Critical Sections that Spin on Posix? - multithreading

The Windows API provides critical sections in which a waiting thread will spin a limited amount of times before context switching, but only on a multiprocessor system. These are implemented using InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount. (See This is efficient when you have a critical section that will often only be locked for a short period of time and therefore contention should not immediately trigger a context switch. Two related questions:
For a high-level, cross-platform threading library or an implementation of a synchronized block, is having a small amount of spinning before triggering a context switch a good default?
What, if anything, is the equivalent to InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount on other OS's, especially Posix?
Edit: Of course no spin count will be optimal for all cases. I'm only interested in whether using a nonzero spin count would be a better default than not using one.

My opinion is that the optimal "spin-count" for best application performance is too hardware-dependent for it to be an important part of a cross-platform API, and you should probably just use mutexes (in posix, pthread_mutex_init / destroy / lock / trylock) or spin-locks (pthread_spin_init / destroy / lock / trylock). Rationale follows.
What's the point of the spin count? Basically, if the lock owner is running simultaneously with the thread attempting to acquire the lock, then the lock owner might release the lock quickly enough that the EnterCriticalSection caller could avoid giving up CPU control in acquiring the lock, improving that thread's performance, and avoiding context switch overhead. Two things:
1: obviously this relies on the lock owner running in parallel to the thread attempting to acquire the lock. This is impossible on a single execution core, which is almost certainly why Microsoft treats the count as 0 in such environments. Even with multiple cores, it's quite possible that the lock owner is not running when another thread attempts to acquire the lock, and in such cases the optimal spin count (for that attempt) is still 0.
2: with simultaneous execution, the optimal spin count is still hardware dependent. Different processors will take different amounts of time to perform similar operations. They have different instruction sets (the ARM I work with most doesn't have an integer divide instruction), different cache sizes, the OS will have different pages in memory... Decrementing the spin count may take a different amount of time on a load-store architecture than on an architecture in which arithmetic instructions can access memory directly. Even on the same processor, the same task will take different amounts of time, depending on (at least) the contents and organization of the memory cache.
If the optimal spin count with simultaneous execution is infinite, then the pthread_spin_* functions should do what you're after. If it is not, then use the pthread_mutex_* functions.

For a high-level, cross-platform threading library or an
implementation of a synchronized block, is having a small amount of
spinning before triggering a context switch a good default?
One would think so. Many moons ago, Solaris 2.x implemented adaptive locks, which did exactly this - spin for a while, if the mutex is held by a thread executing on another CPU or block otherwise.
Obviously, it makes no sense to spin on single-CPU systems.


Multithreading on multiple core/processors

I get the idea that if locking and unlocking a mutex is an atomic operation, it can protect the critical section of code in case of a single processor architecture.
Any thread, which would be scheduled first, would be able to "lock" the mutex in a single machine code operation.
But how are mutexes any good when the threads are running on multiple cores? (Where different threads could be running at the same time on different "cores" at the same time).
I can't seem to grasp the idea of how a multithreaded program would work without any deadlock or race condition on multiple cores?
The general answer:
Mutexes are an operating system concept. An operating system offering mutexes has to ensure that these mutexes work correctly on all hardware that this operation system wants to support. If implementing a mutex is not possible for a specific hardware, the operating system cannot offer mutexes on that hardware. If the operating system requires the existence of mutexes to work correctly, it cannot support that hardware at all. How the operating system is implementing mutexes for a specific hardware is unsurprisingly very hardware dependent and varies a lot between the operating systems and their supported hardware.
The detailed answer:
Most general purpose CPUs offer atomic operations. These operations are designed to be atomic across all CPU cores within a system, whether these cores are part of a single or multiple individual CPUs.
With as little as two atomic operations, atomic_or and atomic_and, it is possible to implement a lock. E.g. think of
int atomic_or ( int * addr, int val )
It atomically calculates *addr = *addr | val and returns the old value of *addr prior to performing the calculation. If *lock == 0 and multiple threads call atomic_or(lock, 1), then only one of them will get 0 as result; only the first thread to perform that operation. All other threads get 1 as result. The one thread that got 0 is the winner, it has the lock, all other threads register for an event and go to sleep.
The winner thread now has exclusive access to the section following the atomic_or, it can perform the desired work and once it is done, it just clears the lock again (atomic_and(lock, 0)) and generates a system event, that the lock is now available again.
The system will then wake up one, some, or all of the threads that registered for this event before going to sleep and the race for the lock starts all over. Either one of the woken up threads will win the race or possibly none of them, as another thread was even faster and may have grabbed the lock in between the atomic_and and before the other threads were even woken up but that is okay and still correct, as it's still only one thread having access. All threads that failed to obtain the lock go back to sleep.
Of course, the actual implementations of modern systems are often much more complicated than that, they may take things like threads priorities into account (high prio threads may be preferred in the lock race) or might ensure that every thread waiting for a mutex will eventually also get it (precautions exist that prevent a thread from always losing the lock-race). Also mutexes can be recursive, in which case the system ensures that the same thread can obtain the same mutex multiple times without deadlocking and this requires some additional bookkeeping.
Probably needless to say but atomic operations are more expensive operations as they require the cores within a system to synchronize their work and this will slow their processing throughput. They may be somewhat expensive if all cores run on a single CPU but they may even be very expensive if there are multiple CPUs as the synchronization must take place over the CPU bus system that connects the CPUs with each other and this bus system usually does not operate at CPU speed level.
On the other hand, using mutexes will always slow down processing to begin with as providing exclusive access to resources has to slow down processing if multiple threads ever require access at the same time to continue their work. So for implementing mutexes this is irrelevant. Actually, if you can implement a function in a thread-safe way using just atomic operations instead of full featured mutexes, you will quite often have a noticeable speed benefit, despite these operations being more expensive than normal operations.
Threads are managed by the operating system, which among other things, is responsible for scheduling threads to cores, so it can also avoid scheduling a specific thread onto a core.
A mutex is an operating-system concept. You're basically asking the OS to block a thread until some other thread tells the OS it's ok
On modern operating systems, threads are an abstraction over the physical hardware. A programmer targets the thread as an abstraction for code execution. There is no separate abstraction for working on a hardware core available. The operating system is responsible for mapping threads to physical cores.
A mutex is a data structure that lives in system memory. Any thread that has access can read that memory position, regardless of what thread or core it is running in. It doesn't matter whether your code is executing on core 1 or 20, its still has the ability to read the current state of the lock.
In other words, regardless of the number of threads or cores, there is only shared system memory for them to act on.

fork vs thread on one single core

Imagine that I have two tasks, each of them needs 2 seconds to finish its job.
In this case, if I create two threads for each of them and my PC is single-core, this won't save any time. Am I right ?
What if I use fork to create two processes (the machine is still single-core) and each process takes charge of one task ? Can this save any time ?
If not, I have a question:
In current modern machine (including multi-core), if I have several heavy tasks, which method should I use ?
fork ?
thread ?
fork + thread, meaning that create some processes and
each process contains more than one thread ?
Even with a single core having two threads may speed up execution. If your routine is purely CPU bound then two threads won't improve anything, indeed the performance will be worse because of context switching overhead. But if the routine has to wait for memory, disk or or network (which is usually the case) then two threads will provide performance gains even with a single core.
About fork vs threads, threads require less resources so, in principle, should be the first choice. But there are two caveats: 1) maybe you want to be able to terminate a parallel routine, this is much safer to do with processes than with threads and 2) some languages (notably Python and Ruby) provide pseudo-thread libraries which do not use real threads but switch between routines using the same thread. This simulated threading can be very useful for example when waiting for network requests but it must be taken into account that it's not real multithreading.
Amendment: As commented by Sergio Tulentsev, Ruby and Python do indeed provide real threads and not only coroutines.
"job takes 2 seconds" - If those 2 seconds are fully occupying the CPU (100% load), you won't gain anything with either thread nor fork if you have no cores to share. The single-core CPU is simply busy and you cannnot make it more busy.
In case this 2 seconds include waiting time (for example on I/O, storage, whatever) you could gain something, even with a single core. The amount of gain depends on the CPU working vs. CPU waiting ratio and the overhead of your multiprocessing. Most non-trivial programs have at least some amount of "CPU waiting", so multithreading is often useful even on single-core CPUs.
This overhead for setting up a coroutine and context switching can be considerable and needs to be measured. Obviously, the shorter the run time of your actiual task is, the larger will be the ratio of overhead (for setting up a thread or process, etc.) and the smaller will be you multi-processing gain.
Traditionally, threads used to have considerably less overhead than processes (after all, that was why they were invented), but the "considerably" has maybe vanished over time - On modern Linux systems, processes are only a tad slower to set up than threads (actually, both use the same system calls). You rather decide between thread or process based on the requirements related to amount of protection (or sharing) of data than execution speed.

Can thread creation within OS internals run concurrently?

Suppose we have a dual-core machine with a mainstream, modern OS capable to utilize both the cores.
If I have two threads, P1 and Q1 within the same process, and they happen to commence creating child threads, say, P2 and Q2, at approximately the same machine cycle, will OS perform the thread creation concurrently?
I heard thread creation is expensive, so the question came forth...
Thanks in advance.
Any reasonably well designed OS can have multiple processors executing kernel code at the same time. Therefore some of the tasks involved in a thread creation can be happening concurrently. But there will be some necessary serialization to manipulate some shared data structures (e.g. allocating memory, inserting a newly created threat structure into a global list). The processors could contend for the same lock thereby reducing concurrency.
Systems/applications which make new threads so often that the overhead of thread creation actually matters are probably designed wrong (doing too little useful work in a thread relative to the startup time, and not taking advantage of the obvious optimization of reusing short-lived threads from a pool).
It will be sorta-concurrently. There are aspects of thread-creation that cannot proceed in parallel - it would be unfortunate if the kernel memory-manager allocated both threads the same stack!
Thread creation is sufficiently expensive that it's worth while avoiding doing it at all during an app. run, hence the popularity of thread pools. Long-running tasks that block can be threaded off and left for the life of the app - often this means that explicit thread termination, (awkward at best, almost impossible at worst, from user code), is not necessary.
I think developers continually start and stop threads because they like to think of them as 'functions', where you 'pass parameters' in at the start and 'return' results when the thread ends. Ths is not the best way of conceptualizing threads.

Why are OS threads considered expensive?

There are many solutions geared toward implementing "user-space" threads. Be it goroutines, python's green threads, C#'s async, erlang's processes etc. The idea is to allow concurrent programming even with a single or limited number of threads.
What I don't understand is, why are the OS threads so expensive? As I see it, either way you have to save the stack of the task (OS thread, or userland thread), which is a few tens of kilobytes, and you need a scheduler to move between two tasks.
The OS provides both of this functions for free. Why should OS threads be more expensive than "green" threads? What's the reason for the assumed performance degradation caused by having a dedicated OS thread for each "task"?
I want to amend Tudors answer which is a good starting point. There are two main overheads of threads:
Starting and stopping them. Involves creating a stack and kernel objects. Involves kernel transitions and global kernel locks.
Keeping their stack around.
(1) is only a problem if you are creating and stopping them all the time. This is solved commonly using thread pools. I consider this problem to be practically solved. Scheduling a task on a thread pool usually does not involve a trip to the kernel which makes it very fast. The overhead is on the order of a few interlocked memory operations and a few allocations.
(2) This becomes important only if you have many threads (> 100 or so). In this case async IO is a means to get rid of the threads. I found that if you don't have insane amounts of threads synchronous IO including blocking is slightly faster than async IO (you read that right: sync IO is faster).
Saving the stack is trivial, no matter what its size - the stack pointer needs to be saved in the Thread Info Block in the kernel, (so usualy saving most of the registers as well since they will have been pushed by whatever soft/hard interrupt caused the OS to be entered).
One issue is that a protection level ring-cycle is required to enter the kernel from user. This is an essential, but annoying, overhead. Then the driver or system call has to do whatever was requested by the interrupt and then the scheduling/dispatching of threads onto processors. If this results in the preemption of a thread from one process by a thread from another, a load of extra process context has to be swapped as well. Even more overhead is added if the OS decides that a thread that is running on another processor core than the one handling the interrupt mut be preempted - the other core must be hardware-interrupted, (this is on top of the hard/soft interrupt that entred the OS in the first place.
So, a scheduling run may be quite a complex operation.
'Green threads' or 'fibers' are, (usually), scheduled from user code. A context-change is much easier and cheaper than an OS interrupt etc. because no Wagnerian ring-cycle is required on every context-change, process-context does not change and the OS thread running the green thread group does not change.
Since something-for-nothing does not exist, there are problems with green threads. They ar run by 'real' OS threads. This means that if one 'green' thread in a group run by one OS thread makes an OS call that blocks, all green threads in the group are blocked. This means that simple calls like sleep() have to be 'emulated' by a state-machine that yields to other green threads, (yes, just like re-implementing the OS). Similarly, any inter-thread signalling.
Also, of course, green threads cannot directly respond to IO signaling, so somewhat defeating the point of having any threads in the first place.
There are many solutions geared toward implementing "user-space" threads. Be it goroutines, python's green threads, C#'s async, erlang's processes etc. The idea is to allow concurrent programming even with a single or limited number of threads.
It's an abstraction layer. It's easier for many people to grasp this concept and use it more effectively in many scenarios. It's also easier for many machines (assuming a good abstraction), since the model moves from width to pull in many cases. With pthreads (as an example), you have all the control. With other threading models, the idea is to reuse threads, for the process of creating a concurrent task to be inexpensive, and to use a completely different threading model. It's far easier to digest this model; there's less to learn and measure, and the results are generally good.
What I don't understand is, why are the OS threads so expensive? As I see it, either way you have to save the stack of the task (OS thread, or userland thread), which is a few tens of kilobytes, and you need a scheduler to move between two tasks.
Creating a thread is expensive, and the stack requires memory. As well, if your process is using many threads, then context switching can kill performance. So lightweight threading models became useful for a number of reasons. Creating an OS thread became a good solution for medium to large tasks, ideally in low numbers. That's restrictive, and quite time consuming to maintain.
A task/thread pool/userland thread does not need to worry about much of the context switching or thread creation. It's often "reuse the resource when it becomes available, if it's not ready now -- also, determine the number of active threads for this machine".
More commmonly (IMO), OS level threads are expensive because they are not used correctly by the engineers - either there are too many and there is a ton of context switching, there is competition for the same set of resources, the tasks are too small. It takes much more time to understand how to use OS threads correctly, and how to apply that best to the context of a program's execution.
The OS provides both of this functions for free.
They're available, but they are not free. They are complex, and very important to good performance. When you create an OS thread, it's given time 'soon' -- all the process' time is divided among the threads. That's not the common case with user threads. The task is often enqueued when the resource is not available. This reduces context switching, memory, and the total number of threads which must be created. When the task exits, the thread is given another.
Consider this analogy of time distribution:
Assume you are at a casino. There are a number people who want cards.
You have a fixed number of dealers. There are fewer dealers than people who want cards.
There is not always enough cards for every person at any given time.
People need all cards to complete their game/hand. They return their cards to the dealer when their game/hand is complete.
How would you ask the dealers to distribute cards?
Under the OS scheduler, that would be based on (thread) priority. Every person would be given one card at a time (CPU time), and priority would be evaluated continually.
The people represent the task or thread's work. The cards represent time and resources. The dealers represent threads and resources.
How would you deal fastest if there were 2 dealers and 3 people? and if there were 5 dealers and 500 people? How could you minimize running out of cards to deal? With threads, adding cards and adding dealers is not a solution you can deliver 'on demand'. Adding CPUs is equivalent to adding dealers. Adding threads is equivalent to dealers dealing cards to more people at a time (increases context switching). There are a number of strategies to deal cards more quickly, especially after you eliminate the people's need for cards in a certain amount of time. Would it not be faster to go to a table and deal to a person or people until their game is complete if the dealer to people ratio were 1/50? Compare this to visiting every table based on priority, and coordinating visitation among all dealers (the OS approach). That's not to imply the OS is stupid -- it implies that creating an OS thread is an engineer adding more people and more tables, potentially more than the dealers can reasonably handle. Fortunately, the constraints may be lifted in many cases by using other multithreading models and higher abstractions.
Why should OS threads be more expensive than "green" threads? What's the reason for the assumed performance degradation caused by having a dedicated OS thread for each "task"?
If you developed a performance critical low level threading library (e.g. upon pthreads), you would recognize the importance of reuse (and implement it in your library as a model available for users). From that angle, the importance of higher level multithreading models is a simple and obvious solution/optimization based on real world usage as well as the ideal that the entry bar for adopting and effectively utilizing multithreading can be lowered.
It's not that they are expensive -- the lightweight threads' model and pool is a better solution for many problems, and a more appropriate abstraction for engineers who do not understand threads well. The complexity of multithreading is greatly simplified (and often more performant in real world usage) under this model. With OS threads, you do have more control, but several more considerations must be made to use them as effectively as possible -- heeding these consideration can dramatically reflow a program's execution/implementation. With higher level abstractions, many of these complexities are minimized by completely altering the flow of task execution (width vs pull).
The problem with starting kernel threads for each small task is that it incurs a non-negligible overhead to start and stop, coupled with the stack size it needs.
This is the first important point: thread pools exist so that you can recycle threads, in order to avoid wasting time starting them as well as wasting memory for their stacks.
Secondly, if you fire off threads to do asynchronous I/O, they will spend most of their time blocked waiting for the I/O to complete, thus effectively not doing any work and wasting memory. A much better option is to have a single worker handle multiple async calls (through some under-the-hood scheduling technique, such as multiplexing), thus again saving memory and time.
One thing that makes "green" threads faster than kernel threads is that they are user-space objects, managed by a virtual machine. Starting them is a user space call, while starting a thread is a kernel-space call that is much slower.
A person in Google shows an interesting approach.
According to him, kernel mode switching itself is not the bottleneck, and the core cost happen on SMP scheduler. And he claims M:N schedule assisted by kernel wouldn't be expensive, and this makes me to expect general M:N threading to be available on every languages.
Because the OS. Imagine that instead of asking you to clean the house your grandmother has to call the social service that does some paperwork and a week after assigns a social worker for helping her. The worker can be called off at any time and replaced with another one, which again takes several days.
That's pretty ineffective and slow, huh?
In this metaphor you are a userland coroutine scheduler, the social service is an OS with its kernel-level thread scheduler, and a social worker is a fully-fledged thread.
I think the two things are in different levels.
Thread or Process is an instance of the program which is being executed. In a process/thread there is much more things in it. Execution stack, opening files, signals, processors status, and a many other things.
Greentlet is different, it is runs in vm. It supplies a light-weight thread. Many of them supply a pseudo-concurrently (typically in a single or a few OS-level threads). And often they supply a lock-free method by data-transmission instead of data sharing.
So, the two things focus different, so the weight are different.
And In my mind, the greenlet should be finished in the VM not the OS.

linux thread synchronization

I am new to linux and linux threads. I have spent some time googling to try to understand the differences between all the functions available for thread synchronization. I still have some questions.
I have found all of these different types of synchronizations, each with a number of functions for locking, unlocking, testing the lock, etc.
gcc atomic operations
My current (but probably flawed) understanding is this:
semaphores are process wide, involve the filesystem (virtually I assume), and are probably the slowest.
Futexes might be the base locking mechanism used by mutexes, spinlocks, seqlocks, and rculocks. Futexes might be faster than the locking mechanisms that are based on them.
Spinlocks dont block and thus avoid context swtiches. However they avoid the context switch at the expense of consuming all the cycles on a CPU until the lock is released (spinning). They should only should be used on multi processor systems for obvious reasons. Never sleep in a spinlock.
The seq lock just tells you when you finished your work if a writer changed the data the work was based on. You have to go back and repeat the work in this case.
Atomic operations are the fastest synch call, and probably are used in all the above locking mechanisms. You do not want to use atomic operations on all the fields in your shared data. You want to use a lock (mutex, futex, spin, seq, rcu) or a single atomic opertation on a lock flag when you are accessing multiple data fields.
My questions go like this:
Am I right so far with my assumptions?
Does anyone know the cpu cycle cost of the various options? I am adding parallelism to the app so we can get better wall time response at the expense of running fewer app instances per box. Performances is the utmost consideration. I don't want to consume cpu with context switching, spinning, or lots of extra cpu cycles to read and write shared memory. I am absolutely concerned with number of cpu cycles consumed.
Which (if any) of the locks prevent interruption of a thread by the scheduler or interrupt...or am I just an idiot and all synchonization mechanisms do this. What kinds of interruption are prevented? Can I block all threads or threads just on the locking thread's CPU? This question stems from my fear of interrupting a thread holding a lock for a very commonly used function. I expect that the scheduler might schedule any number of other workers who will likely run into this function and then block because it was locked. A lot of context switching would be wasted until the thread with the lock gets rescheduled and finishes. I can re-write this function to minimize lock time, but still it is so commonly called I would like to use a lock that prevents interruption...across all processors.
I am writing user I get software interrupts, not hardware ones...right? I should stay away from any functions (spin/seq locks) that have the word "irq" in them.
Which locks are for writing kernel or driver code and which are meant for user mode?
Does anyone think using an atomic operation to have multiple threads move through a linked list is nuts? I am thinking to atomicly change the current item pointer to the next item in the list. If the attempt works, then the thread can safely use the data the current item pointed to before it was moved. Other threads would now be moved along the list.
futexes? Any reason to use them instead of mutexes?
Is there a better way than using a condition to sleep a thread when there is no work?
When using gcc atomic ops, specifically the test_and_set, can I get a performance increase by doing a non atomic test first and then using test_and_set to confirm? I know this will be case specific, so here is the case. There is a large collection of work items, say thousands. Each work item has a flag that is initialized to 0. When a thread has exclusive access to the work item, the flag will be one. There will be lots of worker threads. Any time a thread is looking for work, they can non atomicly test for 1. If they read a 1, we know for certain that the work is unavailable. If they read a zero, they need to perform the atomic test_and_set to confirm. So if the atomic test_and_set is 500 cpu cycles because it is disabling pipelining, causes cpu's to communicate and L2 caches to flush/fill .... and a simple test is 1 cycle .... then as long as I had a better ratio of 500 to 1 when it came to stumbling upon already completed work items....this would be a win.
I hope to use mutexes or spinlocks to sparilngly protect sections of code that I want only one thread on the SYSTEM (not jsut the CPU) to access at a time. I hope to sparingly use gcc atomic ops to select work and minimize use of mutexes and spinlocks. For instance: a flag in a work item can be checked to see if a thread has worked it (0=no, 1=yes or in progress). A simple test_and_set tells the thread if it has work or needs to move on. I hope to use conditions to wake up threads when there is work.
Application code should probably use posix thread functions. I assume you have man pages so type
man pthread_mutex_init
man pthread_rwlock_init
man pthread_spin_init
Read up on them and the functions that operate on them to figure out what you need.
If you're doing kernel mode programming then it's a different story. You'll need to have a feel for what you are doing, how long it takes, and what context it gets called in to have any idea what you need to use.
Thanks to all who answered. We resorted to using gcc atomic operations to synchronize all of our threads. The atomic ops were about 2x slower than setting a value without synchronization, but magnitudes faster than locking a mutex, changeing the value, and then unlocking the mutex (this becomes super slow when you start having threads bang into the locks...) We only use pthread_create, attr, cancel, and kill. We use pthread_kill to signal threads to wake up that we put to sleep. This method is 40x faster than cond_wait. So basicly....use pthreads_mutexes if you have time to waste.
in addtion you should check the nexts books
Pthreads Programming: A POSIX
Standard for Better Multiprocessing
Programming with POSIX(R) Threads
regarding question # 8
Is there a better way than using a condition to sleep a thread when there is no work?
yes i think that the best aproach instead of using sleep
is using function like sem_post() and sem_wait of "semaphore.h"
A note on futexes - they are more descriptively called fast userspace mutexes. With a futex, the kernel is involved only when arbitration is required, which is what provides the speed up and savings.
Implementing a futex can be extremely tricky (PDF), debugging them can lead to madness. Unless you really, really, really need the speed, its usually best to use the pthread mutex implementation.
Synchronization is never exactly easy, but trying to implement your own in userspace makes it inordinately difficult.
