UMLModeler.closeModel(modelObj) is not closing the EMX File in Editor RSA 6.0.1 - uml

I am working on a project where we are using RSA 6.0.1.
I have to run the some set of tasks programmatically. I have open the emx file using UMLModeler.openModel(absoluteModelPath); Then do some editing and save through UMLModeler.getEditingDomain().run( new ResourceSetModifyOperation("Update Operation") {},Monitor); Then I refreshed the project through sourceProject.refreshLocal(IProject.DEPTH_INFINITE,monitor); till now things goes fine and finally when I am closing the model through UMLModeler.closeModel(objUMLModel); It is running this code but not closing the EMX file in the editor.
There is no error , no exception. Can any one please suggest me what can I do to close this emx file.

First, I would upgrade to 7.5.4 as the model concept goes away, in fact the method you are using is deprecated.
From the API documentation:
closeModel(Model model)
Deprecated. Since 7.5, use the closeModelResource(Element) method, instead
Using the newer methods might resolve you problems. Additionally, do you try refreshing the workspace? Either manually by right clicking on the project and selecting refresh or doing it with code.
Finally the most likely issues is that there are multiple 'handles' to the model. Closing yours does not close the editor or project explorer handle. I do not work for IBM so I cannot know this for sure. You could test this by opening it in the project explorer, open it with your code, then close it in the explorer manually, and only then try running your transaction on the model and then closing it. What does the explorer look like when it closes?
Or post more details and maybe I can code my own example. I would try the debugging first and also post this on the IBM developer works site. They are likely going to tell you to upgrade though. :)


"Invalid or nonexistent document" error occurs when opening design element in domino designer

I have a local replica. From domino designer, when I open any design element, I get this error "Invalid or nonexistent document".
But this error didn't occur on server copy. Now you can ask you don't you work directly on server copy. the point is, it's very large db and have serveral xpages and custom control, etc.,. so building the db on remote server copy is painful for me. so work on local copy, save, build, and replicate to server copy.
what I have tried so far.
deleted local replica and created new replica. still error
replaced with my latest template. still error
felt some design elements have corrupted. so replaced both server & local replica with blank template to remove all design elements. and again replaced with latest app template. still error.
ran load fixup on server copy and replicated in local. still error
do anybody have a clue on this issue or any workaround to resolve this?
Thanks in advance for your help.
This may sound strange but I have solved weird things before doing this.
Close Notes and designer. Load Task Manager and make sure all Notes Tasks are ended.
Try to following:
from the notesprogram folder run ncompact -c path\dbname
delete \notesprogram\data\Cache.ndk
delete \notesprogram\data\log.nsf
rename \notesprogram\data\workspace folder to workspace.sav
rename desktop8.ndk *.sav
rename bookmarks.nsf *.sav
Launch notes and designer then test. If it works then great. If not rename everything back. Note, renaming the above will lose your preferences etc.

IndexNotReadyException when building the application

Writing an android application. It has no errors when I run it on an emulator. But when I tried to build it to an apk file to test on a device, I get the following error.
com.intellij.openapi.project.IndexNotReadyException: Please change caller according to com.intellij.openapi.project.IndexNotReadyException documentation
at com.intellij.util.indexing.FileBasedIndexImpl.handleDumbMode(
at com.intellij.util.indexing.FileBasedIndexImpl.ensureUpToDate(
at com.intellij.util.indexing.FileBasedIndexImpl.ensureUpToDate(
at com.intellij.psi.stubs.StubIndexImpl.processElements(
at com.intellij.psi.stubs.StubIndexImpl.processElements(
I seen one similar case raised here which mentions to "Wait till indexing is complete."But I am not sure what I am doing to even interfere with any indexing.
Tried on different computers. Same problem. The only thing I did different before I got this error was to add a dependency at gradle(app) for a RingButton and added that RingButton class to the project to modify it to what I wanted.
As I said it is working fine in emulator.
Just to test if that is indeed the isse, I deleted the class and removed the dependency but the issue is not resolved.
I think this can be solved by creating a new project and moving the files into the new one. Maybe the index is corrupt. But before that can you clear the cache ? in android studio if your prepared to lose some local history then try this:
and then chose invalidate and restart:
I was using Dropbox to constantly backup my project every now and then. So I would click my project and send to Dropbox. I was also instantly clicking run to run the app on my emulator at the same time. During this period, when I mouse over my Dropbox icon, there is an indication that it is "Indexing".
Based on previous answer "Wait till indexing is complete", I can only assume this Dropbox indexing interfered somehow.
Not exactly elegant but I copied each and every file in this project into a New Project and everything is working fine now and able to install the apk file. I didn't change anything so I believe there is some form of corruption in the old project.

Every Xpage app I open in designer spews 1000s of java errors

I just came back from MWLUG and started to open up some Xpages DBs to work on, when all of the sudden I am getting 1000s of errors like this:
I googled the issue and I believe it has something to do with the path of the org.eclipse.pde.core.requiredPlugins.
When I opened up the packages and looked at fixing an error I got this:
The problem is that I do not know what the correct setting for this should be, or how to fix it. The apps run fine, but obviously something is wrong.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
I may know more about the problem. In designer when I go to File==>Application==Application Management this is what I see:
A different install has several components under it.
I updated my designer and client and admin to 9.0.1 FP4 last week. That is the last thing I remember doing before this messed up (along with installing the Debug Toolbar).
How can I fix my designer install?
Strange indeed, you should check your hard drive for bad sectors.
Looks like a broken DDE in general. The plugin XML file maybe broken so the app manager doesn't show you the plugins installed. Therefor I assume DDE starts very quickly, right? Because nothing is loaded.
I had this before and my "solution" was:
de-install DDE and Fixpacks
delete workspace folder
re-install DDE and Fixpacks
re-install plugins ad setup workig sets
This is a pity but at least you get a clean install. You don't have to delete everything (e.g. the DATA folder)

issue appears only in generated app.exe and dont appear in the sources' execution | PowerBuilder

I have an issue when i execute my app.exe, there is an error which is revealed only in the ".exe", if i try todo the same thing when i use the sources, there is no problem, i think the problem is when there is a call of the update method from a datastore, it return -1 with generated .exe and 0 when i execute sources.
i have tried to refresh any library from my app, before building, but the issue remains, for information the app is using a DB2 DATABASE, and it is built and run in a windows7 environment.
The likely cause is that when you built the exe, the DataWindow object assigned to the DataStore wasn't included. You need to use a .pbr file in the Project object. Look in the help file under 'deploying your application'.
I have encountered this problem as well when I deployed strictly to a *.exe file. The problem went away when I deployed to a *.exe with a *.pbd. This is established on the "libraries" tab of your project by checking the pbd checkbox.
An 'exe' only deployment can't handle hard coded 'literal strings' in your code. Creating and deploying 'pbd' library will allow 'literal strings'.

Internal system error when opening Lotus Notes XPages database

I have downloaded sample XPages database
and deployed it to server. I can open it without problem with my Lotus Notes 8.5.3, but my colleague cannot open it on his Lotus Notes 8.5.2 Standard Configuration.
He gets the following error:
**This Page Cannot Be Displayed**
Internal system error when processing the request for the page (!!Major %5CSurvey.nsf/HomePage.xsp?OpenXPage&xspRunningContext=Notes ).
Please retry this request.
Enforced by host JHGMELWEB01
If this condition persists, please contact your corporate network administrator and provide the code shown below.
Notification codes: (1, INTERNAL_ERROR,!!Major %5CSurvey.nsf/HomePage.xsp?OpenXPage&xspRunningContext=Notes)
I have Recompiled all lotusScript in the database using my 8.5.3 client.
Any ideas what can be the problem?
Recompiling all Lotusscript does not re-compile XPages.
Try doing a clean of the project by opening the database in Domino Designer and then use Project - Clean in the menu. Clean removes all built code and then re-builds the code.
In your 853 Designer, try recompiling the app to support 852 as the minimum release?
Launch the Application Properties in Designer, go to the XPages tab, then under 'Minimum Supported Release' select to compile this application to run on 'Release 8.5.2'.
For the vast majority of cases, apps built or compiles on current releases will work fine on previous releases without needing to do this step. Though in some cases, changes in the new release, like a new property for example, may cause failures in previous releases. This is what I'm guessing what is happening in your case.
Thanks for your quick responses. I have done more testing after I tried suggested solutions and it seems like the problem is not in the database itself but in this colleague's PC configuration, as it works on 5 other PCs running 8.5.2 and 8.5.2FP2.
Actually when you change "Minimum supported Release" on the xpages tab of app properties it prompts you to rebuild all the code.
The problem was in the location settings of that particular machine. After we removed contents of "Proxy configuration" it worked like a charm.
