Looking for a lock-free RT-safe single-reader single-writer structure - multithreading

I'm looking for a lock-free design conforming to these requisites:
a single writer writes into a structure and a single reader reads from this structure (this structure exists already and is safe for simultaneous read/write)
but at some time, the structure needs to be changed by the writer, which then initialises, switches and writes into a new structure (of the same type but with new content)
and at the next time the reader reads, it switches to this new structure (if the writer multiply switches to a new lock-free structure, the reader discards these structures, ignoring their data).
The structures must be reused, i.e. no heap memory allocation/free is allowed during write/read/switch operation, for RT purposes.
I have currently implemented a ringbuffer containing multiple instances of these structures; but this implementation suffers from the fact that when the writer has used all the structures present in the ringbuffer, there is no more place to change from structure... But the rest of the ringbuffer contains some data which don't have to be read by the reader but can't be re-used by the writer. As a consequence, the ringbuffer does not fit this purpose.
Any idea (name or pseudo-implementation) of a lock-free design? Thanks for having considered this problem.

Here's one. The keys are that there are three buffers and the reader reserves the buffer it is reading from. The writer writes to one of the other two buffers. The risk of collision is minimal. Plus, this expands. Just make your member arrays one element longer than the number of readers plus the number of writers.
class RingBuffer
//Initialize the elements of dataBeingRead to false
for(unsigned int i=0; i<DATA_COUNT; i++)
dataBeingRead[i] = false;
Data read()
// You may want to check to make sure write has been called once here
// to prevent read from grabbing junk data. Else, initialize the elements
// of dataArray to something valid.
unsigned int indexToRead = lastFullWriteIndex;
Data dataCopy;
dataBeingRead[indexToRead] = true;
dataCopy = dataArray[indexToRead];
dataBeingRead[indexToRead] = false;
return dataCopy;
void write( const Data& dataArg )
unsigned int writeIndex(0);
//Search for an unused piece of data.
// It's O(n), but plenty fast enough for small arrays.
while( true == dataBeingRead[writeIndex] && writeIndex < DATA_COUNT )
dataArray[writeIndex] = dataArg;
lastFullWrite = &dataArray[writeIndex];
static const unsigned int DATA_COUNT;
unsigned int lastFullWrite;
Data dataArray[DATA_COUNT];
bool dataBeingRead[DATA_COUNT];
Note: The way it's written here, there are two copies to read your data. If you pass your data out of the read function through a reference argument, you can cut that down to one copy.

You're on the right track.
Lock free communication of fixed messages between threads/processes/processors
fixed size ring buffers can be used in lock free communications between threads, processes or processors if there is one producer and one consumer. Some checks to perform:
head variable is written only by producer (as an atomic action after writing)
tail variable is written only by consumer (as an atomic action after reading)
Pitfall: introduction of a size variable or buffer full/empty flag; these are typically written by both producer and consumer and hence will give you an issue.
I generally use ring buffers for this purpoee. Most important lesson I've learned is that a ring buffer of can never contain more than elements. This way a head and tail variable are written by producer respectively consumer.
Extension for large/variable size blocks
To use buffers in a real time environment, you can either use memory pools (often available in optimized form in real time operating systems) or decouple allocation from usage. The latter fits to the question, I believe.
If you need to exchange large blocks, I suggest to use a pool with buffer blocks and communicate pointers to buffers using a queue. So use a 3rd queue with buffer pointers. This way the allocates can be done in application (background) and you real time portion has access to a variable amount of memory.
while (blockQueue.full != true)
buf = allocate block of memory from heap or buffer pool
msg = { .... , buf };
pBuf = blockQueue.Get()
if (pQueue.Empty == false)
// use info in msg, with buf pointer
// optionally indicate that buf is no longer used


linux socket: lifetime of ancillary data for sendmsg

I use cmsg to activate timestamping on linux socket tx.
ssize_t sendWithOptions
(int sd, std::vector<uint8_t> &payload, uint32_t destIP, int flags)
msghdr msg { };
.... // filling standard
std::array<uint8_t, CMSG_LEN(sizeof(__u32))> buf;
msg.msg_control = buf.data();
msg.msg_controlen = buf.size();
auto cmsg { CMSG_FIRSTHDR ( &msg ) };
cmsg->cmsg_level = SOL_SOCKET;
cmsg->cmsg_type = SO_TIMESTAMPING;
cmsg->cmsg_len = buf.size();
*(reinterpret_cast<__u32>(CMSG_DATA (cmsg)) = static_cast<__u32>(flags);
return sendmsg ( sd, &msg, MSG_DONTWAIT );
Leaving the function, "buf" is automatically destroyed, but does sendmsg need this buffer to live longer?
Do I have a guarantee that the function does not need this buffer once it has returned the number of bytes sent.
Except for specific interfaces, it is generally the case that operating system calls do not rely on user-space to maintain data structures affecting their operation after they are finished. The exceptions will be spelled out in the manual pages.
With sendmsg, in particular, you can rely on the call to complete immediately - whether successful or not. It's fine therefore to use a dynamically allocated buffer as you're doing, and destroy it immediately after the call.
As an example of one exception, aio_write(2) is specifically intended to allow user-space to queue a write operation that will be completed asynchronously. For this call, the data is not consumed until it can be successfully written. Hence, you must not modify the data structures provided in the call until you have confirmed it is complete. That caveat is called out in the NOTES section of the manual page:
... The control block must not be changed while the write operation is in progress. The buffer area being written out must not be accessed during the operation or undefined results may occur. The memory areas involved must remain valid.
In summary: check the manual page for the system call. But most of the time, you don't need to worry about it.

ping pong DMA in kernel

I am using a SoC to DMA data from the programmable logic side (PL) to the processor side (PS). My overall scheme is to allocate two separate dma buffers and ping-pong data to these buffers to the user-space application can access data without collisions. I have successfully done this using single dma transactions in a loop (in a kthread) with each transaction either on the first or second buffer. I was able to notify a poll() method of either the first or second buffer.
Now I would like to investigate scatter-gather and/or cyclic DMA.
struct scatterlist sg[2]
struct dma_async_tx_descriptor *chan_desc;
struct dma_slave_config config;
sg_init_table(sg, ARRAY_SIZE(sg));
addr_0 = (unsigned int *)dma_alloc_coherent(NULL, dma_size, &handle_0, GFP_KERNEL);
addr_1 = (unsigned int *)dma_alloc_coherent(NULL, dma_size, &handle_1, GFP_KERNEL);
sg_dma_address(&sg[0]) = handle_0;
sg_dma_len(&sg[0]) = dma_size;
sg_dma_address(&sg[1]) = handle_1;
sg_dma_len(&sg[1]) = dma_size;
memset(&config, 0, sizeof(config));
config.direction = DMA_DEV_TO_MEM;
config.dst_addr_width = DMA_SLAVE_BUSWIDTH_4_BYTES;
dmaengine_slave_config(dma_dev->chan, &config);
chan_desc = dmaengine_prep_slave_sg(dma_dev->chan, &sg[0], 2, DMA_DEV_TO_MEM, DMA_CTRL_ACK | DMA_PREP_INTERRUPT);
chan_desc->callback = sync_callback;
chan_desc->callback_param = dma_dev->cmp;
dma_free_coherent(NULL, dma_size, addr_0, handle_0);
dma_free_coherent(NULL, dma_size, addr_1, handle_1);
This works fine for a single run through the scatterlist and then calls the call_back at sync_callback. My thought was to chain the scatterlist in a loop but I won't get the callback.
IS THERE A WAY to have a callback for each descriptor in the scatterlist? I wondered if I could use dmaengine_prep_slave_cyclic (calls callback after every transaction) but it looks to me like this is for a single buffer when reviewing dmaengine.h. Looking at DMA Engine API Guide it looks like there is another option dmaengine_prep_interleaved_dma using a dma_interleaved_template that sounds interesting but hard to find info about.
In the end I just want to signal the user space in some manner as to what buffer is ready.

why it's slowly when I parse a message of Google protocol buffer in multi-thread?

I try to parse many Google protocol buffer messages from a binary file generated by calling SerializeToString. I first load all Bytes into a heap memory by calling new function. I also have two arrays to store the Bytes begin address of a message in the heap memory and the Bytes count of the message.
Then I begin to parse message by calling ParseFromString.I want to quicken the procedure by using multi-thread.
In each thread, I pass the start index and end index of address array and Byte count array.
In parent process. the main code is:
struct ParsePara
char* str_buffer;
size_t* buffer_offset;
size_t* binary_string_length_array;
size_t start_idx;
size_t end_idx;
Flight_Ticket_Info* ticket_info_buffer_array;
//Flight_Ticket_Info is class of message
//offset_size is the count of message
ticket_array = new Flight_Ticket_Info[offset_size];
const int max_thread_count = 6;
pthread_t pthread_id_vec[max_thread_count];
CTimer thread_cost;
vector<ParsePara*> para_vec;
const size_t each_count = ceil(float(offset_size) / max_thread_count);
for (size_t k = 0;k < max_thread_count;k++)
size_t start_idx = each_count * k;
size_t end_idx = each_count * (k+1);
if (start_idx >= offset_size)
if (end_idx >= offset_size)
end_idx = offset_size;
ParsePara* cand_para_ptr = new ParsePara();
if (!cand_para_ptr)
_ERROR_EXIT(0,"[Malloc memory fail.]");
cand_para_ptr->str_buffer = m_valdata;//heap memory for storing Bytes of message
cand_para_ptr->buffer_offset = offset_array;//begin address of each message
cand_para_ptr->start_idx = start_idx;
cand_para_ptr->end_idx = end_idx;
cand_para_ptr->ticket_info_buffer_array = ticket_array;//array to store message
cand_para_ptr->binary_string_length_array = binary_length_array;//Bytes count of each message
for(size_t k = 0 ;k < para_vec.size();k++)
int ret = pthread_create(&pthread_id_vec[k],NULL,parserFlightTicketForMultiThread,para_vec[k]);
if (0 != ret)
_ERROR_EXIT(0,"[Error] [create thread fail]");
for (size_t k = 0;k < para_vec.size();k++)
In each thread the thread function is:
void* parserFlightTicketForMultiThread(void* void_para_ptr)
ParsePara* para_ptr = (ParsePara*) void_para_ptr;
void parserFlightTicketForMany(const char* str_buffer,Flight_Ticket_Info* ticket_info_buffer_array,
size_t* buffer_offset,const size_t start_idx,const size_t end_idx,size_t* binary_string_length_array)
for (size_t k = start_idx;k < end_idx;k++)
if (k % 100000 == 0)
cout << k << endl;
size_t cand_offset = buffer_offset[k];
size_t binary_length = binary_string_length_array[k];
printf("done %ld %ld\n",start_idx,end_idx);
But multi-thread cost is more than one thread.
one thread cost is:40455623ms
My computer is 8 core and six thread cost is:131586865ms
Anyone can help me? thank you!
Some possible problems -- you'll have to experiment to determine which:
Protobuf parsing speed is often limited by memory bandwidth rather than CPU time, especially with a large input data set. In that case, more threads won't help, since all the cores are sharing bandwidth to main memory. Indeed, having multiple cores fighting over memory bandwidth could make the overall operation slower. Note that the biggest consumer of memory is not the input bytes but rather the parsed data objects -- that is, the output of parsing -- which are many times larger than the encoded data. To improve this problem, consider writing the parsing loop so that it fully-processes each message immediately after parsing, before moving on to the text message. That way, instead of allocating k protobuf objects, you only need to allocate one protobuf object per thread, and repeatedly reuse the same object for parsing. This way the object will (probably) stay in the core's private L1 cache and avoid consuming memory bandwidth; only the input bytes will be read over the main bus.
How are you loading data into RAM? Did you read() into a large array or did you mmap()? In the latter case the data is read from disk lazily -- it won't happen until you actually attempt to parse it. Even in the read() case, it could be that the data has been swapped out, creating similar effects. Either way, your threads are now not just fighting for memory bandwidth, but disk bandwidth, which is of course much slower. Having six threads reading separate parts of a big file will definitely be slower overall than having one thread read the whole file, because the operating system optimizes for sequential access.
Protobuf allocates memory during parsing. Many memory allocators take a lock while allocating new memory. Since all your threads are allocating tons and tons of objects in a tight loop, they will contend for this lock. Make sure you are using a thread-friendly memory allocator, such as Google's tcmalloc. Note that repeatedly reusing the same protobuf object in a parse-consume loop rather than allocating lots of different objects will also help immensely here, because the protobuf object will automatically reuse memory for sub-objects.
There may be a bug in your code and it might not be doing what you expect at all when multithreaded. For example, a bug might be causing all the threads to process the same data, rather than different data, and it could be that the data they're choosing happens to be bigger. Make sure you are testing that the results of your code are exactly the same when you run single-threaded vs. multi-threaded.
In short, if you want multiple cores to make your code faster, you have to think about not just what each core is doing, but what data is going in and out of each core, and how much the cores have to talk to each other. Ideally you want each core to operate all on its own without talking to anyone or anything; then you get maximum parallelism. That's not usually possible, of course, but the closer you can get to that, the better.
BTW, a random optimization for you:
Replace that with:
Creating at std::string makes a copy of the data, which wastes time (and memory bandwidth). (This doesn't explain why threading is slow, though.)

lock-free bounded MPMC ringbuffer failure

I've been banging my head against (my attempt) at a lock-free multiple producer multiple consumer ring buffer. The basis of the idea is to use the innate overflow of unsigned char and unsigned short types, fix the element buffer to either of those types, and then you have a free loop back to beginning of the ring buffer.
The problem is - my solution doesn't work for multiple producers (it does though work for N consumers, and also single producer single consumer).
#include <atomic>
template<typename Element, typename Index = unsigned char> struct RingBuffer
std::atomic<Index> readIndex;
std::atomic<Index> writeIndex;
std::atomic<Index> scratchIndex;
Element elements[1 << (sizeof(Index) * 8)];
RingBuffer() :
bool push(const Element & element)
const Index currentReadIndex = readIndex.load();
Index currentWriteIndex = writeIndex.load();
const Index nextWriteIndex = currentWriteIndex + 1;
if(nextWriteIndex == currentReadIndex)
return false;
currentWriteIndex, nextWriteIndex))
elements[currentWriteIndex] = element;
writeIndex = nextWriteIndex;
return true;
bool pop(Element & element)
Index currentReadIndex = readIndex.load();
const Index currentWriteIndex = writeIndex.load();
const Index nextReadIndex = currentReadIndex + 1;
if(currentReadIndex == currentWriteIndex)
return false;
element = elements[currentReadIndex];
currentReadIndex, nextReadIndex))
return true;
The main idea for writing was to use a temporary index 'scratchIndex' that acts a pseudo-lock to allow only one producer at any one time to copy-construct into the elements buffer, before updating the writeIndex and allowing any other producer to make progress. Before I am called heathen for implying my approach is 'lock-free' I realise that this approach isn't exactly lock-free, but in practice (if it would work!) it is significantly faster than having a normal mutex!
I am aware of a (more complex) MPMC ringbuffer solution here http://www.1024cores.net/home/lock-free-algorithms/queues/bounded-mpmc-queue, but I am really experimenting with my idea to then compare against that approach and find out where each excels (or indeed whether my approach just flat out fails!).
Things I have tried;
Using compare_exchange_weak
Using more precise std::memory_order's that match the behaviour I want
Adding cacheline pads between the various indices I have
Making elements std::atomic instead of just Element array
I am sure that this boils down to a fundamental segfault in my head as to how to use atomic accesses to get round using mutex's, and I would be entirely grateful to whoever can point out which neurons are drastically misfiring in my head! :)
This is a form of the A-B-A problem. A successful producer looks something like this:
load currentReadIndex
load currentWriteIndex
cmpxchg store scratchIndex = nextWriteIndex
store element
store writeIndex = nextWriteIndex
If a producer stalls for some reason between steps 2 and 3 for long enough, it is possible for the other producers to produce an entire queue's worth of data and wrap back around to the exact same index so that the compare-exchange in step 3 succeeds (because scratchIndex happens to be equal to currentWriteIndex again).
By itself, that isn't a problem. The stalled producer is perfectly within its rights to increment scratchIndex to lock the queue—even if a magical ABA-detecting cmpxchg rejected the store, the producer would simply try again, reload exactly the same currentWriteIndex, and proceed normally.
The actual problem is the nextWriteIndex == currentReadIndex check between steps 2 and 3. The queue is logically empty if currentReadIndex == currentWriteIndex, so this check exists to make sure that no producer gets so far ahead that it overwrites elements that no consumer has popped yet. It appears to be safe to do this check once at the top, because all the consumers should be "trapped" between the observed currentReadIndex and the observed currentWriteIndex.
Except that another producer can come along and bump up the writeIndex, which frees the consumer from its trap. If a producer stalls between steps 2 and 3, when it wakes up the stored value of readIndex could be absolutely anything.
Here's an example, starting with an empty queue, that shows the problem happening:
Producer A runs steps 1 and 2. Both loaded indices are 0. The queue is empty.
Producer B interrupts and produces an element.
Consumer pops an element. Both indices are 1.
Producer B produces 255 more elements. The write index wraps around to 0, the read index is still 1.
Producer A awakens from its slumber. It had previously loaded both read and write indices as 0 (empty queue!), so it attempts step 3. Because the other producer coincidentally paused on index 0, the compare-exchange succeeds, and the store progresses. At completion the producer lets writeIndex = 1, and now both stored indices are 1, and the queue is logically empty. A full queue's worth of elements will now be completely ignored.
(I should mention that the only reason I can get away with talking about "stalling" and "waking up" is that all the atomics used are sequentially consistent, so I can pretend that we're in a single-threaded environment.)
Note that the way that you are using scratchIndex to guard concurrent writes is essentially a lock; whoever successfully completes the cmpxchg gets total write access to the queue until it releases the lock. The simplest way to fix this failure is to just replace scratchIndex with a spinlock—it won't suffer from A-B-A and it's what's actually happening.
bool push(const Element & element)
const Index currentReadIndex = readIndex.load();
Index currentWriteIndex = writeIndex.load();
const Index nextWriteIndex = currentWriteIndex + 1;
if(nextWriteIndex == currentReadIndex)
return false;
currentWriteIndex, nextWriteIndex))
elements[currentWriteIndex] = element;
// Problem here!
writeIndex = nextWriteIndex;
return true;
I've marked the problematic spot. Multiple threads can get to the writeIndex = nextWriteIndex at the same time. The data will be written in any order, although each write will be atomic.
This is a problem because you're trying to update two values using the same atomic condition, which is generally not possible. Assuming the rest of your method is fine, one way around this would be to combine both scratchIndex and writeIndex into a single value of double-size. For example, treating two uint32_t values as a single uint64_t value and operating atomically on that.

Design pattern for asynchronous while loop

I have a function that boils down to:
config = generateConfigurationForTesting();
result = executeWork(config);
doWork = isDone(result);
How can I rewrite this for efficient asynchronous execution, assuming all functions are thread safe, independent of previous iterations, and probably require more iterations than the maximum number of allowable threads ?
The problem here is we don't know how many iterations are required in advance so we can't make a dispatch_group or use dispatch_apply.
This is my first attempt, but it looks a bit ugly to me because of arbitrarily chosen values and sleeping;
int thread_count = 0;
bool doWork = true;
int max_threads = 20; // arbitrarily chosen number
dispatch_queue_t queue =
dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
if(thread_count < max_threads)
dispatch_async(queue, ^{ Config myconfig = generateConfigurationForTesting();
Result myresult = executeWork();
dispatch_async(queue, checkResult(myresult)); });
usleep(100); // don't consume too much CPU
void checkResult(Result value)
if(value == good) doWork = false;
Based on your description, it looks like generateConfigurationForTesting is some kind of randomization technique or otherwise a generator which can make a near-infinite number of configuration (hence your comment that you don't know ahead of time how many iterations you will need). With that as an assumption, you are basically stuck with the model that you've created, since your executor needs to be limited by some reasonable assumptions about the queue and you don't want to over-generate, as that would just extend the length of the run after you have succeeded in finding value ==good measurements.
I would suggest you consider using a queue (or OSAtomicIncrement* and OSAtomicDecrement*) to protect access to thread_count and doWork. As it stands, the thread_count increment and decrement will happen in two different queues (main_queue for the main thread and the default queue for the background task) and thus could simultaneously increment and decrement the thread count. This could lead to an undercount (which would cause more threads to be created than you expect) or an overcount (which would cause you to never complete your task).
Another option to making this look a little nicer would be to have checkResult add new elements into the queue if value!=good. This way, you load up the initial elements of the queue using dispatch_apply( 20, queue, ^{ ... }) and you don't need the thread_count at all. The first 20 will be added using dispatch_apply (or an amount that dispatch_apply feels is appropriate for your configuration) and then each time checkResult is called you can either set doWork=false or add another operation to queue.
dispatch_apply() works for this, just pass ncpu as the number of iterations (apply never uses more than ncpu worker threads) and keep each instance of your worker block running for as long as there is more work to do (i.e. loop back to generateConfigurationForTesting() unless !doWork).
