SVN to use that function - linux

In linux, how do I check if someone has not yet committed something?
I remember I made changes on a server once..but forgot to commit. Now, I don't know which server I used to make those changes.

It isn't possible to tell if someone else has uncommitted changes in their working copy, because the status of the working copy of each user isn't sent to the repository.

SVN servers/repositories don't keep track of changes made on clients. You'd need to locate all the possible places where the client changes might be and check for modifications there.
This is one of the tradeoffs of not having the server keep track of everything like Perforce does. On the other hand, having the server keep track of everything can be a pain at times.

A local working copy is just that, local. The Subversion repository can't know which client has uncommitted changes.
FWIW, you can check a local working copy status using svn st
svn help st

There is no way to tell if anyone other than yourself has checked out a revision and made changes which have not been committed. The only way to find out is to login as each user and execute svn status in the appropriate directory.


Need clarification on svn update, How it is exactly works?

I did change one of my code in my php file. I committed those changes using SVN.
Then after discussion with my lead, i reverted those changes and made new changes in same file on local.
Then i took svn update.
I thought it will give previous changes in my local file, but it didn't.
I thought file get merged,but it didn't happened in same way.
How it exactly works let me know?

Perforce reconcile offline work doesn't notice the changes

So, I created a new file and copied it over the one in the workspace. Then I selected "reconcile offline work" from the context menu of the directory containing the file, after I've updated the directory and made sure the workspace has the new version of the file - but Perforce says that no files have changed.
There is one more weirdness in this: Despite having the latest version of the program, both the p4 and p4v clients, perhaps, because of the server version, I don't have reconcile command available (I don't know what version is the server, and don't know how to find it out).
So, it would help if you could tell how to do the same thing as reconcile, while not having this command (it seems to be a newish addition, but I cannot imagine a workflow that doesn't require you to use it, or something that does the same thing). The VCS is practically useless if it cannot figure out on its own what files had changed since the last version...
If your server is older, and doesn't support reconcile, there are other ways to accomplish these tasks. Start here for all the details:
If you added a file to Perforce and copied it to another workspace you will need "p4 sync -k //depot/path/to/file" to reflect the change.

What happens when SVN isn't used?

I am wondering what happens in SVN when a file is updated directly instead of using SVN? The main reason I am asking is that there was a problem updating the SVN on my machine (windows) when the server (linux) had 2 names that were the same, but different case. I resolved this on the server, but didn't do it through SVN since it won't update correct, but I still get the issue. Do I need to run some kind of command to update it?
I deleted the comflicting file in the working direcotry and wanted to know if doing things directory in the working directory get tracked at all or what needs to be done to resync.
When SVN gets blocked because the repository is more "up to date" than the local checkout, one brain dead foolproof solution is:
Move (or remove) the files that are causing the conflict at the command line (don't use SVN tools to do this, and don't use the GUI if you have tortoise installed).
svn update the repository, which will restore the current copy of the files from the subversion server.
Decide what to do with your cached copies of the old files. Either manually merge them back into the repository, discard them, or remake the changes in the new svn managed files (depending on your needs).
Note that if you move the files into a directory using tortoise, make sure that you move it into a directory that's not associated with ANY SVN project. It's not fun trying to undo the helpful changes tortoise does in thinking your wanting a SVN move to accompany the file system move.
There is no need to run any special commands. If you updated the sources, the next time you will run svn update subversion will seamlessly merge the changes and you will get an uptodate working copy.
If you changed some files, they will appear modified or conflicted depending on the changes made by you and other users.

SVN server hosting company shutting down, and I need a backup of repository

I just logged onto, that hosts my SVN repository. I have been paying monthly for hundreds of commits.
They're shutting down, and their support is nonexistent.
Can I get a backup of my repository from my machine? I’m using Windows.
If you have shell access:
If you don't have shell access (look at both the original answer and also the comments re: svnsync):
If you have access to run svnadmin on their server, it'll be no problem, and I see Dav has already linked to instructions for that.
Now, if you don't have access to run svnadmin, as far as I know it's not possible to use the SVN client itself (maybe TortoiseSVN for you) to copy the entire repository. (EDIT: never mind, I guess that was wrong. I'll leave the git info here just for the fun of it though.) But you can convert a whole Subversion repository to git, and here are instructions for doing that: From there, you might be able to convert the git repository back into an SVN repository on another server. I know it's not really the answer you were looking for but if nothing else works, it will at least let you save your project's history in some form. (And hey, you could take it as an excuse to switch to distributed version control, which is all the rage these days)
If you really want/need the full history of your repository, you'll have to either get a dumpfile from the provider or get it yourself - some of the responses so far have addressed this already.
Another option: if you are not concerned with past revisions, but want your repo at it's latest state, just checkout the head revision, and export it to a separate location on your computer. That way, you have all your work to this point. You could then keep that as a backup, or possibly create an SVN account elsewhere, and import the exported copy into a fresh repo, then you would be back in business.

perforce: how to propogate unsubmitted changes

I have made some changes in one perforce client, but haven't submitted them. I want to propagate these changes to another perforce client, without submitting the changes in the first client.
Is it possible? If yes how?
You cannot do this from within Perforce itself. You will need to perform a manual process:
sync and resolve any conflicts with the changes on Client A
sync Client B
check out target files on Client B
copy files from Client A to Client B
This process could be automated by using commands like p4 changes and p4 describe and OS tools to parse the output (like for in DOS), but this would be overkill in most cases.
check out the new shelving feature in the perforce 9.2 release (currently available in beta)- you can cache your modified files on the server, without having to check them in as a versioned change.
Although I didn't work with git-p4, the answer to this question seems to refer to your use case as well: git-p4 and pulling from other repos
