How reliable are unix domain sockets? - linux

I'm trying to figure out a protocol to use with domain sockets and can't find information on how blindly the domain sockets can be trusted.
Can data be lost? Are messages always received in the same order as sent? Even when using datagram sockets?
Are transfers atomic? When reading the socket, can I trust that I get the whole message on one read or do I have to check it myself?

From 'man AF_UNIX':
Valid types are: SOCK_STREAM, for a stream-oriented socket and
SOCK_DGRAM, for a datagram-oriented socket that preserves message
boundaries (as on most Unix implementations, Unix domain datagram sockets
are always reliable and don’t reorder datagrams);


UDP packets arriving on wrong sockets on Linux

I have two UDP sockets bound to the same address and connected to addresses A and B. I have two more UDP sockets bound to A and B and not connected.
This is what my /proc/net/udp looks like (trimmed for readability):
sl local_address rem_address
3937: 0100007F:DD9C 0300007F:9910
3937: 0100007F:DD9C 0200007F:907D
16962: 0200007F:907D 00000000:0000
19157: 0300007F:9910 00000000:0000
According to connect(2): "If the socket sockfd is of type SOCK_DGRAM, then addr is the address to which datagrams are sent by default, and the only address from which datagrams are received."
For some reason, my connected sockets are receiving packets that were destined for each other. eg: The UDP socket connected to A sends a message to A, A then sends a reply back. The UDP socket connected to B sends a message to B, B then sends a reply back. But the reply from A arrives at the socket connected to B and the reply from B arrives at the socket connected to A.
Why on earth would this be happening? Note that it happens randomly - sometimes the replies arrive at the correct sockets and sometimes they don't. Is there any way to prevent this or any situation under which connect is supposed to not work?
Ehm, as far as I can see there is no ordering guarantee.
From the man page:
SO_REUSEPORT (since Linux 3.9)
Permits multiple AF_INET or AF_INET6 sockets to be bound to an identical socket address. This option must be set on each socket (including the first socket) prior to calling bind(2) on the socket. To prevent port hijacking, all
of the processes binding to the same address must have the same effective UID. This option can be employed with both TCP and UDP sockets.
For TCP sockets, this option allows accept(2) load distribution in a multi-threaded server to be improved by using a distinct listener socket for each thread. This provides improved load distribution as compared to traditional
techniques such using a single accept(2)ing thread that distributes connections, or having multiple threads that compete to accept(2) from the same socket.
For UDP sockets, the use of this option can provide better distribution of incoming datagrams to multiple processes (or threads) as compared to the traditional technique of having multiple processes compete to receive datagrams on
the same socket.
So you're using something that is mainly seen as a option for servers (or in some cases clients, but ordering can never be guaranteed - especially in UDP) as a client.
I suspect your approach is wrong, and needs a rethink =)
PS. Just had a quick glance but IMHO it's a bug in your approach

What is the purpose of SOCK_DGRAM and SOCK_STREAM in the context AF_UNIX sockets?

I understand that, SOCK_DGRAM and SOCK_STREAM corresponds to Connection-less and connection oriented network communication done using INET Address family.
Now i am trying to learn AF_UNIX sockets to carry out IPC between processes running on same host, and there i see we need to specify the sub_socket_type as SOCK_DGRAM Or SOCK_STREAM. I am not able to understand for AF_UNIX sockets, what is the purpose of specifying the sub socket type.
Can anyone pls help understand the significance of SOCK_DGRAM and SOCK_STREAM in the context of AF_UNIX sockets ?
It happens that TCP is both a stream protocol, and connection oriented, whereas UDP is a datagram protocol, and connectionless. However it is possible to have a connection-oriented datagram protocol. That is what a block special file (or a Windows Mailslot) are.
(You can't have a connectionless stream protocol though, it doesn't make sense, unless /dev/null counts)
The flag SOCK_DGRAM does not mean the socket is connectionless, it means that the socket is datagram oriented.
A stream-oriented socket (and a character special file like /dev/random or /dev/null) provides (or consumes, or both) a continuous sequence of bytes, with no inherent structure. Structure is provided by interpreting the contents of the stream. Generally speaking there is only one process on either end of the stream.
A datagram-oriented socket, provides (or consumes or both) short messages which are limited in size and self-contained. Generally speaking, the server can receive datagrams from multiple clients using recvfrom (which provides the caller with an address to send replies to) and replies to them with sendto specifying that address.
The question also confused me for a while, but as Ben said, with socket type is SOCK_STREAM OR SOCK_DGRAM ,they all means the same way to access inter-process communication between client and server. Under domain AF_UNIX ,it makes not one jot of difference.

Why does socketpair() allow SOCK_DGRAM type?

I've been learning about Linux socket programming recently, mostly from this site.
The site says that using the domain/type combination PF_LOCAL/SOCK_DGRAM...
Provides datagram services within the local host. Note that this
service is connectionless, but reliable, with the possible exception
that packets might be lost if kernel buffers should become exhausted.
My question, then, is why does socketpair(int domain, int type, int protocol, int sv[2]) allow this combination, when according to its man page...
The socketpair() call creates an unnamed pair of connected sockets in
the specified domain, of the specified type...
Isn't there a contradiction here?
I thought SOCK_DGRAM in the PF_LOCAL and PF_INET domains implied UDP, which is a connectionless protocol, so I can't reconcile the seeming conflict with socketpair()'s claim to create connected sockets.
Datagram sockets have "pseudo-connections". The protocol doesn't really have connections, but you can still call connect(). This associates a remote address and port with the socket, and then it only receives packets that come from that source, rather than all packets whose destination is the address/port that the socket is bound to, and you can use send() rather than sendto() to send back to this remote address.
An example where this might be used is the TFTP protocol. The server initially listens for incoming requests on the well-known port. Once a transfer has started, a different port is used, and the sender and receiver can use connect() to associate a socket with that pair of ports. Then they can simply send and receive on that new socket to participate in the transfer.
Similarly, if you use socketpair() with datagram sockets, it creates a pseudo-connection between the two sockets.

If Unix socket `SOCK_STREAMS` are unidirectional, how is node-ipc bidirectional?

AFAIK, if a unix socket is created as type SOCK_STREAMS then it's unidirectional, and if SOCK_DGRAM then it's bidirectional.
I'm looking at using node-ipc for IPC via unix sockets. It has an example of a client and server that communicate supposedly via a unidirectional unix socket SOCK_STREAMS - yet seems to send messages in both directions.
What am I missing? Is the same socket path being used in two directions? Is it really using SOCK_STREAMS?
AFAIK, if a unix socket is created as type SOCK_STREAMS then it's unidirectional, and if SOCK_DGRAM then it's bidirectional.
No. Domain SOCK_STREAMS are bi-directional as in the case of internet SOCK_STREAMS.

How do Unix Domain Sockets differentiate between multiple clients?

TCP has the tuple pairs (IP Addr/port/type) to tell one client from another. UDP passes the client IP and port. How does the unix domain keep track of different clients?
In other words the server creates a socket bound to some path say /tmp/socket. 2 or more clients connect to /tmp/socket. What is going on underneath that keeps track of data from client1 and client2? I imagine the network stack plays no part in domain sockets so is the kernel doing all the work here?
Is there a unix domain protocol format like there is an IP protocol format and TCP/UDP formats? Is the format of domain socket datagram protocols published somewhere? Is every unix different or does something like POSIX standardize it?
Thanks for any illumination. I could not find any information that explained this. Every source just glossed over how to use the domain sockets.
If you create a PF_UNIX socket of type SOCK_STREAM, and accept connections on it, then each time you accept a connection, you get a new file descriptor (as the return value of the accept system call). This file descriptor reads data from and writes data to a file descriptor in the client process. Thus it works just like a TCP/IP connection.
There's no “unix domain protocol format”. There doesn't need to be, because a Unix-domain socket can't be connected to a peer over a network connection. In the kernel, the file descriptor representing your end of a SOCK_STREAM Unix-domain socket points to a data structure that tells the kernel which file descriptor is at the other end of the connection. When you write data to your file descriptor, the kernel looks up the file descriptor at the other end of the connection and appends the data to that other file descriptor's read buffer. The kernel doesn't need to put your data inside a packet with a header describing its destination.
For a SOCK_DGRAM socket, you have to tell the kernel the path of the socket that should receive your data, and it uses that to look up the file descriptor for that receiving socket.
If you bind a path to your client socket before you connect to the server socket (or before you send data if you're using SOCK_DGRAM), then the server process can get that path using getpeername (for SOCK_STREAM). For a SOCK_DGRAM, the receiving side can use recvfrom to get the path of the sending socket.
If you don't bind a path, then the receiving process can't get an id that uniquely identifies the peer. At least, not on the Linux kernel I'm running (2.6.18-238.19.1.el5).
