How to compile wxWidgets for x64 on Windows? - visual-c++

I have had quite the experience trying to compile wxWidgets on Windows for x64. After a nightmare setting up Visual C++ 2008 express to compile x64 apps, I opened the wx.sln file. (I'm using wxWidgets 2.9.0, by the way.) I picked the Release configuration and set x64 as the platform. When I hit build, I get a slew of errors saying that wx/setup.h is missing. It would seem like the file is not being created. The real mystery is that the above steps work perfectly for wxWidgets 2.8.10. Any idea why this does not work?

Ensure that you have the file include/wx/msw/setup.h (in particular, it wouldn't be there if you checked sources out of svn). Other than that also check that you use vc9 versions of the project files just to be sure that you don't run into some import problems. With these projects all the necessary setup.h under lib/vc_lib (or vc_dll) directory should be created automatically by custom build steps in the projects.


How to run wxWidgets applications on other machines?

I have downloaded and extracted it to D:\wxWidgets-3.1.0. MY OS: Windows 7 Professional 64 Bit. I am using visual Studio 2015.
I build the library through running: D:\wxWidgets-3.1.0\build\msw\wx_vc14.sln, It was OK. So I can build the projects in samples.
The thing that matters I cannot run this application on another machines where wxWidgets is not installed there. I Don't know Which dlls I must Copy side-by-side my application.
How Can I Also build statically my application so I don not have to copy Dlls?
Can any one add a useful tutorial step by step on how to build on both: Static and dynamic?.
If you open the D:\wxWidgets-3.1.0\samples\minimal\minimal.sln you will be able to see what options you should set. Also, by default, the solution is set to build statically build executable. You can also try to change the "C/C++ -> Code Generation -> RunTime library" in order to statically link the CRT.
If you still need/want the DLL build, at the very least you will need "base" and "core" libraries from D:\wxWidgets-3.1.0\lib\vc_dll folder. And you will also need the CRT libraries. Every time you run the binary, you will get an error on screen that "library such-and-such can't be found". Just copy the library to the same folder where the executable is located.
The other thing - you should've build the library with "Build->Batch Build...->Select All->Build".
MSVS 2015 doesn't support linking CRT statically any longer, so you will need to install its CRT DLLs on the target machine in some way. It could be as simple as just copying the DLLs to your application folder (although this is not recommended by Microsoft), but it still needs to be done.
You can build wxWidgets statically simply by choosing the "Release" configuration in the solution file (and not the "DLL Release" one).

Building on Windows XP, when development is on VS2012?

We're planning moving from Visual Studio 2005 to Visual Studio 2012 (Visual-C++-11).
(We would very much like to skip 2010 if we can help it, since the newer version is already there and offers a better C++ experience.)
But we've hit a little roadblock:
Our build servers still run Windows 2003r2 (all inside dedicated virtual machines), and due to messy tool support/issues, we're in no position to upgrade the build servers to a newer OS.
Developers mostly have switched to Windows7 by now, so moving the remaining Windows XP developer boxes shouldn't pose a problem.
Since VS2012 only runs on Win7 we are wondering whether we can leverage it's tools (C++ compiler, C#) and still do a full equivalent build on the W2k3 build server - after all, we don't really need a VS GUI there, just build C++ and C# projects from VS2012.
What are our options?
Will the SDK (7.1? 8?) compilers + msbuild command line get me anywhere?
In Project Property Pages, there an option "Platform Toolset" that allow you to choose compatibility of your project. So, you can work in VS2012, but built it with "VS2008 compiler"
Here is what we do:
Use CMake
CMake allows you to create build systems for your operating system. Thus we are able to use the same code within VS2005, VS2010 and Eclipse, XCode etc.
You could do something similar: Install VS2005 on your old machines and let CMake create the projects for you from the sources. On your newer machines you can use CMake to generate VS2012 Solutions (I don't know if they have 2012 support yet, because we don't use 2012 yet too).
A big pro here is: If you plan to migrate to any other IDE or even Linux you just can re-run CMake and get your source code within these environment easily compilable.
A big con: You have to start reading about CMake and create CMakeLists.txt for all your projects (might be a lot of work depending on the amount of projects, amount of source code files within each project, specific compiler options, linker options etc.)
Our build servers still run Windows 2003r2 (all inside dedicated
virtual machines), and due to messy tool support/issues, we're in no
position to upgrade the build servers to a newer OS.
Well. Not much came out of this question. We recently re-evaluated this issue, and I see two options (I haven't tried any yet):
Just do a full VS installation on a supported OS (Win7), zip up the whole VS+WinSDK directories (as well as the neccesary runtme DLLs that live somewhere under %WINDR%), and try if you can get that thing working on an XP based OS. Might work. Not a great idea if you ask me.
Split up the build process to distribute the build across several OS, so that we can work with tools that are only supported on one of them. -- This actually sounds more complicated than it'll be. We already run our build spread over several Jenkins jobs, so I should be able to get that to work. (And all build nodes are already VMs anyway, so adding more VMs isn't that much of an issue.)

the program can not be started because MSVCR80D.dll is missing from your computer,try reinstalling the program to fix this issue

when i try to run a application developed in vc++ on windows7,i get popup window saying that"the program can not be started because MSVCR80D.dll is missing from your computer,try reinstalling the program to fix this issue."
I googled it,it says that this DDL may not be present in your system or it has been got corrupted,Now i searched this file, i get this file at 20 different folder in win7.
I am not getting which file has been corrupted or if it is missing then where it is mising?
can anybody tell in which folder ,this DDL is missing or might be corrupted?
Thanks in advance. .
You're trying to run a Debug version of your program on a machine which does not have VS installed. The MS*D.dll files are not redistributable - they are installed were VS is installed. If you want to run executables on other machines, compile them as Release. You might still need to deploy some files (depending on how you're linking to the CRT), but that won't be a problem.
Never ever distribute your DEBUG builds to customers. Always distribute Release build.
Yes, of course, in develoment environment having multiple machines, you may share Debug builds to other developers - provided others developers have debugging-tools (like VS) installed on their system along with Debug-binaries of shared DLLs (like MSVCRxx).
Are you using the same computer that compiled the program? If not, you need visual studio redistributable files to run it.
Search the internet for your version of visual studio or visual c++ redist, you'll find it.

generate exe file

i have developed application in visual c++ 6.0,i have do exe of that application,i have done by using icnt.exe(install creator),but when i run my application exe file on other system which does't have the vc++ software it's showing dll files are missing,how could than i downloaded the dll files again it is asking other dll's files.i want run my application without installing vc++ software in windows,how can i solve it,plz help me i'm touble.
How to make Realease build? by default its debug build
thanks for reply.
As a wild guess, you have deployed the Debug build, which depends on DLLs that are not allowed to be shipped.
If that is the case, have VC6 create a Release build and deploy that.
You can verify which DLLs are required by your application with the depends.exe utility that came with Visual Studio.
Edit: The easiest way to get a release build when ready is to use the Batch Build command from the Build menu. It will let you pick among all of the known build types in the project, and choose to either build them clean (recommended) or to just bring them up to date.
It is also possible to switch the GUI to default to the Release build instead of Debug. That is the right thing to do if you actually need to run the debugger on the Release build. Note that both builds include debug symbols. The differences have more to do with which runtime libraries are linked, and certain optimizations such as making the assert() macro have no effect.

Error: The Side-by-Side configuration information in "BLAH.EXE" contains errors

This is the error Dependency Walker gives me on an executable that I am building with VC++ 2005 Express Edition. When trying to run the .exe, I get:
This application has failed to start because the application configuration
is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
(I am new to the manifest/SxS/etc. way of doing things post VC++ 2003.)
I am running on the same machine I am building the .exe with. In Event Viewer, I have the unhelpful:
Faulting application blah.exe, version, faulting module blah.exe,
version, fault address 0x004239b0.
Open the properties sheet for your project, go to the Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> Code Generation page, and change the Runtime Library selection to /MT or /MTd so that your project does not use the DLL runtime libraries.
The C/C++ DLL runtimes used by VS2003 and up are not automatically distributed with the latest version of the OS and are a real pain to install and get working without this kind of problem. statically link the c-runtime and just avoid the total mess that is manifests and version specific runtime dlls.
I've had this problem. The solution has two steps:
1. Compile your program in "Release" mode instead of "Debug" mode (there's usually a combo-box in the toolbar)
2. Download from Microsoft their Redistributable Package of runtime components. Make sure to download the x86 edition for 32-bit computers and the x64 edition for 64-bit computers/OSes. Install this package on the target computer, and your application should run fine
P.S. This is a SxS thing
P.P.S. Alternatively, use a different compiler (like GCC, for example with Dev-Cpp) to compile your program's source, and your headaches will disappear.
Sorry to bump an old question, but I was able to get around this exact issue and thought I'd post a solution in case someone else needs it...
Even after installing Microsoft's redistributable DLLs I was getting this error, the fix was to copy the
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\redist\x86\Microsoft.VC80.CRT
folder into the application's directory on the target PC. After that, no more problems.
BTW, the DLL that was giving me issues was a 3rd-party DLL that had never had problems before on over 100 other computers... go figure.
Run Event Viewer: it'll have more information.
Probably you've attempted to run your program on a machine that doesn't have the VC redistributables installed, or you're attempting to run a debug build on a machine that doesn't have Visual Studio installed (the debug libraries aren't redistributable).
I have had the same issue with VS 2008-built debug binaries on other winxp sp3 machines.
I first tried installing the client machine with vc redist package,as it seemed sensible. Annoyingly, it didn't work.
I tried copying all the dependent dlls to the application's directory - still didn't work
After being struck over this issue for hours, I found that the latest VS builds require manifests and policies to link with the dlls. After copying them into their respective "C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\" folders, I got it working.
The problem was caused due to the fact that the vc redist package did not install debug versions of dlls, they somehow thought its up to the programmer to figure out.
