hook scripts tutorials? [closed] - tortoisesvn

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I've been trying to find some tutorials on writing hook scripts, and so far my search has been pretty fruitless. Can anyone point me in the direction of a good source? I've checked the SVN book, but can't find anything that detailed in there (although I may simply not have looked in the right place).
any help is appreciated. BTW: I simply want to make a client side hook that exports data on commit.

SVN hook scripts are server-side, not client side. svn runs the hook script on the server where the repository is stored.
luckily, if you are using tortoisesvn, it has some support for client-side hooks. i haven't used it, but here is a link that i found:

After much searching discovered that I can attach a .bat file to the hooks in settings. Not done any batch scripts before, no time like the present!


How to send .ipa file to client for testing [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm sorry for this simple question. I want to send .ipa file to client for testing. How can I do this without using any sites...
The best and easy way for share application with client, either you can use apple testflight using itunes connect or you can just make .ipa and upload your .ipa on this link https://www.diawi.com/
You can do this by following this guide for Exporting Your App ipa file for Testing purposes.
Note: Although the recommended way is beta testing via TestFlight. It's beneficial for the long term. Also, it has easy OTA installation.
You can use Fabric Mac Application.

what automation tool can be used to automate Google blockly code? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Recently We have implemented Google blockly in our application. I need to automate the UI but selenium does not support for Google blockly.
So please suggest me a automation tool for the Google blockly UI.
My answer is not a way to automate the UI as much as an idea for automating the process of adding a predefined set of blocks to a new workspace. Have a look at making Custom blocks, from there you should be able to create a subset of blocks that you can add to your menu. The demo's seem to cover doing all of this, you only have to understand how to then write it into your application.
This may not be a great answer, but try Autohotkey

WSDL explorer/viewer for Linux / Ubuntu (gui) [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there a GUI tool that can display details about a WSDL file and XSD files?
Maybe a WSDL editor is also an option. My needs are mainly inspecting the structure and options I have to call a service.
Preferably a bit more graphical than just reading the XML files themselves.
I tried Eclipse WSDL editor, which can be very useful, but I'm having trouble with that one. So, is there a comparable alternative? (otherwise I need to go fixing the Eclipse tool...)
You can try to use http://www.soapui.org/. It's free and open source. Also you can pro version with commercial support. But free version is enough for me.

is there a free bug tracking system that does not have to be installed and set up [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I know this question has been asked before but I am looking for bugtracking system that is free and is just online.
We are not looking for anything fancy, just want the test team to be able to log something so that testers can go back and go through the bugs.
I've looked at bugzilla but it has to be installed and the installation seems very long. Basically looking for something quick and dirty...
If this is a class project (e.g., a university course project), you can get a free FogBugz account for the duration of the project. Joel has mentioned it several times on the Stack Overflow Podcast. I only suggested this because you didn't give any details about what type of project you are working on. This may not apply to your situation.
You can use Google Code. It's for open source projects, so your bugs will be visible, but it is free to use.
Also this.
you could always create your own using google docs.
We use veoproject.com to track our bugs. It's a fully-featured project management system, but works great for our needs. They have a basic free account that works really well.
I like BugHost.

Subversion Management Tools [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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we have a lot of users running in different shared and solo-owned repositories in Subversion. As part of our work, we do project-shared code and individual work, and we need to control access, ideally on a group basis.
Currenly, we use SVNManager to allow users to manage access and create repositories. However, in order to get that working we had to do quite a bit of hacking.
Does anyone know of a free, open-source, linux-compatible SVN management system?
Thanks for your help.
I would recommend SVN Access: http://www.jaj.com/projects/svnaccess/ or http://freshmeat.net/projects/svnaccess/
I have used it as is, and have modified it for an enterprise-wide solution at my day job.
There is an alternative called KDESVN which you might want to try. However, I have never used it, so I cannot vouch for it.
svn-access-manager seems to be a great open-source web administration GUI for SVN too (and currently active ...).
But I've finally adopted USVN !
This question is very similar to SVN admin management GUI tool by the way ...
I use KDESVN. Once it's set up it works great, but you only get one chance to set up your branch structure, so plan to create a test repository first.
