Inspect Groovy object properties with Java reflection - groovy

I have an Expando class which I need to inspect its properties from Java.
In Groovy:
def worker = new Expando() = "John"
worker.surname = "Doe"
In Java:
Is it possible to compile at runtime the class from the object in Groovy?

The Expando is completely dynamic. It does not generate any bytecode getters or setters and therefore cannot be used as a JavaBean. What do you need to use the bean introspector for? You may be able to implement that logic using the expando directly if you write it in Groovy.

You might try the JSR 223 / Script engine with Groovy (example here) if you are using Java 6. It allows you to evaluate Groovy code from Java.
Depending on the location/definition of the Expando, you might be able to get its properties by evaluating getProperties() (as of Groovy 1.7).


Difference between 'setValue' and 'value' in Kotlin 4.1 MutableLiveData?

I'm learning android studio 4.1 using Kotlin from a 2020 book. In one of the examples they are using a MutableLiveData object. When I try to use code completion with this line:
the only option is the setter result.value tough result.setValue does work just fine. So I was wondering what the difference is between the two and why value does not show up in code compleation.
Thanks to this link - - provided by #IR42 and other information by other contributors whos comments were unfortunately deleted I found my answer:
MutableLiveData is a Java class and Kotlin will infer a property when the Java class has methods that follow the Java conventions for getters and setters (no-argument methods with names starting with get and single-argument methods with names starting with set)
Code completion will not suggest the Java getter methods (i.e. getValue and setValue) but it will suggest the Kotlin inferred property (i.e. value)
You can still use the Java getter/setter methods but this is discouraged.

SOAPUI context variables - How does Groovy make this possible?

Sorry to all you Groovy dudes if this is a bit of a noob question.
In SOAPUI, i can create a Groovy script where i can define an arbitrary variable to the run context to retrieve at a later time.
context.previouslyUndefinedVariable = 3
def num = context.previouslyUndefinedVariable
What feature of Groovy allows previously undefined variables to be added to an object like this? I would like to learn more about it.
Many thanks in advance!
Groovy has the ability to dynamically add methods to a class through metaprogramming.
To learn more, see:
What is Groovy's MetaClass used for?
Groovy Goodness: Add Methods Dynamically to Classes with ExpandoMetaClass
Runtime and compile-time metaprogramming
The accepted answer is a bit of a poor explanation for how SoapUI is doing it.
In this case, context is always an instance of some SoapUI library java class (such as WsdlTestRunContext), and these are all implementations of Map. You can check context.getClass() and assert context in Map.
When you look up a property on a Map, Groovy uses the getAt and putAt methods. There are various syntaxes you can use. All of these are equivalent:
context.someUndef = 3
context.'someUndef' = 3
context[someUndef] = 3
context['someUndef'] = 3
context.putAt('someUndef', 3)
I like to use any of the above that include quote marks, so that Groovy-Eclipse doesn't flag it as a missing property.
It's also interesting that Groovy looks for a getAt() method before it checks for a get method being referred to as a property.
For example, consider evaluating "foo".class. The String instance doesn't have a property called class and it also doesn't have a method getAt(String), so the next thing it tries is to look for a "get" method with that name, i.e. getClass(), which it finds, and we get our result: String.
But with a map, ['class':'bar'].class refers to the method call getAt('class') first, which will be 'bar'. If we want to know what type of Map it is, we have to be more specific and write in full: ['class':'bar'].getClass() which will be LinkedHashMap.
We still have to specify getClass() even if that Map doesn't have a matching key, because ['foo':'bar'].class will still mean ['foo':'bar'].getAt('class'), which will be null.

Spring Boot external configuration in Groovy

How to get Spring boot to load external properties for Groovy?
Need something similar to java mechanism ( in resources and ConfigBean with #Value annotations)?
When trying to use the same mechanism as with java, I don't know how to annotate the ConfigBean
public class ConfigBean {
private String seleniumAddress; ...
and then in
but with groovy I cannot annotate the field with #Value("${seleniumAddress}"
It throws an error complaining about "${}" - this is a special sequence in groovy.
So what mechanism should I use here?
Thank you
If you use "${}" for Spring placeholders in Groovy you have to make sure it's a String (not a GString): i.e. use '${}' (single quotes).

Making a Java library "Groovy"

I fell in love with Groovy and try to use it more and more. Now I have to work with Oracle Forms Jdapi library. When working with this library, you write a lot of code like this:
JdapiIterator progIterator = getWorkForm().getProgramUnits();
while(progIterator.hasNext()) {
ProgramUnit currProgUnit = (ProgramUnit);
and of cource I would like to write
getWorkForm().programUnits.each {
However, I never wrote a Groovy interface to an existing Java library and need some assistance. I know about Groovy 2.0's extension methods, but in that case I am thinking about a class with the same name in a different namespace which delegates only to the functions I would like to keep.
What is the best approach for providing the each functionality, but also all other closures applicable for collections? I would appreciate if you point me in the right direction!
The only method you need to provide is the iterator() method. You then get all of the Groovy Object iteration methods (each(), find(), any(), every(), collect(), ...) for free!

JAXB Ignore a method at runtime

I have a class which is a 3rd party class. I can marshall and unmarshall in Java 7 but not Java 6. The reason is because it contains the following method
public PrintWriter getLogWriter() and PrintWriter does not have a default constructor. I am not using this method and the value is always null. I just want ignore this method, but I do not have the source code.
I am looking for the simplest way to do this.
