Loading Thickbox Gallery Slideshow - thickbox

I'm using the Thickbox "Gallery Images" example http://jquery.com/demo/thickbox/#examples to show a slideshow for a group of photos which works perfectly, except that I also want to have a button that says 'Start Slideshow' that will open Thickbox and display the first photo in the slideshow that is tagged under the group 'rel="slideshow"'. Here is what the first image in the slideshow looks like:
<img src="image1.jpg" width="150" border="0" alt="Image Title 1">
Any ideas what the href link should look like for the 'Start Slideshow' button to accomplish this? I tried a bunch of approaches and none seem to get the job done.
Thanks in advance for your help!

After hours of searching I finally found the answer:
Hopefully this helps someone else.


How to locate the element as per the HTML through FindElementByXPath in Selenium Basic

I'm writing a VBA code to login into a webpage and load some information i have in an excel worksheet.
I'm new in Selenium. I already got the login part right, but now i need to click in an element and i keep getting errors.
I need to click in the Company 2 button.
This is what i've got so far:
bot.FindElementByXPath("//input[#value=""Company 1""]").Click
Outputs NoSuchElementError
bot.FindElementByXPath("//input[#value=""Company 2""]").Click
Outputs ElementNotVisible
I don't know what i'm doing wrong, i think that the first input being hidden has something to do. Hope anyone can help me.
Might help you to know you can also use ByCss in most circumstances, in which case you can use:
bot.FindElementByCss("input[value='Company 1']").Click
That is nice and short.
The CSS selector is input[value='Company 1']. This says find element with input tag having attribute value with value of 'Company 1'.
XPath might be incorrect. Please try the following syntax:
FindElementByXPath("//input[#value='Company 1']")
First of all, use CSS selectors whenever possible. They are much easier to handle.
Now if you are using CSS selectors try to find the second button using something like
input[value="Company 2"]
For more info on this selector, look at https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/sel_attribute_value.asp
You can use any xpath, in first look I found your xpath is incorrect, try this:
//input[#type='button'][#value='Company 2']
//input[#type='button'&& #value='Company 2']
//input[#role='button'][#value='Company 2']
You can also use findelements() to store are all buttons and using if else you can extract the company 2 button
As per the HTML you have shared to invoke click() on the desired elements you can use the following solution:
To click on the element with text as Company 1:
bot.FindElementByXPath("//input[#class='btn_empresa ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all' and #value='Company 1']").Click
To click on the element with text as Company 2:
bot.FindElementByXPath("//input[#class='btn_empresa ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all' and #value='Company 2']").Click
Have you tried right-clicking the HTML in inspect and going to Copy>Copy XPath? That might give you something different. Maybe the buttons are created from Javascript and so the WebDriver can't actually see them?
Or try
Company_1 = bot.find_element_by_xpath("//input[#value='Company 1']")
Company_2 = bot.find_element_by_xpath("//input[#value='Company 2']")
And change the syntax with the ' ' quotes like someone else mentioned.

xpages tag cloud: links are missing

I'm tryng to use the tag cloud control from Ext.Library 9.0.1 (20160428). The cloud is generated with the correct values form the category view but all the links are missing.
I suspect I'm missing something stupid and my question will look a little bit silly but... I've already lost some hours on this without getting any result.
This is the code for the tagcloud:
<xe:tagCloud id="tagCloud1" sliderVisible="true">
<xe:dominoViewCloudData categoryColumn="0" viewName="indice"LinkTargetPage="/risultati.xsp" linkRequestParam="nometag">
This is what I get in a browser (just an example, all the lines look similar):
<li style="display:inline">
<a role="link" title="11 Entries" class="tagCloudSize9">Miscellaneous</a>
As you can see there is no link to anything, so the user can't click the cloud label.
Any advice will be appreciated
Thanks in advance
It seems it was only a cache-related trouble. I've restarted my server and it started to work as expected.
Just wondering why and how to avoid in the future...

Code bbcode in phpbb3

Here is a question for the code bbcode in phpbb3. As we can see here (official site of phpbb3) two ways of presenting a code are used. Is this a bbcode? If so, how can I add it to the board? If not, is this a mod? If yes, where can I find it?
I have searched a lot of how I can achieve a result like this but I came up empty. I appreciate for your help.
Edit: I am talking of course about the code that is presented as an inline next to the text.
I'm not sure how phpBB implement it, but you could use BBcode to achieve the same effect. To add custom BBcode go to the Posting tab in your ACP, and BBcodes is the first option in the left column.
BBcode usage:
HTML replacement:
<span style="background: #fff none repeat scroll 0 0;border: 1px solid #c9d2d8;color: #2e8b57;display: inline;font-family: Monaco,"Andale Mono","Courier New",Courier,monospace;font-size: 0.9em;font-style: normal;line-height: 1.3em;padding: 0 3px;">{TEXT}</span>
Help line:
[inline-code]Your code here[/inline-code]
The above css is taken from the link you posted so should look the same on your site.

Can't click "through" fixed div menu

I'm having problems with my fixed menu. As you can see of the example beneath it's not possible to click the links "VingÄrde, Dyrkning..." because of the div box with the fixed menu on top of it. I've tried ordering the layers with z-index but I just can't get it to work. Can anybody help me out?
And if anyone by the way have a method on auto adjusting the height of the page so it covers the whole viewport I would be very glad to hear from you :-) In the website version above I've set the height manually to 1000px which is not preferable
Thank you!
You need to put all the wrappers' elements outside of it and put them after the left-page container and before the right-page container. Finally, remove the wrapper, it seems unnecessary for the page in order to work.
I fixed it through Chrome's dev tools, but I assume it should work if you modify the html that way.
The body should look like this:
<div id="left_page_container">...</div>
<div class="nav_humlunvim">...</div>
<div class="nav_butik">...</div>
<div class="nav_blog">...</div>
<div class="nav_kontakt">...</div>
<div id="right_page_container">...</div>
Hope it helps; as an extra observation it is more common to use "hyphen-separated-names" for selectors than to use "snake_case_names" :)

How to click on link element with specific text using watir?

I'm not able to click on text link 'Add' using watir:
<div id="divAdd" style="float: right">
<a onclick="SwitchView('2')" style="color: #1B56A7; cursor: pointer;">Add</a>
Watir CODE:
browser.link(:text =>"Add").click
Unable to locate element, using {:tag_name=>["a"], :text=>"Add"}
Please help me how to handle this?
If the page has a lot of ajax and javascript going on, you may just have to wait a little bit for the client side code to finish rendering the page after it has been loaded from the browser.
Try this
browser.link(:text =>"Add").when_present.click
If that does not work, then make sure the item is not in a frame or something..
btw, if there is more than one link on the page with the text 'Add' then you may have to specify a container outside the link that lets you identify which link you want. eg.
browser.div(id: => "divAdd").link.when_present.click
This would be my way of doing it.
while browser.div(:class, 'containerDIV').a(:text, 'Add').exists? do
browser.div(:class, 'containerDIV').a(:text, 'Add').click
