Vim settings for Erlang - vim

Does anyone want to share their erlang vim settings? It seems I can't make it work at all and the worst part is that it doesn't auto-indent automatically.
Is there something outhere called vim-erlang, as in vim-python or something?

The most recent version of vimerl can be found there. New features were added and many bugs were also fixed:
Syntax highlight
Code folding
Code completion (based on Module:module_info/1 to use the Erlang introspection mechanism)
Wrangler support (the refactoring Erlang tool)

The first two hits on google for erlang and vim yields Erlang plugin package and vim-erlang. Did you try those out already?

How about this. It's part of a bigger package that would probably be useful, too.


Linux Utility to `Go to definition`s

I'm starting to develop a fairly large app and am beginning to want some of the IDE features I've used in the past, such as 'right-click->go to definition' of a function. Does any kind of parallel in developing on the command line exist? This is on an Ubuntu Desktop VM. Is recommended to move to using Sublime?
It depends on your preferred editor, but options definitely exist.
I've used c-tags for vim.
Similar options must exist for emacs; a quick search turned this up.
In my experience though, nothing beats a full-fledged IDE (more full-fledged than Sublime, even) for these kinds of introspective utilities.
If you're using VIM, check VIM Taglist plugin. It has a command that takes you to a ctag definition.
You can create a VIM keymap to go to the word/function under the cursor which would solve your problem.

Change buffers in FakeVim

Does anyone know some shortcuts for FakeVim to change between files?
Is it possible to use buffers in Fake Vim? I accidentally found out that Ctrl+w,w gets you the next window. Does anyone know other? For example getting to the left, right, top, bottom windows?(vim's Ctrl+w,l and others)? Is there any documentation on FakeVim? Is it possible to configure FakeVim's vimrc file to create shortcuts for changing between buffers and the Projects view?
Recently I've been doing most of the changes on FakeVim plugin.
You can find list of Vim commands supported by FakeVim at (recent version from Git master branch).
I'm still not sure how to document the features in Qt Creator. I'll probably implement something like :help <command> in near future.
The FakeVim documentation is severely lacking. This paragraph, for example, is so fuzzy it's borderline irresponsible:
In the FakeVim mode, most keystrokes in the main editor will be intercepted and interpreted in a way that resembles Vim. Documentation for Vim is not included in Qt Creator. For more information on using Vim, see Documentation on the Vim web site.
Basically, without a proper documentation or a look at the editor's source code it's impossible to know what should work, what shouldn't and in which way the behavior of what works deviates from Vim's behavior. And that's what passes for a modern IDE, these days.
I think that your best bet is simply trial and error: since you appear to know how to use Vim you'll have a lot of commands and shortcuts to try.

Using Sublime 2 for Haskell Development?

What is the current status of Sublime 2 integration for Haskell? I see two possible packages so far. A plugin for code highlighting and a REPL plugin.
Is there an intelli-sense plugin for Haskell?
Maybe integration with Hackage as well?
SublimeHaskell plugin is the modern choice for Haskell development with SublimeText. It is well maintained and has plenty of useful features.
Other quite useful plugins:
Shell Turtlestein, which allows you to quickly type in shell commands under a single keystroke from inside the editor.
SublimeREPL, which allows you to run GHCi from inside the editor. Though without support for cabal repl yet.
SideBarEnhancements, which I primarily use to rename/move files without touching the mouse. With it you can hit Ctrl/Cmd + P and type "rename" or "move" to enter the dialogue.
I use Sublime exclusively at the moment and while it's not all that special out of the box, installing sublime-text-haskell as Cubic suggested makes it a little better (it will compile and highlight errors when you save a file and apparently enhances the auto-completion).
I've experimented with writing my own plugins but the reality is that a lot of really cool possibilities are made difficult to implement because the API is actually kind of restricting (there's no way to add extra information like type signatures to auto-complete options for example).
It seems that the dev(s) are working on adding some requested API features, but until then, sublime-text-haskell is probably the best Haskell plugin.

Vim: How to set up an efficient autocomplete configuration?

I've been using Vim for a while now and love it, but one thing I've noticed when I use other editors is that I've never really got autocomplete working with much efficiency. I have supertab & snipmate working, I have tags for whatever language I'm using set up, but somehow it seems a little too cumbersome to use all that much, and apart from long method names I typically just avoid autocomplete.
Does anyone have fast, comprehensive autocomplete funcitonality set up in vim? Specifically:
At the moment, I hit "tab" to autocomplete class/method/variable names & generate snippets, but Ctrl+X+O for inbuilt langauge commands. I'd rather press tab for everything.
The ordering doesn't seem to be too intelligent. Very common stuff is often hidden in the middle of a bunch of rarely-used commands.
I've set up autocomplpop to show potential autocompletes as I'm typing, but I have to hit tab twice to accept the first entry. One much rather single-tab it.
So, any tips on setting up an efficient, comprehensive autocomplete configuration in vim? I know this question is a little vague - but if anyone has an overview of how they autocomplete well, and/or a link to a guide, it would be much appreciated.
Just thought I'd come back and mention that I finally found something I like: A customised version of NeoComplCache. Nice auto popup, everything integrated pleasantly into 'tab', and with a bit of customisation plays nice with snippets.
This is very dependant on your working domain. Vim is a text editor with the ability to interface with intelligent text-aware mechanisms.
If you are using java there is eclim, which is the eclipse backend together with a vim plugin for the frontend.
For C or C++ there is the plugin OmniCppComplete
It works by scanning the headers in the paths you have set up in vim (see :h path), and works very well imo.
If you have to press Ctrl-X_Ctrl-O for omnicompleteion, then your supertab config seems a bit broken. It should try omni or filename completion first, and then fall back to word completion.
YouCompleteMe plugin by Valloric is a very decent plugins for autocomplete and suggestion.
It contains support for all the major languages and you can extend the feature with setting up different engine .
it also comes with syntax checker so u don't have to use Syntastic separately
For setup details visit this link

GTK+ underscores - physically painful

Programming with GTK+ is annoying and physically painful because of the sheer amount of reaching out for the "_" key. For anyone with actual GTK+ experience, have you found a work around for this?. The platform is linux based.
Use an editor with code completion support. Eclipse, Vim, and Emacs can all do this.
Either use autocompletion, or reassign your underscore key to another, more reachable one.
If you just wish to use the api of gtk+ - then try vala, pygtk or binding in language of your preference.
If you wish to modify core then use autocomplete,macros.
