Why BASIC had numbered lines? [duplicate] - programming-languages

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Closed 12 years ago.
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Why did we bother with line numbers at all?
I'm curious about why early versions of the BASIC programming language had line numbering like in:
42 PRINT "Hello world!"
The text editors back then had no line numbering?
EDIT: Yes, I know they are used for GOTOs, but why? I mean having labels was too computationally expensive?

Many microcomputers had a BASIC interpreter in ROM that would start upon bootup. The problem was that there was no text editor or file system to speak of. You had an interactive prompt to do everything through. If you wanted to insert a line of code, you just typed it, starting with the line number. It would insert it into the correct spot in you code. e.g:
>10 print "hello"
>30 goto 10
>20 print "world"
10 PRINT "hello"
20 PRINT "world"
30 GOTO 10
(In that example > is the BASIC prompt)
If you wanted to erase a line, you would type something like ERASE 20.
Some really fancy systems gave you a line editor (i.e. EDIT 10)
And if you didn't plan your line numbers and ran out (how do I insert a line between 10 and 11?) some systems gave you a RENUM command which would renumber your code (and adjust GOTOs and GOSUBs appropriately).
Fun Times!

The original BASIC line numbering was actually an integral part of the language, and used for control flow.
The GOTO and GOSUB commands would take the line, and use it for control flow. This was common then (even though it's discouraged now).

They were used as labels for GOTO and GOSUB
Like this:
20 GOTO 10
There were no named labels in some early BASIC versions
They were also required if you wanted to insert a line between 2 existing lines of code, because in the early days, you had no full text editors. Everything had to be typed in the "interactive" interpreter.
So if you typed:
The program would become:
20 GOTO 10
When you ran out of line numbers, you could run a "renumbering" tool to renumber all lines in your program, but in the very early days of the Commodore 64 and other home computers, we didn't even have that, so you'd have to renumber manually. That's why you had to leave gaps of 10 or more in the line numbers, so you could easily add lines in between.
If you want to try out the Commodore 64 interpreter, check out this C64 emulator written in Flash: http://codeazur.com.br/stuff/fc64_final/ (no install required)

In BASIC, the line numbers indicated sequence.
Also, many older editors weren't for files, but simply lines ("line editors", e.g. ed, the standard editor). By numbering them this way, you knew which line you were working on.

A simple google reveals what wikipedia has to say about it:
Line numbers were a required element of syntax in some older programming languages such as GW-BASIC.[2] The primary reason for this is that most operating systems at the time lacked interactive text editors; since the programmer's interface was usually limited to a line editor, line numbers provided a mechanism by which specific lines in the source code could be referenced for editing, and by which the programmer could insert a new line at a specific point. Line numbers also provided a convenient means of distinguishing between code to be entered into the program and commands to be executed immediately when entered by the user (which do not have line numbers).

Back in the day all languages had sequence numbers, everything was on punched cards.
There was one line per card.
Decks of cards made up your program.
When you dropped the cards, you'd put them in a card sorter that used those sequence numbers.
And of course, they were referenced by control flow constructs.

On the C64, there wasn't even a real editor (built-in at least). To edit a part of the program, you'd do something like LIST 100-200, and then you'd only be able to edit those lines that were currently displayed on the screen (no scrolling upwards!)

They were labels for statements, so that you could GOTO the line number. The number of the statements did not necessarily have to match the physical line numbers in the file.

The line numbers were used in control flow. There were no named subroutines. You had to use GOSUB 60, for instance, to call the subroutine starting at line 60.
On your update, not all languages had labels, but all languages had line numbers at one time. At one time, everything was punch cards. BASIC was one of the very first interactive languages, where you could actually type something and have a response immediately. Line numbers were still the current technology.
Labels are an extra expense. You have to keep track of the correlation between the symbolic label and the code or data to which it refers. But if every line has a line number (and if all transfer of control flow statements always refer to the beginning of a line), then you don't need a separate symbol table.
Also keep in mind that original BASIC interpreters didn't need a symbol table for variables: There were 26 variables named A-Z. Some were sophisticated and had An-Zn. Some got very fancy and added a distinction between string, integer and floating point by adding "$" or "%" after the variable. But no symbol table was required.

IIRC, line numbers were mostly used as labels for GOTO and GOSUB statements, since in some (most?) flavors of BASIC there was no way to label a section of code.

They were also used by the editor - ie you said:
edit 100
to edit line 100.

As others have pointed out, these line numbers were used as part of subroutines.
Of course, there's a reason that this isn't done anymore. Imagine if you say GOTO 20 on line 10, and then later realize you need to write 10 more lines of code after line 10. All of a sudden, you're smashing up against 20 so you either need to shift your subroutine farther away (higher numbers) and change your GOTO value, or you need to write another subroutine that jumps farther in the code.
In other words, it became a nightmare of true spaghetti code and is not fun to maintain.

It was entered in on the command-line in many instances (or was, on my old Commodore 64) so there might not always have been a text editor, or if there was, it was quite basic.
In addition, you would need to do GOTOs and the like, as well as inserting lines in between others.
20 GOTO 10
where it would go in the logical 10 15 20

Some editors only had an "overwrite" mode and no "insert" mode. This made editing of existing code extremely painful. By adding that line-number feature, you could however patch existing code from anywhere within the file:
100 PRINT "Broken Code"
200 PRINT "Foobar"
101 patch the broken code
102 patch more broken code
Because line numbers didn't have to be ordered within the file.

Line numbers were a PART of the language, in some VERY early ones, even the OS was just these simple lines. ALL you had was one line at a time to manipulate. Try writing an accounting system using 1-4k program files and segmenting it by size to get stuff done. To edit you used the line numbers to tell what you were editing. So, if you entered like:
10 PRINT "howdy"
20 GOTO 10
The blank 20 would effectivly delete that line.


Norminette empty line or not at end

Why people on VStudio with norminette highlights put an empty line at end.
And when they do norminette in iTerm it’s Works
When you use Vim and put an empty line at end the norminette say Error extra line.
This happen yesterday and today my Vstdio ask for a line at end and when I do norminette in iTerm it’s say error extra line. I go back to vim, delete the line and norminette say error again to remove extra line. I need to open back the file, add line and then delete and save to have norminette working. So now sometime moulinette say KO on server but OK my side. I need to add/remove last line every time with vim when I work on vstdio
So if someone know the issue i would like to have a better solution than double check on vim for the next 3 week and maybe 3 years 🤣 thx all!
That topic has already been discussed to death.
No matter what system you are on, lines in text files generally end with one or two invisible characters. On some systems, it's a "carriage return" CR followed by a "line feed" LF, on other systems it's only a CR, on other systems it's only a LF, and that's only for the least exotic ones. That character or pair of characters has a few colloquial names: "newline", "EOL", etc. I will use "EOL" from now on.
Now, EOL has two semantic interpretations. In some contexts, EOL is considered to be a "line terminator", meaning that no assumption is made about what comes after it, and in some other contexts, EOL is considered to be a "line separator", meaning that there is always a line after it.
And then there is the related problem of how a stream of text should end. With the first interpretation, the last line of a stream should end with EOL, if only to be able to establish a boundary between two streams. With the second interpretation above, the last line of a stream shouldn't end with EOL because it would mean… that the last line is not really the last line.
So, basically, this text:
could be encoded as (first interpretation):
or as (second interpretation):
Most Unix-like tools have adopted the first interpretation for decades and generally expect EOL on the last line but many more modern tools have adopted the second interpretation, which leads to much confusion among new generations who juggle between GUI editors and CLI tools.
Feed some text with a final EOL to a tool that interprets it as a "line separator" and you get an imaginary line displayed at the end of the file:
1 foo
2 bar
3 baz
Feed some text without a final EOL to a tool that interprets it as "line terminator" and you can get anything from a reasonable display (as follows) to loud complaints (git):
1 foo
2 bar
3 baz
Add to that confusing names like "newline" and you have a recipe for a never-ending stream of questions like this one.
So… this is what seems to be going on, here:
you are using a mix of tools that interpret EOL differently,
you are interpreting one of those interpretations incorrectly,
and you act upon that misinterpretation, with confusing results.
Let's address these one-by-one.
Well, we all do so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
What appears like an extra line at the bottom of your file in a modern GUI editor is unlikely to be an extra line. It is more likely to be an artefact of the second interpretation. Assuming you are on some kind of Unix-like system and the expected EOL is LF, you can do $ xxd filename to inspect its content in hexadecimal form:
a single a0 at the end means that your file ends with EOL,
a a0a0 at the end means that your file has an extra empty line,
no a0 at the end means that it was written by a an editor that firmly adheres to the second interpretation.
The second case will angry your linter:
Error: EMPTY_LINE_EOF (line: 7, col: 1): Empty line at end of file
but it doesn't seem to particularly care about the other two cases.
Because you see what appears to be an empty line at the end of a file in a GUI editor it doesn't mean that a) that line actually exists and b) that you must add one at the end of the file in Vim or any other editor.
The correct approach is to:
let Vim do what it does out the box, write files with an EOL at the end, because that's what your toolchain (including Norminette) expects,
set up your GUI editors to do the same (even if they still show that imaginary line),
get rid of any extraneous empty line you might have in one of your projects,
NEVER add an extraneous empty line at the end of your files, as it useless at best and forbidden at worst.

Is there an end= equivalent for inputs?

So as I'm sure you know there's a specific operator for print() functions called end.
#as an example
print('BOB', end='-')
#would output
So is there something like this for inputs? For example, if I wanted to have an input that would look something like this:
Input here
And have the input at the ► and be inside the dashes using something like
x = input('Input here\n►', end='-------')
Would there be some equivalent?
Just to be clear, everything will be printed at the same time. The input would just be on the line marked with the ►, and the ---- would be printed below it, but at the SAME time. This means that the input would be "enclosed" by the ---.
Also, there has been a comment about curses - can you please clarify on this?
Not exactly what you want, but if the --- (or ___) can also be on the same line, you could use an input prompt with \r:
input("__________\r> ")
This means: print 10 _, then go back \r to the beginning of the line, print > overwriting the first two _, then capture the input, overwriting more _. This shows the input prompt > ________. After typing some chars: > test____. Captured input: 'test'
For more complex input forms, you should consider using curses.
When using basic console IO, once a line has been ended with a newline, it's gone and can't be edited. You can't move the cursor up to do print anything above that last line, only add on a new line below.
That means that without using a specialized "console graphics" library like curses (as tobias_k suggests), you pretty much can't do what you're asking. You can mess around a little with the contents of the last line (overwriting text you've already written there), but you can't write to any line other than the last one.
To understand why console IO works this way, you should know that very early computers didn't have screens. Instead, their console output was directly printed out one line at a time on paper. While some line printers could print several characters on the same spot (to get effects line strikethrough or underline), you couldn't unprint anything once it was on the paper. Furthermore, the paper feed only worked in one direction. Once you had sent a newline character that told the printer to advance the paper, you couldn't go back to an old line again.
I believe this would solve your problem:
print(f">>> {input()} ------")
print(f"{input(">>>")} ------")
F-strings are quite useful when it comes to printing text + variables.

Converting header or text file information to code using Linux/Vim

I found myself writing a really simple conversion from OpenCL error codes to a human readable string. The 50 or so different codes are defined in a header file like this:
I put all of these in a huge switch/case using expert copy/pasting:
Since I've recently started to use Vim, I am thinking there might be a way to do this in a more efficient way using Linux command tools and Vim. There was a similar post here where someone claimed to have done it with Emacs. Any ideas on how to avoid wasting 15 minutes with a similar task next time?
(I know that oclErrorSting() might exist but let's disregard that for generality's sake!)
You can do this in Vim with a search and replace:
%s/#define \(\w\+\).*/case \1:^M return "\1";/g
The trick to getting the ^M in the output is to type CTRL-V and then Enter where you want put a newline in the output.
This will do the replacement on the entire file.
This works by doing a seach which matches the entire line and replacing it with your desired text. Each name is captured into a group in the search, that's what the \(\w\+\) is doing, then the matched text is used twice in the replacement.
The other generic solution for repetitive tasks is to use macros, or complex repeats are they are called in help.
Basically you start recording your inputs in a register, create a single case, and then go to the next line of your define.
See :help q for more details.

Remove Various Whitespaces While Editing in Vim

So oftentimes, while editing with Vim, I'll get into a variety of situations where whitespace gives me hassle. For example, say I have a comment like this:
#This program was featured on the Today show, it is an algorithm for promoting world peace in third-world countries
#given the name of that country and the name of a celebrity to endorse its cause
If I want to, for example, trim the lines so they go to X characters, I end up putting a newline somewhere in the middle of the top line to get this (after hitting the newline and auto-indenting):
#This program was featured on the Today show, it is an algorithm for promoting
world peace in third-world countries
#given the name of that country and the name of a celebrity to endorse its cause
I then add a # to the beginning of the line, and that's all well and good, but then I want that line to line up, too. To do so, I have to delete the newline, all the whitespace for the indent on the next line, and then the commenting # mark. It doesn't take an awfully long amount of time to do that, but this and similar situations all add up over a day's worth of coding.
Now the example above is pretty specific, but my question isn't. What's a good way in Vim to delete all whitespace INCLUDING NEWLINES up until the next non-whitespace character? If Vim already has movements that do that, that would be awesome, but if not, does anyone have a favorite Vim function they use to do the above that could be mapped to a key? At the very least, am I missing some Vim usage idiom that prevents me from even having to worry about this case?
EDIT: Formatting to width, while useful and applicable to the case above, isn't the focus of this question. I'm concerned more with whitespace removal that doesn't stop at the end of a line, but instead carries on to the first non-whitespace character of the next line.
You really just want to reformat that comment to fit the current 'textwidth'. If the comment is a paragraph (i.e., separated by a line of whitespace above and below), then you can just use gqip (gq is the reformat command, ip is the "inner-paragraph" text object) to reformat it. If it's not a standalone paragraph, you can visually select those lines and then use gq.
This likely also relies on having 'formatoptions' set correctly to make sure the comment characters are handled properly, but in many cases the ftplugin has already done that.
This is a while later, but I found that there is a command that does what I need to in 90% of circumstances:
J -- join line below to the current one
This command seems to work:
it uses a replace to remove whitespace up to end of line and the new line at the end.
In this example:
testting aad $
(to see meta characters in vim use the command :set list)
if you place the cursor on the first line and use the first command it will delete everything from aad to $ (not including aad but including $ and a newline.)
Also, note for what you are doing it is far more efficient to use an external program to format comments for you. In particular, par is a great small C program that edits text and wraps it to desired lengths.
If you have par in your path, to do what you are trying to do is as easy as selecting the block of comment with Shift+v and running the command
:!par 40pgr
where 40 is the desired width in columns.
If you are feeling hackish, write your own program in C/perl/C++/python that edits comments however you like, then put it in path and use the external filter command :! to process blocks of text through it.

emulate ENTER in .txt

Can someone please help in adding a command for enter in a .txt file to emulate enter.
where an entry will be a number followed by enter to next field where the next number will be inserted etc.. so it will look like this:
There is a difference between an enter and a return (-- old skool typewriter stuff - check Wikipedia on that).
One is a carriage return and one is a line feed; the ASCII codes for those are 10 and 13, I'd say test and find out which one (if not both) you'll need.
Normally (in like C++,C#,etc) you'd post \r\n --> 10 13
Just add newlines in the file?
The script that is reading in your txt file should already recognize whichever EOL character the text editor used. Many scripting languages automatically understand the various EOLs when reading from a filehandle. If yours doesn't, you may have to compose a regex that looks for the most common ones.
