I'm trying to use sarama (Admin mode) to create a topic.
Without the ConfigEntries works fine. But I need to define some configs.
I set up the topic config (Here is happening the error):
tConfigs := map[string]*string{
"cleanup.policy": "delete",
"delete.retention.ms": "36000000",
But then I get an error:
./main.go:99:28: cannot use "delete" (type string) as type *string in map value
./main.go:100:28: cannot use "36000000" (type string) as type *string in map value
I'm trying to use the admin mode like this:
err = admin.CreateTopic(t.Name, &sarama.TopicDetail{
NumPartitions: 1,
ReplicationFactor: 3,
ConfigEntries: tConfigs,
}, false)
Here is the line from the sarama module that defines CreateTopic()
Basically, I didn't understand how the map of pointers strings works :)
To initialize a map having string pointer value type with a composite literal, you have to use string pointer values. A string literal is not a pointer, it's just a string value.
An easy way to get a pointer to a string value is to take the address of a variable of string type, e.g.:
s1 := "delete"
s2 := "36000000"
tConfigs := map[string]*string{
"cleanup.policy": &s1,
"delete.retention.ms": &s2,
To make it convenient when used many times, create a helper function:
func strptr(s string) *string { return &s }
And using it:
tConfigs := map[string]*string{
"cleanup.policy": strptr("delete"),
"delete.retention.ms": strptr("36000000"),
Try the examples on the Go Playground.
See background and other options here: How do I do a literal *int64 in Go?
I was browsing the docs, and I found StaticString. It states:
An simple string designed to represent text that is "knowable at compile-time".
I originally thought that String has the same behaviour as NSString, which is known at compile time, but it looks like that I was wrong. So my question is when should we use StaticString instead of a String, and is the only difference is that StaticString is known at compile-time?
One thing I found is
var a: String = "asdf" //"asdf"
var b: StaticString = "adsf" //{(Opaque Value), (Opaque Value), (Opaque Value)}
sizeofValue(a) //24
sizeofValue(b) //17
So it looks like StaticString has a little bit less memory footprint.
It appears that StaticString can hold string literals. You can't assign a variable of type String to it, and it can't be mutated (with +=, for example).
"Knowable at compile time" doesn't mean that the value held by the variable will be determined at compile time, just that any value assigned to it is known at compile time.
Consider this example which does work:
var str: StaticString
for _ in 1...10 {
switch arc4random_uniform(3) {
case 0: str = "zero"
case 1: str = "one"
case 2: str = "two"
default: str = "default"
Any time you can give Swift more information about how a variable is to be used, it can optimize the code using it. By restricting a variable to StaticString, Swift knows the variable won't be mutated so it might be able to store it more efficiently, or access the individual characters more efficiently.
In fact, StaticString could be implemented with just an address pointer and a length. The address it points to is just the place in the static code where the string is defined. A StaticString doesn't need to be reference counted since it doesn't (need to) exist in the heap. It is neither allocated nor deallocated, so no reference count is needed.
"Knowable at compile time" is pretty strict. Even this doesn't work:
let str: StaticString = "hello " + "world"
which fails with error:
error: 'String' is not convertible to 'StaticString'
StaticString is knowable at compile time. This can lead to optimizations. Example:
EDIT: This part doesn't work, see edit below
Suppose you have a function that calculates an Int for some String values for some constants that you define at compile time.
let someString = "Test"
let otherString = "Hello there"
func numberForString(string: String) -> Int {
return string.stringValue.unicodeScalars.reduce(0) { $0 * 1 << 8 + Int($1.value) }
let some = numberForString(someString)
let other = numberForString(otherString)
Like this, the function would be executed with "Test" and "Hello there" when it really gets called in the program, when the app starts for example. Definitely at runtime. However if you change your function to take a StaticString
func numberForString(string: StaticString) -> Int {
return string.stringValue.unicodeScalars.reduce(0) { $0 * 1 << 8 + Int($1.value) }
the compiler knows that the passed in StaticString is knowable at compile time, so guess what it does? It runs the function right at compile time (How awesome is that!). I once read an article about that, the author inspected the generated assembly and he actually found the already computed numbers.
As you can see this can be useful in some cases like the one mentioned, to not decrease runtime performance for stuff that can be done at compile time.
EDIT: Dániel Nagy and me had a conversation. The above example of mine doesn't work because the function stringValue of StaticString can't be known at compile time (because it returns a String). Here is a better example:
func countStatic(string: StaticString) -> Int {
return string.byteSize // Breakpoint here
func count(string: String) -> Int {
return string.characters.count // Breakpoint here
let staticString : StaticString = "static string"
let string : String = "string"
In a release build only the second breakpoint gets triggered whereas if you change the first function to
func countStatic(string: StaticString) -> Int {
return string.stringValue.characters.count // Breakpoint here
both breakpoints get triggered.
Apparently there are some methods which can be done at compile time while other can't. I wonder how the compiler figures this out actually.
When taking a substring of a string in Go, no new memory is allocated. Instead, the underlying representation of the substring contains a Data pointer that is an offset of the original string's Data pointer.
This means that if I have a large string and wish to keep track of a small substring, the garbage collector will be unable to free any of the large string until I release all references to the shorter substring.
Slices have a similar problem, but you can get around it by making a copy of the subslice using copy(). I am unaware of any similar copy operation for strings. What is the idiomatic and fastest way to make a "copy" of a substring?
For example,
package main
import (
type String struct {
str *byte
len int
func main() {
str := "abc"
substr := string([]byte(str[1:]))
fmt.Println(str, substr)
fmt.Println(*(*String)(unsafe.Pointer(&str)), *(*String)(unsafe.Pointer(&substr)))
abc bc
{0x4c0640 3} {0xc21000c940 2}
I know this is an old question, but there are a couple ways you can do this without creating two copies of the data you want.
First is to create the []byte of the substring, then simply coerce it to a string using unsafe.Pointer. This works because the header for a []byte is the same as that for a string, except that the []byte has an extra Cap field at the end, so it just gets truncated.
package main
import (
func main() {
str := "foobar"
byt := []byte(str[3:])
sub := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&byt))
fmt.Println(str, sub)
The second way is to use reflect.StringHeader and reflect.SliceHeader to do a more explicit header transfer.
package main
import (
func main() {
str := "foobar"
byt := []byte(str[3:])
bytPtr := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&byt)).Data
strHdr := reflect.StringHeader{Data: bytPtr, Len: len(byt)}
sub := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&strHdr))
fmt.Println(str, sub)
Is there a simple way to format a string in Go without printing the string?
I can do:
bar := "bar"
fmt.Printf("foo: %s", bar)
But I want the formatted string returned rather than printed so I can manipulate it further.
I could also do something like:
s := "foo: " + bar
But this becomes difficult to read when the format string is complex, and cumbersome when one or many of the parts aren't strings and have to be converted first, like
i := 25
s := "foo: " + strconv.Itoa(i)
Is there a simpler way to do this?
Sprintf is what you are looking for.
fmt.Sprintf("foo: %s", bar)
You can also see it in use in the Errors example as part of "A Tour of Go."
return fmt.Sprintf("at %v, %s", e.When, e.What)
1. Simple strings
For "simple" strings (typically what fits into a line) the simplest solution is using fmt.Sprintf() and friends (fmt.Sprint(), fmt.Sprintln()). These are analogous to the functions without the starter S letter, but these Sxxx() variants return the result as a string instead of printing them to the standard output.
For example:
s := fmt.Sprintf("Hi, my name is %s and I'm %d years old.", "Bob", 23)
The variable s will be initialized with the value:
Hi, my name is Bob and I'm 23 years old.
Tip: If you just want to concatenate values of different types, you may not automatically need to use Sprintf() (which requires a format string) as Sprint() does exactly this. See this example:
i := 23
s := fmt.Sprint("[age:", i, "]") // s will be "[age:23]"
For concatenating only strings, you may also use strings.Join() where you can specify a custom separator string (to be placed between the strings to join).
Try these on the Go Playground.
2. Complex strings (documents)
If the string you're trying to create is more complex (e.g. a multi-line email message), fmt.Sprintf() becomes less readable and less efficient (especially if you have to do this many times).
For this the standard library provides the packages text/template and html/template. These packages implement data-driven templates for generating textual output. html/template is for generating HTML output safe against code injection. It provides the same interface as package text/template and should be used instead of text/template whenever the output is HTML.
Using the template packages basically requires you to provide a static template in the form of a string value (which may be originating from a file in which case you only provide the file name) which may contain static text, and actions which are processed and executed when the engine processes the template and generates the output.
You may provide parameters which are included/substituted in the static template and which may control the output generation process. Typical form of such parameters are structs and map values which may be nested.
For example let's say you want to generate email messages that look like this:
Hi [name]!
Your account is ready, your user name is: [user-name]
You have the following roles assigned:
[role#1], [role#2], ... [role#n]
To generate email message bodies like this, you could use the following static template:
const emailTmpl = `Hi {{.Name}}!
Your account is ready, your user name is: {{.UserName}}
You have the following roles assigned:
{{range $i, $r := .Roles}}{{if $i}}, {{end}}{{.}}{{end}}
And provide data like this for executing it:
data := map[string]interface{}{
"Name": "Bob",
"UserName": "bob92",
"Roles": []string{"dbteam", "uiteam", "tester"},
Normally output of templates are written to an io.Writer, so if you want the result as a string, create and write to a bytes.Buffer (which implements io.Writer). Executing the template and getting the result as string:
t := template.Must(template.New("email").Parse(emailTmpl))
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
if err := t.Execute(buf, data); err != nil {
s := buf.String()
This will result in the expected output:
Hi Bob!
Your account is ready, your user name is: bob92
You have the following roles assigned:
dbteam, uiteam, tester
Try it on the Go Playground.
Also note that since Go 1.10, a newer, faster, more specialized alternative is available to bytes.Buffer which is: strings.Builder. Usage is very similar:
builder := &strings.Builder{}
if err := t.Execute(builder, data); err != nil {
s := builder.String()
Try this one on the Go Playground.
Note: you may also display the result of a template execution if you provide os.Stdout as the target (which also implements io.Writer):
t := template.Must(template.New("email").Parse(emailTmpl))
if err := t.Execute(os.Stdout, data); err != nil {
This will write the result directly to os.Stdout. Try this on the Go Playground.
try using Sprintf(); it will not print the output but save it for future purpose.
check this out.
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
address := "NYC"
fmt.Sprintf("I live in %v", address)
when you run this code, it will not output anything. But once you assigned the Sprintf() to a separate variable, it can be used for future purposes.
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
address := "NYC"
fmt.Sprintf("I live in %v", address)
var city = fmt.Sprintf("lives in %v", address)
I've created go project for string formatting from template (it allow to format strings in C# or Python style) and by performance tests it is fater than fmt.Sprintf, you could find it here https://github.com/Wissance/stringFormatter
it works in following manner:
func TestStrFormat(t *testing.T) {
strFormatResult, err := Format("Hello i am {0}, my age is {1} and i am waiting for {2}, because i am {0}!",
"Michael Ushakov (Evillord666)", "34", "\"Great Success\"")
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, "Hello i am Michael Ushakov (Evillord666), my age is 34 and i am waiting for \"Great Success\", because i am Michael Ushakov (Evillord666)!", strFormatResult)
strFormatResult, err = Format("We are wondering if these values would be replaced : {5}, {4}, {0}", "one", "two", "three")
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, "We are wondering if these values would be replaced : {5}, {4}, one", strFormatResult)
strFormatResult, err = Format("No args ... : {0}, {1}, {2}")
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, "No args ... : {0}, {1}, {2}", strFormatResult)
func TestStrFormatComplex(t *testing.T) {
strFormatResult, err := FormatComplex("Hello {user} what are you doing here {app} ?", map[string]string{"user":"vpupkin", "app":"mn_console"})
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, "Hello vpupkin what are you doing here mn_console ?", strFormatResult)
In your case, you need to use Sprintf() for format string.
func Sprintf(format string, a ...interface{}) string
Sprintf formats according to a format specifier and returns the resulting string.
s := fmt.Sprintf("Good Morning, This is %s and I'm living here from last %d years ", "John", 20)
Your output will be :
Good Morning, This is John and I'm living here from last 20 years.
fmt.SprintF function returns a string and you can format the string the very same way you would have with fmt.PrintF
I came to this page specifically looking for a way to format an error string. So if someone needs help with the same, you want to use the fmt.Errorf() function.
The method signature is func Errorf(format string, a ...interface{}) error.
It returns the formatted string as a value that satisfies the error interface.
You can look up more details in the documentation - https://golang.org/pkg/fmt/#Errorf.
Instead of using template.New, you can just use the new builtin with
package main
import (
func format(s string, v interface{}) string {
t, b := new(template.Template), new(strings.Builder)
template.Must(t.Parse(s)).Execute(b, v)
return b.String()
func main() {
bar := "bar"
println(format("foo: {{.}}", bar))
i := 25
println(format("foo: {{.}}", i))
Please help, how can i convert a real declared variable into a string one. Is there any function like IntToStr() ? RealToStr() function won't work.
There is a bunch of conversion routines in SysUtils unit, ie FloatToStr and other FloatTo* functions. Also see the Format function.
A really old method uses the 'Str' procedure, which has two parameters: the first is a real or integer, and the second is a string variable, into which the formatted number will be placed.
i:= 1;
str (i, a); // a = '1'
r:= 1.5;
str (r:2, a); // a = '1.50'
It depends on the Delphi version you are using.
There is a FloatToStr in newer versions.
I think something like this would work...
procedure TestConversion;
StringValue : String;
RealValue : Real;
RealValue := 1 + 1.95;
// to display it in a label for example, it should be like this:
Label1.Caption := StringValue + ' is a Real Value!';
so the output should be displayed in the Label1.Caption(as example) without problems like this:
2.95 is a Real value!