What functions does _WinMainCRTStartup perform? - visual-c++

This is part of a series of at least two closely related, but distinct questions. I hope I'm doing the right thing by asking them separately.
I'm trying to get my Visual C++ 2008 app to work without the C Runtime Library. It's a Win32 GUI app without MFC or other fancy stuff, just plain Windows API.
So I set Project Properties -> Configuration -> C/C++ -> Advanced -> Omit Default Library Names to Yes (compiler flag /Zl) and rebuilt.
Then the linker complains about an unresolved external _WinMainCRTStartup. Fair enough, I can tell the linker to use a different entry point, say MyStartup. From what I gather around the web, _WinMainCRTStartup does some initialization stuff, and I probably want MyStartup to do a subset of that.
So my question is: What functions does _WinMainCRTStartup perform, and which of these can I omit if I don't use the CRT?
If you are knowledgeable about this stuff, please have a look at my other question too. Thanks!
Aside: Why do I want to do this in the first place?
My app doesn't explicitly use any CRT functions.
I like lean and mean apps.
It'll teach me something new.

The CRT's entry point does the following (this list is not complete):
Initializes global state needed by the CRT. If this is not done, you cannot use any functions or state provided by the CRT.
Initializes some global state that is used by the compiler. Run-time checks such as the security cookie used by /GS definitely stands out here. You can call __security_init_cookie yourself, however. You may need to add other code for other run-time checks.
Calls constructors on C++ objects. If you are writing C++ code, you may need to emulate this.
Retrieves command line and start up information provided by the OS and passes it your main. By default, no parameters are passed to the entry point of the program by the OS - they are all provied by the CRT.
The CRT source code is available with Visual Studio and you can step through the CRT's entry point in a debugger and find out exactly what it is doing.

A true Win32 program written in C (not C++) doesn't need any initialization at all, so you can start your project with WinMainCRTStartup() instead of WinMain(HINSTANCE,...).
It's also possible but a bit harder to write console programs as true Win32 applications; the default name of entry point is _mainCRTStartup().
Disable all extra code generation features like stack probes, array checks etc. Debugging is still possible.
Sometimes you need the first HINSTANCE parameter. For Win32 (except Win32s), it is fixed to (HINSTANCE)0x400000.
The nCmdShow parameter is always SW_SHOWDEFAULT.
If necessary, retrieve the command line with GetCommandLine().
When your program spawns threads, e.g. by calling GetOpenFileName(), returning from WinMainCRTStartup() with return keyword will hang your program — use ExitProcess() instead.
You will run into considerable trouble when:
using stack frames (i.e. local variables) larger than 4 KBytes (per function)
using float-point arithmetic (e.g. float->int conversion)
using 64-bit integers on 32-bit machines (multiply, bit-shift operations)
using C++ new, delete, and static objects with non-zero-out-all-members constructors
using standard library functions like fopen(), printf() of course
There is a C standard library available on all Windows systems (since Windows 95), the MSVCRT.DLL.
To use it, import their entry points, e.g. using my msvcrt-light.lib (google for it). But there are still some caveats, especially when using compilers newer than MSVC6:
stack frames are still limited to 4 KBytes
_ftol_sse or _ftol2_sse must be routed to _ftol
_iob_func must be routed to _iob
Its initialization seems to run at load time. At least the file functions will run seemlessly.

Old question, but the answers are either incorrect or focus on one specific problem.
There are a number of C and C++ features that simply will not be available on Windows (or most operating systems, for that matter) if the programs actually started at main/WinMain.
Take this simple example:
class my_class
my_class() { m_val = 5; }
int my_func(){ return m_val }
int m_val;
my_class g_class;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
return g_class.my_func();
in order for this program to function as expected, the constructor for my_class must be called before main. If the program started exactly at main, it would require a compiler hack (note: GCC does this in some cases) to insert a function call at the very beginning of main. Instead, on most OSes and in most cases, a different function constructs g_class and then calls main (on Windows, this is either mainCRTStartup or WinMainCRTStartup; on most other OSes I'm used to it is a function called _start).
There's other things C++ and even C require to be done before or after main to work.
How are stdin and stdout (std::cin and std::cout) useable as soon as main starts?
How does atexit work?
The C standard requires the standard library have a POSIX-like signal API, which on Windows must be "installed" before main().
On most OSes, there is no system-provided heap; the C runtime implements its own heap (Microsoft's C runtime just wraps the Kernel32 Heap functions).
Even the arguments passed to main, argc and argv, must be gotten from the system somehow.
You might want to take a look at Matt Pietrick's (ancient) articles on implementing his own C runtime for specifics on how this works with Windows + MSVC (note: MinGW and Cygwin implement specific things differently, but actually fall back to MSVCRT for most things):


Trigger an interrupt when the value of a memory location is modified in FreeBSD/Linux

Is it possible to generate an interrupt when the value of a variable or memory location get modified in FreeBSD or Linux environment using C program ?
In a C application there is an dynamically allocated array which is being used/modified from multiple locations. The application is pretty large and complex, it is difficult to trace all the places the array being used or modified from.
The problem is in some condition/flow the array[2] element become 0 which is not expected as per this application. I can't run the application using gdb to debug this issue (because of some constraint). The only way to debug this issue is to modify the source code and run the binary where the issue is happening.
Is it possible to generate an interrupt when the arra[2] element is modified and print the backtrace to know which part of the codebase has modified it ?
You want a data breakpoint, also called watchpoint; GDB provides the following commands:
watch for writes
rwatch for reads
awatch for both
You can ask GDB for a specific condition as well, so the following expression (or something similar) should work:
watch array[2] if array[2] == 0
You must run the expression in the scope of the variable, the easiest way is to just set a breakpoint in the line after the allocation, then set the watchpoint after the breakpoint triggers and resume execution.
OTOH, to implement such a debugging facility within the application is rather complex and hardware-specific (in case hardware support isn't available, software watchpoints require implementing an entire debugger), so I would recommend using liblldb (which is Apache-2.0 licensed IIRC), as it provides a lldb::SBWatchpoint class which you can leverage. The Python API is documented: https://lldb.llvm.org/python_api/lldb.SBWatchpoint.html.
The C++ API is similar, but there's a lot of boilerplate to write that I don't see documented anywhere, so the API is private; you'd have to look at LLDB's own source code.

How to avoid multiple copies of the code for std::vector<double>?

I've got one shared library -- let's call it the master. It produces one or more slave shared libraries. The slave shared libraries are interacting with the master via an interface, exchanging std::string, std::vector and others.
The compile time of the slave shared libraries must be minimized as this compile is done at the customer site dynamically.
As long as the exchanged object is not a STL container, everything works fine. e.g.
master compiles NonStlObject.cpp and NonStlObject.h and produces global text symbols (T)
client uses NonStlObject.h and creates undefined global text symbols (U)
As soon as an STL container is being exchanged, I end up with 1 + numberOfSlaves copies of the STL code -- and matching compile time -- they are weak symbols (W) in both master and slaves.
Is there any way to avoid this, other than wrapping every STL container?
PS. I don't care to get told, that the version of the compiler used for building the interacting shared libraries must be the same. Of course it must!
PPS. extern template seems to be ignored by the compiler when applied to std::vector
I end up with 1 + numberOfSlaves copies of the code
This is the least of your problems.
The much bigger problem is that it's really hard to achieve ABI compatibility in C++ across different versions of the compiler.
If you compile your code with g++-9.0, and your customer has g++-7.0 installed, chances are your code will not work at all.
You can of course ask the customer to install 9.0, but then they may not be able to build their other programs.
Or they could have g++-10.0, and then you can start seeing crashes if/when the std::string changes its ABI and is no longer compatible with your "master" library.
Is there any way to avoid this, other than wrapping every STL container?
Wrapping every STL class and passing it through a C interface definitely solves the "ABI incompatibility" problem, but I don't see how it solves the "I have N+1 copies of STL" problem (and I am not sure the latter problem needs solving in the first place).

I-7188ex's weird behaviour

I have quite complex I/O program (written by someone else) for controller ICPDAS i-7188ex and I am writing a library (.lib) for it that does some calculations based on data from that program.
Problem is, if I import function with only one line printf("123") and embed it inside I/O, program crashes at some point. Without imported function I/O works fine, same goes for imported function without I/O.
Maybe it is a memory issue but why should considerable memory be allocated for function which only outputs a string? Or I am completely wrong?
I am using Borland C++ 3.1. And yes, I can't use anything newer since controller takes only 80186 instruction set.
If your code is complex then sometimes your compiler can get stuck and compile it wrongly messing things up with unpredictable behavior. Happen to me many times when the code grows ... In such case usually swapping few lines of code (if you can without breaking functionality) or even adding few empty or rem lines inside code sometimes helps. Problem is to find the place where it do its thing. You can also divide your program into several files compile each separately to obj and then just link them to the final file ...
The error description remembers me of one I did fight with a long time. If you are using class/struct/template try this:
bds 2006 C hidden memory manager conflicts
may be it will help (did not test this for old turbo).
What do you mean by embed into I/O ? are you creating a sys driver file? If that is the case you need to make sure you are not messing with CPU registers. That could cause a lot of problems try to use
void some_function_or_whatever()
asm { pusha };
// here your code
asm { popa };
If you writing ISR handlers then you need to use interrupt keyword so compiler returns from it properly.
Without actual code and or MCVE is hard to point any specifics ...
If you can port this into BDS2006 or newer version (just for debug not really functional) then it will analyse your code more carefully and can detect a lot of hidden errors (was supprised when I ported from BCB series into BDS2006). Also there is CodeGuard option in the compiler which is ideal for finding such errors on runtime (but I fear you will not be able to run your lib without the I/O hw present in emulated DOS)

Learning x86 assembly on Mac/BSD: Kernel built-in functions? How to know arguments / order?

I have been playing around with yasm in an attempt to grasp a basic understanding of x86 assembly. From my tests, it seems you call functions from the kernel by setting the EAX register with the number of the function you want. Then, you push the function arguments onto the stack and issue a syscall (0x80) to execute the instruction. This is Mac OS X / BSD style, I know Linux uses registers to hold arguments instead of using the stack. Does this sound right? Is this the basic idea?
I am a little confused because where are the functions documented? How would I know what arguments, and in what order, to push them onto the stack? Should I look in syscall.h for the answers? It seems there would be a specific reference for supported kernel calls other than C headers.
Also, do standard C functions like printf() rely on the kernel's built-in functions for say, writing to stdout? In other words, does the C compiler know what the kernel functions are and is it trying to "figure out" how to take C code and translate it to kernel functions (which the assembler then translates to machine code)?
C code -> C compiler -> kernel calls / asm -> assembler -> machine binary
I'm sure these are really basic questions, but my understanding of everything that happens after the C compiler is rather muddy.
System Call Documentation
Make sure you have the XCode Developer Tools installed for the UNIX manpages for Mac OS X and then run man 2 intro on the commandline. For a list of system calls, you can use syscall.h (which is useful for the system call numbers) or you can run man 2 syscalls. Then to look up each specific system call, you can run man 2 syscall_name i.e. for read, you can run man 2 read.
UNIX manpages are a historically significant documentation reference for UNIX systems. Pretty much any low-level POSIX function or system call will be documented using them, as well as most commands. Section 2 covers just system calls, and so when you run man 2 pagename, you're asking for the manpage in the system calls section. Section 3 also deals with library functions, so you can run man 3 sprintf the next time you want to read about sprintf.
How C Libraries relate to System Calls
As for how C libraries implement their functionality, usually they build everything on top of system calls, especially in UNIX-like operating systems. malloc internally uses mmap() or brk() on a lot of platforms to get a hold of the actual memory for your process and I/O functions will often use buffers with read, write calls. If there's some other mechanism or library providing the needed functionality, they may also choose to use those instead (i.e. some C libraries for DOS may make use of direct BIOS interrupts instead of calling only DOS interrupts, whereas C libraries for Windows might use Win32 API calls).
Often only a subset of the library functions will need system calls or underlying mechanisms to be implemented though, since the remainder can be written in terms of that subset.
To actually know what's going on with your specific implementation, you should investigate what's happening in a debugger (just keep stepping into all the function calls) or browse the source code of the C library you're using.
How your C code using C libraries relates to machine code
In your question you also suggested:
C code -> C compiler -> kernel calls / asm -> assembler -> machine binary
This is combining two very different concepts. Functions and function calls are supported at the machine code and assembly level, so your C code has a very direct mapping to machine code:
C code -> C compiler -> Assembler -> Linker -> Machine Binary
That is, the compiler translates your function calls in C to function calls in Assembly and system calls in C to system calls in Assembly.
However on most platforms, that machine code contains references to shared libraries and functions in those libraries, so your machine code might have a function that calls other functions from a shared library. The OS then loads that shared library's machine code (if it hasn't been loaded yet for something else) and then runs the machine code for the library function. Then if that library function calls system calls via interrupts, the kernel receives the system call request and does low-level operations directly with the hardware or the BIOS.
So in a protected mode OS, your machine code can be seen as doing the following:
Function call to -> Other function calls --+
or -> System calls to -> Direct hardware access (inside kernel)
or -> BIOS calls (inside kernel)
You can, of course, call system calls directly in your program as well, skipping the need for any libraries, but unless you're writing your own library, there's usually very little need to do this. If you want even lower-level access, you have to write kernel-level code such as drivers or kernel subsystems.
The recommended way is not doing INT 0x80 by yourself, but to use the wrapper functions from the stdlib. These are, of course, available for assembly as well.
Concerning printf, this works this way:
printf internally calls fprintf(stdout, ...), which in turn uses the FILE * stdout to write to the file descriptor 1 and does write(1, ...). This calls a small wrapper function to set the proper registers to the arguments and perform the kernel call.

Putting code and data into the same section in a Linux kernel module

I'm writing a Linux kernel module in which I would like to have some code and associated data in the same section. I declare the data and the functions with the attribute tags, like:
void * foo __attribute__ ((section ("SEC_A"))) = NULL;
void bar(void) __attribute__ ((section("SEC_A")));
However when I do this, gcc complains with:
error: foo causes a section type conflict
If I do not declare the function with the specific section name, gcc is fine with it. But I want both the function and the variable to be in the same section.
Is there any way to do that with gcc? My gcc version is gcc (Ubuntu 4.3.2-1ubuntu12) 4.3.2
From the GCC manual:
Some file formats do not support arbitrary sections so the section attribute is not available on all platforms. If you need to map the entire contents of a module to a particular section, consider using the facilities of the linker instead.
IIRC, linux uses a flat memory model, so you don't gain anything by "forcing" things into a single section, anyway, do you?
Hmmm. I suppose you could make an asm function to reserve the space and then do pointer foo to get it's address. Might want to wrap the ugly in a macro...
Another thought would be to split the problem in half; write a small example case of the closest thing you can and still compile, get the asm code, and tinker with it to see what you can get past the downstream stages. If nothing else, you could write something to mungle the asm code for that module, entomb it in you make file, and call it good.
Yet another thought: try putting the variable definitions in a small asm module (e,g, as db's or whatever with the right section declarations) and let the linker handle it.
I think you cannot put text (function) and data (BSS) objects into the same section because (some) OSes assume immutability of .TEXT section types for process re-use.
