I am using Linq to NHibernate.
I have a following test case :
public void Category_Should_GetAllByLinq()
// Arrange
IRepository<Category> repo = new CategoryRepository();
IList<Category> list = repo.GetListByLinq();
Assert.IsTrue(list.Count > 0);
and also I have following code in CategoryRepository class :
public IList<Category> GetListByLinq()
ISession session = NHibernateHelper.OpenSession();
// When following statement is executed, How to check converted real sql query?
var query = from c in session.Linq<Category>()
select c;
return query.ToList();
My question is that once linq to nhibernate statement is executed, How to check real converted sql query? any method?
I know I can use SQL profiler, However I'd like to use Mock object in test case so I don't want see it in any Database related method.
You can use the NHibernate Profiler to do so, see this post for details on how to setup programmatic integration:
Another option, slightly more complicated, is to listen to the NHibernate.SQL logger and process its results. It gives you the information, but you would need a bit of parsing and it won't give you the sessions information
Good question.
I think the best way to assert the SQL generated would be to use IInterceptor and hook into OnPrepareStatement.
Or if it is ok for you to just see the SQL statements in the Output window during debugging you can just enable show_sql option.
Have you tried NHiberate Profiler? It should be what you are looking for.
Is there a way to "tag" or put names on SQL statements in jOOQ so when I look at the Performance Insights of AWS RDS, I can see something more meaningful than the first 500 chars of the statement?
For example, Performance Insights shows that this query is taking a toll in my DB:
select "my_schema"."custs"."id", "my_schema"."custs"."other_id", "my_schema"."custs"."cid_id", "my_schema"."custs"."valid_since", "my_schema"."custs"."valid_until", "my_schema"."custs"."address", "my_schema"."custs"."address_id_1", "my_schema"."pets"."id", "my_schema"."pets"."cst_id", "my_schema"."pets"."tag", "my_schema"."pets"."name", "my_schema"."pets"."description", "my_schema"."pets"."owner", "my_schema"."pets"."created_on", "my_schema"."pets"."created_by", "my_schema"."pets"."modified_on",
But as it comes chopped, it's not straight-forward to know which jOOQ code generated this.
I would prefer to see something like this:
Customer - Pet Lookup
(Customer - Pet Lookup) select "my_schema"."custs"."id", "my_schema"."custs"."other_id", "my_schema"."custs"."cid_id", "my_schema"."custs"."valid_since", "my_schema"."custs"."valid_until", "my_schema"."custs"."address", "my_schema"."custs"."address_id_1", "my_schema"."pets"."id", "my_schema"."pets"."cst_id", "my_schema"."pets"."tag", "my_schema"."pets"."name", "my_schema"."pets"."description", "my_schema"."pets"."owner", "my_schema"."pets"."created_on", "my_schema"."pets"."created_by", "my_schema"."pets"."modified_on",
There are at least two out of the box approaches to what you want to achieve, both completely vendor agnostic:
1. Use "hints"
jOOQ supports Oracle style hints using the hint() method, at least for SELECT statements. Write something like:
ctx.select(T.A, T.B)
.hint("/* my tag */")
The limitation here is the location of the hint, which is going to be right after the SELECT keyword. Not sure if this will work for your RDBMS.
2. Use an ExecuteListener
You can supply your Configuration with an ExecuteListener, which patches your generated SQL strings with whatever you need to be added:
class MyListener extends DefaultExecuteListener {
// renderEnd() is called after the SQL string is generated, but
// before the prepared statement is created, let alone executed
public void renderEnd​(ExecuteContext ctx) {
if (mechanismToDetermineIfTaggingIsNeeded())
ctx.sql("/* My tag */ " + ctx.sql());
Using regular expressions, you can place that tag at any specific location within your SQL string.
I am now working on a API back-end. I've written a series of functions to query a database, like:
(yes, NodeJS)
function addGuys(guys, cb) {
var sql = 'INSERT INTO guys ...';
guys.ForEach(function(guy) {
// Construct sql according to keys given in `guy`
// Validate here?
// add col names, values to sql statment, etc
// Execute query
The problem now is, should I validate input in these DB functions, or should I validate input before sending it to the DB functions? The latter seems cleaner, but I am a novice and still not sure. Any advice will be welcomed. Thanks.
You should not construct SQL directly yourself at all. Instead you should use a library for that, which does its own validation and escaping. A popular example would be http://docs.sequelizejs.com/en/v3/
Is there any solution to create record in other DBs from the CRM 2011 records? When a record such as "cost" was created in CRM 2011, we want a record would be created in out Oracle DB. Could it be done through a plugin? Or a service should be created for this?
Could you please provide me references or solutions for this.
Any helps would be greatly appreciated.
We had a similar request from a customer a while ago. They claimed that CRM's database wasn't to be trusted and wanted to securely store a copy of the records created in - guess what - SQL Server too. (Yes, we do understand the irony. They didn't.)
The way we've resolved it was to create a plugin. However, bear in mind that simply reacting to the message of Create won't really do. You need to set up a listener for three of the CRUD operations (retrieval doesn't affect the external database so it's rather C_UD operations, then).
Here's the skeleton of the main Execute method.
public void Execute(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
Context = GetContextFromProvider(serviceProvider);
Service = GetServiceFromProvider(serviceProvider);
switch (Context.MessageName)
case "Create": ExecuteCreate(); break;
case "Update": ExecuteUpdate(); break;
case "Delete": ExecuteDelete(); break;
After this dispatcher, you can implement the actual calls to the other database. There are three gotchas I'd like to give you head-up on.
Remember to provide a suitable value to the outer DB when CRM doesn't offer you one.
Register the plugin as asynchronous since you'll be talking to an external resource.
Consider the problem with entity references, whether to store them recursively as well.
Walk-through for plugin construction
Link to CRM SDK if you haven't got that
Information on registering the plugin
And besides that, I've got a walk-through (including code and structure) on the subject in my blog. The URL to it, you'll have to figure out yourself - I'm not going to self-promote but it's got to do with my name and WP. Google is your friend. :)
You could use a plugin to create a record in another system, although you would need to think about syncing and ensure you don't get duplicates, but it certainly can be done.
Tutorial on plugins can be found here.
You need to write a plugin that runs on Create and uses the information on the created Cost entity to create a record in your Oracle DB.
As an example:
public void Execute(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
var context = (IPluginExecutionContext)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IPluginExecutionContext));
//get the created entity from CRM
var theCreatedEntity = context.InputParameters["Target"] as Entity;
//build up a stored procedure call
using (OracleConnection objConn = new OracleConnection("connection string"))
var cmd = new OracleCommand();
cmd.Connection = objConn;
cmd.CommandText = "stored procedure name";
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.Parameters.Add("param1", OracleType.Number).Value = theCreatedEntity.GetAttributeValue<int>("Attribute1");
cmd.Parameters.Add("param2", OracleType.Number).Value = theCreatedEntity.GetAttributeValue<int>("Attribute2");
That should give you enough to get going
Im fairly new to ASP.NET MVC 3, and to coding in general really.
I have a very very small application i want to upload to my webhosting domain.
I am using entity framework, and it works fine on my local machine.
I've entered a new connection string to use my remote database instead however it dosen't really work, first of all i have 1 single MSSQL database, which cannot be de dropped and recreated, so i cannot use that strategy in my initializer, i tried to supply null in the strategy, but to no avail, my tables simply does not get created in my database and thats the problem, i don't know how i am to do that with entity framework.
When i run the application, it tries to select the data from the database, that part works fine, i just dont know how to be able to create those tabes in my database through codefirst.
I could probaly get it to work through manually recreating the tables, but i want to know the solution through codefirst.
This is my initializer class
public class EntityInit : DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges<NewsContext>
private NewsContext _db = new NewsContext();
protected override void Seed(NewsContext context)
new List<News>
new News{ Author="Michael Brandt", Title="Test News 1 ", NewsBody="Bblablabalblaaaaa1" },
new News{ Author="Michael Brandt", Title="Test News 2 ", NewsBody="Bblablabalblaaaaa2" },
new News{ Author="Michael Brandt", Title="Test News 3 ", NewsBody="Bblablabalblaaaaa3" },
new News{ Author="Michael Brandt", Title="Test News 4 ", NewsBody="Bblablabalblaaaaa4" },
}.ForEach(a => context.News.Add(a));
As i said, im really new to all this, so excuse me, if im lacking to provide the proper information you need to answer my question, just me know and i will answer it
Initialization strategies do not support upgrade strategies at the moment.
Initialization strategies should be used to initialise a new database. all subsequent changes should be done using scripts at the moment.
the best practice as we speak is to modify the database with a script, and then adjust by hand the code to reflect this change.
in future releases, upgrade / migration strategies will be available.
try to execute the scripts statement by statement from a custom IDatabaseInitializer
then from this you can read the database version in the db and apply the missing scripts to your database. simply store a db version in a table. then level up with change scripts.
public class Initializer : IDatabaseInitializer<MyContext>
public void InitializeDatabase(MyContext context)
if (!context.Database.Exists() || !context.Database.CompatibleWithModel(false))
var jobInstanceStateList = EnumExtensions.ConvertEnumToDictionary<JobInstanceStateEnum>().ToList();
jobInstanceStateList.ForEach(kvp => context.JobInstanceStateLookup.Add(
new JobInstanceStateLookup()
JobInstanceStateLookupId = kvp.Value,
Value = kvp.Key
Have you tried to use the CreateDatabaseOnlyIfNotExists
– Every time the context is initialized, database will be recreated if it does not exist.
The database initializer can be set using the SetInitializer method of the Database class.If nothing is specified it will use the CreateDatabaseOnlyIfNotExists class to initialize the database.
Database.SetInitializer<NewsContext>(new CreateDatabaseOnlyIfNotExists<NewsContext>());
I'm not sure if this is the exact syntax as I have not written this in a while. But it should be very similar.
If you are using a very small application, you maybe could go for SQL CE 4.0.
The bin-deployment should allow you to run SQL CE 4.0 even if your provider doesn't have the binaries installed for it. You can read more here.
That we you can actually use whatever initializer you want, since you now don't have the problem of not being able to drop databases and delete tables.
could this be of any help?
I have override a node.tpl and need some results from db using a query generated by views.
Here is the code which i used:
<?php $res = db_query("SELECT node.nid AS nid, node.title AS node_title FROM node node LEFT JOIN content_field_is_popular node_data_field_is_popular ON node.vid
= node_data_field_is_popular.vid WHERE (node.type in ('article_thisweekend')) AND (UPPER(node_data_field_is_popular.field_is_popular_value)
= UPPER('yes'));");
foreach($res as $reco){
print ($reco->nid);
But I am not getting any results.
What I am missing?
Matt V. has good advice in that you should try to separate the view templates from the sql query logic.
For this specific example though, you need to use db_fetch_object since $res just contains the
database query result resource
Instead of
foreach($res as $reco){
print ($reco->nid);
while ($reco = db_fetch_object($res)){
print ($reco->nid);
It's generally best to avoid putting queries directly in your template files. It's best to separate logic and presentation.
Instead, use a module to generate the content you need and pass that along to the theme layer. In this case, if you're already using the Views module to generate the query, let Views run it for you and pass off the data to a page or block display.
Otherwise, to debug the query, try running the query independent of the code, through something like phpMyAdmin or "drush sqlq".