How can I create function pointers from a string input in MATLAB? - string

If I use the inline function in MATLAB I can create a single function name that could respond differently depending on previous choices:
if (someCondition)
p = inline('a - b','a','b');
p = inline('a + b','a','b');
c = p(1,2);
d = p(3,4);
But the inline functions I'm creating are becoming quite epic, so I'd like to change them to other types of functions (i.e. m-files, subfunctions, or nested functions).
Let's say I have m-files like Mercator.m, KavrayskiyVII.m, etc. (all taking a value for phi and lambda), and I'd like to assign the chosen function to p in the same way as I have above so that I can call it many times (with variable sized matrices and things that make using eval either impossible or a total mess).
I have a variable, type, that will be one of the names of the functions required (e.g. 'Mercator', 'KavrayskiyVII', etc.). I figure I need to make p into a pointer to the function named inside the type variable. Any ideas how I can do this?

Option #1:
Use the str2func function (assumes the string in type is the same as the name of the function):
p = str2func(type); % Create function handle using function name
c = p(phi, lambda); % Invoke function handle
NOTE: The documentation mentions these limitations:
Function handles created using str2func do not have access to variables outside of their local workspace or to nested functions. If your function handle contains these variables or functions, MATLAB® throws an error when you invoke the handle.
Option #2:
Use a SWITCH statement and function handles:
switch type
case 'Mercator'
p = #Mercator;
case 'KavrayskiyVII'
p = #KavrayskiyVII;
... % Add other cases as needed
c = p(phi, lambda); % Invoke function handle
Option #3:
Use EVAL and function handles (suggested by Andrew Janke):
p = eval(['#' type]); % Concatenate string name with '#' and evaluate
c = p(phi, lambda); % Invoke function handle
As Andrew points out, this avoids the limitations of str2func and the extra maintenance associated with a switch statement.


How to use function by having its name as a string

Suppose you want to use a sequence of functions defined in MATLAB, and you just have the name of those functions as string variables. Let say you have already created fun1, fun2, ...,funN, and you also have a vector of strings as ['fun1','fun2',...,'funN']. How to call each function automatically without being forced to write name of each function one by one?
Use str2func. Of course, if the functions have been defined as function handles (e.g. fun1 = #(x)x+x.^2+sqrt(x))), you can skip the str2func step below.
strList= {'sum','mean','max','min'};
funList = cellfun(#str2func,strList,'uniformOutput',false);
nFunctions = length(funList);
data = rand(10,1);
results = zeros(nFunctions,1)
for iFunction = 1:nFunctions
results(iFunction) = fulList{iFunction}(data);

How to create an array of functions which partly depend on outside parameters? (Python)

I am interested in creating a list / array of functions "G" consisting of many small functions "g". This essentially should correspond to a series of functions 'evolving' in time.
Each "g" takes-in two variables and returns the product of these variables with an outside global variable indexed at the same time-step.
Assume obs_mat (T x 1) is a pre-defined global array, and t corresponds to the time-steps
G = []
for t in range(T):
# tried declaring obs here too.
def g(current_state, observation_noise):
obs = obs_mat[t]
return current_state * observation_noise * obs
Unfortunately when I test the resultant functions, they do not seem to pick up on the difference in the obs time-varying constant i.e. (Got G[0](100,100) same as G[5](100,100)). I tried playing around with the scope of obs but without much luck. Would anyone be able to help guide me in the right direction?
This is a common "gotcha" to referencing variables from an outer scope when in an inner function. The outer variable is looked up when the inner function is run, not when the inner function is defined (so all versions of the function see the variable's last value). For each function to see a different value, you either need to make sure they're looking in separate namespaces, or you need to bind the value to a default parameter of the inner function.
Here's an approach that uses an extra namespace:
def make_func(x):
def func(a, b):
return a*b*x
return func
list_of_funcs = [make_func(i) for i in range(10)]
Each inner function func has access to the x parameter in the enclosing make_func function. Since they're all created by separate calls to make_func, they each see separate namespaces with different x values.
Here's the other approach that uses a default argument (with functions created by a lambda expression):
list_of_funcs = [lambda a, b, x=i: a*b*x for i in range(10)]
In this version, the i variable from the list comprehension is bound to the default value of the x parameter in the lambda expression. This binding means that the functions wont care about the value of i changing later on. The downside to this solution is that any code that accidentally calls one of the functions with three arguments instead of two may work without an exception (perhaps with odd results).
The problem you are running into is one of scoping. Function bodies aren't evaluated until the fuction is actually called, so the functions you have there will use whatever is the current value of the variable within their scope at time of evaluation (which means they'll have the same t if you call them all after the for-loop has ended)
In order to see the value that you would like, you'd need to immediately call the function and save the result.
I'm not really sure why you're using an array of functions. Perhaps what you're trying to do is map a partial function across the time series, something like the following?
from functools import partial
def g(current_state, observation_noise, t):
obs = obs_mat[t]
return current_state * observation_noise * obs
g_maker = partial(g, current, observation)
results = list(map(g_maker, range(T)))
What's happening here is that partial creates a partially-applied function, which is merely waiting for its final value to be evaluated. That final value is dynamic (but the first two are fixed in this example), so mapping that partially-applied function over a range of values gets you answers for each value.
Honestly, this is a guess because it's hard to see what else you are trying to do with this data and it's hard to see what you're trying to achieve with the array of functions (and there are certainly other ways to do this).
The issue (assuming that your G.append call is mis-indented) is simply that the name t is mutated when you loop over the iterator returned by range(T). Since every function g you create stores returns the same name t, they wind up all returning the same value, T - 1. The fix is to de-reference the name (the simplest way to do this is by sending t into your function as a default value for an argument in g's argument list):
G = []
for t in range(T):
def g(current_state, observation_noise, t_kw=t):
obs = obs_mat[t_kw]
return current_state * observation_noise * obs
This works because it creates another name that points at the value that t references during that iteration of the loop (you could still use t rather than t_kw and it would still just work because tg is bound to the value that tf is bound to - the value never changes, but tf is bound to another value on the next iteration, while tg still points at the "original" value.

Is there a way to pass a parameter into a NATURAL subroutine?

I am new to the NATURAL programming language. I am trying to find a way that I can pass one parameter to a subroutine just like in C++ or Java. Right now I have to move everything to another variable and call the method. Thus is cumbersome and is a lot more code to write.
Question: Can a Natural Program Sub-Routine have a parameter list like in C++ or Java?
D = passVariable1
A = D
newVariable = A
#A = #D
#B = #E
#C = #F
What I would like to do.
DEFINE SUBROUTINE FLIP-DATE(A,B,C,D,E,F) <-- is this possible somehow?
#A = #D
#B = #E
#C = #F
The parameter data area (PDA) is a special verision of the local data area (LDA), that is used in function, external subroutine, or helproutine objects. You can either define parameters inline like
1 #A(N2)
1 #B(N2)
1 #C(N2)
1 #D(N2)
1 #E(N2)
1 #F(N2)
your local variables
Alternatively you can also create a separate source object, similar to an external LDA.
your local variables
Note that you cannot use parameters with an internal subroutine.
I suggest you start reading the Natural documentation on Software AG's web site, especially the "First Steps" manual, if you've never worked with this powerful language before.
parameter-data-area can be used to pass the data to sub programs and routines.

Function arguments VBA

I have these three functions:
When I run the first 2 functions, There's no problem, but when I run the last function (LMTD), It says 'Division by zero' yet when I debug some of the arguments have values, some don't. I know what I have to do, but I want to know why I have to do it, because it makes no sense to me.
Tinn-function doesn't have Tut's arguments, so I have to add them to Tinn-function's arguments. Same goes for Tut, that doesn't know all of Tinn's arguments, and LMTD has to have both of Tinn and Tut's arguments. If I do that, it all runs smoothly. Why do I have to do this?
Public Function Tinn(Tw, Qw, Qp, Q, deltaT)
Tinn = (((Tw * Qw) + (Tut(Q, fd, mix) * Q)) / Qp) + deltaT
End Function
Public Function Tut(Q, fd, mix)
Tut = Tinn(Tw, Qw, Qp, Q, deltaT) _
- (avgittEffektAiUiLMTD() / ((Q * fd * mix) / 3600))
End Function
Public Function LMTD(Tsjo)
LMTD = ((Tinn(Tw, Qw, Qp, Q, deltaT) - Tsjo) - (Tut(Q, fd, mix) - Tsjo)) _
/ (WorksheetFunction.Ln((Tinn(Tw, Qw, Qp, Q, deltaT) - Tsjo) _
/ (Tut(Q, fd, mix) - Tsjo)))
End Function
I will try to give a useful and complete explanation on how arguments are being passed:
As far as I can tell, LMTD is the main function calling the other function.
Each time a new function is called, it is placed on top of what they call the "stack";
The principle of Stack involves that memory is allocated and deallocated at one end of the memory (top of the stack): memory is allocated to those local variables declared and used in the function on top of the stack (function that is called gets in scope and forms a new layer on top of the stack) while these local variables are being released as soon as the function goes out of scope (when the value is returned). Something generally referred to as "Last In First Out" (LIFO).
So if you consider LMTD the base (which is probably not the ultimate base, since it is must be called by another sub routine or function), Tinn and Tut are placed on top of the stack whenever these functions are being called.
However (and here is the point),
Variables not locally declared in functions and passed as argument are standard passed by Reference, they are pointer variables containing the memory address of the arguments sent by the function (or sub) on the lower layer of the stack.
When a function takes parameters by reference (default), it can change the values contained by the memory addresses that are passed and thus the original variable value can be changed when the called function is returned.
This example illustrates it:
Sub Base_Sub()
Dim i as single
Dim c as single
Dim d as single
c = 5
d = 6
i = Function_1(c, d)
End Sub
Function Function_1(c, d)
c = 7 'Notice that the variables c and d are also changed in the Base_sub
d = 5
Function_1 = c + d
End Function
On the contrary, if you would send variable by value (byVal keyword), this would mean that a copy of the original variable (that is passed as argument) is made and the original variable remains untouched while the copy is being manipulated in the function. In other words, this copy would become a local variable on top of the stack and released as soon as the function goes out of scope.
So without looking into dept into your code to deep, when you call many functions in one routine, it may help you to keep this general concept of the different layers in mind.
In order to keep an eye on your local variables, use the "locals" window in VBA for follow-up or use debug.print to follow up in the immediate window.
What could help you gain more transparency regarding the error is by performing a check. For example
for Tinn function:
If QP = 0 then
'Notify problem at QP.
end if
I'm sorry if my explanation was more than you expected, but I tried to be as complete as possible on this one.

What (are there any) languages with only pass-by-reference?

I was wondering. Are there languages that use only pass-by-reference as their eval strategy?
I don't know what an "eval strategy" is, but Perl subroutine calls are pass-by-reference only.
sub change {
$_[0] = 10;
$x = 5;
print $x; # prints "10"
change(0); # raises "Modification of a read-only value attempted" error
VB (pre .net), VBA & VBS default to ByRef although it can be overriden when calling/defining the sub or function.
FORTRAN does; well, preceding such concepts as pass-by-reference, one should probably say that it uses pass-by-address; a FORTRAN function like:
will have a C-style prototype of:
extern int MULTIPLY_TWO_INTS(int *A, int *B);
and you could call it via something like:
int result, a = 1, b = 100;
result = MULTIPLY_TWO_INTS(&a, &b);
Another example are languages that do not know function arguments as such but use stacks. An example would be Forth and its derivatives, where a function can change the variable space (stack) in whichever way it wants, modifying existing elements as well as adding/removing elements. "prototype comments" in Forth usually look something like
(argument list -- return value list)
and that means the function takes/processes a certain, not necessarily constant, number of arguments and returns, again, not necessarily a constant, number of elements. I.e. you can have a function that takes a number N as argument and returns N elements - preallocating an array, if you so like.
How about Brainfuck?
