How to minimize memory allocation of mod_perl script? - linux

I have created a simple perl script.
The only thing it does is waiting for 5 seconds.
When I spawn the script on the server through mod_perl, it takes a lot of memory.
The instance takes 36 megabytes.
Why there is so much memory is allocated?
How can I minimize the memory taken from the system by the running script?
This is the output of "top" utility when running 2 scripts.
5162 www-data 25 0 36732 8124 2868 S 1.3 3.1 0:00.05 apache2
5161 www-data 25 0 36732 8124 2868 S 0.7 3.1 0:00.04 apache2
The script.
use CGI;
my $query= new CGI;
my $content = "5 second delay...\n";
'-Content-type' => "text/plain",
'-Content-Length' => length($content)
print $content;

No, it doesn't take 36 megabytes.
That's the amount of address space allocated in the process. It includes space that is mapped from executables, mmap()'d from files, and crucially space which is shared with other processes.
The vast majority of it will be shared with other processes (particularly other Apache worker processes).
To find out how much memory it's really using, get some Perl memory profiler on the job.


What does `--oom-kill-disable` do for a Docker container?

I have understood that docker run -m 256m --memory-swap 256m will limit a container so that it can use at most 256 MB of memory and no swap. If it allocates more, then a process in the container (not "the container") will be killed. For example:
$ sudo docker run -it --rm -m 256m --memory-swap 256m \
stress --vm 1 --vm-bytes 2000M --vm-hang 0
stress: info: [1] dispatching hogs: 0 cpu, 0 io, 1 vm, 0 hdd
stress: FAIL: [1] (415) <-- worker 7 got signal 9
stress: WARN: [1] (417) now reaping child worker processes
stress: FAIL: [1] (421) kill error: No such process
stress: FAIL: [1] (451) failed run completed in 1s
Apparently one of the workers allocates more memory than is allowed and receives a SIGKILL. Note that the parent process stays alive.
Now if the effect of -m is to invoke the OOM killer if a process allocates too much memory, then what happens when specifying -m and --oom-kill-disable? Trying it like above has the following result:
$ sudo docker run -it --rm -m 256m --memory-swap 256m --oom-kill-disable \
stress --vm 1 --vm-bytes 2000M --vm-hang 0
stress: info: [1] dispatching hogs: 0 cpu, 0 io, 1 vm, 0 hdd
(waits here)
In a different shell:
$ docker stats
f5e4c30d75c9 0.00% 256 MiB / 256 MiB 100.00% 0 B / 508 B 0 B / 0 B 2
$ top
19391 root 20 0 2055904 262352 340 D 0.0 0.1 0:00.05 stress
I see the docker stats shows a memory consumption of 256 MB, and top shows a RES of 256 MB and a VIRT of 2000 MB. But, what does that actually mean? What will happen to a process inside the container that tries to use more memory than allowed? In which sense it is constrained by -m?
As i understand the docs --oom-kill-disable is not constrained by -m but actually requires it:
By default, kernel kills processes in a container if an out-of-memory
(OOM) error occurs. To change this behaviour, use the
--oom-kill-disable option. Only disable the OOM killer on containers where you have also set the -m/--memory option. If the -m flag is not
set, this can result in the host running out of memory and require
killing the host’s system processes to free memory.
A developer stated back in 2015 that
The host can run out of memory with or without the -m flag set. But
it's also irrelevant as --oom-kill-disable does nothing unless -m is
In regard to your update, what happens when OOM-killer is disabled and yet the memory limit is hit (intresting OOM article), id say that new calls to malloc and such will just fail as described here but it also depends on the swap configuration and the hosts available memory. If your -m limit is above the actual available memory, the host will start killing processes, one of which might be the docker daemon (which they try to avoid by changing its OOM priority).
The kernel docs (cgroup/memory.txt) say
If OOM-killer is disabled, tasks under cgroup will hang/sleep in
memory cgroup's OOM-waitqueue when they request accountable memory
For the actual implementation (which docker utilizes as well) of cgroups, youd have to check the sourcecode.
The job of the 'oom killer' in Linux is to sacrifice one or more processes in order to free up memory for the system when all else fails. OOM killer is only enabled if the host has memory overcommit enabled
The setting of --oom-kill-disable will set the cgroup parameter to disable the oom killer for this specific container when a condition specified by -m is met. Without the -m flag, oom killer will be irrelevant.
The -m flag doesn’t mean stop the process when it uses more than xmb of ram, it’s only that you’re ensuring that docker container doesn’t consume all host memory, which can force the kernel to kill its process. With -m flag, the container is not allowed to use more than a given amount of user or system memory.
When container hits OOM, it won’t be killed but it can hang and stay in defunct state hence processes inside the container can’t respond until you manually intervene and do a restart or kill the container. Hope this helps clear your questions.
For more details on how kernel act on OOM, check Linux OOM management and Docker memory Limitations page.

Solving the SIGKILL killing signal

I'm trying to run a simulation on my local computer in university, but after some iterations it's being killed by a SIGKILL. Even when I check the available swap space it shows that still I have enough space !!!
:~$ free -m
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 3937 2091 1845 0 64 677
-/+ buffers/cache: 1349 2587
Swap: 3860 738 3122
The same story repeats when I use another server by ssh
:~$ free -m
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 129043 98281 30761 52 4 32901
-/+ buffers/cache: 65375 63668
Swap: 4095 120 3975
When I run it on my own laptop it works properly.
I'd really appreciate if help me out.
Are you checking the swap space after the fact or during the run? If there is a memory crunch the operating system's out of memory killer (OOM Killer) may kill the process ( depending on the configuration this could be the worst offender, random or anything else). Execute "sar" command and see the system state around the time your process got killed.

How to get the total memory of a process which fork many children in linux with shell?

http daemon for example:
I use ps aux|grep httpd|grep -v grep:
root 14347 3220 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache 14348 2400 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache 14349 2400 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache 14350 2400 /usr/sbin/httpd
I can simple accumulate the RSS fields to get total memory usage of [httpd]. 3220+2400+2400+2400 = 10420
But i know, child processes have shared memory. There are some redundant computing here. Actually the total memory usage size may less than 10420.
My question is how to get the actually memory usage.
If you need to get the actual memory usage, you need to run it within a profiler like Valgrind.
Valgrind is probably your most exact choice, but can be a bit awkward to use, and is not reasonable for a production system because of performance (virtually none).
Smem (homepage) (manpage) is a less complicated alternative. PSS process set size is what you're looking for.
I have used the following command, with Chrome:
ps aux | grep chrome | grep -v grep | awk '{s+=$5} END {print s}'
Note that $5 may actually vary, depending on how ps aux actually displays its output. This may or may not be useful to you and also displays the total usage in bytes.

Why is the system CPU time (% sy) high?

I am running a script that loads big files. I ran the same script in a single core OpenSuSe server and quad core PC. As expected in my PC it is much more faster than in the server. But, the script slows down the server and makes it impossible to do anything else.
My script is
for 100 iterations
Load saved data (about 10 mb)
time myscript (in PC)
real 0m52.564s
user 0m51.768s
sys 0m0.524s
time myscript (in server)
real 32m32.810s
user 4m37.677s
sys 12m51.524s
I wonder why "sys" is so high when i run the code in server. I used top command to check the memory and cpu usage.
It seems there is still free memory, so swapping is not the reason. % sy is so high, its probably the reason for the speed of server but I dont know what is causing % sy so high. The process that is using highest percent of CPU (99%) is "myscript". %wa is zero in the screenshot but sometimes it gets very high (50 %).
When the script is running, load average is greater than 1 but have never seen to be as high as 2.
I also checked my disc:
strt:~ # hdparm -tT /dev/sda
Timing cached reads: 16480 MB in 2.00 seconds = 8247.94 MB/sec
Timing buffered disk reads: 20 MB in 3.44 seconds = 5.81 MB/sec
john#strt:~> df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2 245G 102G 131G 44% /
udev 4.0G 152K 4.0G 1% /dev
tmpfs 4.0G 76K 4.0G 1% /dev/shm
I have checked these things but I am still not sure what is the real problem in my server and how to fix it. Can anyone identify a probable reason for the slowness? What could be the solution?
Or is there anything else I should check?
You're getting a high sys activity because the load of the data you're doing takes system calls that happen in kernel. To resolve your slowness problems without upgrading the server might be possible. You can modify scheduling priority. See the man pages for nice and renice. See here and especially:
Niceness values range from -20 (the highest priority, lowest niceness) and 19 (the lowest priority, highest niceness).
$ ps -lp 941
4 S 0 941 1 0 70 -10 - 1713 poll_s ? 00:00:00 sshd
$ nice -n 19 ./
My niceness value is 19
$ renice -n 10 -p 941
941 (process ID) old priority -10, new priority 10

Getting CPU utilization information

How could I get the CPU utilization with time info of a process in linux? Basically I want to let my application run overnight. At the same time, I would like to monitor the CPU utilization during the period the application is run.
I tried top | grep appName >& log, it does not seem to return me anything in the log. Could someone help me with this?
vmstat and iostat can both give you periodic information of this nature; I would suggest either setting up the number of times manually, or putting a single poll into a cron job, and then redirecting the output to a file:
vmstat 20 4230 >> cpu_log_file
This would give you a snapshot of usage every 20 seconds for 24 hours.
install sysstat package and run sar
nohup sar -o output.file 12 8 >/dev/null 2>&1 &
use the top or watch command
10764 top 8.4 00:01.04 1/1 0 24 33 2000K 244K 2576K 17M 2378M 10764 10719 running 0 9908+ 54 564790+ 282365+ 3381+ 283412+ 838+ 27 root
10763 taskgated 0.0 00:00.00 2 0 25 27 432K 244K 1004K 27M 2387M 10763 1 sleeping 0 376 60 140 60 160 109 11 0 root
Write a program that invokes your process and then calls getrusage(2) and reports statistics for its children.
You can monitor the time used by your program with top while it is running.
Alternatively, you can launch your application with the time command, which will print the total amount of CPU time used by your program at the end of its execution. Just type time ./my_app instead of just ./my_app
For more info, man 1 time
