.htaccess can't redirect .pl files - .htaccess

Has anyone had an issue where you try and do a redirect of a .pl file and that file just shows up as forbidden?
Here is an example of what I'm trying to do:
needs to redirect to...
Here is what I have put in the .htaccess file which is located in folder on the old site (because I don't have access to the web root .htaccess file):
#the first line should allow the pearl file extension to execute
Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^sample\.pl$ http://www\.newsite\.newpage/ [R=301,NC]
Though, I only get a forbidden page when I go to (http://www.newsite/folder/sample.pl). Even without the .htaccess file in place I still get a forbidden page. It's only .pl files that cause this forbidden page. If I go to any of these fake pages (sample.asp, sample.jsp) they bring up the proper "Page Not Found" message.
Can anyone think of any ideas to get around this .pl extension issue?
Thank you!


Options +Indexes of .htaccess not working

I have a website running on a server. It's just an index.html with a hello world text. Also, I have a folder named /vpn which contains various txt files and an index.html file.
If I try to access the URL domain/vpn, it shows me the content of index.html.
I just need to show the files inside the folder vpn when the user tries to access domain/vpn.
I created an .htaccess file with the next content in the root:
RewriteEngine on
<If "%{REQUEST_URI} == '/vpn/'">
DirectoryIndex disabled
Options +Indexes
When I try to access to vpn, it shows me a 404 error, the requested URL was not found on this server.
.htaccess is applying the DirectoryIndex rule (If a delete it, it shows me index.html content again), but not the Options +Indexes one.
I tried the same example in localhost (with XAMPP) and it's working fine.
What can be the problem?
PD: This is the content of apache2.conf file:
When I try to acces to vpn, it shows me a 404 error, the requested URL was not found on this server.
If you are getting a "404 Not Found" then it would imply that mod_autoindex is not actually installed on your server (consequently Options +Indexes has no effect - although it would seem from your server config that Indexes is perhaps already enabled).
mod_autoindex is the module responsible for generating the directory listings.
I created an .htaccess file with the next content in the root:
Personally, I would create an additional .htaccess file in the /vpn directory instead:
DirectoryIndex disabled
Options +Indexes
And disable Indexes (and set DirectoryIndex) in the root .htaccess file.
NB: RewriteEngine has no place here, unless you are overriding a parent config.
If I try to access the url "domain/vpn"
Note that you should be requesting domain/vpn/ (with a trailing slash). If you omit the trailing slash then mod_dir issues a 301 redirect to append it.

Combining -Indexes and +MultiViews in .htaccess

I've disabled browsing directories (-Indexes) and enabled the option for users to visit pages with and without .html file extension (+MultiViews). Like this:
Options -Indexes +MultiViews
It seems that that is causing a 403 'Forbidden' error with this url:
when there is a directory called blog and a a file blog.html.
How do allow access to /blog.html without the extension in the url, without allowing browsing access to /blog/?
You need to turn off directory slash on your server in order to access the file of the same name as directory.
Add the following line to your htaccess file
DirectorySlash off
See the official documentation of DirectorySlash on apache mod-dir page

.htaccess rule to skip folder name from entire urls

My project name is funfeesa and all client side pages are contains in "client" folder. But I want to access then without to write client folder in the url.
just like below:
I have tried many rules in .htaccess file but nothing is working fine.
can anyone help me?
#prevent directory listing
Options -Indexes
IndexIgnore */*
#follow symbolic links
Options FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^funfeesa/index.php(.+)?$ funfeesa/client/index.php/$1
Try to access your .htaccess file as above
Still if it doesn't work try by removing index.php from above rules but I think It should work :)

Allowing/Disallowing directory listings with .htaccess

I have a wordpress site running, and currently anyone can view the uploads directory by visiting
I want to stop this directory from being viewed in a browser but I want a subfolder to be viewable (eg. http://site.com/wp-content/uploads/PublicUploads). I have tried setting
IndexIgnore *
in the uploads folder, but I cannot work out how to set the sub folder back to visible.
Any help would be appreciated
Most people use
Options -indexes
To make a subdirectory visible again, you'll need to put a .htaccess file inside that subdir, with Options +indexes inside it.
Using mod_rewrite you can block direct access to wp-content/uploads directory like this:
RewriteRule ^wp-content/uploads/?$ - [F,NC]
Keep in mind that this will only block browsing of /wp-content/uploads contents but will allow /wp-content/uploads/PublicUploads or any /wp-content/uploads/foo.

simple .htaccess rewrite URL to different directory on same server

Ok, I'm clueless here...
I need to rewrite a directory structure and all sub-directories within it to a directory within the same server, but a root that is before the directory.
For example:
and all directories called upon after folder. Such as folder/sub_folder or folder/afolder/anotherfolder, it needs to include ALL sub-directories within the folder directory.
should be redirected to this:
How do I do this via a .htaccess file within the folder path http://www.mydomain.com/Themes/default/css/folder?
Please someone help.
Thanks guys :)
The files within the directory structure still need to be accessible for that structure when called via PHP, but I don't want people being able to browse to http://www.mydomain.com/Themes/default/css/folder and be shown all subdirectories within that folderpath and/or all files. Same thing for all sub-directories that follow that folder path.
I'd like to be able to place the .htaccess file within the http://www.mydomain.com/Themes/default/css/folder directory on the server, but don't know exactly what code to use for this.
ALSO, even more challenging... The domain name can change, so I'd rather not use the domain name within the .htaccess file, instead perhaps use .. or . to go up a directory or a different method of grabbing the domain name within the .htaccess file.
Create a .htaccess file in /Themes/default/css/folder and place these lines there (it requires mod_rewrite):
Options +FollowSymLinks -MultiViews
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
RewriteRule ^.*$ http://%{HTTP_HOST}/ [R=301,L]
It will redirect (301 Permanent Redirect) all requests to a folder to a homepage. If file is requested, it will allow it.
If you want to have it working for folders as well as files then remove the RewriteCond line -- it will redirect ALL requests (even for non-existing URLs) to a homepage.
If you will see "500 Internal Server Error" after creating such file, then it is your server configuration: mod_rewrite may not be enabled or it's directives (RewriteRule, RewriteCond, RewriteEngine) are not allowed to be placed in .htaccess. In any case -- check Apache's error log for exact error message (it will give you the exact reason).
IndexIgnore *
