Getting list of items through share point web service - sharepoint

I want to get a list of documents which are in Shared Documents (this is the Document Library). I am using the GetListItems web service.
I am getting response with list of rows. But I don't see a word document which is created under that. Am I doing something wrong?

The GetListItems method does not return actual documents, it returns the ListItem information (metadata). It should include a Url (FileRef / FileLeafRef) property you can use to download the documents by looping through the method's result.


How to Add Indexed Property to a Site So I can build a result source to search all sites for content with this property

I want to build a sharepoint online search result source that includes only some site collections and subsites. I have over 5000 Site collections, so I can't use named URLs/site ids in the result source - not maintainable. Instead I hope to add an indexed property to a site's property bag after site is provisioned then map a managed property to it, and use it in a resultsource to filter search results to match only content found in sites that have that property value. The Phil Harding's article describes the approach: and Mike Morawski adds some code for the indexed property encoding - I used bits of both to implement this approach.
Add Key = 'SiteType', Value = 'MySiteType' to Web All Properties
Add Indexed Property 'SiteType' with 'MySiteType' Value to web IndexedProperties (vti_indexedpropertykeys). Key encoded to base64
Add Managed Property 'propSiteType' mapped to 'SiteType' Crawled property in Search Schema manually.
I've done 1 and 2 via Powershell+CSOM, and verify site property added and is crawled. Managed Property is there, but It is not available in ResultSource builder dialog, and any searches such as {searchterms} propSiteType:MySiteType or (contentclass:STS_Web OR contentclass:STS_Site) propSiteType:MySiteType do not return results.
Ideas or alternative approaches? Thanks in advance
My only thought is an indexing delay. I have seen O365 take days to index new content, and that's even when manually requesting a crawl. If that was the issue, it's probably resolved by now. Are you seeing relevant search results?

How to index documents with elastic.js client?

So far I haven't found any samples of HOW the elastic.js client api ( can be used for indexing documents. There are some clues here & there but nothing concrete yet.
Document ( index, type, id ): Object used to create, replace, update, and delete documents
Document > doIndex(fnCallBack): Stores a document in the given index and type. If no id is set, one is created during indexing.
Document > source (doc): Sets the source document.
Can anyone provide a sample snippet of code to show how an document object can be instantiated and used to index data?
Update # 1 (Sun Apr 21st, 2013 on 12:58pm CDT)
Your gist is correct.
You create ejs.Document objects specifying the index, type, and optionally the id of the document you want indexed. If you don't specify an id, elasticsearch will generate one for you.
You set the source to the json object you want indexed then call the doIndex method specifying a callback if needed. The node example does not index docs, but the angular and jquery examples show a basic example and can easily be used with the node client.
Also have a peek at the tests:
elastic.js nowadays only implements the Query DSL, so it can't be used for this scenario anymore. See this commit.

Get List Item by Guid without List in SharePoint

Could anybody help me to get List Item by unique Id in SharePoint without using List? I know the List Item unique Id, but I haven't information about List. Using Client Object Model I can do the following:
using (SP.ClientContext clientContext = new SP.ClientContext(...))
**SP.List list = clientContext.Web.Lists.GetById(listId);**
SP.ListItem listItem = list.GetItemById(listItemId);
Unfortunately, in this code I use listId, but the problem is that in my task I don't know listId, I have only ListItem Guid. Since I have unique Id, I believe that there must be a way to get this Item without using any additional information.
You've posted a snippet with a Client Object Model, so I suppose it's a preffered object model for the solution. However, if it's acceptable for You, I've found some information on how to achieve this using server side object model, which You may find helpful.
It seems that this can be done using SPWeb.GetFile(Guid itemGuid) if the item exist in the root site.
If you want it to work also for subsites, you can use SPWeb.GetSiteData method to invoke caml retrieving an item as explained in this article:
You can also take a look at this thread on SO for some additional information:
SharePoint: Get SPListItem by Unique ID.
If you have any issues using those methods, let me know. I'll also look for alternatives for this to run with Client Object Model and I'll post them if I find some, however, it seems to be more difficult to achieve.

URL for Key Filter on document list view in SharePoint 2010

I'm trying to dynamically construct URLs in an ASP.NET MVC website that point back to a SharePoint list view with a Key Filter enabled for a managed metadata field (which uses a TermSet).
If I configure a navigation hierarchy for the managed metadata field, I see the following in the URL:
However, if configure the managed metdata field as a KeyFilter, I see the following in the URL:
Where does the FilterValue1 value of 247 come from? It is not the database id of the MyCategory term. It is also not present anywhere on the Term object when loading the taxonomy through the SharePoint API. Is there a way to construct the query string to use the guid for the term (or better yet, the label, which I know will be unique).
The value comes from the taxonomy hidden list. Use the following method GetWssIdSoftTerm to get the int value the above urls are using to filter the data.

Link data in custom SQL db with document library

I have a windows network shared desktop application written in C# that leans against an MSSQL database. Windows sharepoint services 3.0 is installed (default installation, single processor, default sql express content database and so on) on the same Windows Server 2003 machine.
The application generates MS Word documents during processing (creating work orders) that need to be saved on sharepoint, and the result of the process must be linked to the corresponding document.
So, for each insert in dbo.WorkOrders (one work order), there is one MS Word document. I would need to save the document ID from the sharepoint library to my database so that later on, possible manual corrections can be made to the document related. When a work order is deleted, the sharepoint document would also have to be deleted.
Also, there is a dbo.Jobs table which is parent to dbo.WorkOrders and can have several work orders.
I was thinking about making a custom list on sharepoint, that would have two ID fields - one is the documents ID and the other AutoID of the document. I don't think this would be a good way performance-wise and it requires too much upkeep, therefore it's more error prone.
Another path I was contemplating is metadata. I could have an Identity field in dbo.WorkOrders that would be unique and auto incremented, and I could save that value as a file name (1.docx, 2.docx 3.docx ... n.docx where n would be the value in dbo.WorkOrder's identity field). In the metadata field of the Word document, I could save the job ID from dbo.Jobs.
I could also just increment the identity field in the WorkOrder (it would be a bigint), but then the file names would get ugly and maybe I'd overflow the ID range (since there could be a lot of documents).
There are other options also that I have considered and dismissed, since none of them satisfied the requirements (linked data sources, subfolder structures etc.). I'm not sure how to proceed. I'm new to sharepoint and it's still a bit of a mystery to me, as I don't understand all the inner workings of the system.
What do you suggest?
I think I'll be using guid as file names and save those guids in my database after sending documents to sharepoint. What do you think of that?
All the documents in SharePoint under the same Content Database (SQL Database) are stored in the same table, that said, you have an unique ID for files no matter where they are in the sharepoint structure.
When retrieving files by their UniqueID The API only gives you the option to get them if you also know their SPWeb, so you could easily store, for each record you have in your external database (or your custom list, the SPFile GUID and the SPWeb GUID) retrieving them with:using(SPWeb subweb = (SPContext.Current.Site.OpenWeb(new Guid("{000...}")))
SPFile file = subweb.GetFile(new Guid("{111...}"));
// file logic
ps.: As Colin pointed out, url retrieval is possible but messy. I also changed the SPSite to the context since you are always under the same Site Collection in my example.
Like F.Aquino said, all items in sharepoint have a UniqueId field already (i.e. SPListItem.UniqueId and SPFile.UniqueId), which is a guid. Save that to your database, along with your web.'s guid. Then you can use the code provided by F.Aquino to get the file, or even the byte[] of the stream.
P.S. for F.Aquino, your code leaves the SPSite in memory, use this instead:
P.P.S this is just clarification, mark F.Aquino as the answer.
using(SPSite site = new SPSite("http://url"))
using(SPWeb subweb = site.OpenWeb(new Guid("{000...}"))
SPFile file = subweb.GetFile(new Guid("{111...}"));
// file logic
