame, and check whether it is still there after gets() will have returned. gets() has no business overwriting this part of the stack — it is outside its own stack frame, and it is not given a pointer to it —, so if the stack canary has died, something has gone wrong in a dangerous way. (C as a programming environment happens to be particularly prone to this kind of wrong-goings, and security researchers have learnt to exploit many of them over the last twenty years or so. Also, gets() happens to be a function that is inherently at risk to overflow its target buffer.) You have not offered addresses with your code, but 0x80484ac is likely the address of leave, and the call 0x8048394 which is executed in case of mismatch (that is, jumped over by je 0x80484ac in case of match), is probably a call to __stack_chk_fail(), provided by libc to handle the stack corruption by fleeing the metaphorical poisonous mine.
The reason the canonical value of the stack canary is kept in the thread-local storage is that this way, every thread can have its own stack canary. Stacks themselves are normally not shared between threads, so it is natural to also not share the canary value.
ES, FS, GS: Extra Segment Registers
Can be used as extra segment registers; also used in special instructions that span segments (like string copies).
taken from here
hope it helps
