Sharepoint 2010 Email Event Receiver not firing? - sharepoint

I have two event recievers setup on a list in 2010.
The first is a ItemAdded reciever that works every time:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Elements xmlns="">
<Receivers ListTemplateId="10000">
The second is an Email event reciever that I have only preiodicaly got to work.. In the 30-40 attempts to debug the applicaiton I have only had it work in 2 cases.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Elements xmlns="">
<Receivers ListTemplateId="10000">
I have attached to the OWSTimer and the ListTemplateId is indeed correct.
On checking the log as sugested I found the follwoing error:
12/11/2009 17:12:54.01 OWSTIMER.EXE (0x2314) 0x046C SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Timer Job job-email-delivery) 7b525bbb-0972-4115-97b1-19b1d94ff8c5
12/11/2009 17:12:54.03 OWSTIMER.EXE (0x2314) 0x046C SharePoint Foundation E-Mail 6873 Warning An error occurred while processing the incoming e-mail file C:\inetpub\mailroot\Drop\24c6872e01ca7a8500000003.eml. The error was: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.. 7b525bbb-0972-4115-97b1-19b1d94ff8c5
12/11/2009 17:12:54.03 OWSTIMER.EXE (0x2314) 0x046C SharePoint Foundation E-Mail 6871 Information The Incoming E-Mail service has completed a batch. The elapsed time was 00:00:00.0190038. The service processed 1 message(s) in total. Errors occurred processing 1 message(s): Message ID: <B05256D324B3D540853A95FF2AD9B257801F931C81#mooncalf> 7b525bbb-0972-4115-97b1-19b1d94ff8c5
12/11/2009 17:12:54.03 OWSTIMER.EXE (0x2314) 0x046C SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Timer Job job-email-delivery). Execution Time=23.4762559268986 7b525bbb-0972-4115-97b1-19b1d94ff8c5
Its a little dificult to read here, but the important bit I think is:
An error occurred while processing the incoming e-mail file C:\inetpub\mailroot\Drop\24c6872e01ca7a8500000003.eml. The error was: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.. 7b525bbb-0972-4115-97b1-19b1d94ff8c5
Which does not tell me much! I do not think that it an error with my code, as it would throw within Visual Studio. I can confirm that emails sent to a document library work correctly as well.
Has anyone else had these problems?
Has anyone managed to get this to work consitantly?
[UPDATE] I left my code over the weekend, did not touch it at all, and now it is working! This seams to be very flacky on Sharepoints part.
So, I now have the line of my code that is failing (note that I did not get this far before) and it is on a reference to an external assembly for which I have opened another question Sharepoint 2010 Project package: Cannot add a new project output assembly to the package

It looks like this is a bug either in VS2010 Beta 2 or in Sharepoint 2010 beta.
To solve the imediate problem you need to delete the site, deactivate and remove the solution and then reboot your enviroment.
This only happens when you make structural changes to your lists and Event Recieves and only seams to affect the Email Event Reciever...


Sharepoint Online Edit Form Toolbar

I'm trying to create a custom action on the edit form on Sharepoint Online with a Sharepoint Add-in..
According to the documentation, I should be able to use EditFormToolbar location as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Elements xmlns="">
<CustomAction Id="965225e0-662b-4089-acdc-78433528f646.TestMenuAction"
RegistrationId="{$ListId:Lists/Add-in List Test;}"
Title="Test Button">
Update the Url below to the page you want the custom action to use.
Start the URL with the token ~remoteAppUrl if the page is in the
associated web project, use ~appWebUrl if page is in the app project.
<UrlAction Url="~appWebUrl/Pages/LookupWebPart.aspx?{StandardTokens}&SPListItemId={ItemId}&SPListId={ListId}" />
But this fails to deploy with the following error:
#"Error 1
CorrelationId: 817f7325-e9bc-41da-ae9f-400b459ce1cf
ErrorDetail: There were problems with the app web definition in the package.
ErrorType: App
ErrorTypeName: App Related
ExceptionMessage: Deployment failed in host web https://<redacted> for app <redacted>/ca27c77f-c56f-409d-a69d-7064091fdda4. Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException: Feature definition with Id ca27c77f-c56f-409d-a69d-7064091fdda5 failed validation, file '/elements33b5f3d1-0607-455b-b292-880b39ec127d.xml', line 6, character 17: The 'Location' attribute is invalid - The value 'NewFormToolbar' is invalid according to its datatype '' - The Enumeration constraint failed.
The schema documentation instead suggests that only CommandUI.Ribbon and EditControlBlock are supported locations.
Does anyone know if it's possible to customise the Edit Toolbar in Sharepoint Online?

Do Elmah.config updates restart IIS?

This seems like a relatively simple question, but I didn't see it clearly indicated in the documentation I examined. Assuming a typical Elmah usage on a Windows Server 2012/IIS 7 webserver installation, if the Elmah web.config settings are pointed to an Elmah.config file, will altering that file trigger under the running application cause IIS to restart?
While the answer provided by Josh would normally be true, it is not in the case of ELMAH. ELMAH instantiates a new error log implementation every time it is needed, reading the configuration from either web.config or the configSource provided.
You can do a simple test to prove this. If you configure ELMAH to use an external config file for the errorLog element like this:
<errorLog configSource="elmah.config"/>
and your elmah.config looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<errorLog type="Elmah.XmlFileErrorLog, Elmah" logPath="~/App_Data" />
When you start the project and force an error, a new XML file is written to the App_Data folder. Change the logPath like this (without restarting the application):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<errorLog type="Elmah.XmlFileErrorLog, Elmah" logPath="~/App_Data2" />
(I changed to App_Data2).
Force a new error and you will now see ELMAH create the App_Data2 folder on the file system.
No: Straight from MSDN:
Saving a Web.config file restarts the application. You can alternatively use the configSource attribute of individual section elements to point to a secondary configuration file that does not cause an application restart when it is changed. For more information, see configSource in General Attributes Inherited by Section Elements.

WSS 3.0 ItemAdded

I am working with WSS 3.0 and trying to set some permissions with the ItemAdded-Event.
The problem is, that the event dont fire if I add an item. I've searched the whole web and found nothing. It is only on ItemAdding / ItemAdded, yet I have already implemented a ItemUpdating and ItemDeleting Event which are working perfect! Are there known issues?
This is my Event (It not even get my debugmessages.. :( ):
public override void ItemAdded(SPItemEventProperties properties)
Debug.WriteLine("ItemAdded started.");
PMDB_ContentType_Class pmClass = new PMDB_ContentType_Class();
Debug.WriteLine("ItemAdded ended.");
This is the feature.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Feature Id="34e2c6bd-0e9f-4a65-b280-3cd4c5ff5cb4" Title="PMDB_ContentType"
Scope="Site" Version="" Hidden="FALSE" DefaultResourceFile="core"
<ElementManifest Location="PMDB_ContentType\PMDB_ContentType.xml" />
1 >> I hope that you have attached you event with your list properly in FeatureActivated Event receiver of Feature. I cannot check that because you haven't post that code. please check if there are any errors in that code.
2 >> Use Sharepoint Manager ( to see if your event is properly attached to your list or not. if not then try to deactivate feature from web UI and reactivate it again.

How to REpublish Custom Task Forms (InfoPath) to SharePoint 2010 State Machine Workflows

I am new to SharePoint. Sorry if answer to my question is obvious.
I've create Custom Task Form in InfoPath and publish it (File/Publish/Network Location [Form Template Path and filename='MYPROJECT/Forms/ApprovalForm.xsn'; Form template name='ApprovalForm'], in the next window I've cleared Public URL according to the article
After it I've added module Forms, and added ApprovalForm.xsn from the existing items.
My xml files:
<Elements xmlns="">
Name="Order New Server"
Description="My SharePoint Workflow"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Feature xmlns="" ReceiverAssembly="Microsoft.Office.Workflow.Feature, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c" Receiverlass="Microsoft.Office.Workflow.Feature.WorkflowFeatureReceiver">
<Property Key="GloballyAvailable" Value="true" />
<Property Key="RegisterForms" Value="Forms\*.xsn"/>
My form work fine, but when I make changes and republish it, it doesn't update (I see old form).
What I tryed:
Clear all cookies and cache in IE
Retract solution, restart VS2010, reboot computer.
Change assembly number, guid.
I have no ideas, what can I try for republish my form with changes.
Thank you in advance for any suggestions.
PS: sorry for my writing. English is not my native language.
PPS: when I save new Form to new location and add it to the project, it works.
I've found how can I republish changes. But it seems more like crutch than solution, but it works: After republishing InfoPath form, I delete file from project (DEL on ApprovalForm.xsn in Solution explorer) and after it add it again. (Add/Existing Item). And then redeploy! Hurray!

How do I create a SharePoint 2007 list from a template via web service?

I have a SharePoint 2007 custom list that I have saved as a list template. I am looking for a way to create a new list from the saved template via a web service call from an outside application.
I have already looked into the the basic web services available for SharePoint 2007 but a call to that just creates a simple, empty custom list.
How do I instantiate a list from a specific template? How do I locate the Feature ID for the template?
You can use a HTTP debugger like fiddler2 to analyze the web service and remote procedure calls that SharePoint Designer makes to find this out.
For example, to get the available list templates, SPD makes an HTTP request using the DisplayPost RPC command, e.g.
POST http://[server]/[web]/_vti_bin/owssvr.dll?Cmd=DisplayPost
with an xml payload of:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ows:Batch OnError="Return" Version="">
<Method ID="0,GetProjSchema">
<SetVar Name="Cmd">GetProjSchema</SetVar>
SPD then parses the ListTemplates node in the response to obtain a list of template names, types, and feature IDs.
To create the list from a specific template type or feature ID, SPD uses the same DisplayPost command, this time with a message body similar to:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ows:Batch OnError="Return" Version="">
<Method ID="0,NewList">
<SetVar Name="Cmd">NewList</SetVar>
<SetVar Name="ListTemplate">108</SetVar>
<SetVar Name="Title">Discussion Board</SetVar>
<SetVar Name="FeatureId">00bfea716a4943fab535d15c05500108</SetVar>
<SetVar Name="RootFolder" />
<SetVar Name="LangID">1033</SetVar>
For an example of how to use the RPC protocol see this post on uploading files to a SharePoint document library (it uses the author.dll rather than the owssvr.dll, but the technique is similar).
