I have created a feature, a publishing site, in Visual Studio to MOSS - this feature contains a masterpage, some pages, some site columns etc. I have also created a site collection based on my template.
I have several times updated my mastepage and pages with succes. Now I want to update my site columns, adding some columns, but these changes does not appear in my site collection. If I delete my site collection and create a new the new one gets the correct site columns. What am I missing in my update?
I am using WSPBuilder to build and update my feature.
When you deploy your updated package are you deactivating and reactivating the Feature that provisions the site columns? If you don't, the site columns won't show.
There is no way to include this is the wsp, you could however script the deployment of the .wsp and after it has been deployed (i.e. retracted old version, added new version, then deployed to correct web apps) include an
stsadm -o deactivatefeature -url URL -name FEATURENAME
stsadm -o activatefeature -url URL -name FEATURENAME
In the deployment script after all the stsadm calls to deploy the solution.
I have SP 2019 setup and I cloned and generated the .sppkg file from the solution below:
I uploaded to the apps store of the site collection and chose to deploy to all sites. Now, on my Sharepoint Communication Site, when I try to add the web part, it does not show up in the drop-down. Is there any change I need to perform? I am new to Sharepoint development.
SharePoint 2019 does not have really the option to deploy to all sites. You can select it but it does not deploy it to all sites. You need to add app to the site manually or by script (powershell, ...). Go to site contents, add an app, add that app to site, wait for adding and then you can add it in the drop down in your site.
I have developed a site, took a back up on the development site. I have created a empty site on the live environment. I have restored the blank site from the backup.
I need to change some parameters of the webpart. could anybody suggest me what those list of parameters as I have the following error.
Unable to display this Web Part. To troubleshoot the problem, open this Web page in a Windows SharePoint Services-compatible HTML editor such as Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer. If the problem persists, contact your Web server administrator.
Many Thanks
Backup/restore in SharePoint doesn't include custom solutions (wsp file) which means you need to deploy them manually using stsadm tool. See example below:
stsadm -o deploysolution -name webparts.wsp -allowgacdeployment -immediate -url http://localhost
I have created a wsp package and add it to
Central Administration > Operations > Solution Management
using the addsolution command of stsadm. When I click on the Deploy Solution menu, it transfers me to deploy to the solution page. In this page, in the "Deploy To?" section, it shows me a dropdown list with entries like 'All Content web Applications'.
I want to deploy my solution globally so that it is applicable to all new web applications created after the deployment. I have seen WSPs for which "Deploy To?" section shows only a message like "This solution deploys globally" and no dropdown list.
"Globally deployed" only applies to WSP files that don't have web controls and web parts in them. These cannot be "Globally deployed", because the web.config of the web application you choose to deploy to is changed, i.e. entries are inserted in order to register your .dll's containing web controls and web parts.
I think you need to install it into the GAC - However here's a more informed answer:
C:>stsadm.exe -o deploysolution -name
MossSolution.wsp -immediate
this will deploy it globally. i will
check some time later for
allcontenturl. i have couple of batch
files to deploy WSP files at some
customers. i will check them to see
again in which scenario we used
allcontenturl. but my above reply
about not specifying a URL is correct
that in case when WSP contains only
dll for GAC, you should not specify a
from this thread on the social.msdn.microsoft.com forums
Is there a command to delete the entire web application (database, iis sites etc) using the Sharepoint admin tool?
I know the same can be done in the central admin, but i have a need to automate this process as we want our build servers to rebuild the sharepoint site from scratch each night.
You should be able to do that with the stsadm unextendvs operation.
stsadm -o unextendvs -url http://MySite -deletecontent -deleteiissites
In addition to the unextendvs stsadm command you will need to drop the table in SQL. Using this command to remove the content database will remove the link from the content database to the SharePoint web application, but I don't think it will actually drop the SQL table.
So if you are running this every night be sure to either re-use the same content database or also script the table drop to ensure your SQL environment does not end up with abandoned tables.
I know that creating a site template from a MOSS publishing site is not currently supported by Microsoft.
Can anyone tell me if creating a basic site, then turning on the publishing feature, then creating a site template is supported - I would guess not as it's probably the same as creating a publishing portal?
You can staple the publishing feature onto your site template.
From KB 986908:
You can create a stapling feature to staple the Office SharePoint Server Publishing feature to specific site templates. For example, see the Feature.xml file in the "Drive:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web server extensions\12\Template\Features\PublishingStapling" folder. To staple the Office SharePoint Server Publishing feature to all site templates, use the TemplateName="GLOBAL" property. This property staples a particular feature to a site definition if the site definition does not specify the AllowGlobalFeatureAssociations property. (Only the Shared Services Provider site template and the Blank Site site template use the AllowGlobalFeatureAssociations="FALSE" property.)
For example, when you use the TemplateName="GLOBAL" property to staple the Office SharePoint Server Publishing feature, a site that is based on the Team site template uses the system master page that is configured for the root site of the site collection.
you can still access the save template webpage, and save it...
for example http://localhost/website/_layouts/savetmpl.aspx
and it works like a charm :-)
I don't think what you're describing will work (like you said, it's basically the same thing as a Publishing Portal), but there appears to be a workaround. According to this post from the SharePoint Solutions Team (apparently not related to Microsoft), you can create a publishing site, customize it as needed, deactivate the publishing feature, create a site template from it, create a new site based on the template, and then activate the publishing feature on your new site.
It sounds like this works, but is not officially supported by Microsoft. Be careful, since it may mostly work, but I wouldn't be surprised if some small pieces of it break.
We wrote our own tooling to solve the export problem. We can create site columns, content types, master pages, page layouts etc in the Publishing site, and export selected items to a WSP package for deployment to other servers.
The tool SPSource takes a similar approach, but creates a Visual Studio solution for compilation. The result can be packaged with WSPBuilder.