Reading the result of an exe file in :vs in vim - vim

Many of my programs are console like applications, which take a data file, and print out the results, either on screen (more often) or in another file.
Since these days I'm doing some analysis which requires a lot of little tempting with one input data file, just to get a few numbers, I usually go: edit data file, start program, get result, edit data file, start program, get result ...
So I was wondering, is there a way in vim, while having open the input file, to define a function which would open a vertical split and load the result of program (pro12.exe) in it ?
How would one go about that ?

The easiest thing to do is probably write a Makefile to run the program (and redirect output to a file), and :set the autoread option on in Vim. Then, you can create a macro r by typing qr:make<Enter>q and run the macro with #r. The macro will cause Vim to invoke make, which will run the program to update the data file. The autoread option will make sure that vim refreshes the updated file without prompting you first.

Assuming pro12.exe is in your %PATH%, this will invoke your helper app and vert-split-open a static output file name. Map to whatever key you like. QND: won't work when relative paths (bufnames) change via cd. YMMV
fun! RunPro12()
bufdo if bufname(bufnr($)) == '/path/to/pro12.exe.output' | close | endif
silent exe '!pro12.exe'
vs /path/to/pro12.exe.output
map <f3> :call RunPro12()<cr>

I don't like :bufdo solutions as this command always messes up the current windows organisation.
In normal time, I'd use lh#buffer#jump() that jumps to the window where the named buffer is opened if it is already opened, or opens the window otherwise.
function! s:Run0()
call lh#buffer#jump('/path/to/pro12.exe.output', 'vsp')
silent exe '!ls'
Given the requested "to define a function which would open a vertical split", we could simply use:
function! s:Run1()
let bn = bufnr('/path/to/pro12.exe.output')
if bn >= 0
exe 'bw '.bn
silent exe '!pro12'
vsp /path/to/pro12.exe.output
nnoremap µ :call <sid>Run1()<cr>
Last thing. If as I suspect pro12 writes to stdout (the standard output, i.e. ~ the console), the last two lines of the function shall become:
vsp /path/to/pro12.exe.output
The "/path/to/pro12.exe.output" may be replaced with anything unique. Typically, I'd use a scratch buffer with a unique name having "pro12 result" in it.
PS: if in the function (this is important) you add a
nnoremap <buffer> q :bw<cr>
you'll be able to simply quit the output window simply by hitting q, from within the output window.


VIM 7: How to navigate the code source tree from the root of the code base, in an efficient manner?

I have a system of navigating the code across multiple files in a huge code base, and I want to improve/fix a drawback that it currently has :
My shell is pre-configured to open at the root of my code base - lets call it Dev/.
During syncing/code building, I have a script which automatically stores the relative path of all .h and .c files in a single file to be used by cscope (lets call it cscope.files).
Once I sync, this file is updated - and then I can open any file I want in vim using the following command from Dev/ :
vif "part of file name",
vif: aliased to vi `grep !:1 cscope.files`
Provided I give a part of the filename long enough to uniquely identify it, I can immediately open it in vim.
Now, the drawback to this approach is, when I've already opened one file, and jump to another file without exiting vim, the only way I can do so is
:!vif *file2*
This spawns a new shell and then opens the file in a vim launched there. As a result, I can't switch between the two files (using Ctrl-^). I'm unable to come up with a solution that :
a) Lets me open any file from Dev/ instantly
b) Lets me open any other file inside vim (once I've opened an existing file) in the same shell, so that the 2 vim sessions are aware of each other (I can hop between the 2 using Ctrl-^)
I know this is a long question (how does one google this :) ), but I'm betting the solution is simple and obvious to someone more proficient in vim !!
Let me know if any part of the question is fuzzy, and I'll clarify it...
I ultimately went the cscope way, after customizing using a shortcut (as using 'gf' on cscope.files still prevented me from toggling between 2 source files). See VIM 7 and cscope: Using "cscope find f" inside a keyboard mapping for switching between files for the shortcut.
Use vim's grep in something like this:
:map <F1> :vim <pattern> cscope.files<CR>gf
For example, with this:
vnoremap <F1> "ry:exe ':1vim /'.#r.'/ cscope.files'<CR>gf
you select (visual mode) the pattern you'd like to search for and then press F1. The first file that matches the pattern will open, replacing the current buffer*.
* If this is possible. i.e if current buffer is saved or if hidden is set etc.
If you prefer to get a prompt, use input():
nnoremap <F1> :exe ':1vim /'.input("Enter pattern: ").'/ cscope.files'<CR>
[ but then you have to manually gf because input() consumes the remaining characters of the map. To avoid this, you can use inputsave() and inputrestore() ]
... for example like this:
function! GetPat()
call inputsave()
let mypat = input("Enter pattern: ")
call inputrestore()
return mypat
nnoremap <F1> :exe ':1vim /'.GetPat().'/ cscope.files'<CR>gf
I think that the Vim Fuzzy Finder plugin is well adapted to your use case.
As the name implies, using the plugin, you can find files using a fuzzy text search.
Additionnaly, it also works for other Vim ressources like buffers, tags, etc.
I don't use cscope myself, but it seems that you can use it to find files, see :help cscope-find.
Otherwise, something like (not tested) this could help:
"Custom function
function! MyFunc(pat)
" Get files list
let filelist = readfile('path/to/cscope.files')
" Filter non matching item out and see if only one item is left
if len(filter(filelist, 'v:var =~? '.a:pat)) == 1
" edit file
exec 'edit '.filelist[0]
" Report back
echom 'More than one match:'
for file in filelist
echom file
" Custom command
command! -bar -nargs=1 MyCom call MyFunc(<args>)
Also try using the built-in cscope integration:
:cs find f stdio.h
Cscope tag: stdio.h
# line filename / context / line
1 1 /usr/include/stdio.h <<<unknown>>>
2 1 /usr/include/bits/stdio.h <<<unknown>>>
Type number and <Enter> (empty cancels):
See :help cscope-suggestions for some mappings that may make it easier to use cscope from within vim.

Vim: Delete Buffer When Quitting Split Window

I have this very useful function in my .vimrc:
function! MyGitDiff()
!git cat-file blob HEAD:% > temp/compare.tmp
belowright vertical new
edit temp/compare.tmp
What it does is basically opening the file I am currently working on from repository in a vertical split window, then compare with it. This is very handy, as I can easily compare changes to the original file.
However, there is a problem. After finishing the compare, I remove the split window by typing :q. This however doesn't remove the buffer from the buffer list and I can still see the compare.tmp file in the buffer list. This is annoying because whenever I make new compare, I get this message:
Warning: File "temp/compare.tmp" has changed since editing started.
Is there anyway to delete the file from buffers as well as closing the vertical split window?
Perhaps you need the bwipe command?
:bw[ipeout][!] N1 N2 ...
Like |:bdelete|, but really delete the buffer. Everything
related to the buffer is lost. All marks in this buffer
become invalid, option settings are lost, etc. Don't use this
unless you know what you are doing.
One option would be to define the following:
function! DelBuf(filename)
let bname = bufname(filename)
if l:bname != ""
let bidx = buffer_number(l:bname)
exec = "bw " . l:bidx
and add a call to DelBuf("comapre.tmp") at the beginning of your function.
In theory it should be possible to bind DelBuf to the `bufhidden event like this:
autocmd! bufhidden "compare.tmp" call DelTmp("compare.tmp")
... but for some reason it didn't work for me.
You need to use autocmd winleave bd (buffer delete). Be warned that if you have the buffer open in more than one window they will all be removed.
I usually define the following things for diff-buffers:
setlocal bt=nofile bh=wipe nobl noswf ro
nnoremap <buffer> q :bw<cr>
The first line is what will make the difference in your case (:h 'bh' -> no need for a single execution autcocommand), the second line is just a shortcut.
BTW: use r! git instead of producing a temporary file. This way, you won't have to clear that file either.

Vim searching through all existing buffers

When dealing with a single file, I'm used to:
do some work
do some work
do some work
Suppose now I want to search for some pattern over all buffers loaded in Vim, do some work on them, and move on. What commands do I use for this work flow?
Use the bufdo command.
:bufdo command
:bufdo command is roughly equivalent to iterating over each buffer and executing command. For example, let's say you want to do a find and replace throughout all buffers:
:bufdo! %s/FIND/REPLACE/g
Or let's say we want to delete all lines of text that match the regex "SQL" from all buffers:
:bufdo! g/SQL/del
Or maybe we want to set the file encoding to UTF-8 on all the buffers:
:bufdo! set fenc=utf-8
The above can be extrapolated for Windows (:windo), Tabs (:tabdo), and arguments (:argdo). See help on :bufdo for more information.
We can do this using vimgrep and searching across the argslist. But first let's populate our argslist with all our buffers:
:bufdo :args ## %
Now we can search in our argslist
:vimgrep /blah/ ##
Where % == the current filepath and ## == the arglist.
I recommend watching these vimcasts if you want to learn more: Populate the arglist, Search multiple files with vimgrep
I have the following mappings (inspired by Vimperator) that make switching previous/next buffer easier.
nmap <C-P> :bp<CR>
nmap <C-N> :bn<CR>
This works really well with 'n'. When you're done working with your file, just hit CTRL-n before hitting n again and you're searching in the next buffer. Redo until you're through all buffers.
Another way of working with many files is the argument list.
It contains any files passed as parameters when you started vim (e.g: vim someFile.txt The file within [brackets] is the current file.
:n will bring you to the next file in the list and :N will bring you back. You can also add to the argslist with :argadd, or create a new args list with
or to open all *.py files recursively from some project.
:n ~/MyProjects/TimeMachine/**/*.py
The args list work well with macros too (see :help q), if you have similar changes to your files. Just record your macro on the first file, finish with :n to move to the next file, and stop recording.
Then run your macro through all files (6#q), have a look to make sure everything went well, and finish with a :wall.
It kinda depends on what you want to do. If you just have one change that is exactly the same across many files (and those are the only ones you have loaded), I also like the :ba (:tabdo sp) command. It's very quick and you can see what's happening.
And if you have a bunch of buffers open, you can load up the files you want to work within, each in a window, and do a regexp on all of them.
CTRL-w v :b someFile
:sp anotherFile
:windo :%s/foo/bar/g
I really recommend FuzzyFinder, it makes your life a lot easier when opening files.
Anytime you want to switch to another buffer try this.
:b + <any part of file in buffer> + tab
For an example. I have this in my buffer
77 "/var/www/html/TopMenuAlertAlert.vue" line 65
78 "/var/www/html/MainSidebar.vue" line 29
79 "/var/www/html/FullScreenSearch.vue" line 26
80 "/var/www/html/Menu.vue" line 93
81 "/var/www/html/layouts/RightSidebar.vue" line 195
As I want to change to another buffer, I probably remember some detail about the file like 'Alert'
So I just go
:b Alert + tab
if the file given is not the one I want, I just keep on pressing tab.
Vim will keep on giving the next file close to it.
Once you got it. Press Enter.
Here is your gospel:
This lovely plugin shows you all the files that match your query in a separate window, from which you can choose. It support regex.
I don't believe it's possible to extend the 'n' functionanly across files or buffers. You could use
:grep blah *
And then do
To move to the next line with blah on it. That will switch between files but it's not quite as neat. It's more cumbersome to type the colon all the time, and it will only take you to the line, not the word.
What I usually do is either to open the files I want to searched in tabs and then use 'n' and 'gt' to jump to next tab when I reach the end of the file, or list the files on the command line to I can skip to the next file with ':wn' when I'm done editing it.
Hope it helps!
Another approach:
:call setqflist([]) " clear quickfix list
:silent bufdo grepadd! foo % " edit foo in command-line history window
:cw " view search results
Or mapped:
cmap bbb call setqflist([]) \| silent bufdo grepadd! %<C-F>$hha
I would open all the buffers in a new tab using the following two commands:
:tab sp
:bufdo sp
Then search through each file one by one and close its window when you are done (use :q or :close). Use CTRL+W_ to maximize each window as you are working in it. When you're finished and you close the last window, the tab page will close and you'll be dropped back wherever you were before you decided to do the search.

How can I execute a command when a buffer is closed in vim?

Is there something like a close-window-hook in vim/vimscript, so that I can call a function every time a window is closed?
I want to use it for the following scenario:
I use an extra scratch window to display information about the file, and when I close the file I want the scratch window to be closed automatically so that vim exits.
If you have any ideas how to achieve that without a hook that will be just as fine.
I know about :qa[ll], but I am lazy and only want to type :q or ZZ.
I accepted the autocommand answer as it was closest to the original question, but found another solution in using a preview window instead of a split window. A preview window is automatically closed when the last "normal" window is closed..
autocommands are amazing! I'm pretty sure that in this case, BufLeave will do the job, but you might want BufWinLeave? Have a look at :help autocmd-events for a full list of events.
The other bit you'll care about is: you can have buffer-local autocommands! (:help autocmd-buflocal)
You can define one for the current buffer using au BufLeave <buffer> .... My best guess is that you could run this in whatever command creates the scratch window. You should be able to cache the scratch window's buffer number in a global variable when you open the scratch window, then your autocommand could just delete that buffer (:help :bdelete).
au BufLeave <buffer> bdelete g:scratch_buffer
call CreateScratchWindow()
function CreateScratchWindow() {
let g:scratch_buffer = bufnr("")
There's also a function winbufnr, for getting buffer numbers by window. You can use either one - just make sure that the scratch window/buffer is current when you use it! (The "" means current window/buffer).
Add a mapping.
:nnoremap :q :qa
then, if you only want to use :q one day, you can just
and normally, you can just
and get
for free.
Ok, not really a new question, but I found it looking for, what I now know, BufWinLeave. However, the scenario the author is describing is something I have in my vimrc with NerdTree, e.g. when the last buffer is closed, I want vim to close the NerdTree "buffer" and then quit.
autocmd bufenter * if (winnr("$") == 1 && exists("b:NERDTree") && b:NERDTree.isTabTree()) | q | endif
Replace the NERDTree specific stuff with how the scratch buffer is identified.
You can use
to close all windows at once.
add a ! if you want to ignore unsaved changes.

How do I close a single buffer (out of many) in Vim?

I open several files in Vim by, for example, running
vim a/*.php
which opens 23 files.
I then make my edit and run the following twice
which closes all my buffers.
How can you close only one buffer in Vim?
A word of caution: “the w in bw does not stand for write but for wipeout!”
More from manuals:
Unload buffer [N] (default: current
buffer) and delete it from
the buffer list. If the buffer was changed, this fails,
unless when [!] is specified, in which case changes are
The file remains unaffected.
If you know what you’re doing, you can also use :bw
Like |:bdelete|, but really delete the
If this isn't made obvious by the the previous answers:
:bd will close the current buffer. If you don't want to grab the buffer list.
Check your buffer id using
you will see list of buffers there like
1 a.php
2 b.php
3 c.php
if you want to remove b.php from buffer
if you want to remove/close all from buffers
Rather than browse the ouput of the :ls command and delete (unload, wipe..) a buffer by specifying its number, I find that using file names is often more effective.
For instance, after I opened a couple of .txt file to refresh my memories of some fine point.. copy and paste a few lines of text to use as a template of sorts.. etc. I would type the following:
:bd txt <Tab>
Note that the matching string does not have to be at the start of the file name.
The above displays the list of file names that match 'txt' at the bottom of the screen and keeps the :bd command I initially typed untouched, ready to be completed.
Here's an example:
doc1.txt doc2.txt
:bd txt
I could backspace over the 'txt' bit and type in the file name I wish to delete, but where this becomes really convenient is that I don't have to: if I hit the Tab key a second time, Vim automatically completes my command with the first match:
:bd doc1.txt
If I want to get rid of this particular buffer I just need to hit Enter.
And if the buffer I want to delete happens to be the second (third.. etc.) match, I only need to keep hitting the Tab key to make my :bd command cycle through the list of matches.
Naturally, this method can also be used to switch to a given buffer via such commands as :b.. :sb.. etc.
This approach is particularly useful when the 'hidden' Vim option is set, because the buffer list can quickly become quite large, covering several screens, and making it difficult to spot the particular buffer I am looking for.
To make the most of this feature, it's probably best to read the following Vim help file and tweak the behavior of Tab command-line completion accordingly so that it best suits your workflow:
:help wildmode
The behavior I described above results from the following setting, which I chose for consistency's sake in order to emulate bash completion:
:set wildmode=list:longest,full
As opposed to using buffer numbers, the merit of this approach is that I usually remember at least part of a given file name letting me target the buffer directly rather than having to first look up its number via the :ls command.
:ls - to list buffers
:bd#n - to close buffer where #n is the buffer number (use ls to get it)
to delete buffer 2:
You can map next and previous to function keys too, making cycling through buffers a breeze
map <F2> :bprevious<CR>
map <F3> :bnext<CR>
from my vimrc
Close buffer without closing the window
If you want to close a buffer without destroying your window layout (current layout based on splits), you can use a Plugin like bbye. Based on this, you can just use
:Bdelete (instead of :bdelete)
:Bwipeout (instead of :bwipeout)
Or just create a mapping in your .vimrc for easier access like
:nnoremap <Leader>q :Bdelete<CR>
Advantage over vim's :bdelete and :bwipeout
From the plugin's documentation:
Close and remove the buffer.
Show another file in that window.
Show an empty file if you've got no other files open.
Do not leave useless [no file] buffers if you decide to edit another file in that window.
Work even if a file's open in multiple windows.
Work a-okay with various buffer explorers and tabbars.
:bdelete vs :bwipeout
From the plugin's documentation:
Vim has two commands for closing a buffer: :bdelete and :bwipeout. The former removes the file from the buffer list, clears its options, variables and mappings. However, it remains in the jumplist, so Ctrl-o takes you back and reopens the file. If that's not what you want, use :bwipeout or Bbye's equivalent :Bwipeout where you would've used :bdelete.
How about
vim -O a a
That way you can edit a single file on your left and navigate the whole dir on your right...
Just a thought, not the solution...
[EDIT: this was a stupid suggestion from a time I did not know Vim well enough. Please don't use tabs instead of buffers; tabs are Vim's "window layouts"]
Maybe switch to using tabs?
vim -p a/*.php opens the same files in tabs
gt and gT switch tabs back and forth
:q closes only the current tab
:qa closes everything and exits
:tabo closes everything but the current tab
Those using a buffer or tree navigation plugin, like Buffergator or NERDTree, will need to toggle these splits before destroying the current buffer - else you'll send your splits into wonkyville
I use:
"" Buffer Navigation
" Toggle left sidebar: NERDTree and BufferGator
fu! UiToggle()
let b = bufnr("%")
execute "NERDTreeToggle | BuffergatorToggle"
execute ( bufwinnr(b) . "wincmd w" )
execute ":set number!"
map <silent> <Leader>w <esc>:call UiToggle()<cr>
Where "NERDTreeToggle" in that list is the same as typing :NERDTreeToggle. You can modify this function to integrate with your own configuration.
