No-code or little-code website - web

What is a (free) technology which requires the least amount of code for creating a website with the following requirements:
Form for adding your personal info. which gets databased
Each person can view and edit their own info
Admin can view and edit any
The form needs to be easily customizable and extensible (by the website's owner, not during run-time)
Is there a beginner tutorial for such a thing?
(For me, this question is about a friend who wants me to do this, but I want him to do it himself so I don't have to get roped into maintenance. I also want to keep it more general for the sake of Stack Overflow and future readers.)
Edit: I thought I remembered some ASP.NET tutorials that were mostly drag/drop or things where it was all but made for you from the database schema (which can be made with SSMS's GUI) but I can't seem to find them now.
Responding to posts below requesting specifics: this site will be for potential clients to sign-up and enter their company's info and fill out a form about their advertising needs.
I thought about putting this on SU instead, but since there was likely going to be some coding involved (I assumed no-code was an unreachable goal) SO seemed more appropriate.

Your friend can consider a framework like drupal. It has a bit of a learning code but, you can create a website with everything you ask for without code. You may want to modify it to change the look but there are themes for that.
Also, some hosts like have this installed and you do not have to worry about the complex installation procedures. Just start modifying the content of the site, select a built in template and go...

PhpBB? I think you need to specify what the website is going to be used for before you can get better/more specific answers.

... have a look at Drupal or Joomla, expect a learning curve nevertheless.

Is this friend a programmer as well? If so, I'd suggest building such a site using a PHP framework. Deploying an existing forum/wiki is also an option of course, but will probably have much more features than you describe. But if s/he's not a programmer, I don't see how s/he will be able to develop a site like that in a reasonable amount of time.

Why not using a CMS like wordpress, drupal and co. ?


blog vs custom website content update

i have a project with a friend and its about developing a website which will provide the users with some courses on certain topics.
And we were wondering on how we are going to be updating the lessons notes and posting new ones without any problem. And he said the cpanel provided by the host company will provided a means to post just like on blogs. So i doubted and i'll like to ask if it true or i'll have to code a new page for every topic on the site.
Please i'll appreciate if any one helps me with the truth or a guide on how to do it.
A good starting point for you is to use github to host a code repository you start with git. If you use github, you can utilize github pages to host your content for free.
If you already have a hosting framework in mind like WAMP or heroku, let us know and we can provide more specific information on how to push your code up to your application depending on how you're hosting it. But the best starting point for you is to use some sort of version control and the leading version control option is git. You definitely never need to rewrite the same code all over again and version control is essential for managing updates to your code and collaborating with other developers.

Extracting a Module from Orchard

I am having a little problem in my workplace where we have a IIS 6 server where Orchard (1.7) will not run. We are planning an upgrade but that's going to take some time.
Since we are using this site on IIS6 only to run one particular custom module we wrote for Orchard (basically a MVC module with its own Controllers/Actions etc.) I was thinking that a temporary solution could be to rip that module out of Orchard and run it independently.
Of course this extraction needs to take into account how many ties I have with the framework. I was wondering if there is some kind of guide to perform this and if there is something I need to take specially into account.
I am using the Users in Orchard so I would probably have to rewrite some users code. I am also using the Authorizer, which again may mean I need to re-wire something else.
It seems like a daunting job so I am looking for some quick tips on how to proceed if you know any.
Thanks a lot!
It all depends on what components you actually use within your module.
Hard to write any tutorial on this, really.
Regarding Orchard.Users - you could drop all related code usages and rely on the default ASP.NET roles-based authentication/authorization model.
If dependency injection is what you want to keep, then you need to integrate it yourself (for Autofac, but other DI containers will also work). Feel free to copy and change any Orchard components that you use, stripping the unneeded code.
In my opinion the hardest thing to strip out and replace would be any code that relies on content items - hope you don't have it. Rewriting this pieces sounds like an overkill. But if you just use IRepository, going for plain NHibernate or EF instead should be quite easy.

Is is possible to develop website like with wordpress?

Hi I am running a delivery shop and using for my shop.
I also want to have my own website which user can order service or choose delivery time on the website like does.
I wonder if is it better to develop from scratch or can I use wordpress and customize it? or are there plugins or widgets I can use for my website?
Please give me some advice what will be the best way to build my website.
Thank you.
Well technically anything is pretty much possible in Wordpress but it won't happen out of the box, unless you already have a theme in mind which serves this purpose. I won't be surprised if there is a theme out there which you can use to do this.
Personally I would build this from scratch as you would be able to build exactly what you want and you can build it with scalability in mind as well.
Wordpress tends to fall off when the site starts getting A LOT of traffic.
Check out Ruby on Rails, you would be surprised how at how simple it can be to build something like this.
The server will go down (if) when your site will visit 1000+ persons, because one of the problem of universal script that can be used (in opinion of creators) every where is that it make 100 sql queryes to display one simple page.

Using keys/passwords instead of site login

I'm thinking if it's a good idea to have a Web app which doesn't require a site login. This is for something like a public wiki where you just want to jump in and create stuff but still have a way to control access.
Content can be read/edited by the content creator (or a few other people).
What would be good references or existing apps that implement something like this?
EDIT: The closest similar "no signup" site I could find was ImageShack though there you can't edit what you've already submitted.
I'm not too sure on the value of this type of a system. Once the password/key has been in circulation for x time, they will be rendered useless.
I recommend rather going for something that's more scalable and open, with a good example being OpenID. Here's a good library of implementations for it as well.

How do I allow the user to select an existing IIS website to install to using WiX?

Does anyone know of a complete, downloadable/copyable example of a WiX installer that allows the user to select an existing website when installing a web application?
I'm trying to get this working and, after seeing that it seems to be a significant piece of work, I'd like to get an example running first so that I have a working project to base my own work on.
I found this (code is pasted as images) and this (can't get it running).
Just to confirm... Is it really as much work as the sites above suggest to allow a user to select the site to install to? Am I missing a trick?
I found this blog post that does the custom action in C# and has a complete downloadable sample. Pretty easy to follow.
Yes, that would be quite a bit of work to do it in WiX. I don't typically give a user this much choice. You might just want to do it as an after install configuration step if it's important to you.
