Drupal Panels, Tabs - How do I create a link to a tab within a panel node? - drupal-6

How do I create a link to a tab within a panel node?
I'm working on a Drupal website and have tabs within panel nodes (Modules: Tabs, Panels, Tabs Panel Style). When I click on the tabs it takes me to the correct tab. When I click on the 'next' and 'previous' links they take to the correct page. When I hover over those links they show me the link URL (ex: http://examplesite.com/content/Project-Template#build-it).
When I type in a URL like that in the address bar it doesn't take me to the tab, but it does take me to the main page with the tabs on it.
How do I create a link to a tab within a panel node?
This is very important b/c I want to be able to direct people to a certain tab from other pages. This will also be useful if I need to call one of the tabs but pass some parameters in this time (example: editing or deleting data, which passes parameters of what to edit or delete). I want the user to be brought back to the tab they made the request from and not the first tab b/c that is not user-friendly.

I made this for you, it's for the 7.x-1.x branch.


How to implement scroll to a section/fragment on click in Liferay?

I want to implement scrolling to a particular section on click in Liferay, but I have no idea how to add functionalities in Liferay.
I have created a page using multiple fragments and in the top of the page I have headers of the sections and on click of a header the page should be scrolled to that particular section.
Attached page screenshot link below for reference
The easiest way to scroll to some place on the page is to place an anchor there, e.g. with <a name="scrollTarget"/>. In your navigation, you'll just link to this by Scroll to Target and you're set.
Of course, this can be done a lot fancier, with an animated scroll etc, but the basic start is this. There's nothing Liferay-specific hidden here - pick any of the more fancy methods, create fragments with the proper markup, and make sure they're used on your page.

How can I mirror a single click on in a browser with multiple tabs opened?

For instance I have like 50 tabs opened right? How can I for instance use the first tab and mirror the cursor clicks to every other tab opened in the current browser? Is it possible I've searched online but no dice, it's about a game that uses skins and I wanna make it easier for me because I have to single handidly open a tab to tab and click on that specific spot and why would I do that when there is probably methods for that.

How to scrape different pages of an unchanging Url that pages change with tabs on the top bar of Url?

I want to parse this page 'http://www.tsetmc.ir/Loader.aspx?ParTree=151311&i=22811176775480091' ,but it has a tab_bar on top ,so when I click one of them it shows up new information ,but with the same url.
I am using BeautifulSoup & selenium to parse that but i can't find the tag on the pages that are shown when i click one of the tabs.
This image shows the tabs that i mean.
As far as I could see, this menu uses classes, so you have to write:
driver.find_element_by_css_selector(class="...").click()- with this one he will click on the object with the class name you put into the parentheses.
A small example:
The driver would click on the yellow tab, and would open it in the same window.

How to create a user-impaired accessible website: surfing without a mouse?

I have created a webpage using Backbone.js and Marionette.js that mostly consists of a bootstrap accordion view that displays a list of items when the accordion header is clicked. Each item can also be clicked, which will show a hidden div of detailed information that pertains to that particular item.
I would like to make this site accessible to people who might not be using a mouse (Maybe they're visually impaired and using a screen reader? Maybe they just don't like clicking things? Either way.) I'm thinking that this would mean being able to press the Tab key to get to the accordion, pressing Space or Enter to open the accordion, Tabbing down (or down arrow key?) through the list items, and then using Space or Enter to show the selected item's hidden div.
I'm finding it difficult to find information on how to add a feature like this, since searches like "How to make an accessible website that can be used without a mouse" mostly turns up blogs on what a developer should do to add accessibility to a page, and not much on how to do it.
Currently, the page doesn't really respond to any keyboard buttons. Any tips or resources you could share would be extremely appreciated. I've been fiddling with ARIA role tags, but I'm either not doing it right or it's not the answer here.
You have to use tabindex
Screen readers automatically read whatever element is the activeElement

SharePoint 2010 Publishing Page live preview... any thoughts?

I would like to collect your ideas on the following:
SharePoint 2010 (and 2007) does have a preview button... while you are editing a publishing page you can switch to the "Page" tab and hit the Preview button:
Clicking this button does some magic to save your data, and opens a new window where the preview page is displayed. Nice, but could be better. What I would like is live update on editing of field controls from the edit page on the preview page.
My thoughts on this is are as follows:
Field types have an ID. For rendering the field values on your preview page, subclass from the standard FieldValue control, and render a span with the same ID around the field value html. So if we have the text ABC in the content editable div of a RichTextFiled X, render the field value as ABC in the display output (for example using EditModePanels for Display and Edit)
Add key-stroke event handler on all fields for the edit mode page (using for example jQuery), on key press copy contents from edit browser window to preview browser window
Transfer can be done using http://www.sfpeter.com/2008/03/13/communication-between-browser-windows-with-jquery-my-new-plugin/.
Does this sound doable? Would be great to work dual monitor, edit on one monitor, preview page in its real rendering on the other monitor. Especially if the edit mode differs from the display mode.
Looking forward to your input!
I will answer my own question. It is not as easy as its sounds. Fields can use things like reusable content and render patterns. These features render at server side, and change the output. This would require postbacks, which renders the whole thing useless. Lets stay with the already available preview button.
