shell script not running via crontab, runs fine manually - linux

I have tried exporting my paths and variables and crontab still will not run my script. I'm sure I am doing something wrong.
I have a shell script which runs a jar file. This is not working correctly.
After reading around I have read this is commonly due to incorrect paths due to cron running via its own shell instance and therefore does not have the same preferences setup as my profile does.
Here is what my script looks like today after several modifications:
#!/bin/bash --
. /root/.bash_profile
/usr/bin/java -jar Pharmagistics_auto.jar -o
those are the most important pieces of the script, the rest are straightforward shell based.
Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?

Try specifying the full path to the jar file:
/usr/bin/java -jar /path/to/Pharmagistics_auto.jar -o

I would just tell you what you have already ruled out: Check your path and environment.
Since you have alredy done this, start debugging. Like write checkpoints into a logfile to see how far your script gets (if even started at all), check the cronjob log file for errors, check your mail (cron sends mails on errors) and so on ...
Not very specific, sorry.

"exporting my paths and variables" won't work since crontab runs in a different shell by a different user.
Also, not sure if this is a typo in how you entered the question, but I see:
...and I can't help but notice you're not specifying the fully qualified path. It's looking for a directory named "usr" in the current working directory. Oft times for crontab, the cwd is undefined, hence your reference goes nowhere.
Try specifying the full path from root, like so:
Or, if you want to see an example of relative pathing in action, you could also try:
cd /

A few thoughts.
Remove the -- after the #!/bin/bash
Make sure to direct script output seen by cron to mail or somewhere else where you can view it (e.g. MAILTO=desiredUser)
Confirm that your script is running and not blocked by a different long-running script (e.g. on the second line, add touch /tmp/MY_SCRIPT_RAN && exit)
Debug the script using set -x and set -v once you know it's actually running

Do you define necessary paths and env vars in your personal .profile (or other script)? Have you tried sourcing that particular file (or is that what you're doing already with /root/.bash_profile?)
Another way of asking this is: are you certain that whatever necessary paths and env vars you expect are actually available?
If nothing else, have you tried echo'ing individual values or just using the "env" command in your script and then reviewing the stdout?

provide full paths to your jar file, and what user are you running the crontab in? If you set it up for a normal user, do you think that user has permission to source the root's profile?


Import PATH environment variable into Bash script launched with cron

When creating Bash scripts, I have always had a line right at the start defining the PATH environment variable. I recently discovered that this doesn't make the script very portable as the PATH variable is different for different versions of Linux (in my case, I moved the script from Arch Linux to Ubuntu and received errors as various executables weren't in the same places).
Is it possible to copy the PATH environment variable defined by the login shell into the current Bash script?
I see that my question has caused some confusion resulting in some thinking that I want to change the PATH environment variable of the login shell with a bash script, which is the exact opposite of what I want.
This is what I currently have at the top of one of my Bash scripts:
# Test if an internet connection is present
wget -O /dev/null
I want to replace that second line with something that copies the value of PATH from the login shell into the script environment:
PATH=$(command that copies value of PATH from login shell)
# Test if an internet connection is present
wget -O /dev/null
EDIT 2: Sorry for the big omission on my part. I forgot to mention that the scripts in question are being run on a schedule through cron. Cron creates it's own environment for running the scripts which does not use the environment variables of the login shell or modify them. I just tried running the following script in cron:
echo $PATH >> /home/user/output.txt
The result is as follows. As you can see, the PATH variable used by cron is different to the login shell:
user#ubuntu_router:~$ cat output.txt
user#ubuntu_router:~$ echo $PATH
Don't touch the user's PATH at all unless you have a specific reason. Not doing anything will (basically) accomplish what you ask.
You don't have to do anything to get the user's normal PATH since every process inherits the PATH and all other environment variables automatically.
If you need to add something nonstandard to the PATH, the usual approach is to prepend (or append) the new directory to the user's existing PATH, like so:
The environment of cron jobs is pretty close to the system's "default" (for some definition of "default") though interactive shells may generally run with a less constrained environment. But again, the fix for that is to add any missing directories to the current value at the beginning of the script. Adding directories which don't exist on this particular system is harmless, as is introducing duplicate directories.
I've managed to find the answer to my question:
PATH=$PATH:$(sed -n '/PATH=/s/^.*=// ; s/\"//gp' '/etc/environment')
This command will grab the value assigned to PATH by Linux from the environment file and append it to the PATH used by Cron.
I used the following resources to help find the answer:
How to grep for contents after pattern?

Perl script in linux environment is not working via cron

When I try to run a Perl script which is called via Linux script manually it works fine but not executable via CRON. conatains Perl_script and the command is,
I got perl_path using which perl command.
Can anyone suggest why is it not executable via CRON entry.
Most likely suspects:
Current work directory isn't as expected.
Permission issues[1].
Environment variables aren't setup as expected.
Requirement of a terminal can't be met.
See the crontab tag wiki for more pitfalls and some debugging tips.
The first thing you should do is to read the error message.
This isn't likely to be an issue for you own cron job, but I've included it since it's quite a common problem for scripts run from other services.
Most probable cause is current working directory.
Before perl command execution, write a command to change directory.
Something like :
cd perl_path;

Crontab Source File

Recently I created a bash script which I am supposed to run in cron.
After preparing the bash script and its normal working, I put it in Cron and found that it was failing. As as second step , I removed all the environment dependencies i.e instead of just file.txt, I specified /home/blah-blah/file.txt
I still found the script to be failing still at one step. The step was a data processing tool.
The command i executed was /bin/blah-blah/processing_tool -parameter $INDEX where $INDEX is a variable calculated within the bash script.
Third step was to add the bash profile as source at the beginning of the bash script. Voila!!!! The script started executing perfectly from cron.
My question is why is this happening even after I removed all the environment dependencies from my script. Also I have heard that sourcing a cron job to a bash profile is not recommended. If so, Is there any other way in which I can avoid doing this.
Basicly: Anything started from cron starts with a totally clean slate.
You can make no assumptions whatsoever about the content of environment variables or whichever folder is the current folder at the start of any script run from cron.
Easiest solution:
cd to the desired directory to make sure your path is in the desired location.
source /etc/profile to mak sure you get the system wide environment variables setup.
source ~myuserid/.profile to read your personal environment settings. (~/.profile won't work as that would indicate the cron user.)
Then start executing the actual script.
Of course the approach above requires the cron process to have read access to your home-dir adn it's probably doing a lot more work thatn is actually required.
Slightly more complicated: Figure out which environment variables are required by the script and anything that gets called by the script.
Explicitly export these at the beginning of the cron script.
(P.s. replace /etc/profile and ~myuserid/.profile with whatever are the corresponding files for your shell of choice.)
A cron can be thought of as a separate user. So, this "user" may not "see" or "read" the same files as you do. It is thus essential that all path names etc. be defined in the absolute.
Every script runs within its own process. So, when you run a script, you can change the $SHELL and any other variable within but it will be lost once you get out of it. My guess is that the $INDEX variable computation may have had been computed within the script successfully but its use outside of the script may have failed. Without more information about what job it was, or what you wanted to do, it is hard to tell.
There are two ways to run a cron job:
As root, you can run su -user -c < job > in root crontab.
Sourcing your profile explicitly, as you have done.
You can also set environment variables within the crontab.
As user in the user crontab, you can run it like so: "/home/blah/.profile && myScript"
That said, there HAS to be something in your environment variables (apart from file extensions) that is not present when you run the cron job. You will have to execute that script with -x flag (in bash) and then pore over the output. Using a diff between your environment variables and that of root/cron might be a pointer. Also, check if there are some utilities that are being used in your scripts whose locations are not part of the $PATH variable for cron/root.

Help debugging a cron job which has the correct script path and works when manually triggered

I'm struggling trying to debug a cron job which isn't working correctly. The cron job calls a shell script which should unrar a rar file - this works correctly when i run the script manually, but for some reason it's not working via cron. I am using the absolute file path and have verified that the path is correct. Has anyone got any ideas why this could be happening?
Well, you already said that you have used absolute paths, so the number one problem is dealt with.
Next to check are permissions. Which user is the cron job run as? Does it have all the permissions necessary?
Then, a little trick: if you have a shell script that fails and it's not run in a terminal I like to redirect the output of it to some files. Right at the start of the script, add:
exec &>/tmp/my.log
This will redirect STDOUT and STDERR to /tmp/my.log. Then it might also be a good idea to also add the line:
set -x
This will make bash print which command it's about to execute, and at what nesting level.
Happy debugging!
The first thing to check when cron jobs fail is to see if the full environment is available to the script you are trying to execute. In other words, you need to realize that a job executed via cron runs as a detached process meaning it is not associated with a login environment. Therefore whenever you try to debug a cron job that works when you execute manually, you need to be sure the same environment is available to the cronjob as is available to you when you execute it manually. This include any PATH settings, and other envvars that the script may depend on.
For me, the problem was a different shell interpreter in crontab.

Cron does not run from /root

If I run a script from /home/<user>/<dir>/, as root, the cron works pretty well. But If I run the script from /root/<dir>/ (as root, again), the cron does not seem to work.
Having run afoul of various default $PATHs in the past when using 'cron', I always spell in full the absolute $PATH for each executable file and each target file. I always assume that 'cron' has NO $PATH set and has NO current-working-directory.
In other words don't use a command like
"myprocess abc*.txt"
but do it in full like
"/usr/localbin/myprocess /home/jvs/abc*.txt".
Alternatively, create a bash script which does the job, and call that bash script with a full absolute path, such as
If you need to have some flexibility in the script, use environment variables which are set specifically within the bash script you call with 'cron'.
I think you need to add a little more information. I'd guess it is a permissions thing though. Add the permissions of the file, the directories, and the line in your crontab so we can help. Also, if you are putting this in /root, are you running this in root's crontab?
Remember the environment - especially when run by cron rather than by root. When cron runs something, you probably don't have anything much set of your environment, unlike when you run a command via at. It is also not clear what your current directory will be. So, for commands that will be run by cron, use a script (as you're already doing) and make sure it sets enough of the environment for it to run. And make sure your environment setting code is not interactive!
On my machines, I have a mechanism such that the cron entry reads (for example):
23 1 * * 1-5 /usr/bin/ksh /work1/jleffler/bin/Cron/weekday
The weekday script in the Cron directory is a link to a standard script that first sets the environment and then runs the command /work1/jleffler/bin/weekday (in this case - it uses the name of the command to determine what to run).
The actual script in the Cron directory is:
: "$Id:,v 2.1 2001/02/27 00:53:22 jleffler Exp $"
# Commands to be performed by Cron (no debugging options)
# Set environment -- not done by cron (usually switches HOME)
. $HOME/.cronfile
base=`basename $0`
if [ ! -x $cmd ]
then cmd=${HOME}/bin/$base
exec $cmd ${#:+"$#"}
I've been using it a while now - this version since 2001 - and it works a treat for me. I'm using a basic (Sun Solaris 10) implementation of cron; there may be new features in new versions of cron on other platforms to make some of this unnecessary. (The $REAL_HOME stuff is a weirdness of mine; pretend it says $HOME - though that makes some of the script unnecessary for you.) The .cronfile is responsible for the environment setting - it does quite a lot, but that's my problem, not yours.
It could be because you're looking for relative directories/files in the script which are located when running it from /home/ but not from /root, because /root is not in /home/root nor would it look like a users homefolder in /home/
Can you check and see if it is looking for relative files, or post the script?
On another note, why don't you just set it to run from a user's homefolder then?
Another way to run sh script is place your bash script in /usr/bin directory and simply run command bash without adding /usr/bin/ directory
