Linux distro/version to support when releasing a software on Linux - linux

We are about to release a couple of softwares with Linux support.
As for Mac and Windows, the number of version to support is quite limited (xp, 2000, vista, 7 for win, 10.4-6 for Mac). But for linux it's another story.
We'd like to support as many Linux as possible, but the choice is large.
The questions are:
Which distribution format (binaries) to use to support as many Linux as possible?
For testing, what "base linux" can we test on and extend our results to other linuxes.
According we provide statically linked binary with all the dependencies, what do we need to check? I assume kernel version and libc version, but I'm wondering.
Our software is written in ANSI compliant C with a bit of BSD and POSIX (gettimeofday, pthreads).

So you think three versions each for Mac and Windows is normal, but you shy away from Linux? Hm.
Just make sure it builds using the standard tool chains -- configure, make and make install traditionally. The rest should take care of itself.
Else, pick what you are comfortable with. For me that would be Debian/Ubuntu, others prefer Fedora. Look at the Linux Standards Base and things like for other standards. Kernel and libc should not matter unless you are doing something very hardware or driver-specific.

The kernel strives to maintain a backwards-compatible binary API. Statically linked binaries built against 1.0 series kernels are supposed to still run fine to this day on the latest 2.6 series kernels.
If you are statically linking with everything (including libc), then the major problem you are likely to face is different filesystem arrangements, which may not even be a great issue for you. (Testing is the only way to find out, though).

An idea is to survey your proposed customer base so see which linux version they run and make a short list from their feedback. However from what I know (which is subjective!) ...
I would suggest running two different distribution types -- rpm and .tar.gz. With rpm you cater for the latest Fedora/openSUSE/RHEL/SLES (and derived distros, which is a fair chunk of the corporate market). You are already handing a lot of dependency problem by static linking, so kernel version should be sufficient.
With .tar.gz distribution you cater for 'all others' but watch support and configuration problems as they quickly become a time sink.
For testing, have virtual machines of each version you choose to support. These can also be used for product support (I assume you will need to provide product support??) I wouldn't try to extrapolate results between linux versions because there a too many hidden 'gotchas'.

You can release statically compiled Linux binaries against the kernel & version of glibc. You really only need worry about compatibility-breaking revisions. If you have some time, you can setup everything to cross-compile on the same host. The kernel is backward compatible. glibc is more temperamental.
File paths can be assumed to be Linux Standard Base, if you want to package it with an installer. The more flexible you can be here, the better. I've never heard a customer complain about receiving a tarball of binaries, which I'd recommend offering. I have had customers complain about incorrect assumptions.
Your best bet for a formal package format is probably between DEB (Debian Linux & derivatives, like Ubuntu) and RPM (Red-Hat & derivatives, like Cent-OS). Packages are nice to have, but are just a headache if you don't plan on utilizing the native update manager.
For test & build, I'd personally recommend Gentoo. It's pretty raw, however, so you might want to look into Ubuntu as a distant second choice.

This is an issue for your product management team. Once they have determined that producing a Linux version is a desirable idea (i.e. on a cost-benefit basis), then you will need to find out what distros your customers use or want supported.
In principle you can support any but the more you support the more of a headache it will be, so you want as FEW as possible.
Support as few OS / architecture combinations as your PM thinks you can get away with
Deprecate OSs / architectures as soon as you can
Only take on new ones if premium support customers demand it, or to get big deals, as per your PM's decision.
How hard it is to support them is largely dependent on how complex your product is (esp. dependencies) and how complete its auto-test suite is. Adding more supported OSs ties your hands with respect to library usage, kernel feature usage etc as well as testing, so it's not something you want to be lumbered with long-term.
So in short, it's not a software engineering issue, but a product management one.


Universal installers on Linux

I think its a fairly common problem, but I need to have community opinion and so I am posting this question.
Use case: I am trying to create a single package (32bit) for all the linux distros (32bit, 64bit) that I want to support.
Problem: The INSTALLER
Needs to be able to run pre/post install scripts.
Should be able to run on both 32bit and 64 bit machines
Should be able to support older and newer distros (Centos 6 and above)
Should have an online repository for updating packages.
Should be able to run without X server
Should not have any dependency on a software that cannot be installed using standard yum/zypper/apt commands. Should not depend on any non standard repository.
I came across this link:
It lists many alternatives, but none of them seems to satisfy all the above requirements. (Or have I overlooked something)
In addition I looked at the following two alternatives:
QT installer Fwk (needs X to run, if I am right)
self-extracting scripts with tars bundled.
The only solution that fits all the needs is "self-extracting scripts with tars bundled". But it requires a lot of work, effectively managing all the installation/upgrade stuff myself. Before I go ahead with this alternative, can anyone please confirm if he/she has any success in creating a single package for many distros?
I don't believe in the concept of rolling one's own installer with a self-extracting archive overly much. Every distro is different, and should be addressed using their own installation mechanisms. Also, writing your own installer is re-inventing the wheel.
I'd advertise using the packaging methods of all the distros you're targetting. Essentially, one SPEC file is typically enough to support CentOS 6,7, and all modern Fedora versions. Use mock or the copr service to generate all the binary packages for the distros you're targeting; then a debian rules file should be enough to generate Debian, Ubuntu and Mint packages. Add a pacman script if you want to support Arch Linux, too (it's pretty easy).
Admittedly, this way, you end up with a whole bunch of different packages, and not one. However, now you have an installer for each system that actually fits that system, is linked against the libraries available on that distro, and thus, you don't have to include all the dependencies like in a flatpack etc.
Installation from Distribution-specific packages is almost always "smoother" than installation through some self-extracting archive that wasn't actually designed for my specific distro version, so this is probably a big plus for your users. Also, having packages usually makes it very easy and stable to offer an update path, should you decide your software needs patches later on.

Deploying C++ game in Linux

I am indie game developer working on Windows platform, but I have actually little to none experience with Linux and deploying apps for it. I am polishing my game written in C++'11 based on SDL 2.0 with several other cross-platform dependencies (like AngelScript or PugiXML) on Windows and I want to distribute it over Linux too and have a few question about that. The game is commercial, closed source which is currently on Steam's GreenLite, but I want to distribute free alpha version downloadable from my website regardless of GreenLite status.
1.) Are the main Linux distributions ABI (application binary interface) compatible? Or do I need to compile my game on every supported distribution/platform?
2.) If so, which distributions/platforms are reasonable choices to support?
3.) What is the best way to install an app and it's dependencies on Linux? I've read about deb and rpm systems, but it's still confusing - is there any way to automatically generate setup packages for various distributions?
4.) How does Steam work with Linux? How should I prepare my app for distribution via it?
Excuse me if I ask wrong questions, the whole world of Linux is pretty new to me and I got lost reading various articles and manual pages...
This depends on what the distribution is derived from. Generally, there's no need to recompile a program on something like Ubuntu under Fedora so long as the code remains unchanged. Since Ubuntu and Fedora would have to be using the same libraries (albeit in different locations perhaps) and anything OpenGL-related would be a driver issue; therefore it is hardly a requirement to recompile your software. I would be extremely surprised if you had to recompile your software since all distros use pretty much the same set of libraries/got bash/use the Linux kernel but have different package managers. The last part is where it gets complex:
The aforesaid distributions have different package managers which requires you to repackage your software accordingly. You could release pre-compiled binaries under a tar.gz file and simply have distro maintainers package the software for you; though if you want to control how your software is distributed then you should better do that yourself. Because of this issue surrounding the many package managers out there, people still resort to recompiling source code through a make file which can be generated through cmake. This only happens if certain dependencies are, for whatever reason, 'renamed' in which case because of a simple name change the program magically doesn't find the dependency. Since there's also no naming convention it even makes life harder. The most important virtue here is Trust, and Trust therein to have developers follow naming conventions so everyone can reference the same package of the same name.
The best distros to support are the most popular ones: Ubuntu and openSUSE would be great starting points. Linux Mint, Fedora and Red Hat and Debian use package managers likewise of the aforesaid.
Meanwhile, you should know that you can't statically link GPL'd code in your software without also making your software also GPL. A way to work round this is to resolve dependencies by either: A. Including the relevant dependencies in the same folder as the executable (much like *.dlls on Windows) or to depend on the system upon which your program is run to look inside the same directories your program looked into while compiling and linking. The latter is actually riskier since it bears the assumption the user will have the libraries and unmodified. The former will make your overall software use less storage, but including the dependencies would only mean increasing the size of your package but ensures consistency across all systems.
As for installation, you would need a bash executable that moves the contents of your directory to the right locations. Generally, the main app goes into /usr/bin and any app-related data goes into the home folder. This again depends on the distro; look for a .local directory, or you could create a directory dedicated to your app that is hidden. Hidden folders are prefixed with a period. Why put this stuff in the home folder, and what? The why: because the home folder gives read-and-write permissions to everyone by default. The what: anything that needs to be run with the app without the user having to authorise it. Dependencies should thus be located in the home folder, preferably under your own directory. Different conventions follow; some may disagree with me on this one.
You might also want to use steam's API which does most of this work for you. Under Steam, your app may be under steam's own directory and thus functions as a steam APP with all the functionality therein.
To find out more about how to get your app on steam. I have to say I was really impressed, and they even include code samples. The best part is that this API is on Linux as well. I don't know much apart from that Steam would be handling the execution of your app through its own layer. Wherein, there's no need to independently distribute your app the previous steps.
Note that you can also distribute your software through the Ubuntu Software Centre if you are interested.
Though, Ubuntu has more focus on getting apps running regardless of platform.
Know that Linux has no single convention, but its convention is simply derived from pragmatism, not by theory. At the end of the day, how you want your software run on Linux is up to you.
I'm not a game developer and I come from open source community so can't really advise on delivering binaries. I'll try to answer some of your questions though:
Valve has a steam runtime you can target on linux ( - this would be the best way to port your game. I saw it mentioned in one of their Linux dev videos on youtube my understanding is it bundle a bunch of libraries inclding SDL and it is setup to emulate a specific version of ubuntu. So if you write your game against the steam runtime it will run in any linux distro that steam has been ported too.
As for natively packaging your game one thing to consider is if you package it as a deb or RPM and instruct it to depend on distro provided libraies than your app may break when the libraries are updated (some distros update libs quite often - others are more stable). Dynamically linking against system libraries works well for open source since people can patch the code when libraies change not ideal for close sourced stuff.
You can statically link your binary at build time, which means you have a larger sized binary. But than you don't have to worry about app breaking when libs are updated.
Some programs like Chrome bundle their own libs (which are essentially forks of the system libs) again this makes download size much larger but also has potential to cause security problems, people tend to frown on this. (see:
1.) No, ABIs of main Linux distributions are not fully compatible. In a narrow sense, they are mostly compatible. But in a broader sense, there are many differences in which some elements of the system work, are configured, etc.., OTOH, making "packages" is not a big problem per se, just some work. Also, what works for a "major" distribution (like Debian) works (pretty much always) on all derivatives (like Ubuntu, Mint...).
2.) A good start list to support is: Debian (.deb), RedHat and Fedora (.rpm both). Their package formats and tools are mature and well known. This will "cover" a lot of derivatives.
3.) There are some "cross-distribution" package builders, but are mostly not up for the task. Writing a definition script for most of package formats is not hard, once you get a hang of it. Also, some commercial tools have "Installation script generators" for Linux which take care of things for you (they don't generate .deb or .rpm, rather a complex shell script, similar to a Windows EXE installer)
4.) Sorry, I don't know much about Steam. O:)
So, from my experience, the best way to do it is to accept the ugly truth that you have to select a few major distributions and their versions ('cause things can change very much between versions) and make packages for them, and test often on all of them. And be happy that you're not developing some long-lived kernel module/driver, because if you add tracking kernel API changes to the whole picture... :)

Tweaking linux kernel

I am new to linux programming & interested to tweak linux kernel(though I am not sure, what to tweak, I am planning to write drivers for particular device). To learn internal of kernel, I have started from historic kernel release (first release).
My problem is, how to test whatever changes I am doing for development, without disturbing my current os environment.(ubuntu 12, 64 bit). Is there any way like virtual box, sandbox?
Along with these, if anybody send some good approaches to learn these things, I would be really greatful.
Thank You.
If you're new to linux programming then you really don't want to be tweaking the kernel. You really want to be an advanced programmer capable of programming drivers and complex software first.
But yes there is, you can can create a virtual machine using openbox or vmware. If you're really keen on tweaking the kernel you probably want to first just try compiling and configuring the kernel and seeing if that works.
Also make sure you're well acquainted with how the kernel works and advanced OS designs in general.
Search in google fr "Kernel configuration" you u will get many links how to configure your own kernel.
And one more thing do not use a outdated version of kernel ,always use latest stable release , because a lot of code and API is changed in new versions and no book in market is updated so ,, u have to read from kernel documentation. Thats the best way to learn the most updated information about linux kernel
Yes, you can test your changes on any of the commonly available virtual machines (VMs); that way, whatever changes you make to the VM kernel won't affect native OS.
Personally, I prefer using CentOS 64 bit on VMWare Player. With this setup, I got away with minimal system maintenance while was able to focus on the actual job at hand. Once the VM is up & running, you can download and compile one of the latest stable releases from Instructions on compiling your downloaded version of kernel could be found here and here; however, this may require little tweaking based on your actual setup. Once the VM is running on your desired version of kernel, using a combination of cscope and ctags will help you immensely in kernel code browsing.
Finally, if you want to become a serious kernel programmer and write your own device drivers, you need to get familiar with it in the first place. Below are a few excellent references -
Linux Device Driver by Corbet, Rubini, Kroah-Hartman, 3rd edition
Linux Kernel Development by Robert Love, 3rd edition
Understanding the Linux Kernel by Bovet, Cesati
Linux kernel source (ideally placed into your /usr/src/$(DESIRED_KERNEL) path, symlinked to /usr/src/linux)
Going through these books is a tedious job and chances are that you may hit the roadblock from time to time. kernelnewbies mailing list and StackOverflow are some of the few reliable places where people would be happy to answer to your queries.
Good luck!

Linux distribution binary compatibility

Any way to make a binary in a Linux distribution and run it on another distribution with same architecture? Or I should compile and build it on different distributions?
Is there any compatibility between Redhat, Debian based distributions for binary files?
(I want to use my Ubuntu binary file on fedora!)
Enter Linux Standard Base to reduce the differences between individual Linux distributions.
Statically linking your binaries makes them LESS portable because some libraries won't then work correctly for that machine (differing authentication methods, etc).
If you statically link any "unusual" libraries and keep your set of supported distros to a minimum, you should be ok.
Don't statically link the C library (or the whole binary), that's a recipe for trouble :)
Look at what (e.g.) Google do with Chrome.
What language is your application coded in? If its in a language like Python, (and no C bindings) or Java or any other VM based language, then I think you can trust the VM to make sure your application will work on the different Linux distributions.
Also, there is the Linux Standard Base which you can refer to.
I realize this is a very old question, but it comes up high in search results and this hasn't been mentioned:
CDE is a tool to create portable Linux applications. This tool packages together all needed files (including libraries) by analyzing at run-time. I have used it successfully on command-line tools several times, one example being getting tcpdump to run on a old hardware appliance running a custom distribution. CDE also doesn't require source, it just packages an executable you are able to run.
At one point I had an error running the cde command which was fixed by prepending the command with LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1, this might not be necessary in recent versions as it was years back.
Code is also on GitHub:
It works. But it also depends on the version of the shared libraries you use, including libc, libstdc++ which are forced by the compiler version that may differ from distro to distro.
The best way is to distribute the source code and to make it easy to build the source on any reasonable Linux distribution. This is better than binary distribution because it is not enough to make the binary compatible with shared libraries. You also need to make sure you adapt your program to things like distribution specified locations and conventions for where web apps go, or how e-mail is sent, or how services are started, or how to determine the default paper size, or a myriad of other details.
See for example the Debian Policy Manual for a document describing many of the things a distribution needs to decide to ensure compatibility between applications running on it. You don't need to read it through or learn it by heart, but it shows the scope of the issues that may trip you.
You should probably work together with several of the major distributions to ensure your application works well with all of them. Most distributions' developers will happily help if you approach them politely. If you're lucky, you can attract volunteers from the distros to make the binary packaging for you, and that will quickly give you feedback on what you need to change at the source level to make your application easy to package.
The Linux Standard Base already mentioned by others attempts to work out a cross-distribution solution to these variables, but it is not comprehensive and not fully supported by most distributions. However, most distributions consider it a problem if they accidentally break LSB compatibility.
Normally it's ok to use binaries across linux distributions as long as you have the same set of libraries available. You can use 'ldd' to check which libraries are needed by a binary. libc should sure have the same version in the distributions involved.
You could statically link your executables for portability.
LSB is definitely worth checking out. Though in regards of working with libraries I was most satisfied by this answer here at SO and this detailed treatment of the rpath mechanism
How about HTML?
It's cross platform, it's been around forever, and if you consult caniuse, and you know your target environment. It can render any UI I ever dreamt of, and if you're willing to learn javascript, you can approach this from a server programming perspective and a client programming perspective, without switching languages, which comes in handy if you're the one doing both.
It's probably the closest thing we have to a machine lingua france these days, and that is a good thing, because that means there's potentially more pickins for everybody involved.
People don't know that the web browser does most things you would want from a program, including rendering 3D graphics and PGP style encryption.
The biggest benefit I see in the browser as a platform is that everyone's nephew knows how to install a browser on a new computer, and from there it's just a url away, including packaging in some of the stores.

Which linux distribution fits a new learner of linux programming?

As I come up with linux ,I found the commands are different in OpenSuse and Ubuntu.
Which of them is suitable to somebody who was new in linux and want to master the command
needed when programming and using linux?
I got the impression that OpenSuSE did some things a little unconventionally (kdesu, gksu), but it's a fine (KDE) distro. I've found (K)Ubuntu is a little better for beginners since it has access to huge compiled package repositories, plus the community is unbeatable.
They're pretty similar for most things, including programming.
Whichever one the people around you can ask questions of know. The value of a knowledgeable support network vastly outweigh the benefits of a particular distribution. If you don't have a local support network, I'd go with Ubuntu, they tend to have more useful resources on the 'net (and it's the distro I'd prefer out of those two options).
Any of Ubuntu/Slackware/Gentoo should be fine as a development environment. You didn't mention what kind of programming you're interested in, and that may have some influence on the answer, too.
If you are at all interested in making better code I also recommend dual booting (or running a 2nd computer) into a non-Linux system such as OpenBSD/FreeBSD, OpenSolaris, etc. Writing code that's portable across UNIX systems isn't just a good idea for portability's sake, it can also help shake out some bugs. The same can be said for working with 32-bit vs. 64-bit, big endian vs. little endian platforms. You can pick up an old 64-bit Sun workstation for cheap and use it to test your code.
We'd have to know your preferences better to be able to answer that. Basically any LINUX would do i guess. I heard nice feedback from Ubuntu, though.
I'm running on Ubuntu right now. It was easier than windows to get running. Very smooth. Of course, advanced functions are beyond me right now. With C# classes and everything else I gave up on trying to learn too much and just run it as is. It has a very good user interface, and I've heard a new version is out or coming out as well, probably more eye candy.
Check out Ubuntu. Doing a dual boot can't hurt since then you can try it out! You can also run some distributions straight off the disc to try them out.... Can't hurt to try it when it is free. Much more stable for me than XP, and faster. I HOPE Windows 7 ends up being less of a monster! I'd stick with Ubuntu if it was more compatible with windows programs. .NET development while in school typically isn't done on a Linux distribution!
best wishes, try it out!
I prefer Ubuntu. my 2 cents...
They are tools. Use the one that you are most comfortable with. Really calling them tools isn't a good analogy. Better is to call them vehicles. Use the vehicle that fits your needs and desires.
Actually , as a programmer you would face such questions everyday. Which framework? which language? which data structure ? ... you get the idea. There is no right answer.
Choose any. They are not too different. Soon you would not be a "new learner" and then it wouldn't matter anyway.
Depending on how deeply you want to learn, one possible candidate distro would be Linux From Scratch. It also has awesome documentation and by playing with it will surely make you think more "Linux"-way.
This is a very hard question; most distros aim to be "the best", or at least "good enough" for a wide variety of activities, of course including programming.
It's also an issue that easily spawn "wars", where people fight to claim that the distribution they use is the best, and that all others should conform. Heh.
My current preference is for Gentoo, and I think one (probably minor) advantage it has when programming is that since it is a source-based distribution, you typically never need to bother to get the "development version" of packages. If you have e.g. readline installed, you will have its header file(s) too, and so on. Many other distros split packages into "user" and "developer" versions, so you need to install both packages.
Of course, I guess in those cases the developer packages depend on the non-developer versions anyway, so if you always install developer versions, you'd be all set. Oh well. Nevermind, then. :)
When choosing a linux distro I usually consider two things:
1: packaging system (and release cycle):
Opensuse probably has the most up to date packages of any distro (without building your own), Ubuntu's packaging system tends to hold your hand a little bit more though. I have used both and found that as a developer I slightly preferred Opensuse since it was easier to get the latest versions of development packages (for example, IDEs).
2: default configuration/ease of administration:
All linux distros have their quirks here. Both Opensuse and Ubuntu are well documented and have good support forums. Opensuse has Yast which is a nice one stop shop for most configuration tasks. Ubuntu seems to be slightly better at automatically configuring itself. Really, either distro is fine here.
The good news is that there is not a wrong decision per se. I have used a lot (more than 10) linux distributions and I now stick to Opensuse. Ubuntu was a close second, the only reason that I don't use it is that I found I was often stuck waiting for its 6 month release cycle to get up to date dev packages (building the monodevelop beta was not feasible at the time). Opensuse's build service and the Packman third party repository seem to keep nearly current packages for everything I've ever wanted.
I use Gentoo and Ubuntu for development.
Gentoo I love because I can so easily select which packages I have available and which versions. The guy that did Flash 9 and 10 does his development on a Gentoo system as well.
Ubuntu I enjoy now because it's so stable. After a few years, a Gentoo installation will tend toward some instabilities that require sometimes rebuilding the whole installation.
Another I'd look at is Slackware.
The principles are mostly the same over the different distributions, so I'd suggest you to choose one and dig in. However, there are some considerations to make. If you want to program gui programs you need to make a decision about which graphic toolkit library to use (Qt, Gtk+ ...), which would also imply the choice of your desktop environment (GNOME, KDE, XFCE). As you will notice, in Linux world everything (or almost everything) depends on something else. I'm talking about the packages. It is quite common to reuse available libraries and not write your own so the decisions you would probably have to make are about which libraries/frameworks to use and which language.
I, however, chose Ubuntu and don't feel sorry at all.
It depends on what you want to do. If you want something easy to setup and basically just works, use Ubuntu. If you want to /learn/ Linux, I would recommend Slackware. Getting Slackware up and running will force you to know HOW and WHAT is going on with your installation. This can be good or bad, depending on your desires.
Ubuntu fits the build and the community is very helpful.
If your exploring Linux / GNU as a programmer, you might consider selecting a distribution that uses the apt packaging tool.
You will likely need to install lots of libraries with development headers and obtain the source code to other things. Apt makes it quite simple to do such things, it is very good at resolving package dependencies and fetching source packages.
Distributions using apt (either with .deb or .rpm packages) are Debian, Ubuntu (and its forks) and others.
That being said, Ubuntu does a really good job at keeping up to date with recent libraries and tools, while resisting the urge to cherry pick alpha / unstable code. My desktop is my development machine, I use Ubuntu.
I would vote for Ubuntu. The principles are the same while some of the "commands" are different. I assume you mean differences such as "sudo".
I'm very happy with my Ubuntu Server which handles all my development Windows VMs. I even used Ubuntu desktop on my laptop for a least until I needed Visual Studio on it again. :-)
EDIT - "sudo" does exist in OpenSUSE
Gentoo is the easiest to use. I'd go with that
