Documentation for Liferay Hooks - liferay

I need to listen for user log in and log out events in Liferay. From what little I've been able to find, it seems that using Liferay hooks would be the way to accomplish this. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find any information other that at the following link:
Does anyone know where I can find further documentation or how I would implement listening for user log in/log out events?
Thanks in advance!

Your best place to start is probably:
If you need to get started, you can use the SDK to create a new hook project, it'll give you a shell and the config XML:

Im covering Liferay hooks in this article
I think it gives a good overview and Im sharing some catches I found out along the way in it as well.


Is there a way to deploy my app on a hosted platform?

Dear Stackoverflow people,
I am facing the following problem:
For an internship in a company I have created a leaflet map with several custom features such as custom popups, markerstyle etc. The thing is, in the end they are supposed to manage the whole thing. Since they don´t know anything about code they asked for the easiest possible way for them to add data to the map.
So I came across the serverside tutorial by CodingTrain using Node.js and thought its perfect for me. Now I created basically a webform that takes up all information, converts it into a geoJSON feature, stores it in a database and sends it to the map to be displayed, great easy GUI to add new features...
Now comes the bummer which I didnt know would be a problem: The website is on a hosted service called Bitrix. I uploaded my project and it does not recognize the routes and cant write to the database or anything. I actually dont know whether I can run node on this platform?
I had the idea to launch the whole thing on a Service like Heroku or Glitch and just take the map from there and include it into the other website via an Iframe or something like that. Do you guys think thats feasible? Are there any other better ways?
Sorry for my obvious cluelessness but I´m completely new to serverside programming and thought I´d found an easy way out... I am grateful for any kind of suggestions or help!

Rally API Add Tags to existing userstory NodeJS

I have been stuck on this issue for a while and I finally ended up asking on here. I need an example on how to add existing tags on existing test case using the NodeJS rally api. I have already seen the Java implementation and it does not help me too much.
I already have an application which creates/updates test cases, test folders, etc. I just got an extra requirement to add tags. I have been looking at their APIs and I am so confused on how to attach the tags. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Check out this section in the user guide:
That code example is adding defects to a story, but it should be super straightforward to change that to tags...

Tool for managing CouchDB

I've found Kanapes IDE. Which looks like it could be useful but the developers have actually produced zero documentation. They simply ask that you to follow them on Facebook and Twitter. How is this documentation?! Do you know of any actual (hidden) user docs existing for this app? Or better yet, do you know if anyone has built a better (with actual help) CouchDB management tool? Yes I'm aware of Futon and it's very, very basic. I'm hoping something more/better than Futon exists.
Thanks for your replies :-)
You can also try erica. It has rather documentation. Good luck!

how to use everest-js to createNote?

I'm using
and want to post some note to my evernote,
but this project don't show example to create, anyone could show an example?
or Is there any REST API for evernote?
We do not have a JavaScript SDK yet, but there are others that might be helpful (Ruby,PHP). You can find them here.

Symfony 2 : Custom user provider

Since this article has not been written yet, has anyone an idea of how to do that ? (In my case it would be using LDAP authentication).
Thanks for your answers
To help you get started you can check out my blog post which outlines how to create a very basic user provider system:
EDIT: This post only covers the custom User Provider. To use LDAP authentication you will need to create your own Authentication Provider as well or use a third party library.
This first thing I would suggest you is to do a search for a LDAP bundle on the great website KnpBundles (results here). I saw two results. If you are willing to use an external bundle, you could just use of the two given in the results.
If you prefer to create your own bundle for this task, what I would suggest is to inspire you from these two bundles. Another useful suggestion is to check the FOSFacebookBundle. It is in no mean related to LDAP but, they implements their own provider, so all the glue is there to implement your own.
Just a small notice, if you are developing against Symfony2 master branch, it is good to know that security factory registration has changed a bit. So, be carefull when looking at other bundles to be sure what version they are targeting.
Hope this helps.
